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Defining the Problem

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The first step in developing a computer program is determining exactly what it is that you want the computer program to do. What tasks will it perform? What kind of data will it use, and where will it get its data from? What will be the output of the program? How will the program interact with the computer user? Answering these questions, and thereby defining exactly what you want the computer to do, is what we call defining the problem.

To define the problem, programmers meet with the intended users to develop the program’s objectives. The resulting outline includes information about what the output should look like, what kind of data the program will use as input, and the processing requirements (how the data will be manipulated and what kind of hardware will be used to run the application). The more information programmers can learn at the beginning of the programming process, and the more specific that information is, the more likely the resulting application will meet users’ needs.

To help in defining the problem, users are also asked to draw a picture of how they wish the final output to appear. The programmer can then begin to plan what input, data, and processing are necessary to get the desired results from the application.

Constructing the Algorithm

An algorithm is a prescribed set of well-defined instructions for solving a problem in a finite number of steps. The programmer, knowing how a microcomputer works, decides how data must be entered, how they must be processed, and how the data must be presented to produce the required output. The algorithm spells out when the computer is to start and stop the program, where input is needed, where output is needed, when to perform arithmetic operations, and when to perform comparison operations. It also indicates what the microcomputer is to do if certain answers are derived from these operations.

In constructing the algorithm, programmers use the techniques of top-down design. Top-down design is the process of starting with the most general outline of how the algorithm will work, refining it by sketching in the details on smaller and smaller scales. Once a general outline is constructed, the programmer treats each of the steps as another algorithm to be developed and thus creates an algorithm for executing all the steps in the general outline.


Coding is the process of translating the algorithm into the syntax (grammar) of a given programming language. In developing its programs, a software publishing company often specifies that its programmers must use a particular language, especially as most major applications are a group effort that involves many programmers. Independent software developers often choose a favorite language to work with for most of their projects. In some cases (such as a program developed for a specific client), which programming language to use is decided according to the needs of the user, who may refine or modify the program later. When possible, the decision should be made objectively; different programming languages have their strong and weak points that make them better for some programming tasks, worse for others. In any case, selecting a programming language is a crucial decision in the program development cycle.

Testing and Debugging

Program testing means running the program, executing all its instructions, and testing its logic by entering sample data to check the output. Debugging is the process of finding and correcting program code mistakes. The term comes from an episode in the early days of modern computing when programmers for the Mark I computer in 1945 were trying to discover why their program didn’t work. Examining the computer, they found a moth stuck between the contacts of an electrical relay. Nowadays any error in code is called a bug. Two general types of errors are syntax errors and logic errors.

A syntax error is a transgression (breaking) of the grammar rules of the programming language. As with all languages, programming languages have rules of grammar. A programming language’s grammar is stricter than most languages, however, and any deviation from the rules causes a program to not work.

A logic error is a transgression of the basic logic structure. It can involve missing a step in the algorithm, having an error in the algorithm’s logic structure, using an erroneous formula, or any number of other subtle problems with the design or executing or the program steps. If the microcomputer cannot follow the logic, at some point the program will not operate properly. Logic errors can be so serious that entire programs must be redone.

Documenting the Program

Program documentation is a written record of the program’s development; it is also a set of directions for using the program.

Internal documentation consists of instructions and comments within the program itself, for use by the programmer and other programmers when they are looking at the program code. It includes comments that explain the program’s logic, identify the significance of variable names, and highlight specific codes responsible for key features. If other programmers wish to make changes in the program, they need to know the meaning of acronyms and other abbreviations used by the original programmer. When testing the code or modifying it later, the original programmer may also need reminders of what various things mean and how the programs work.

External documentation is the printed set of instructions (the manual) describing how to operate the program. Early drafts of external documentation may occasionally be written while the program is being developed. Many programmers, however, wait to write precise instructions until after debugging the program with test data. Many good programs fail, not because of poor design or coding, but because the documentation is inadequate. Documentations explaining how to use the program is as important for most users as the program itself.

Many sophisticated applications add a third type of documentation that is directly accessible to users while operating the program. On-line documentation often provides – or amplifies – much of the information found with external documentation, in the form of help keys, topic indexes, and other features to guide users to successful operation of the software.


The Internet


A network is a collection of computers tied or linked together, usually to achieve some common goal. In most cases, networks allow users to share information. In business, networks enable a computer user to send messages to any other computer user on the network. For example, a business may have a network that allows users to access files, new product announcements, and demonstrations of services. In schools, networks allow users to access student record files, library catalog listings, and class registrations. The Internet is not different from any other network – except it’s bigger. It exists to provide access to information.

