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Основні суфікси прикметників

Читайте также:
  1. IОсновні поняття
  2. Бюджетний процес та основні функції його учасників
  3. Введення в дію нового стандарту з бібліографічного опису ДСТУ ГОСТ 7.1:2006. Основні відмінності від ГОСТ 7.1.—84. Нові правила бібліографічного опису.
  4. Вивітрювання гірських порід і основні його чинники.
  5. Економічний район, його сутність та основні риси.
  6. Енергетичне господарство, як елемент операційної системи, його склад, структура управління та основні задачі.
  7. Загальні відомості про ОС Windows. Основні елементи робочого столу Windows.

Active vocabulary

Environment—оточення, середовище

to be concerned about—турбуватися про щось

to litter—cмітити

to pollute—забруднювати

destruction—розорення, знищення

to pour—лити, розливати

to suffer from—страждати від

to release—випускати


to perish—гинути, помирати

to be exposed—стикатися з чимось

to soil—бруднити

soil—земля, ґрунт

to exhaust—виснажувати

to affect—впливати, завдавати шкоди

exhaust fumes—вихлопні гази

ugly—бридкий, огидний



stunted—низькорослий. чахлий

to endanger—ставити під загрозу, піддавати небезпеці

to spill—розливати

to preserve—зберігати

to introduce—запроваджувати

to trap—поглинати

to broadcast—поширювати

inspire—заронити надію


Speech practice

EXERCISE 1 Answer the following questions.

1. What is the definition of the term “ecology”?

2. What is the origin of the word “ecology”?

3. Who introduced this term into scientific language?

4. How can buses, cars, lorries, plants pollute air in most big cities?

5. Why do animals perish?

6. Why is water pollution a very important problem today?

7. Does soil suffer from pollution?

8. How can people protect the environmenr?


EXERCISE 2 Translate the following sentences using the active vocabulary.

1.Багато людей у всьому світі стурбовані проблемами забруднення навколишнього середовища. 2.Знищення природних ресурсів може спричинити велику шкоду. 4. Багато заводів виливають відходи в річки і моря. 4. В результаті виливу нафти у море загинуло багато птахів і тварин.5. Хмари диму з заводських труб випускають в повітря шкідливі речовини, які перетворюються на смог. 6. Наслідки екологічної катастрофи можуть бути непередбачуваними. 7. Люди повинні створити міжнародну екологічну організацію. 8. Навіть існування життя на нашій планеті може бути поставлене під загрозу. 9. Ґрунт також забруднюється. 10. Різні екологічні програми демонструють по телебаченню.

11. В наш час дуже часто відбуваються екологічні катастрофи.

EXERCISE 3 Fill the gaps in the sentences, using the words and phrases below:

Pollute, pour

1. Most big cities ____their waste into seas and rivers. 2. If we drop litter, we_____.

EXERCISE 3 Get ready to speak to the following topics.

1 What is ecology?

2. Air pollution.

3. Water pollution.

4. Soil pollution.

5. How to improve the situation?





Words which are similar in form but different in meaning are called translator’s false friends.

Quot;фальшивий друг" фальшивий переклад правильний переклад переклад фальшивої асоціації

activities активність діяльність activity

advocate адвокат прибічник, захисник attorney

actual актуальний фактичний topical

accurate охайний влучний neat, tidy

artist артист художник actor

aspirant аспірант претендент postgraduate

appellation апеляція назва appeal

partisan партизан захисник guerrilla

audience аудієнція глядачі hearing

focus фокус (трюк) увага trick

camera камера фотоапарат cell

colon колона двокрапка colomn

complexion комплекція колір обличчя physique

corpse корпус труп corps [ko:]

compositor композитор укладач в типографії composer

clay клей глина glue

criminal кримінал злочинець crime

stool стілець табурет tuffet

fable фабула байка plot

substantive субстантивний основний substantival

data дата дані date

decoration декорація знак відмінності, прикраса scenery

decade декада десятиріччя ten-day period

dynamic динамічний гнучкий, дієвий fast-moving

national administration нац. адміністрація нац. уряд authority

progress report доклад про прогрес доклад про хід работи -

subject суб’єкт питання, предмет person

fraction фракція дроб (матем.) faction

familiar фаміл’ярний відомий, знайомий hod-a-nob

bullion бульйон злиток beef-tea

balloon балон повітряна куля bottle, bulb

baton батон жезл, дубинка loaf

billet білет плашка; посада ticket, seat

mayor майор мер major

magazine магазин журнал store, shop

motorist моторист автолюбитель machinist, manipulator

motion моціон рух constitutional, walk

intelligence інтелігенція розум clerisy

depot депо склад house, station

Dutch датський голландський Danish

direction дирекція напрямок management, front offic

fabric фабрика тканина factory, works

concern концерн задача, інтерес trust, combine,

genial геніальний гостинний genius

obligation облігація зобов’язаність bond

principal принциповий основний principled

prospect проспект перспектива avenue

production продукція виробництво end-product

physician фізик врач-терапевт physicist

physique фізик будова тіла physicist

probe проба зонд test, trial, attempt

list лист список sheet, piece of paper

lunatic лунатик божевільний somnambulant

rapport рапорт добрі відносини

receipt рецепт квитанція recipe ['resipi]

replica репліка точна копія cue

troops трупи війська corpses

extra екстра додатковий super


Words which are more or less similar in form and in meaning are called international words

