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The Talk Show

1. The Chairman Your task is to prepare the opening address and the final summary with conclusions. You are to introduce the guests, to give their background, to ask them additional questions and to appeal to the audience asking to comment on this or that issue. Here is some background information for you:

Pollution has accompanied mankind ever since groups of people first congregated and remained for a long time in one place. With the establishment of permanent human settlements by great numbers of people pollution became a problem and has remained one ever since. Cities of ancient times were often noxious places, fouled by human wastes and debris. In the Middle Ages, unsanitary urban conditions favoured the outbreak of population-decimating epidemics. During the 19th century, water and air pollution and the accumulation of solid wastes were largely the problems of only a few large cities. But, with the rise of advanced technology and with the rapid spread of industrialization and the concomitant increase in human population to unprecedented levels, pollution has become a universal problem.


2. A photojournalist has produced a book of photos to make people concerned about what is happening to the planet. As a journalist she/he is trying to bring the adverse effects of man’s economic activity to the limelight. Thinks that mass media should take an active part in the fight against pollution and for nature conservation. Accurate information on environmental conditions should be released to the public. The journalist also attacks multinational industries for being preoccupied solely with making profit at the expense of the environment and people’s lives. Thinks that international cooperation could and should considerably contribute to the solution to the problems pertaining to environmental protection.


3. A promising specialist in the oil refinery processes, a director of a giant industrial enterprise speaks about the largest cleanup operation in history launched by his enterprise in Prince William Sound, the UK, after 100 gallons of oil had poured out into the clear blue water. He/She is convinced that the intensive development of science and industry is fraught with dire consequences which cannot be avoided, BUT the effect of which can be lessened. Believes that oil exploration should be encouraged with the objective of maximazing economic production for the future. His/Her primary goal is, therefore, oil production. Environmental protection comes second. Being responsible for what you do and being a god capable of making up for all the harm to the environment are two different things.


4. A leading specialist in the field of aircraft engineering industry thinks that people benefit from the advanced technology: new materials have been invented, new industrial technologies have been introduced, and they help to improve our daily lives. The 21st century belongs to absolute reason. Agrees that the threat of a disruption of in the oxygen balance has arisen through the destruction of the ozone shield in the lower stratosphere as a result of the flights of supersonic aircraft, but thinks that people should take all the ill-effects of industrialization for granted as the advantages in the long run outweigh the disadvantages.


5. A health official expounds upon the ominous effects of hazardous waste and illegal waste disposal practices on people. The health official’s immediate concern is the potential effect of waste products on ground waters and human health. To eliminate this problem two other issues underlying the hazardous waste problem should be resolved. One of them is what to do with the enormous amounts of waste produced each year. For the wastes that cannot be broken down landfills are the cheapest option, but they have a lot of disadvantages, the most noteworthy being inevitable leaks. Problem №2 is, therefore, how to deal with leaking waste disposal sites contaminating the environment. One more point that is usually suppressed is that of a financial compensation to the victims of improper hazardous waste disposal practices.


6. A specialist on afforestation believes that by AD 2020 we will have destroyed natural environment because of the sprawl of large cities, reduction of open spaces, extermination of wildlife. Plants are the basis of our life on Earth. Yet now wild plants are being destroyed on a scale never known before by pollution, neglect and wanton habitat destruction. He/she thinks that unrestricted urbanization and deforestation will let man down posing a danger to his health, choking him with pollutants. For this reason urgent steps should be taken by mankind to rescue the Earth and its inhabitants from a foreseeable disaster.


7. A science-fiction writer tries to warn people against the threat presented to natural environment by the by-products of industrial development. Says that science progress has reached such a level of development that it endangers all living matter: plants, animals and people. Overall advances in technology have accelerated the global impact of mankind on the environment. In its turn, all this exerts a substantial adverse influence on the health of individuals, including pathological changes in heredity and genetically determined forms of vulnerability to serious chronic diseases. A comprehensive survival programme should be worked out by specialists engaged in various spheres of science and economy.