The Internet is a network of networks. The Internet is a group of networks linked together using rules that allow any user to connect to and use any available network or computer connected to it. This means that accessing any computer connected to the Internet provides access to all computers connected to the Internet. In other words, connecting to the Internet means connecting to tens of thousands of other networks and millions of individual computers.

The Internet Connection

The Internet is a communication system. It involves the physical connections (usually through telephone lines, direct wires, fiber optics, satellite transmissions, etc.) that link one computer network to another. It is also a standard of communication (called a protocol) that enables one computer network to “speak” to another. In the early days of networking, there were many different types of networks and many different ways that computers communicated to one another. The problem of linking networks together was not so much one of running cable from one network to another as one of establishing a common communication language (protocol). In the 1980s a new protocol emerged called Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) that established a communication standard. Any computer network could communicate with any other network as long as it followed TCP/IP standard protocol.

Once TCP/IP was established, it became relatively easy for networks to communicate. The National Science Foundation (NSF) set up an initial link of networks primarily for governmental agencies and universities to communicate and share research information. This initial link of university networks to five supercomputers (called an NSFnet) became the foundation of the Internet.

The real strength of NSFnet and TCP/IP was that their design made it very easy for other networks to join. Originally, NSFnet did not allow other (especially commercial and for-profit) networks to join. However, new rules were adapted and soon it became very easy for commercial entities to join and participate on the Internet. This move opened up the world to the Internet.


What makes the Internet possible is a standard for addresses. Addresses on the Internet are, in many ways, similar to home addresses. Every network and every computer must have a unique address. Without this address, information cannot be routed to its destination. The structure of the Internet address is, therefore, very important.

The addressing system for the Internet is actually quite simple because of a process called the Domain Name System (DNS). Internet addresses are numerical and are called IP addresses (for example, However, most users never see or use IP addresses directly because DNS provides a more meaningful and easier-to-remember name. The host computer converts a DNS to an IP address in the background, so you don’t need to know the numbers.

A DNS name is made up of a domain and one or more subdomains separated by a dot (‘.’). The key point is that the DNS is specific to a computer.

Because the Internet is worldwide, some addresses indicate the country. For example, a DNS ending with ‘.ca’ is Canada and ‘.ru’ is Russia.

In addition to identifying and locating a specific computer system through the Internet, it is also important to identify specific individuals who have accounts on a specific computer. This is the reason for the ‘@’ (at) symbol. Of the millions of people using the Internet, no two people have the exact same address.

The World Wide Web

Accessing the Internet is accomplished through several processes. One of the most popular is called the World Wide Web. Web (as it is commonly called) users use a graphical interface and a series of addresses to locate particular information. The Web uses a standard for transferring information called the Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP). This protocol allows users to post and retrieve documents, images, and sounds.

To use the graphical features of the Web, you must have browser software, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer. It offers a full-color graphical interface that allows you to use a mouse to point and click to obtain information through the World Wide Web. The popularity of the Web is growing because it is very easy to use and operate.


One of the major advantages of having access to the Internet is that you can connect directly to any other computer connected to it. For example, if you want to use a computer located at another university, you can telnet to that computer; then your computer acts as a terminal of the connected computer. Of course, when you telnet to another computer, you must have a password and permission to access that computer.

File Transfer Protocol

Accessing information on the Internet is enhanced by a feature that allows you to send and receive files. This is the purpose of File Transfer Protocol, or FTP. With FTP you can download files that are located on the Internet and save them to your own disk and send files to other computers connected to the Internet.

Electronic Mail

Electronic mail, or E-mail, is the sending and receiving of messages from one computer to another over a telephone or across networks. Using E-mail software, you can write a message with a text editor and address it to a particular person or group of people. You can also attach files to your message.


The History of the Internet


Some thirty years ago, the RAND corporation, America’s foremost Cold War think-tank, faced a strange strategic problem. How could the US authorities communicate after a nuclear war?

Postnuclear America would need a command-and-control network, linked from city to city, state to state, base to base. But no matter how thoroughly that network was armored or protected, its switches and wiring would always be vulnerable to the impact of atomic bombs. A nuclear attack would reduce any conceivable network to tatters.