For example: constitution, revolution, accumulator, alpha, alphabet, ampere, atlas, atom, banjo, barbarism, benzol, billiards, bulldog, cafeteria, caravan, catastrophe, chaos, demagogue, dynamo, economic, electric, element, energy, film, kodak, legal, minimum, philosopher


EXERCISE 1 Study the following groups of words. Find the difference in the meaning in English and Ukrainian, as in the model.

Model: physique m фізик,

Physique –будова тіла

Фізик –physicist

actualmактуальний, principalmпринциповий, genialmгеніальний, magazinemмагазин, prospectmпроспект, obligationmоблігація, Dutch mдатський, motoristmмоторист, concernm концерн, lunaticmлунатик, probemпроба, fabricmфабрика, directionmдирекція, billetmбілет, balloon mбалон, compositormкомпозитор, double standardmподвійний стандарт, batonmбатон, intelligencemінтелігенція, familiarmфаміл’ярний, decademдекада, genialmгеніальний, productionmпродукція, mayormмайор, advocatemадвокат, aspirantmаспірант.


EXERCISE 2 Find international words in the text1.

EXERCISE 3 Find the meanings of the English international words and translate them.


1.There's a marked contrast between his character and hers. 2. I wish to speak to the manager. 3. Last year we had 3% inflation. 4. What’s your philosophy of life? 5 Is there anything interesting on television tonight? 6. Technological progress has been so rapid over the last few years. 7. I've always had an interest in astronomy. 8. Are you coming to the football match? 9. He was a student at the University of Chicago.10. I hate people talking while I'm watching a film. 11. Britain has no written constitution. 12 The French Revolution changed France from a monarchy to a republic. 13. He was a German, travelling on a Swiss passport. 14. In wealthy parts of the country, homes cost from £ 750 000 into the millions. 15. The train leaves at three minutes to eight, so we'd better get there a few minutes before then. 16. I’d like to visit the Natural History Museum. 17. He goes to the opera (= to see an opera) whenever he can. 18. During the Second World War, the British dropped a huge number of bombs on Dresden. 19. There's a little café on the corner that serves very good coffee. 20. We stayed in a hotel on the seafront. 21. We travelled to Argentina on a tourist visa. 22. I took a taxi from the station to the hotel. 23. Twenty-eight per cent of people asked thought that the advertising of tobacco and alcohol should be banned. 24. Toss the salad with a vinaigrette dressing. 25. Mother asked me to buy a tin of sardines. 26. I heard a good programme on the radio last night. 27. My parents took a lot of photographs of us when we were small. 28. It's one of those arts programmes late at night. 29. The acrobats formed a pyramid by standing on each other's shoulders. 30. We all joined in the song, with Pat at the piano/on piano.


EXERCISE 4 Translate the sentences with translator’s false friends.


1. We had estimated about 300 visitors, but the actual number was much higher. 2. Her novel is an accurate reflection of life in post-war Spain. 3. Monet is one of my favourite artists. 4. He was an aspirant to the throne. 5. In 1988, about 220 000 American troops were stationed in Western Europe. 6. The ship is an exact replica of the original Golden Hind. 7. Make sure you are given a receipt for everything you buy. 8. We'd worked together for years and developed a close rapport. 9. He drives like a lunatic. 10. Is your name on the list? 11. He has a very powerful, muscular physique. 12. The company's new model will be going into production early next year. 13. Is there any prospect of the weather improving? 14. He was principal dancer at the Dance Theatre of Harlem. 15. If you have not signed a contract, you are under no obligation to pay them any money. 16 The teacher is very genial. 17. Concern for the safety of the two missing teenagers is growing. 18 He was going in the direction of the bedroom. 19. It's the intelligence of her writing that impresses me. 20. They showed the goal again in slow motion. 21. She has written articles for several women's magazines. 22. We tied balloons and streamers to the ceiling ready for the party. 23. The house looked strangely familiar, though she knew she'd never been there before. 24. She has made a series of documentaries on the subject of family relationships. 25. This place is badly in need of decoration. 26. Now the data is being transferred from magnetic tape to hard disk. 27. The media focus on politicians' private lives inevitably switches the attention away from the real issues. 28. Her latest book should appeal to a large audience.