8. A campaigner against extermination of wildlife stresses that we have already upset the precarious balance between the living and non-living components of the ecosphere thus having jeopardized the environment (points to mention: a) destruction of animal habitats and particularly unprecedented killing of animals for economic, scientific and individual purposes and b) removal and destruction of plants and trees). All the mentioned problems must be a global imperative for environmental protection today. Man owes much to Nature and should preserve its reserves. We should be environment-conscious to foresee the ill-effects of unrestricted industrialization and urbanization. Besides economic gains there should be moral obligations that any environment-conscious person should observe. Therefore, a rational and balanced approach to the consumption of what nature has in store for us should be adhered to.


9. A teacher is genuinely concerned about the ecological education and upbringing. It is very important to make people environment-educated at an early age to reduce the damage inflicted to the environment. Carefully organized ecological education introduced to a school curriculum is sure to raise people’s awareness of the existing problems. School should teach young people that not uncontrolled interference in nature but the optimization of the interaction between society and nature ensures social and economic progress of mankind. What is more, alongside with the family, school should cultivate in youngsters love of nature and understanding that they are the caretakers of the Earth. School is responsible for showing the young generation the ways in which they can contribute to both local and global environmental security. But school alone can’t achieve all these objectives.


10. A lawyer points out the well-rooted tendency to breach laws on nature protection. We should do away with the stereotype of freedom which is close to anarchy when it comes to environmental issues. She/He sees environmental problems as a global imperative for working out a rational conservation programme which would find its reflection in a wide set of national laws imposing a number of duties and obligations on local authorities and on individuals too. The practical results of the state policy should include control of water and air pollution by forcing enterprises to install anti-pollution equipment, control over illegal waste disposal practices, and stimulating the disposal of garbage (litter) in designated areas. Thinks it reasonable to impose a ubiquitous ban on extensive use of agrochemicals and on disfiguring the natural landscape.



Section 5: Vocabulary



  1. solar energy
  2. biosphere
  3. atmosphere
  4. lithosphere
  5. oases
  6. typhoon
  7. magnetic
  8. radioactivity
  9. cosmic
  10. compensate
  11. scale
  12. exploration
  13. adverse
  14. affect
  15. effect
  16. to take into account
  17. to be concerned about
  18. to turn into
  19. to threaten
  20. to destroy
  21. essential
  22. to exist, existence
  23. to meet the needs
  24. disastrous
  25. self-regulation
  26. suitable
  27. safe
  28. purposeful
  29. harmful
  30. disaster
  31. self-ignition
  32. expertise
  33. self-purification
  34. self-pollution
  35. self-help
  36. self-monitoring
  37. interference
  38. desert
  39. impact
  40. earthquake
  41. hurricane
  42. flood
  43. drought
  44. interaction
  45. pollution
  46. species
  47. extinction
  48. radiation
  49. depletion
  50. consideration
  51. homeostatic
  52. restoration
  53. methodology
  54. global
  55. urban
  56. demographic
  57. optimization
  58. rational
  59. formulate
  60. filter
  61. insoluble
  62. inevitable
  63. perish
  64. cause
  65. ensure
  66. approach
  67. provide
  68. improve
  69. living standards
  70. détente
  71. complicated
  72. to reduce to
  73. exploit
  74. mechanical
  75. primitive
  76. realization
  77. condition
  78. demand
  79. support
  80. destructive
  81. contribution
  82. fuel
  83. soil
  84. survive
  85. to depend
  86. to vary
  87. at one’s disposal
  88. twofold
  89. region
  90. flora
  91. fauna
  92. pesticide
  93. herbicide
  94. plastic
  95. detergent
  96. concentration
  97. inform
  98. reconstruct
  99. attack
  100. specific
  101. interpret
  102. fundamental
  103. degree
  104. interrelated
  105. tie
  106. to lower
  107. vulnerable
  108. to spread
  109. to decompose
  110. to prevent
  111. aw material
  112. irrigation
  113. to yield
  114. drainage
  115. population
  116. fertilization