And how would network itself be commanded and controlled? Any central authority would be an obvious and immediate target for an enemy missile. The center of the network would be the very first place to go. RAND mulled over this grim puzzle in deep military secrecy, and arrived at a daring solution. The RAND proposal (the brainchild of Paul Baran) was made public in 1964. In the first place, the network would have no central authority. Furthermore, it would be designed from the beginning to operate while in tatters.

The principles were simple. The network itself would be assumed to be unreliable at all times. All the nodes in the network would be equal in status to all other nodes, each node with its own authority to originate, pass, and receive messages. The messages themselves would be divided into packets, each packet separately addressed. Each packet would begin at some specified source node, and end at some other specified destination node. Each packet would wind its way through the network on an individual basis.

In 1969, the first node was installed. By December 1969, there were four nodes on the network, which was named ARPANET, after its Pentagon sponsor. The four computers could transfer data on dedicated high-speed transmission lines. They could even be programmed remotely from the other nodes. In 1971 there were fifteen nodes in ARPANET.

The ARPA’s original standard for communication was known as NCP, “Network Control Protocol”, but as time passed and the technique advanced, NCP was superceded by a higher-level, more sophisticated standard known as TCP/IP. TCP, or “Transmission Control Protocol”, converts messages into streams of packets at the source, and then reassembles them back into messages at the destination. IP, or “Internet Protocol”, handles the addressing.

As early as 1977, TCP/IP was being used by other networks to link to ARPANET. It was easy to link computers to the growing network. This complex of networks came to be known as the Internet.

The nodes in this growing network were divided into basic varieties. Foreign computers chose to be denoted by their geographical locations. The others were grouped by the six basic Internet “domains”: gov, mil, edu, com, org, and net.

The Internet’s pace or growth in the early 1990s is spectacular. It is spreading faster than cellular phones, faster than fax machines. The number of host machines with direct connection to TCP/IP has been doubling every year since 1988. The Internet is moving out of its original base in military and research institutions, into elementary and high schools, as well as into public libraries and the commercial

On-Line Bid Management for Plant and Equipment


An Internet accessed plant directory which lists equipment and allows tenders to be placed on-line is finding favour from plant-makers and steel companies alike.

Prior to the late 90s, web sites for the steel industry were few and hard to find. Now there are many. With steel-industry procurement sites proliferating, it is hard to know how to measure their value. A good rule of thumb is to ask how well a given site is targeted to your specific part of the industry – and how it can make you more effective in the particular job you do.

This guideline inspired one new company to craft a site specifically for steel engineers and purchasing staff around the world. LineBuilders.com is neither a supply auction site nor an on-line ‘phone-book-style’ directory. Even more noteworthy, LineBuilders doesn’t get involved in pricing. It is a free, targeted tool for accessing equipment and technology, with the added benefit of specialized project-tracking functions.

LineBuilders, launched in May 2001, offers equipment listings at the process level for steel-producing and steel-processing companies. Unlike traditional alphabetical directories, the LineBuilders listings are organized by process – the way steel engineers think and operate. For example, the site contains more than 175 different processes, each with a detailed equipment list, and is growing. The comprehensive process listings cover all aspects of steel producing and processing, ranging from raw materials to shipping. A visit to the site shows more than 5000 equipment listings, at present – accessible not just by process – but also by company, country, and equipment.

This process-oriented structure is particularly useful for engineers and purchasing staff who have experienced the frustration of straight alphabetical listings. For example, if you want a furnace for your hot dip galvanizing line you would look up “Furnaces” in traditional equipment listings, and will see all kinds of furnaces.

In addition to streamlining the equipment search, LineBuilders provides product specifications and a facility for managing the inquiry process. It also offers bid tracking and instant, direct communication with suppliers.

LineBuilders.com has offices in Seattle and Pittsburgh. The site is the result of close collaboration by a group of steel-industry veterans and executives.



abacus /'{b@k@s/ абак(а), счеты

ability /@'bIlItI/ способность, возможность

absence /'{bs(@)ns/ отсутствие

access /'{kses/ доступ

accommodate /@'kÁm@"deIt/ приспосабливать, вмещать

accomplish /@'kÁmplIS/ выполнять

account /@'kaunt/ учетная запись

according to /@'kO:dIÎ/ согласно, в соответствии с

accuracy /'{kjUr@sI/ точность

acquisition /'"{kwI'ziSn/ приобретение

activity /@k'tIvItI/ деятельность

actuate /'{ktjUeIt/ приводить в действие, стимулировать

add /{d/ прибавлять

addition /@'dIS(@)n/ добавление, присоединение

address /@'dres/ адрес

adjust /@'dZöst/ приспосабливать, регулировать

adjustment /@'dZöstment/ приспособление, регулирование

advantage /@d'vA:ntIdZ/ преимущество

affect /@'fekt/ оказывать влияние

affordable /@'fO:d@bl/ возможный, допустимый

aid /'eId/ помощь

alert /@'lÆ:t/ сигнал тревоги

algorithm алгоритм

allow /@'lau/ позволять, разрешать

alloy /'{lOI/ сплав

alter /'O:lt@/ изменять(ся), менять(ся)