Read the text and say what the main idea of this text is


The problems of environmental safety took their important place since the first days of Ukraine’s Independence. They are connected with the Chernobyl accident of 1986 and the lack of appropriate supervision for ecological situation in the country in the Soviet Union time.


In 1991 reorganization of the State Committee of the USSR on Ecology and Rational Use of Natural Resources into the Ministry for Environmental Protection of Ukraine was initiated, the Minister of which was Anatolij Shcherbak.


Beginning from February 2002, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine is a legal successor of the Ministry for Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety of Ukraine, Committee of Ukraine on Geology and Mineral Resources Utilization, Committee of Ukraine on Hydrometeorology, State Administration of Ukraine on Nuclear Regulation, Department of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre of Ukraine, State Commission on Testing and Registration of the Means for Protection and Growth Regulators of Plant and Fertilizers.


Since September 2003 Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine was rearranged into Ministry for Environmental Protection of Ukraine and State Committee for Natural Resources of Ukraine.


(From the official web-site of the Ministry for Environmental Protection of Ukraine)

Самостійна робота.

Text 1. Read the article, translate it, write down all the unknown words for you, learn them and express the main idea of the article.


So many ecological problems, so little solutions

Current situation with our planet is more serious than ever before in our history. World is today facing a battle against variety of different ecological problems, and the worst thing is that we are still not prepared enough to win this battle. Why aren't we still prepared? Mostly because many think there is still enough time left to think of possible solutions. Modern world is really modern in lot of things but when it comes to ecology not much has changed in the last 300 years, ecology is still miles behind economy, and almighty dollar still rules the world.


Thing that frightens me the most is not really the fact that there are so many ecological problems, what really frightens me is the fact that all these problems are closely connected and that we cannot solve one by one. It's really all or nothing situation? Why is that? It is because humans are responsible for all these problems, we are really origin of all ecological problems. For instance many believe how climate change is the most serious ecological problem in history of humanity but in order to fight against climate change we also have to fight against deforestation and pollution because these two ecological problems influence final magnitute of climate change impact.


Increase in the average Earth's temperature and the upcoming climate change that goes with it have potential to cause previously unseen environmental disaster but yet many people think this is nothing more than a ghost story that isn't happening. The same goes with pollution. We are dumping waste into our rivers, sea, oceans; our air is more polluted than ever because of excessive CO2 emissions, and yet you still have the feeling like we don't care enough to change all of this. Take a look at alarming deforestation rate across many parts of the world or at ever-increasing number of endangered animals. This should really be more than enough to do something but somehow it isn't. Well at least not for politics that is.


Politicians are still far more worried about how to stop financial crisis, or how to keep the oil prices at reasonable level instead of protecting our planet. Yes they do talk a lot, promising quick and decisive action but once chips are down they stand still or in the best known political manner postpone decision for better times. They should have learned by know that there won't be better times unless we do something right now to ensure them. Talking won't get us out of this terrible environmental mess, what we really need is global action.


First big test is only couple of months away. Copenhagen, later this year will tell us answer to the question whether world has learned something from past mistakes. Is world finally ready to cut greenhouse gas emissions and agree new climate deal that would prevent further strengthening of climate change impact? Ecological problems have lately become so strong that only united world can fight against them, regional actions are not enough. If the world agrees new climate deal then this would finally mean that we have actually learned something from past mistakes. And most importantly that countries can put aside their differences when it comes to big ecological issues. And trust me climate change problem is the biggest ecological issue of all time. Why? Because it is connected with all other ecological problems giving them more dimensions and making them much more difficult.


This interconnection between ecological problems is making this challenge so big. They are all so closely connected that is really impossible to fight one by one and succeed. But how to fight all of them in the same time? That's a tough question. International climate deal could be good starting point, especially if it includes measures to not only fight against climate change but also against pollution, deforestation, and other ecological problems.


As you can see the big test is only couple of months away. Will we see a start of completely new ecological era or yet another big disappointment? Politics has given us many false hopes by now and another big disappointment would likely kill all our future hopes. But is politics aware of this? We'll soon see.



Unit 2



Text 1 Read and translate the text pay attention to the new words. Contextualize them




The high level of industrial and agricultural concentration and ecologically unjustified economic activities of the managerial structures of the former USSR are responsible for a rather complicated ecological situation that has taken shape in Ukraine. The most unfavourable is the Donetsk-Trans-Dnipro region where a lot of mining metallurgical and chemical enterprises are operating.

As a result of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster of 1986, the environmental situation has become much worse. Apropos of this Ukraine appealed to the UNO requesting help to overcome the disaster aftermath.