impact tremendous uncontrolled harmful ecological irreversible adverse environmental species main depleted valuable individual plant and animal consequences ecological adverse various irreversible
pollution cosmic water atmospheric chemical environmental radioactive industrial exploration intensive current purposeful essential outer space careful planned environment safe natural thermal ecological social
depletion biological massive soil natural resources effect adverse possible disastrous biological environmental healthy air climate generation environment
pollutant air toxic water gaseous dangerous problem key global vital insoluble complicated to ensure clear environment economic progress technological progress high people’s living standards
to preserve peace healthy environment ecological balance the sky, land and water clean long-term plan cooperation conservation soil forest environment groundwater water resources renew forests the supplies of coal resources the protection of nature plants labour environment animal kingdom    




Flowers and Plants

анютины глазки (виола) - pansy

астра - aster

гвоздика - pink

георгины - dahlia

гиацинты - hyacinth

гладиолус - gladiolus (pl. gladioli)

ирис - iris

лилия - lily

кувшинка - water-lily

фиалка - violet

ландыш - lily-of-the-valley

мак - poppy

маргаритка - daisy

нарцисс - daffodil

пион - peony

тюльпан - tulip

колокольчик - bluebell

ромашка - camomile

вереск - heather

зверобой - St. John's wort

клевер - clover

одуванчик - dandelion

мать-и-мачеха - coltsfoot

иван-да-марья - heart's ease, cow-wheat

толокнянка (медвежье ушко) - bearberry

лопух - burdock

ноготки (календула) - marigold

подорожник - plantain

полынь - wormwood

калина - guelder rose, snowball tree

крапива - stinging nettle

глухая крапива - dead nettle

мята перечная - pepper mint

шиповник - dogrose, briar rose, wild briar

шалфей – sage

тычинка - stamen

побег - shoot (sprout)

колючка - prickle

цветоножка - flower-stem, scape

лепесток - petal

завязь - ovary

опыление - pollination

скрещивание - crossing, interbreeding

стебель - stalk

отросток - side-shoot (offshoot)

чашелистик - sepal

пыльца - pollen

декоративные кустарники - ornamental shrubs

луговые цветы - meadow flowers

придорожные цветы - wayside flowers

соцветия - inflorescences

комнатные цветы / растения - window flowers / indoor plants

декоративные цветы - ornamental flowers



черника - bilberry, whortleberry

голубика - great bilberry, bog whortleberry

брусника - red whortleberry

ежевика - bramble, blackberry

земляника - wild strawberry

малина - raspberry

крыжовник - gooseberry

смородина черная - black currants

смородина красная - red currants

рябина - ashberry

бузина - elderberry



аист – stork

ворон - raven

ворона – crow

воробей – sparrow

голубь – pigeon, dove

грач – rook

гриф – vulture

дятел – woodpecker

жаворонок – lark

журавль – crane

иволга – oriole

кулик – sandpiper

коршун – kite

куропатка серая – partridge

куропатка белая – willow grouse

ласточка – swallow

малиновка – robin (redbreast)

павлин – peacock

пеликан – pelican

перепел – quail

сокол – falcon

сорока – magpie

соловей – nightingale

синица – tit, titmouse

снегирь – bullfinch

фазан – pheasant

филин – eagle owl

цапля – heron

чиж - siskin

ястреб – hawk


гребень – crest, comb

клюв – beak, bill

оперение – feathering, plumage

стая птиц – a flock/flight of birds

токовать – to utter the mating call

ток – a mating-place

гогот гусей – cackle of geese

упорхнуть – to flit away

хищная птица – bird of prey

певчая птица – songbird

птенец – nestling, fledgling

откладывать яйца – to lay eggs

вить гнездо – to build a nest



береза - birch

клен - maple

ива – willow (Br), osier (Am)

каштан – chestnut (tree)

дуб – oak; желудь – acorn

сосна – pine; сосновая шишка – pinecone / pine cone

ель – fir, spruce fir; еловая шишка – fir cone

серебристая ель – silver fir

пихта – abies

вяз – elm(-tree)