aluminum-killed steel раскисленная алюминием сталь

amount /@'maunt/ величина, количество

amplifier /'{mplIfaI@/ усилитель

analog /'{n@lÁg/ аналог, аналоговое устройство

application /"{plI'keIS(@)n/ приложение, программа, прикладная задача

apply /@'plaI/ применять

appreciate /@'pri:SIeIt/ оценивать, (высоко) ценить

approach /@'pr@UtS/ подход

architecture /'A:kitektS(@)/ архитектура

area /'e@ri@/ площадь, область

arithmetic /@'riTm@tIk/ арифметика

arrangement /@'reIndZm@nt/ устройство

array /@'reI/ массив, матрица

arrow /'{r@u/ стрелка

assign /@'saIn/ назначать, присваивать

associated /@'s@uSIeItId/ связанный, соединенный

attach /@'t{tS/ присоединять, прикреплять

auxiliary /O:g'zIljerI/ вспомогательный, добавочный

available /@'veIl@bl/ доступный

avoid /@'vOid/ избегать


backup /'b{k'öp/ резервная копия

bar code штрих-код

batch партия (изделий, товара)

beam /bi:m/ луч

bid заявка (на торгах), предложение цены

billet /'bilIt/ заготовка мет.

binary /'baIn@rI/ бинарный, двоичный

bit /bIt/ бит, двоичный разряд

blemish /'blemIS/ дефект, недостаток

bloom квадратная заготовка, блюм мет.

board /bO:d/ плата

boot /bu:t/ загрузка

bottom под (печи), лещадь

bowed /'b@Ud/ согнутый, искривленный

brain /'breIn/ мозг, интеллект, разум

bug /bög/ ошибка в программе, сбой, дефект

bulk большое количество

bus /bös/ шина

byte /baIt/ байт


cable /'keIbl/ кабель

calculate /'k{lkjuleIt/ вычислять

call /kO:l/ телефонный вызов, телефонный разговор

capable /'keIp@bl/ способный, могущий

capacity /k@'p{sItI/ вместимость, емкость, объем

capture /'k{ptS@/ захват, захватывать

carbon steel углеродистая сталь

carry /'k{rI/ везти, перевозить,
carry out выполнять

caster разливочная машина, литейная машина

casting разливка, литье

cartridge /'kA:trIdZ/ картридж

cause /'kO:z/ вызывать, быть причиной

cell /sel/ ячейка, клетка

character /'k{rIkt@/ буква, знак, символ

charge /tSA:dZ/ заряд, заряжать, загружать мет.

chart /tSA:t/ диаграмма, схема

chip /tSIp/ микросхема

circuit /'sÆ:kIt/ электрическая цепь, контур, схема

click /klIk/ щелчок

code /k@ud/ код, кодировать

coil рулон (полосового материала)

coke кокс

combine /k@m'baIn/ объединять(ся)

command line /k@'ma:nd laIn/ командная строка

common /'kOm@n/ общий

communication /k@"mju:nI'keIS@n/ процесс передачи информации, общение

compatible /k@m'p{t@bl/ совместимый

complete /k@m'pli:t/ законченный, завершенный, полный

complex /'kOmpleks/ комплексный, смешанный, сложный

composition состав

comprehension /"kOmprI'henS@n/ понимание

comprise включать, содержать

computation /"kOmpju'teIS@n/ вычисление

computer /k@m'pju:t@/ компьютер

conduction /k@n'dökSn/ теплопроводность, электропроводность

confirm /k@n'fÆ:m/ подтверждать

conjunction /k@n'dZöÎkS@n/ соединение

connect /k@'nekt/ соединять(ся)