The Environmental Protection Law well in compliance with international standards in this field has been in force since 1991. Environmental safeguards of conservation bodies have become more stringent. Ecological monitoring has covered Ukraine's whole area and the Extraordinary Governmental Commission on the Problems of the Dnipro and Upgrading the Quality of Drinking Water has been set up. Ukraine has actively joined international cooperation in the field of environmental protection. Agreements have been signed with conservation bodies of the USA, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia. Germany, and Latvia. The Ukrainian delegation took part in the UNO Conference on the Problems of Environment in Rio de Janeiro.

Ukraine enters a new phase of its history with intentions to create a democratically minded, law-based, independent society. Ukraine is looking for its place in European House, in the civilized world going to its aim unswervingly.




Mining –гірничий

enterprise –підприємство

apropos of this –з цього приводу



in compliance with –відповідно до

conservation bodies—природоохоронні органи



EXERCISE 1 Ask questions to the text.


EXERCISE 2 Translate the following sentences using the active vocabulary.


1.In the aftermath of that incident, he had to leave town. 2. Energy conservation reduces your fuel bills and helps the environment. 3. Many more people died in the aftermath of the explosion. 4. I appeal to you to let me alone. 5. Its poetical and romantic attractions appeal even to a person so little poetical as Hobbes 6. I had a letter from Sally yesterday - apropos (of) which, did you send her that article?

7. Apropos what you said yesterday, I think you made the right decision. 8. The Barker family had for many years been involved in mining, with for example, the Champions in their mines in Ireland. 9. The government was to issue vouchers to every citizen to enable them to buy shares in factories and enterprises.10 Apropos of nothing, he suddenly asked me if I liked cats! 11. The flower now exists only in a small conservation area in Essex. 12. They rode back to Queenstown in a silence made steamy by the aftermath of heavy rains.

EXERCISE 3. Answer the questions.

1. What are the reasons for rather complicated ecological situation that has taken shape in Ukraine?

2. What do you know about Chornobyl nuclear power plant disaster?

3. What countries have agreements with conversation bodies been signed with?

4. What measures in your opinion should be undertaken to overcome ecological situation that has taken shape in Ukraine?

5. What is the ecological situation in your town?

Read the text and say what the main idea of this text is


The main goals of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine are: implementation of the state policy in the field of nature protection, rational use of natural resources (land, minerals, surface and underground waters, free air, forests and other flora, fauna, marine environment and natural resources of territorial water, continental shelf and exclusive (marine) economic zone of Ukraine), ecological, nuclear and radioactive safety as well as hydrometeorological, topographical, geodesic and cartographic activities, arrangement of ecological preconditions for sustainable development of Ukraine;


Arrangement of complex management and regulation in the sphere of environmental protection, rational use and restoration of natural resources, ensuring of ecological, nuclear and radioactive safety as well as hydrometeorological, topographical, geodesic and cartographic activities;


Arrangement of appropriate functioning of the State Geological and Hydrometeorological Services and development of topographical, geodesic and cartographic activities;


Execution of state control over adherence to legislative demands on environmental protection, rational use of natural resources, ecological safety, hydrometeorological, topographical, geodesic and cartographic activities as well as state supervision of the situation of nuclear and radioactive safety.


(From the official web-site of the Ministry for Environmental Protection of Ukraine)




master (хазяїн) - to master (керувати), house (дім) - to house (розміщувати), water (вода) - to water (поливати), empty (пустий) - to empty (спустошувати) white (білий) - to white (білити).


airfield - аеродром (air - повітря, field - поле), airbase - авіабаза (air - повітря, base - база), airman - авіатор (air - повітря, man - чоловік), schoolday - шкільний день (school - школа, day - день), birthplace - місце народження (birth народження -, place - місце). service dress - формений одяг, одяг для служби (service - служба, dress - сукня), shop window - вітрина (shop - магазин, window – вікно)

Зміна наголосу.

ex port (експорт) - to ex port (експортувати) pre sent (подарунок) - to pre sent (дарувати).

Словотворення за допомогою афіксації.


1. Префікс зі значенням “знову”, “пере”:

re- to construct (будувати) - to reconstruct (перебудовувати), to read (читати) - to reread (перечитувати), to write (писати) - to rewrite (переписувати)


2. Префікси, які надають слову протилежне значення або означають протилежну дію:

un- dis- de- anti- counter- contra- to dress (одягатися) - to undress (роздягатися), to tie (зв’язувати) - to untie ( to appear (з’являтися) - to disappear (зникати) formation (формування) - deformation (деформація) fascist (фашист) - anti-fascist (антифашист) attack (атака) - counterattack (контратака) to contradict(суперечити )


3. Префікси, які мають заперечне значення:

a- ab- un- im- in- ir- il- dis- mis- non- amoral (аморальний,) absent (відсутній), abnormal (ненормальний) kind (добрий) - unkind (недобрий) possible (можливий) - impossible (неможливий) ability (здібність) - inability (нездібність) regular (регулярний) - irregular (нерегулярний) legal (легальний) - illegal (нелегальний) honest (чесний) - dishonest (нечесний), to understand (розуміти) - to misunderstand interference (втручання) - non-interference (невтручанн) ! NOTE! Префікс, який починаєтся на “i” змінюється в залежності від того, яка за нею стоїть блітера: il + l, ir + r, im + b, m, p.

