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Breaking News From Heaven And Galactic Federation Of Light! “Operation Home Free” Cabal Amnesty Explained, Debt Jubilee, Ending Current Reign Of Terror, Admonishment From Heaven To Prevent 1000 More Years Of Dark, “Low Key” Jesus And Ascended Master Sightings Around The World

Dear readers~ As the lastest messages from Company of Heaven via Kathryn, and Galactic Federation Of Light via Mike Quinsey (both reposted below and highly recommended reading), we are in a very sensitive time, as the Light floods the planet, we are still left to deal with the fact, that we allow organized evil, to control every aspect of our lives… many lightworkers sit and wait… many humans yawn at these developments and updates from heavenly sources… demanding proof that the Light has already won… and yet one thing persists… it’s the cabal minions who are trying to take over our planet and lives. There is a missing ingredient in freeing ourselves… you see, to be a free human being doesn’t involve being controlled by your mind or anyone’s mind… it’s all about heart… there is a need now more than ever for more heart energy from each and every one of us… many humans have mistakenly believed that force = power… when in fact, using force, shows how powerless you actually are…. the cabal too, have demonstrated much force… and are thus, demonstrating that they have little power… only the power of the illusion-matrix, is what they believe to be real, but is not.

Previous heavenly messages have eluded to a new financial system that will include a debt jubilee… essentially wiping the slate clean of all bean-counting…. and why as this current financial system is flawed and crooked, it is geared towards evil controlling everything… so why not let it go?

Operation Home Free Cabal Amnesty? Basically, there is a need on earth to deal with the evil we have allowed to control every aspect of our lives… Operation Home Free, is an effort… do you support it? What do you support, to deal with the situation on earth? Are you one of those humans who want to be free from the cabal, but can’t stop supporting illuminati artists, and their mind control movies, music and media? Do you realize that by entertaining yourself with darkness, is effectively choosing darkness? Are you really okay with 1000 more years of darkness? Will that be ‘entertaining’?

Heaven is suggesting from the admonishment that we are not exactly ‘home free’ yet…. of creating 1000 more years of darkness, that each of us has a response-ability to join more with heaven and the rest of the multiverse… ask yourself, why did you come to earth anyways? Just to be used and abused and then to whine about it… or did you come here under self-direction to challenge yourself, to rise up in your power to return home to the light, where all souled-beings originate? Think about it… feel it with your heart… can you envision a reality free of darkness, or is the mind control so prevalent in you, that you cannot come up with a good reason to join with heaven and the ones who created you and this planet? What can you personally do, to end the reign of terror in your mind, that says agreeing with Satan is okay, and taking an unpopular stance with heaven, is not okay?

As the ships from the galactics continue to show themselves in our skies, so too, can we expect more sightings of Jesus Sananda and the Ascended Masters… in “Operation Peek-a-boo”…. in fact it sounds like there are going to be many more surprises, from both sides… the end of September will prove to be rather interesting… I know many lightworkers just take the wait and see approach… but we also remember that all that is required for darkness to prevail, is for the Light to do nothing. Imagine if you were harmed in a traffic accident… would it suffice I walked by and said, “I send you light and love”… or would a helping hand be more appropriate, as light and love in action? Do you think earthlings got the distinction of creating the darkest planet in the universe, with love or fear? Earth… Is Now The Center Of Interest In The Universe, As Densest Planet In The Universe

Human you have some love inside, it needs to come out… or you will suffer, it has always been this way.

Indian in the machine

The Unprecedented Big September Energy Wave And It’s Effect On The Newly Awakened Humans

September Blood Moon “Ganesha’ Portal Sept. 23-28… Ganesha Photographed In Canadian Sky 2014

Archangel Michael: Major Sept. Announcement Coming On Financial System And Great Abundance, Ascension Wave Update

September 2015, Eclipses, Equinox, Wave X And Miraculous Divine Plan

Updated! Illuminati Know What Is Coming… God Does Too, Here’s What To Do!

Illuminati Know What Is Coming September 22-28, 2015 (Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4), Combined Disasters Warning!