consistency /k@n'sIst@nsI/ устойчивость, последовательность

consume /k@n'sju:m/ потреблять, расходовать

consumption /k@n'sömpSn/ потребление

contain /k@n'teIn/ содержать в себе, включать

contamination /k@n"t{mI'neIS@n/ ухудшение, порча, загрязнение

content /k'Ontent/ содержимое

continuous casting непрерывное литье

contribute /k@n'trIbjut/ вносить вклад, содействовать, способствовать

control /k@n'tr@ul/ руководство, контроль, управление

conventional memory /k@n'venS@nl 'mem@rI/ основная память

convert /k@n'vÆ:t/ преобразовывать

coolant охладитель

correct /k@'rekt/ правильный; исправлять

cracking растрескивание

create /krI'eIt/ создавать

current /'kör@nt/ текущий; электрический ток

cycle /'saIkl/ цикл, период, совокупность действий



damage /'d{mIdZ/ повреждать

data /'deIt@/ данные

database /'deIt@beIs/ база данных

debugging /"di:b'ögiÎ/ отладка программы, устранение неполадок

deal in торговать

decode /'di:k@Ud/ декодировать, расшифровывать

decrease /'dIkri:s/ уменьшение

/dI'kri:s/ уменьшать

deficiency /di'fiS(nsI/ нехватка, дефицит

define /di'faIn/ определять

degassed steel дегазированная сталь

delete /dili:t/ исключать, стирать

deliver /di'liv@/ доставлять, подавать, выпускать (продукцию)

density /’densItI/ плотность

depth глубина

design /di'zaIn/ проектировать, конструировать

desktop /'desktÁp/ настольный

determine /di'tÆ:min/ определять

develop /di'vel@p/ развивать, разрабатывать

deviation отклонение

device /di'vaIs/ устройство

digit /'didZit/ цифра

digital /'dIdZit@l/ цифровой

digitize /'didZitaIz/ переводить в цифровую форму

direct /di'rekt/, /daI'rekt/ направлять

directory /di'rekt(@)ri/ каталог

discrete /di'skri:t/ дискретный, отдельный

disk /disk/ (магнитный) диск

diskette /dis'ket/ дискета

display /disp'laI/ дисплей

distinct /dis'tiÎkt/ отчетливый, определенный

documentation /"dÁkjUmen'teIS(@)n/ документация

domain /d@U'meIn/ домен, область

dot /dÁt/ точка

download /'daUnl@Ud/ загружать

down time время простоя

draw /drO:/ рисовать, чертить, тащить, тянуть

drawback /'drO:b{k недостаток

drawing /dr'O:iÎ/ рисунок

drift сдвиг, сдвигаться

drive /draIv/ дисковод

drum /dröm/ барабан

dual /'dZu(:)@l/двойной

due to благодаря (чему-либо)



edit /'edit/ редактировать

effect /I'fekt/ результат, действие, влияние, совершать, выполнять

eliminate /I'limIneIt/ уничтожать

embedded /im'bedid/ вложенный

emit /I'mIt/ испускать, излучать

emphasize /'emf@saIz/ подчеркивать, придавать особое значение

enable /i'neIbl/ давать возможность

enclose /in'kl@Uz/ прилагать, окружать

encode /in'k@Ud/ кодировать

engine /'endZin/ двигатель

enhance /in'hA:ns/ улучшать

ensure /In'SU@/ гарантировать

enter /ent@/ вводить (данные)

entire /in'taI@/ весь, целый

equal /'ikw@l/ равный

erase /i'reIz/ стирать

error /'er@/ ошибка

establish /is't{bliS/ устанавливать

evolve /i'vÁlv/ произойти (от), развиться (из)

example /ig'zA;mpl/ пример

exceed /i'ksi:d/ превышать

excess /Ik'ses/ превышение

execute /'eksikju:t/ выполнять

execution /"eksI'kju:Sn/ выполнение

exercise /'eks@saIz/ упражнение

exist /i'gzist/ существовать

expand /Iks'p{nd/ расширять

expanded memory /iks'p{ndid 'mem@ri/ дополнительная память

expansion /iks'p{nS(@)n/ расширение. увеличение

explain /iksp'lein/ объяснять

explode /Iks'pl@Ud/ разразиться

explore /Iks'plO:/ исследовать

extend /iks'tend/ расширять, простираться, тянуться

extended memory /Iks'tendid 'mem@ri/ расширенная память

external /iks'tÆ:nl/ внешний

extraction /Iks'tr{kSn/ добывание, извлечение



facilitate /f@'sIlIteIt/ облегчать

facility /f@'sIlItI/ устройство, установка

fast /'fA:st/ быстрый, быстро

feature /'fi:tS@/ функция, особенность, черта

fed system система питания, подачи

feedback обратная связь

fetch /'fetS/ принести, достать

file /'faIl/ файл, папка

final shape чистовой профиль

firmware /'fÆ:mwe@/ встроенная программа

fixed automation фиксированная автоматизация

flat /'fl{t/ плоский

flexible /'fleks@bl/ гибкий

floating point плавающая точка, запятая

floppy /'flÁpi/ гибкий (диск)