тополь – poplar: white/silver poplar

липа – lime(-tree); linden

рябина – mountain ash; rowan-tree

орех – nut-tree

ясень – ash-tree

бук – beech

осина – aspen

туя – thuja

ольха – alder

лиственница - larch

deciduous trees - лиственные деревья, coniferous trees - хвойные деревья

the crown of the tree - крона дерева

top of the tree - верхушка дерева

bough – сук

branch – ветвь

bark (rind) - кора

trunk, stem – ствол

root – корень

twig – веточка, прут

stump, stub – пень; to stub – корчевать пни

log, block – бревно

leaf-bearing forest – лиственный лес

coniferous forest – хвойный лес

mixed forest – смешанный лес

grove – роща

thicket – чаща

glade, clearing – поляна

border/edge of a forest – опушка

shrub, bush – кустарник



beetle – жук; Colorado beetle; dung-beetle – жук-навозник; May-bug (=cockchafer)

locust – саранча

butterfly - бабочка

grasshopper – кузнечик

spider; cobweb – паутина

ant - муравей

scorpion - скорпион

a larva, a maggot, a grub - личинка

cockroach - таракан

moth – 1) моль; 2) мотылек

flea – блоха

plant-louse, aphis - тля

lady bird – божья коровка

praying mantis - богомол

dragonfly – стрекоза

mosquito, gnat – комар

caterpillar – гусеница

centipede – сороконожка

bee; queen bee – матка; honeycomb – медовый сот, соты; beehive – улей; swarm – рой; bee-garden (=apiary) - пасека

drone - трутень

wasp – оса

gadfly – овод

hornet - шершень

midge – мошка

swarm of midges - мошкара



marsupial mammals- сумчатые

(gray) kangaroo

common opossum


opossum mole

insectivores (insect-eating mammals)- насекомоядные:

mole – крот

hedgehog – еж

shrew – землеройка (= shrew mouse)

rodents – грызуны:

guinea pig – морская свинка

porscupine – дикобраз

beaver – бобр

jerboa – тушканчик

hamster – хомяк

water vole – водяная полевка

marmot – сурок

squirrel – белка

chipmunk – бурундук

vole – полевка

gopher – суслик; мешотчатая крыса

porcupine - дикобраз

ungulates - копытные :

1) odd-toed ungulates – непарнокопытные:


tapir – тапир

rhinoceros – носорог

African black rhino

2) even-toed ungulates -парнокопытные:




3) elephants

tusk – клык, бивень

trunk - хобот

ruminants – жвачные

Bactrian camel (two-humped camel) – двугорбый верблюд


elk – лось


goat (rock goat)



chamois – серна


сarnivores (beasts of prey) – плотоядные

The order includes the following families of living mammals:

1) Canidae (dogs, wolves, jackals, and foxes)

2) Ursidae (bears: brown bear, polar bear = white bear, grizzly bear, panda)

3) Procyonidae (raccoons – семейство енотовых)

4) Mustelidae (skunk - скунс, mink - норка, weasel - ласка, badger - барсук, otter - выдра)

5) Viverridae (mongooses)

6) Hyaenidae (hyenas)

7) Felidae (cats: lion (lion’s mane – грива), tiger, leopard, cheetah = hunting leopard - гепард, lynx – рысь, jaguar)

8) Otariidae and Phocidae (seals – семейство тюленьих (eared and earless seals): fur seal = sea bear; common seal = sea calf)

9) Odobenidae (walrus)

paw – лапа

claw – коготь

fang - клык




orangutan, orang-outang

baboon – бабуин

marmoset - мартышка

macaque – макака


1) snakes:


rattle snake – гремучая змея

boa – удав

python – питон

asp, adder, viper – гадюка

2) turtles

3) lizards

4) crocodiles and alligators,

5) tuatara - a greenish-grey lizard-like rhynchocephalian reptile, Sphenodon punctatus, occurring only on certain small islands near New Zealand: it is the sole surviving member of a group common in Mesozoic times. гаттерия, туатара