Illuminati Removal Process Explained: God Could Not Save The Queen! Queen Elizabeth’s Soul Has Been Uncreated By Her Choice

Mother’s Mini-Message #22: Operation Home Free by Mother God


Dearest Children, I have an important message for all of you. I will embed with this message the pictures and feelings that I hope will make it possible for you to understand the deepest meanings behind my words. This is a turning point for Earth. All of you have worked so hard to lift yourselves higher and higher within yourselves, and you have turned your attention to creating Light all around you with your loving actions. You have made it possible, in accordance with our long-standing agreements, for us to contribute in important ways. You may not have been able to see the effects of what we have done, because the last layer of darkness left on Earth has been controlled by the remaining cabal – the minions who are left here since the Archon Alliance, the Anunnaki, and the Reptilians all left to return to the Light. Our combined important actions did not change the effects of the last remnants of the most dedicated practitioners of darkness – those remaining in human bodies – the ones you have called the 13 families, the Illuminati, or the cabal. Their intransigence has been without precedence in the Universe, which you may find as much a revelation as we do. As we have told you, you were created in our image. Humankind was designed to be sturdy, resilient, resolute and determined. These qualities are displayed in full measure among the ones who have aligned themselves with the dark and destructive Matrix – a system of programmed thoughts and feelings that was created by their handlers and mentors who have since left it behind to return to us in the Light. Ironically, the cabal allegiance to darkness is a demonstration of these very qualities we intended for you, simply misdirected in service to a program that is now obsolete. It is not surprising is it, that our brightest and most experienced souls came to Earth in this lifetime to stand against the most powerful of their brethren who are holding fast to their dark belief system. Regardless of whether their strengths be used for good or evil, all our human children have the qualities of strength and determination. These are human qualities you have seen demonstrated everywhere across the globe, by many who cling to their religious and cultural beliefs in the face of all opposition. You do not think of religious fanatics as cabal, or belligerent political separatists as Illuminati, but the strains of obstinacy, opinionated positioning, pious self-righteousness, the use of violent imagery of all kinds – all are an outgrowth of the allegiance to darkness. They are also an outgrowth of the valiant human spirit. This is what we see in our human children – the combination of their wondrous bodies and minds, their eternal souls whom we have known since their birth, and the present culmination of lifetimes of experience here on the darkest of all planets, your beloved Terra. Those of you who have held fast to your Faith and your own determination to bring Light to your planet have appealed to us with such urgency and heart-felt longing to bring an end to this terrible struggle that you have inspired round-the-clock efforts on the part of the Company of Heaven to find a quick and peaceful end to this current reign of terror. It has continued in spite of the programs conducted in the Temple of Light in which the higher selves of the Earth cabal were rehabilitated and trained to bring their incarnates back to the Light. We acknowledge to you now that we truly expected this dramatic shift to have a more immediate effect on the ground. In response to your continued cries to put an end to the suffering these determined incarnates have perpetrated on all with their sadistic programs of chemical, biological and sound frequency pollution, we are moving quickly into a new phase which must, by definition, be felt by all of you on the ground. I am speaking with you now of these things in order to appeal for your support and wisdom in carrying them out. Operation Home Free is already under way. It is an amnesty program that will work most quickly and efficiently to remove those who are causing the greatest harm. If we were to proceed with prosecution of all, programs which have been going on for years, it would require continuing years of evidence gathering, court procedures and agonizing divisiveness amongst our children, including the Lightworkers. We wish to take the most merciful and swift path to resolving the nightmare that is darkness on Planet Earth. Do not think, Dear Ones, as I hear you preparing to object, that this is “letting them get away with it.” I assure you, if every person on Earth who had participated in darkness were to be taken away in handcuffs to jail, all of you would be under arrest. Revenge and punishment is part of what created the current dilemma, and it cannot be resolved with violence or retribution. Beware what you wish for for those you consider your enemies, or you will find yourself in another millennia of war, poverty and suffering, with or without the cabal. Now, with that admonishment ringing in your lovely ears, let me continue to tell you what our Operation Home Free really is. It is an opportunity for the cabal members who are here on Surface Earth in bodies to leave their positions of power over the current destructive programs, and to turn themselves in, without prejudice, as you say in the law. It is the only way to clear away all programs