flow /'fl@U/ течение, движение

focus /'f@Uk@s/ сосредоточиваться, концентрировать внимание

fold /f@Uld/ складывать(ся), сгибать

folder /'f@Uld@/ папка, директория

follow /'fÁl@U/ следить (за)

format /'fO:m{t/ формат

function /'föÎkS@n/ функция

furnace /'fÆ:Is/ печь, горн

furnace top колошник мет.

further /'fÆ:D@/ затем, дальше

furnish /'fÆ:nIS/ поставлять, снабжать, загружать


gas /g{s/ газ, газовый

gathering сборка

general-purpose /'dZener@l 'pÆ:p@s/ универсальный

generate /'dZen@reIt/ производить, делать

generation поколение

generator /'dZen@reIt@/ генератор

graphic /'gr{fik/ графический

gravity тяжесть, тяготение

guide /'gaId/ регулировать, направлять

gut feeling инстинктивное чувство



handle /'h{ndl/ управлять

hardware /'hA:dwe@/ аппаратное обеспечение.

hearth /'hA:T/ под, горн мет.

heat тепло, плавка

hopper бункер, загрузочная воронка

huge /'hju:dZ/ огромный


icon /'aIkÁn/ иконка, значок

identify /aI'dentIfaI/ устанавливать, определять

image /'ImIdZ/ образ, изображение

immerse /I'mÆ:s/ погружать, опускать

impact /'Imp{kt/ удар, толчок

impetus /'ImpIt@s/ стимул, импульс

implement /'ImplIment/ выполнять, осуществлять

imply /Im'plaI/ значить, заключать в себе

include /In'klu:d/ включать в себя

incremental /"InkrI'mentl/ возрастающий

information /"Inf@'meISn/ информация

ingot /'Ing@t/ слиток, брусок металла

inject /In'dZekt/ вбрызгивать, вдувать

input /'Input/ ввод

insert /In'sÆ:t/ вставлять

insight /'InsaIt/ интуиция

installation /"Inst@'leIS@n/ установка, сборка

interact /Int@'r{kt/ взаимодействовать

internal /In'tÆ:nl/ внутренний

interpret /In'tÆ:prIt/ объяснять, толковать

interrupt /"Int@'röpt/ прерывать

involve содержать

iron /'aI@n/ железо



jet /dZet/ струя



keep track отслеживать

key /ki:/ клавиша, ключ

keyboard клавиатура

keystroke нажатие клавиши



lack недостаток (чего-то), отсутствие

ladle ковш

laptop портативный компьютер

laser /'leIz@/ лазер

layout расположение

leg подставка, опора, стояк

letter буква, символ

lining футеровка

link соединять, соединение

liquid /'lIkwId/ жидкий, жидкость

load /'l@Ud/ груз, грузить

local локальный, местный

locate располагать в определенном месте

logic /'lÁdZIk/ логика

loop цикл

loss потеря



machine /m@'Si:n/ станок, машина

magnetic ink character recognition распознавание магнитночернильных знаков

mail почта

maintain /meIn'teIn/ поддерживать, сохранять

maintenance /'meInt@n@ns/ содержание и техническое обслуживание

major /'meIdZ@/ главный

malfunction /m{l'föÎkS@n/ неисправная работа, несрабатывание

manage /'m{nIdZ/ управлять, уметь обращаться

manually вручную, ручным способом

manufacture /"m{njU'f{ktS@/ производство, изготовление, производить, изготавливать

material handling транспортировка материалов и деталей, погрузочно-разгрузочные операции