4. Префікси, які мають значення “над”, “пере”, “ надмірно ”:

over- super- ultra- extra- to pay (платити) - to overpay (переплатити) human (людський) - superhuman (надлюдський) short (короткий) - ultra-short (ультракороткий) extraordinary (незвичайний)


5.Префікси, які мають значення “ між”, “ взаємно ”:

со- inter- existence (існування) - co-existence (співіснування) national (національний) - international (інтернаціональний)


6. Префікси, які перекладаються як

а) “перед”:

рге- fore- War (війна) pre-war (довоєнний), historic (сторичний) - prehistoric (доісторичний) to foresee (передбачати)


b) “після”:

post- war (війна,) - post-war (повоєнний), revolutionary (революційний) - post-revolutionary (післяреволюційний )


c) “недостатньо”

under- to pay (платити) - to underpay (платити недостатньо), production (виробництво) - underproduction (недовироблення)


d) “під”:

sub- division (розділ) - subdivision (підрозділ), committee (комісія) -subcommittee (підкомісія)


e) “екс”, “колишній”:

ex- champion (чемпіон) - ex-champion (колишній чемпион)


f) само-, авто-

auto- autobiography (автобіографія), automatic (автоматичний)


g) напів

semi- semifinal (напівфінал), semicircle (напівколо)


h) через-, транс-

trans- transatlantic (трансатлантичний)


j) угору

up- upstairs (угору по східцях), upside (верхня частина), to uproot (виривати з коренем)


k) подвійний

bi- bilingual (двомовний), bi-monthly (що виходить два рази у місяць)


l) маючий справу з книгами

bibli(o)- bibliography (бібліографія)


m) що відноситься до життя

bio- biography (біографія)

n) другорядне значення

by- by-street (провулок)


о) багато

multi- poly- multicolored (багатобарвний), multimillionaire (мультимільйонер) polyglot (поліглот), polytechnic (політехнічний)


7. Префикс дієслова, який має значення “робити”:


en- large (великий) - to enlarge (збільшувати), danger (небезпека) - to endanger (піддавати небезпеці), force (сила) - to enforce (примушувати)

Основні суфікси іменників:

1. Суфікси, що означають належність до

а) політичному направленню професії або нації

-ist   -an, -ian Communist (комуніст), materialist(матеріаліст ); artist (художник), typist (машиністка), pianist (піаніст), historian (історик), librarian (бібліотекар), musician (музикант); Ukrainian (українець)


2. Суфікси, що означають вчення, теорію, якість:

-ism marxism (марксизм), heroism (героїзм)


3.Суфікси, що означають дійову особу, його заняття або посаду

-ег, -or -ee, -eer to teach (учити) - teacher (учитель), to direct (керувати) - director (керівник) employee (службовець), refugee (біженець, емігрант), auctioneer (аукціонер),


4. Суфікси, що означають результат дії:

-ment -ade achievement (досягнення), agreement (угода), government (уряд) lemonade (лімонад), blockade (блокада)


5. Суфікси, що означають

а) стан:

-hood -ship -cy, -acy brotherhood (братерство), childhood (дитинство), manhood (мужність) dictatorship (диктатура), friendship (дружба), leadership (керівництво) accuracy (точність), infancy (дитинство ), supremacy (перевага )


б) стан, дію

-age -ing -ence -ance -ion, -tion -ition, -ation -sion -al shortage (брак), marriage (заміжжя), voyage (подорож) hunting (охота), crossing (перехрестя), living (життя) silence (мовчання), difference (різниця) importance (важливість), resistance (супротив) collection (колекція), dictation (диктант, диктовка) competition (змагання), hesitation (сумнів) decision (рішення) removal (віддалення), arrival (прибуття), refusal (відмова), approval (схвалення)


в): стан, якість

-dom -ness ty freedom (свобода), kingdom (королівство), wisdom (мудрість) coldness (холод), darkness (темнота), kindness (доброта), weakness (слабкість) activity (активність), safety (безпека)


г) місце дії, заняття чи стан

-ery bakery (булочна), surgery (кабінет хірурга), cookery (кулінарія), slavery (рабство)