6) a great many extinct types such as dinosaurs


1) frogs and toads

2) salamanders and newts - тритоны

3) apoda/caecilians – безногие



Fish. Sea and River Animals

crucian – карась

gudgeon – пескарь

carp – карп

ruff – ерш

perch – окунь

herring – сельдь

pike – щука

sardine – сардина

tuna – тунец

salmon – лосось

catfish – сом

sterlet – стерлядь

flat-fish, flounder – камбала

trout – форель

cod (pl. cod) – треска

eel - угорь

school/shoal of fish – стая рыб

fin, flipper – плавник

abdominal/pelvic fin – брюшной плавник

pectoral/thoracic fin – грудной плавник

dorsal fin – спинной плавник

caudal fin – хвостовой плавник

gill – жабры

scales – чешуя

barbel – ус (у рыбы)

roe, spawn – икра

to spawn – метать икру

spawning – нерест

tadpole – головастик

Crustacea (= shellfish) - ракообразные

crawfish, crayfish – рак

walrus, morse – морж

octopus – осьминог; tentacle – щупальце осьминога

medusa; tentacle – щупальце; umbrella - зонтик


seal – тюлень

fur seal – морской котик


oyster – устрица

starfish – морская звезда

stingray – скат

shark (e.g. blue shark)


How do they “speak”?

twittering, chirping - чириканье

to hoot - ухать (of owls)

to croak - квакать

horses neigh – лошади ржут

horses snort – лошади храпят

pigs grunt – свиньи хрюкают

cows moo

donkeys bray – ослы ревут

calves bleat – телята мычат

dogs bark

dogs whine

dogs howl

cats miaow/meow/mew

cats purr

hens cackle – куры кудахчут

cocks crow – петухи кукарекают

chicks cheep – цыплята пищат

geese honk – гуси гогочут

ducks quack – утки крякают

frogs croak – лягушки квакают

pigeons coo – голуби воркуют

birds twitter/chirp – птицы чирикают/щебечут

bees buzz/hum пчелы жужжат

mice squeak – мыши пищат

owls hoot – совы ухают

to shed hair, to cast the coat - линять (о животных)

to moult, to cast / to shed feathers - (о птицах)

to slough - (о змее)

skin - шкура

hair - шерсть

to butt - бодаться

to calve – телиться

to foal – жеребиться

to pup – щениться

to kitten – котиться (о кошках, овцах, кроликах)

to hibernate - зимовать

crossing, interbreeding - скрещивание

national park, reserve, reservation - заповедник

reproduction - размножение

- sexual reproduction

- asexual reproduction

- reproduction by gemmation


Where Do They Live?

берлога – den, lair

гнездо – nest, eyrie – орлиное гнездо

голубятня – dovecot(e), pigeon loft

гусятник – goose-pen, goose-run

овчарня – sheep-fold

конура – kennel

муравейник – ant-hill

курятник – hen-house, hencoop

телятник – calf-house

коровник – cow-shed

свинарник (хлев) – pigsty

улей – beehive



волнушка – coral milky cap

груздь – milk-agaric

лисичка – chanterelle

мухомор – fly-agaric

масленок – butter mushroom

опенок – honey agaric

подберезовик – brown mushroom

сморчок – morel

шампиньон – field mushroom

грибница – mushroom spawn

съедобные грибы – edible fungi

несъедобные грибы (поганки) – toadstools



устье (реки) - mouth

исток - headstream

приток - tributary

слияние – confluence

ручей – brook




Environmental Issues

biodegradable adjective

biodegradable substances can be separated into very small parts by bacteria so that they are not harmful to the environment

biohazard noun

something that may cause harm to people or to the environment, especially a poisonous chemical or an infectious disease

biological control noun

biology a method of reducing the number of harmful insects by using other insects or small animals that feed on them

the carbon cycle noun

biology the movement of carbon between living things and their environment. carbon dioxide is taken from the atmosphere and used by plants. It then moves from plants eaten as food to animals, and is returned to the atmosphere by the respiration of plants and animals and by the burning of plant material.

