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I. Ask each other questions based on the text. Do it in pairs.

Читайте также:
  1. A Complete the questions with one word only.
  2. A Discuss these questions as a class.
  3. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  4. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  5. A Read the text. Discuss these questions with a partner.
  6. A Work with a partner and discuss these questions.
  7. A Write the questions for the answers below.

II. Tell the group whether these statements are true or false. Start your answer with the following formulas of politeness:

I'm afraid that's wrong; you are not quite right; that's not quite so; I think you are mistaken; as far as I know; on the contrary; I don't think so; accord­ing to the story.

1. Mary and David had been engaged for two years before their wedding.

2. The parents never gave in.

3. They invited a lot of guests to their wedding party.

4. David decided to meet with his close friends in his bachelor's company the night before the wedding.

5. The church ceremony was fixed for eight o'clock in the morning.

6. The priest delivered a sermon, but Mary and David didn't listen to them as they were deep in thought with their own problems.

7. The tables at the restaurant were beautifully laid, but there was no wine on the tables, as the newly weds, their parents and guests thought drinking wine was a bad habit.

8. Everything was fine on the table except the cake, it was too small for the company.

9. The guests enjoyed the meal and the atmosphere at the wedding.

10. At midnight the young couple left for the airport.

Ex.4. Read the dialogue. Dramatize it with the partner.

At a Disco Party

Mary and David joined the company of David’s fellow-students at a disco dancing hall. Mary knows some of his friends and David wants to introduce her to others. Several couples are dancing.

David: Mary, look at that couple dancing in the middle of the hall. He is my friend Jake with his girl-friend Carol.

Mary: Do you mean that short, sturdy, red-haired young man in a yellow T-shirt with that slim brunette in a pink dress?

D: Oh, yes. Aren't they a nice couple?

M: They are. But he is too short for her and I'd advise him to lose weight.

D: Stop criticizing my friend, Mary. It's just your first impression. When people get to know him closer, they never think of his height. And Carol loves him be­cause he is smart, energetic and always cheerful. He knows so many funny sto­ries and anecdotes.

M: I see your point. Sorry, if I've hurt your feelings by my remarks. And who is that girl, standing by the window in a black jacket and high-heeled black shoes? She looks very stylish.

D: You mean that tall slim girl with luxuriant blond hair? She is Stella. Today she is alone. As far as I know she broke off her relationship with Tony Bradford. But my dear, we've come here not only to look at the people, but to dance, too.

M: But you wanted to introduce me to your friends.

D: Sure, one of them is just coming in.

M: Who?

D: My good friend, Nick Richardson.

M: That spare ruddy man?

D: Not spare, but slim, not ruddy, but with a healthy complexion. He is the clev­erest student at our college, by the way.

M: Fine, introduce me to your star. Is he alone today?

D: I think so. Hi, Nick. Here is my wife, Mary.

M: Nice to meet you, Nick.

Nick: Glad to meet you, Mary. I've heard a lot about you from David, but you're even more beautiful than he has described.

D: Are you going to dance?

N: Not now, a bit later, if Maggie comes. I'd like to chat to Mike, he has some problems with money as he has recently bought a new car and I wonder if I can help him. I know a job where he could make some money and pay his debt.

M: Where is Mike?

D: Over there, talking to a plump girl with hazel eyes and chestnut hair.

M: In a shocking green mini-skirt?

D: Not so shocking, my dear. Tastes differ, you know. Look at Mike! He is wear­ing a white jumper and light pants.

M: I see, they are a perfect match. He also wants to look extraordinary, doesn't he?

D: My dear, you are so old-fashioned. They are simply modern people and have their own point of view on everything.

Ex.5. Find the English equivalents in Text 2.

особое время; посвящать друг другу; особенно ценные для них; уступить; все необходимые приготовления шли полным ходом; в свое время; при­гласительные открытки были разосланы; свадебное платье; имеет страсть к пиву и хорошо разбирается в нем; венчание было назначено на 11 утра; жених взял «Ролс-ройс» напрокат по такому случаю; приехали на своих машинах; не могли оторвать глаз от нее; читать проповедь; закончилась в течение часа; восторженные возгласы и крики; произведение искусства; остроумные речи; не желая разрушить творение; а затем в свадебное пу­тешествие в Малайзию

Ex.6. Find the English equivalents in Text 1.

судить о человеке по его внешности; выглядеть по последней моде (ульт­расовременно); иметь дело с людьми; с одной стороны; в нашем распоря­жении; улучшить внешность; с другой стороны; требования к внешности современного человека; уверенный в себе; без всякого преувеличения; са­мое главное в ней; косметика; пользоваться тушью, чтобы глаза были бо­лее выразительными; Дэвид ей прекрасно подходит; он во всем неповто­рим; надежный друг; умный; чисто женские уловки (штучки); ревнуют друг друга; успокаиваться; Дэвид чувствует, что он может ударить; это не выход; чувствовать себя польщенным

Ex.7. Find the English equivalents in the dialogue.

крепкий; футболка; худеть; перестань критиковать; узнавать кого-либо получше; остроумный; жизнерадостный; я понимаю, о чем ты; порвала отношения; отдать долг; о вкусах не спорят; необычно выглядеть; имеют на все свою точку зрения

Ex.8. Express the following in one word.

1. hair that grows on a man's upper lip; 2. the lower part of your face that moves when you eat; 3. that part in our mouth for eating, tasting and speaking; 4. the thin line of hair above the eye; 5. the soft round area of flesh on each side of your face below the eye; 6. a small brown spot on your skin, caused by the sun; 7. the part of your face above your eyes and below your hair; 8. one of the five movable parts at the end of your foot; 9. the front part of your body be­tween your neck and your stomach; 10. the part of the body that connects the head and the shoulders

Ex.9. Skim the reading to find the answer to the question given below. What do you need to know about your body?

1. What is body image?

2. How does the society influence the way we see ourselves?

3. What are health problems an adolescent may have because of bad body image?

4. What is Edge City?

5. What is the connection between your physical body and your men­tal image of it?

Дата добавления: 2015-10-26; просмотров: 153 | Нарушение авторских прав

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