д) рід занятть, галузь науки

-ics physics (фізика), politics (політика)

Основні суфікси прикметників

1. Суфікси, які утворюють прикметники від іменників і означають національну належність чи слабку ступінь якості:

-ese -ish Chinese (китаєць, китайський), Japanese (японець, японський) Pole (поляк) - Polish (польський), Scott (шотландець) - Scottish (шотландський) red (червоний) - reddish (червонуватий), child (дитина) - childish (дитячий)


2.Суфікси, які утворюють прикметники від дієслів і означають якість:

-ive -ent -ant to act (діяти) - active (активний), to talk (розмовляти) – talkative (балакучий) to differ (розрізняти) - different (різний), to insist (наполягати) - insistent (наполегливий) to observe (спостерігати) - observant (спостережливий,)


3. Суфікси, які утворюють прикметники від іменників і означають наявність якості

-ic -al -ful -ous -у base (основа) - basic (основний), economy (економіка) - economic (економічний) centre (центр) - central (центральний) culture (культура) - cultural (культурний), beauty (краса) - beautiful (красивий) fame (слава) - famous (славетний) cloud (хмара) - cloudy (хмарний), sun (сонце) - sunny (сонячний)


4. Суфікси, які утворюють прикметники від різних частин мови і які означають

а) якість, властивість:

-аrу -огу element (елемент) - elementary (елементарний) illusion (ілюзія) - illusory (, ілюзорний)


б) здібність що-небудь робити, стан, якість:

-able - ible to change (змінювати) - changeable (мінливий) to eat (їсти) - eatable (їстівний), reason (розум) - reasonable (розумний)


в) відсутність якості:

-less useless (даремний), windless (безвітряний)


: Основні суф ікси дієслів

-ate -en -fy, -ify ize, -ise active (активний) - to activate (активувати) short (короткий) - to shorten (укоротити) pure (чистий) - to purify (очищувати), simple (простий) - to simplify (спрощувати) character (характер) - to characterize (характеризувати)

: Основні суфікси прислівників

а) Суфікси, які утворюють прислівники від прикметників, іноді - іменників, порядкових числівників і дієприкметників:

-ly bad (поганий) - badly (погано), part (частина) - partly (частково), first (перший) - firstly (по-перше)


б) іменників і прислівників, які означають напрямок (чи направленість):

-wards -ward North (північ) - northward(s) (на північ), after (після) - afterwards (потім), back (назад) - backward(s) (назад, в зворотньому напрямку) home (дім) - homeward (додому)

WORD-BUILDING (exercises)


Ex. 1. Пере кладіть наступні слова, виділіть в них суфікси і префікси:

Untrue, prehistoric, ultramodern, postwar, ex-champion, anti-body, decompose, decode, deform, depart, discover, disappearance, reread, reconstruct, coauthor, unequal, misunderstand, undress, disarm, anti-fascist, cooperation, co-existence, interaction, superhuman, ultra-violet.


Ex. 2. Визначте, до якої частини мови відносяться наступні слова. Перекладіть їх:

Achievement - achieve, resistance - resistant, assistance - assist - assistant, celebration - celebrate, difference - different, city - citizen, nation - national - nationality, measure - measurement, develop - development, act - active - activity, contain - container, discover - discovery - discoverer, literature - literary, graduate - graduation - undergraduate - post-graduate, educate - education, progress - progressive, act - action - activity - active, govern - governor - government.


Ex. З. Утворіть від поданих дієслів іменники за допомогою суфікса -ег або -or.: Пере кладіть їх

To lead, to write, to read, to visit, to speak, to sleep, to act, to direct, to conduct, to drive, to fight, to mine, to report, to sing, to skate, to swim, to teach, to travel, to sail, to invent, to found, to compose.


Ex. 4. Утворіть від поданих слів іменники за допомогою суфікса ist, -ism, -ian.: Перекладіть їх

Special, social, art, capital, economy, international, piano, technic, mathematics, statistics, politics, music, electric, Russia, Hungary, Canada, India.


Ex. 5. Утворіть від поданих дієслів іменники за допомогою суфікса -ment. Перекладіть їх

Develop, achieve, move, arrange, treat, state, improve, agree, equip, govern, require, measure, announce, pave.


Ex. 6. Утворіть приметники за допомогою суфіксів -ful і –less

Перекладіть їх

Beauty, thank, hope, doubt, care, aim, use, shape, fruit, power, thought, harm, colour.


Ex. 7. Утворіть приметники за допомогою суфіксів -able, -ible

Перекладіть їх

Change, convert, prevent, break, compare, desire, profit, read, comfort, respect, expect.