carbon-neutral adjective

a carbon-neutral activity, company etc balances the amount of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide it produces with actions that are designed to protect the environment, for example planting trees or using less electricity

carbon sink noun

an ocean, forest, or other area of vegetation plants and trees that helps to protect the environment by taking in large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

carbon trading noun

a system that allows a company or country that reduces the amount of carbon dioxide it produces to below a particular level to sell the extra reduction as a credit to a company or country that has not reduced the amount it produces enough

catalytic converter noun

a piece of equipment fitted to a car in order to reduce the amount of poisonous gases that it sends into the air

clean adjective

clean machines and processes do not create a lot of pollution

Clean up

to remove pollution from a place or an industrial process

cleanly adverb

without creating a lot of mess or pollution

clean-up noun

the process of removing pollution or waste from a place or an industrial process

climate change noun

the changes that are thought to be affecting the world’s weather so that it is becoming warmer

conservation noun

the management of land and water in ways that prevent it from being damaged or destroyed

conservation noun

the careful use of energy, water, and other resources, so that they are not wasted or lost

conservation area noun

an area of land that is protected from being damaged

conserve verb

to prevent land, water, or other natural resources from being damaged or destroyed

conserve verb

to use very little of something such as electricity or water so that it is not wasted

contaminate verb

to make something dirty, polluted, or poisonous by adding a chemical, waste, or infection

contaminated adjective

made dirty, polluted, or poisonous by the addition of a chemical, waste, or infection

deforestation noun

the process of removing the trees from an area of land

eco- prefix

relating to the environment used with some nouns and adjectives

eco-friendly adjective

designed to cause as little harm as possible to the environment

ecological adjective

working to protect the environment

ecoterrorist noun

someone who tries to stop or damage organizations that cause harm to the environment

ecotourism noun

tourism the business of creating and selling holidays that give people the chance to learn about a natural environment, and cause as little damage to the environment as possible

endangered species noun

a type of animal or plant that may soon become extinct disappear from the world

environmental adjective

relating to the natural world and the effect that human activity has on it

environmental adjective

intended to help or protect the environment

environmental accounting noun

business a way of calculating the cost of a business decision that includes all its good and bad effects on, for example, the environment and people’s health, as well as the direct costs

environmentally adverb

in a way that affects the environment or is related to it

environmentally friendly adjective

designed not to harm the natural environment

environmentally sensitive area noun

an area where the natural environment can easily be harmed

global warming noun

the slow increase in the temperature of the Earth caused partly by the greenhouse effect increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

green adjective

used about places in which the environment is protected

green adjective

designed to protect the environment or to limit damage to the environment

green adjective

green issues are issues that affect the environment

green audit noun

business an examination of what a company is doing to prevent its business activities from harming the environment

green belt noun

an area of land around large cities where no buildings are allowed in order to protect the countryside

the greenhouse effect noun

the process in which heat is unable to escape from the atmosphere and causes the temperature of the Earth to rise The rise in temperature is called global warming.

greening noun

the process of taking a greater interest in environmental issues and acting to protect the environment

greenly adverb

in a way that does not harm the environment

greenwash noun

showing disapproval activities by a business or other organization that are intended to show that the organization is concerned about the environment


a British spelling of naturalize

naturalize verb

to encourage plants to grow or animals to live in an area where they are not usually found

nature reserve noun

an area of land that is protected so that people cannot harm the animals and plants that live there

the nitrogen cycle noun

biology the series of processes by which nitrogen in the atmosphere is changed into nitrogen compounds in soil from and taken in by plants. These compounds spread into the atmosphere when the plants decay or are eaten by animals and are passed from their bodies as waste. They are then changed back into nitrogen in the atmosphere.