mathematical formulation математическое описание

matrix матрица, форма

mean значить, средняя величина

meaning значение

measure /'meZ@/ мера, измерять

media /'medI@/ средний, средства информации

meet requirements удовлетворять требованиям

meltdown расплавление, переплавка

memory /'mem@rI/ память

menu /'menju:/ меню

message /'mesIdZ/ сообщение

method метод

microprocessor /"maIkr@Upr@U'ses@/ микропроцессор

mode режим работы

modify /'mÁdIfaI/ модифицировать

molten расплавленный

motherboard материнская плата

mouse /'maUs/ мышь

move /mu:v/ двигать

movement движение

multiple многочисленный

multitasking многозадачность



network сеть

neural /'njU@r@l/ нервный, относящийся к нервной системе

nitrogen /'naItr@dZ@n/ азот

novelty новшество

nozzle сопло, форсунка

number число, номер

numeric /njU'merIk/ числовой, цифровой

numerical цифровой, числовой, численный



object /'ÁbdZIkt/ предмет, вещь

objective /@b'dZektiv/ цель

obstacle /'Ábst@kl/ препятствие

obtain /@b'teIn/ получать, добывать

occur /@'kÆ:/ происходить, случаться

offer /'(Áf@/ предлагать

on-line неавтономный, работающий в режиме онлайн

operate /'Áp@reIt/ работать, функционировать

opinion /@'pInj@n/ мнение

optical оптический

optical character recognition оптическое распознавание знаков

order порядок

ore /'O:/ руда

output выход, устройство вывода, выпуск продукции


package /'p{kidZ/ пакет

parallel /'p{r@l@l/ параллельный

particular /p@'tIkjUl@/ индивидуальный, особый, частный

pass идти, проходить, передавать

passage /'p{sidZ/ ход, течение, прохождение

pattern /'p{t@n/ образец, модель

peg колышек

perform /p@'fO:m/ выполнять, делать

performance выполнение. исполнение

peripheral /p@'rIf@r@l/ периферийное устройство

permanent /'pÆ:m@n@nt/ постоянный

permanently постоянно

permit /p@'mIt/ позволять

pin булавка

pixel пиксель, минимальный элемент изображения

plotter плоттер, программа графического вывода

plug /plög/ штепсельная вилка, пробка, затычка

point точка, пункт, вопрос, дело

portable портативный

pouring /'pO:rIÎ/ разливка, заливка

powder /'paUd@/ порошок

precise /prI'saIz/ точный, определенный

predict /prI'dIkt/ предсказывать

present /'preznt/ настоящее время

pressure /'preS@/ давление

primary /'praIm@ri/ первичный

print печатать, набирать текст

printer принтер

prior /'praI@/ предшествующий

procedure /pr@'si:dZ@/ процедура, порядок осуществления действия

proceed /pr@'si:d/ продолжать

process /'pr@Uses/ обрабатывать, течение, ход

processing обработка

processor процессор

procurement /pr@'kjU@m@nt/ поставка (оборудования), снабжение, закупка

produce /pr@'dju:s/ производить, выпускать

production cycle /pr@'dökSn saIkl/ производственный цикл

program /'pr@Ugr{m/ программа, программировать

programmable /'pr@Ugr{m@bl/ программируемый

programmable automation автоматизация с применением программируемых устройств

progress /pr@U'gres/ развиваться, двигаться вперед

proliferate быстро увеличиваться

provide снабжать, обеспечивать

punched paper перфорированная лента



quality /'kwÁlItI/ качество



random /'r{nd@m/ случайный, произвольный

range /'reIndZ/ круг, область, сфера

rare /'re@/ редкий

rate норма, степень, темп, скорость

raw /'rO:/ сырой, необработанный

realize /'rI@laIz/ осуществлять, понимать

receive /rI'si:v/ получать, принимать

recognize /'rek@gnaIz/ распознавать

record /rI'kO:d/ записывать

reduce /rI'dju:s/ уменьшать, сокращать, понижать

refer /ri'fÆ:/ ссылаться, относить (к какому-либо классу)