Ex. 8. Знайдіть і виділіть суфікси в словах і визначте до якої частини мови відносяться подані слова

British, foolish, understandable, heartless, pitiless, successful, experiment, function, musician, socialist, artist, capitalism, professional, fundamental, industrial, doubtful, useful, different, treatment, creative, attractive, peaceful, dangerous, elementary, childish, active, economic, director, worker, passage, marriage, silence, freedom, kingdom.


Ex. 9. Утворіть дієслова за допомогою суфікса -en:

Red, tight, soft, deep, short, dark, bright, weak, black, white, sweet, sharp, strength.


Ex. 10. Утворіть прислівники за допомогою суфікса -1у і перекладіть їх:

Bad, first, part, quick, strong, short, silent, rapid, wide, extreme, cruel, kind, happy.


Ex. 11.Утворіть дієслова від іменників.: Перекладіть їх

Turn, smile, smoke, snow, start, stay, step, stop, study, talk, visit, rest, air, paper, cover, handle, cause, watch, act, address, answer, brush, clean, cross, crowd, wave, wish, work, dance, doubt, dress, end, fight, help, hope, joke, laugh, lift, light, love, mind, paper, pencil, place, plan, play, post, reply, report, return, sail, show.

Ex. 12.Перекладіть на українську мову..Виділіть слово утворюючі елементи.:

React, reaction, reactor, reactivity; science, scientific, scientist; industry, industrial, industrious; cold, coldly, coldness; dark, darkness, darken; happy, happily, happiness, unhappy; equal, equally, unequal, equality; free, freedom, freely; attention, attentive, attentively; sun, sunny, sunless; care, careful, careless, carefully, carelessness; to differ, different, difference, indifferent; England, English, Englishman; fame, famous.


Ex. 13. Переведите следующие сложные слова: Визначте, до якої частини мови відносяться наступні слова.

Airport, armchair, bathroom, bedroom, bookcase, bookshelf, classroom, custom-house, dining-room, drawing-room, fireplace, folksong, gentleman, hairbrush, icebox, newspaper, notebook, postcard, post-office, raincoat, sportsman, sunshine, writing-table.


Ex. 14. Проч итайте пари слів,дотримуючись наголосу. Перекладіть їх

An accent - to accent, a contract - to contract, a content - to content, a contest - to contest, a convoy - to convoy, a convict - to convict, a perfect - to perfect, a record - to record.


Ex. 15. Визначте, до якої частини мови відносяться виділені слова

1. Не works as a teacher. 2. I saw one of his works at the exhibition. 3. I was waiting for your report. 4. They report the results of their experiment every Monday. 5. His report contains some of his thoughts about the experiment. 6. You’ll make progress if you work hard. 7. He thought about his new work. 8. I have a present for you. 9. I am busy at present. 10. He presented me with a book.


Ex. 16. Проанал ізуйте склад наступних слів.Визначте частини мови. Дайте початкову форму.: Перекладіть їх

Powerful, inventor, high-quality, network, demoralize, profitable, dislike, disagree, movement, shorten, incorrect, electricity, fruitful, fruitless, happiness, dangerous, noisy, sunny, rainy, badly, strongly, reading, teaching, rebuild, retell, leader, teacher, unhappy, unusual, translation, cooperation, schoolboy, icebreaker.


Ex. 17. Напиш іть складні іменники, виходячи з пояснення.


Наприклад: A machine for drying hair – hair drier.


1. A thing for opening tins -.... 2. A machine for playing records -.... 3. A machine for mixing food -.... 4. A thing that times eggs (when they are boiling) -.... 5. Things for warming people’s legs -.... 6. Stuff that kills flies -.... 7. A liquid that removes paint -.... 8. A tool that opens bottles -.... 9. A thing for peeling potatoes -.... 10. A liquid for removing eye makeup -.... 11. Stuff for freshening the air -....


Ex. 18. Напиш іть словосполучення за моделлю число+ іменник+ іменник (! не забувайте що число і перший іменник з’єднуються дефісом і цей іменник зазвичай стоїть воднині)

Наприклад: a walk lasting for three miles – a three-mile walk.

1. A girl who has just celebrated her sixteenth birthday -.... 2. A flight lasting for ten hours -.... 3. A note that is worth twenty pounds -.... 4. A language course that lasts four weeks -.... 5. A drive that takes three hours -.... 6. A meal that consists of three courses -.... 7. A holiday that lasts two weeks -.... 8. A delay at the airport that went on for two hours -.... 9. A letter that goes on for ten pages -.... 10. A university course that takes three years -.... 11. A prison sentence of ten years -.... 12. A hotel with five stars -.... 13. A speed limit of 30 miles an hour -.... 14. A house that was built two hundred years ago -....