non-renewable adjective

non-renewable types of energy exist in limited amounts, and when these are all used there will be none left

ozone-friendly adjective

chemicals that are ozone-friendly do not cause pollution that damages the ozone layer

poison verb

to create pollution that damages part of the environment

pollute verb

to make air, water, or land too dirty and dangerous for people to use in a safe way

polluter noun

a person or company responsible for causing pollution

pollution noun

the process of damaging the air, water, or land with chemicals or other substances

preservation noun

the process of working to protect something valuable so that it is not damaged or destroyed

preservation noun

involved in preservation

preserve verb

to take care of a place or building in order to prevent it from being harmed or destroyed

protected adjective

used about animals, plants, and other things that the law prevents people from harming

rainforest noun

a forest in a tropical region of the world where it rains a lot. Rainforests are considered to be important environmental areas and many people want them to be protected by law

reclaim verb

to improve an area of land so that it can be used

recyclable adjective

able to be recycled

recycle verb

to change waste materials such as newspapers and bottles so that they can be used again

recycling noun

the process of changing waste materials such as newspapers and bottles so that they can be used again

reforestation noun

the act of putting new trees into a place where the original trees have been cut down

reintroduce verb

to return a type of animal or plant to an area where it lived in the past so that it can continue to develop there

release verb

science to let a substance or energy spread into the area or atmosphere around it, especially as part of a chemical reaction

release noun

a situation in which something such as a chemical is spread into the area or atmosphere around it

renewable adjective

renewable energy and natural materials replace themselves by natural processes, so that they are never completely used up

reprocess verb

to process a waste substance so that it can be used again

reserve noun

British an area of land where wild animals or plants are officially protected

sanctuary noun

a special area where animals live in a natural environment protected from people

smog noun

polluted air that is a mixture of smoke and fog

sustainable adjective

using methods that do not harm the environment

sustainable development noun

economics the development of a country or region that does not use more natural resources than can be replaced and so does not harm the environment

toxic adjective

poisonous and harmful to people, animals, or the environment

unleaded adjective

unleaded petrol does not contain lead and is therefore less harmful to people and to the environment

unsustainable adjective

unsustainable farming methods, industries etc damage the environment because they use up more energy, wood, coal etc than can be replaced naturally

the water cycle noun

the continuous process by which water in seas, rivers, soil, living things etc evaporates into the atmosphere, where it forms clouds that produce rain or snow so that it goes back into the seas, rivers, soil etc again

contamination noun

ecoterrorism noun

ecotourist noun

environmentalism noun

naturalization noun

reclamation noun

sustainability noun

toxicity noun


acid rain noun

rain containing a high level of acid that can damage the environment It is caused by pollution in the air.

carbon dioxide noun

chemistry a gas without colour or smell, produced when you breathe out or when substances containing carbon are burnt. The fact that the earth is getting hotter because of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is called the greenhouse effect.

carbon emissions noun

carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in the atmosphere, produced by vehicles and industrial processes

CFC noun

chemistry chlorofluorocarbon: a gas used in fridges and in some aerosol containers. CFCs are not often used any more because they damage the ozone layer of the Earth’s atmosphere.

chlorofluorocarbon noun

chemistry a cfc

contaminant noun

formal a substance that makes something dirty, polluted, or poisonous

effluent noun

liquid waste such as sewage human waste or waste from a factory

emission noun

a substance, especially a gas, that goes into the air

exhaust noun

gases or steam produced by an engine as it works

fluorocarbon noun

chemistry a chemical that is thought to damage the ozone layer of the Earth’s atmosphere

fly-tipping noun

British the activity of leaving waste material in a place where it is not allowed

greenhouse gas noun

a gas that stops heat from escaping from the atmosphere and causes the greenhouse effect Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas.

noise pollution noun

dangerous or annoying levels of noise

oil slick noun

a layer of oil floating on the sea or on a lake

particulates noun

science extremely small particles of a substance or substances, especially those that cause air pollution

pollutant noun

a substance that is harmful to the environment

pollution noun

chemicals and other substances that have a harmful effect on air, water, or land

runoff noun

science a flow of water or chemicals from one place to another, especially when this damages the environment

smokestack industry noun

an industry involved in making things in factories using big machines and processes that produce a lot of pollution

sulphur dioxide noun

chemistry a poisonous gas with a strong smell, used in industry and often a cause of air pollution

toxic waste noun

industrial or chemical waste products that are harmful to the environment


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