reference ссылка

reflect отражать

refractory огнеупорный

release /rI'li:s/ выпускать

relation /rI'leISn/ отношение, соотношение

remain /rI'meIn/ оставаться

remote дистанционный, удаленный

remove /rI'mu:v/ удалять, перемещать

require /rI'kwaI@/ требовать, нуждаться

requirement /rI'kwaI@m@nt/ требование

research /rIsÆ:tS/ исследование

resemble походить, иметь сходство

reside находиться

respond /rI'spÁnd/ отвечать

response ответ

retain сохранять, удерживать

retrieve /rI'tri:v/ отыскивать, извлекать

return /rI'tÆ:n/ возвращать

rod пруток, стержень, брус

roll прокатывать, прокатный, валок

roll setting установка валков

rolling mill прокатный стан

root корень

rule of thumb метод

run цикл, режим работы



sample образец

save экономить

scale car вагон-весы

scan сканировать, просматривать

scanner сканер

schedule /'skedju:l/ график

screen экран

sector сектор, участок

select выбирать

semiconductor полупроводник

send посылать

sense чувство, разум

sequence /'si:kw@ns/ последовательность

serial ports /'sI@rI@l/ последовательные порты

series /'sI@ri:z/ ряд, последовательность

set point заданное значение, контрольная точка

setup настройка. наладка, монтаж

shell оболочка. кожух, обшивка

shipping отгрузка

silicon кремний

similar подобный, похожий

simply просто

simulate моделировать, воспроизводить

simultaneously /"sIm@l'teInj@slI/ одновременно

single один, единственный

skip скип, скиповый подъемник

slab сляб, пластина

slot гнездо, щелевое отверстие

snorkel погружная труба

socket гнездо, панель

software /'sÁftwe@/ компьютерные программы

solidification застывание, затвердевание

solve решать

sophisticated /s@'fIstIkeItId/ сложный

sound /'saUnd/ звук

sound card звуковая плата, звуковая карта

source /'sO:s/ источник

space пространство, космический

speaker громкоговоритель

special-purpose специального назначения, специальный

spray распыление, разбрызгивание

spreadsheet /'spredSi:t/ электронная таблица

squeeze /'skwi:z/ сдавливать, сжимать

steel plant сталеплавильный завод, сталеплавильный цех

stipulate ставить условием

stock сырье. шихта

stockhouse склад

stockmarket фондовая биржа

storage /'stO:rIdZ/ хранение

store /'stO:/ хранить

strand лента, непрерывная заготовка

strip полоса

stylus перо, пишущий узел

subdirectory подкаталог

summary /'söm@rI/ краткое изложение

supervisory /"sju:p@'vaIz@rI/ контролирующий, наблюдательный

supply /s@'plaI/ снабжать, поставлять, снабжение, поставка

support /s@'pO:t/ поддержка, поддерживать

surf the Internet /'sÆ:f/ «гулять» по Интернету

surface /'sÆ:fIs/ поверхность

susceptible /s@'sept@bl/ восприимчивый

switch включать, выключатель

system clock системные часы



tacit не выраженный словами, подразумеваемый, молчаливый

tape лента

target /'tA:gIt/ цель

task задача

telltale указатель, индикатор

temporary basis временная основа

term термин, семестр

thickness толщина

timely своевременно

tiny крошечный

toner красящий порошок

tool станок, прибор

top-down design нисходящее проектирование, проектирование сверху вниз

trace след, следить

track курс, путь

transfer /'tr{nsfÆ:/ перенос, перемещение

transmit передавать

treatment обработка

trial /'traI@l/ испытание, проба

trouble shooting поиск и устранение неисправностей

type /'taIp/ тип, вид



ultimate /'öltImIt/ конечный

unique /ju:'ni:k/ уникальный

unit /'ju:nIt/ единица, устройство, блок, элемент

update обновлять

upgrade модернизировать

use /'ju:z/ использовать

user пользователь

utility /jU'tIlItI/ обслуживающая программа, проф. утилита



vacuum degasser вакуумный дегазатор

valley /'v{lI/ долина

value /'v{lju:/ стоимость, значение

valve клапан

variable /ve@rI@bl/ изменчивый, мат. переменная

variance /'ve@rI@ns/ различие

variety /v@raI@tI/ многообразие

vast обширный

versatile многогранный

version /vÆ:Sn/ версия

vice versa /'vaIsI'vÆ:s@/ наоборот

vintage /'vintidZ/ устаревший, старый

vocabulary /v@U'k{bjUl@rI/ словарь, список слов

voice /vOIs/ голос

volatile не сохраняющий информацию при выключении

volume /'vÁljUm/ объем, величина


warehouse /'we@haUs/ склад

wave волна

weighing /'weIiÎ/ взвешивание

widespread /'wAidspred/ широко распространенный

width /wIdT/ ширина

wire /'waI@/ провод, проволока

withdrawal /wID'drO:@l/ изъятие

wrist /rIst/ запястье



yield /ji:ld/ выход продукции



zero /'zI@r@U/ ноль


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Читайте в этой же книге: Lexical Exercises | VI. Develop the following idea. Add more information about output devices. | Supervisory computer control system |
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VI. Translate these sentences paying attention to the Absolute Participle Construction.| Find the words in texts A to D, and match them with the meanings below.

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