Ex. 19. Розташуйте прикметники за трьома групами: 1) люди, 2) місця, 3) речі:

Obstinate, unspoilt, hand-made, waterproof, easy-going, breathtaking, aggressive, deserted, overgrown, overcrowded, cunning, picturesque, arrogant, long-lasting, spoilt, automatic, accurate, artificial.

Ex. 20. В иберіть слово з відповідним за змістом префіксом або суфіксом.

1. I know Jim Kerry is very popular but I find him totally childish / childlike. 2. I couldn’t work out whom the letter was from. The signature was childish / childlike. 3. Sarah is so childish / childlike. She always plays trick on her friends. 4. It was wonderful to watch the tiny lambs playing. I got such childish / childlike pleasure from the experience. 5. Sophie is extremely sensitive / sensible at the moment. Anything you say seems to upset her. 6. Karen is not a very sensitive / sensible person. She wore high-heeled shoes for our four-mile walk. 7. I’ve never known her to tell a lie. She’s a very true / truthful person. 8. I can never watch sad films that are based on true / truthful a story. They always make me cry. 9. Susan is so intolerable / intolerant of other people. She never accepts anyone else’s opinion, and she always thinks she knows best. 10. I find Mark’s behaviour intolerable / intolerant. It’s unfair to be so selfish. 11. We’re having an economic / economical crisis at the moment. James has lost his job and I don’t know how we are going to pay the rent. 12. It’s more economic / economical to drive slowly. You can do a lot more miles to the gallop.


Ex. 21. Підберіть до кожної трійки слів таке, щоб з його допомогою утворити складні іменники, використовуйте слова: board, green, paper, book, birthday, blood, rain, site, road, sports, ice, water, day, night, hand, case, sun, bag.

Наприклад: camp..., building..., bomb... – campsite, building site, bomb-site.

1....test,...pressure,...donor. 2....fall,...melon,...skiing. 3....house,...grocer,...salad. 4....club,...mare,...shift. 5. brief..., suit..., book.... 6. paper..., plastic..., shoulder.... 7....bow,...coat,...drop. 8....shine,...rise,...set. 9....works,...sign,...rage. 10. black..., floor..., notice.... 11....light,...break,...dream. 12....shake,...writing,...book. 13....cube,...berg,...rink. 14....cake,...present,...card. 15....scape,...lady,...slide. 16....car,...center,...ground. 17. address..., visitor’s..., note....


Ex. 22. Допо вніть речення складними іменниками в дужках (це можуть бути іскладні іменники, і іменники в присвійному відмінкув).

1. Your coat is on the... (back, chair). 2. You’ve just spilt the... (milk, cat). 3. Can you buy some... (paper, toilet). 4. I never listened to my... (advise, parents). 5. Can you buy a... (wine, bottle) to have with supper? 6. What did that... (road, sigh) say? Did you see it? 7. It’s such a mess in here. There are empty... (wine, bottles) everywhere. 8. The... (Prime Minister, duties) include entertaining heads of the state. 9. The... (my shoe, heel) has come off. 10. Can I borrow your... (brush, hair)? 11. What happened at the... (film, end)? 12. Here is... (today, news). 13. Where is the nearest... (Metro, station)? 14. It’s my... (anniversary, parents, wedding) next week. 15. The... (company, success) is due to its efficiency. 16. I’ve got a... (fortnight, holiday) next month. 17. The... (government, economic policy) is confusing. 18. My children go to the local... (school, state). 19. The annual... (rate, inflation) is about 4 percent. 20. Are there any... (coffee, cups) in your bedroom? There are none in the kitchen. 21. Do you want a... (coffee, cup)?


Ex. 22. Заповніть пропуски дієсловом або іменником: advice – to advise, use – to use, abuse – to abuse, belief – to believe, relief – to relieve, grief – grieve, excuse – to excuse, breath – to breathe, half – to halve, house – to house, safe – to save, bath – to bathe.

1. It is my personal... that this man is innocent. 2. Let me listen to your chest. Take a deep... and say “Ah”. 3. You should put your valuables in the.... 4. Drug... is a terrible problem all over the world. 5. I know it isn’t good for my skin, but I love sun.... 6. I’ve been so worried about you! It’s such a... to see you at last! 7. “What are we going to do with this cake?” “Cut it in two. You take... and I’ll take....” 8. Can you show me how to... this new coffee machine? 9. The refugees are... in temporary accommodation. 10. She apologizes for her behavior, and said it was because she’d had a busy day, but that’s no... for breaking all the plates. 11. People need time to... after the death of someone they love. 12. Take my.... Never marry for money. Marry for love.


Ex. 22. Напишіть слово протилежне за значенням, використовуючи префікс

Kind, honest, credible, appear, fair, equal, pleased, continue, fasten, normal, employed, friendly, trust, professional, known, cover, safe, use, probable, important, emotional

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