and to allow the people who are running them – and there are millions – to turn away from the vortex of planning, designing and executing the complex web of dark programs through which they control every element of life on Earth. The ones in charge are as much prisoners of their own programs as you are, for they each fear the retribution of their families and colleagues as much as you do. There is no way for them to leave their niche in the great wheel of the Matrix, even if they wanted to, without an escape route to safety. They will be offered refugee status if they agree to leave all connection to the old power systems behind. Like refugees from war-torn countries, they will leave everything they have known and profited from, to seek protection in the Light. We must be able to offer and provide physical safety for those who choose willingly to leave, and we will guarantee that they and their loved ones who flee with them be treated with dignity, and be provided opportunities to join in the efforts to dismantle the programs they helped to create, as a part of their restitution efforts. We have seen how powerful and effective are our Reptilian children who came to the Light. They will be helping to organize and teach the restoration programs for refugees from the cabal, just as they were welcomed and restored to their capacity to be dedicated Lightworkers. All are working with the Ashtar Command to establish safe zones for escapees. You are already feeling a massive shift in the Light quotient on Earth, which we are sending to you in preparation for the implementation of Operation Home Free. There are many Lightworkers now in the ranks of the military around the world, and especially in the United States, who are prepared to oversee a massive program of this sort. They will work with our teams of angels and Masters, overseen by your beloved Ashtar, Sananda, Archangel Michael, Kwan Yin and St. Germain, among others. They are working closely with their twin flames on the ground to create fertile ground for the success of this program. One of the previews to this great change has been to allow some of our well-known and recognizable Masters, including Sananda and Archangel Michael, to provide “Sightings” of themselves around the world, to reassure Lightworkers that they are as interested in making contact with all of you as they are in bringing the cabal under our direction. They have begun doing this in a very low-key way, appearing to some who are quietly in support of the Light. This will increase, just as the sightings of ships are increasing, to include some who will write about their “visions” on the internet. What our delighted and very humorous Masters now call “Operation Peek-a-Boo” will soon become “Operation Hello, Everyone!” My beloved children, my heart sings with delight as we see the glorious effect of all these efforts take hold in your dimension. It is like the updraft through a great chimney – the sparks rise on the waves of bright energy, as you all raise your eyes to the sky and speak to us with one voice. We hear your cry, Beloved Ones. We hear you saying, “We want peace on Earth. We want an end to suffering and a new life without fear and without the old heaviness and dread we have lived with for what seems an eternity to us here on the ground. We long for the freedom and happiness we envision as our New Golden Age. We are ready!” Yes, Dear hard-working and dedicated Children of the Light, you are ready. Indeed you are, and we are delighted with your contribution to this glorious transition. You have led the way, Dear Ones, and we could not love or respect you more. I am your loving Mother God, awake and alive and vibrating in the frequencies of joy that you will feel as the updraft that will carry you all into the celebrations of Life, Love, Joy and expansion you will feel within yourselves and around you from this day forth. Breathe with us, Beloved Children. We are creating a New World with you as the ones who will carry it forward. We have promised you a New Golden Age, but even we of the Company of Heaven are breathless as it comes into being before us. We are doing this together, Beloved Creators. We are One. I am your Mother God, beside you in all you do. I love you with unending admiration and joy.


Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, September 15, 2015

September 8, 2015 / indianinthemachine2

Archangel Michael: New Sept. Financial System, Prime Creator Stops Cabal Plans, First Ascension Wave Confirmation, Nibiru Not In This Dimension/Universe, Unity Christ Consciousness, Pole Shift Timeline Passed, Health Guidance, First Contact Protocol And More!

Indian in the machine: I put out a call to channelers to address these 15 question/points… these responses below, are from Archangel Michael, channeled through Clouisosburn ….fun and sometimes surprising stuff! I will be following up these questions with some more questions that will be posted at https://prophecychief.wordpress.com/ As usual, process all this and everything else with your heart.

15 Significant Questions To Ask Channelers On September and 2015-2016 Events

1. Is Montague Keen accurate in the plans to crash the financial system and are there plans to mess with humanity with multiple disasters? Montague Keen: “The banks have planned their “FALL” for the 23 September.”

Answer 1

This is Archangel Michael. Thank you for engaging with me in this fashion. I am more than happy to answer these questions. Those who have wish to continue the current control system do have plans to create havoc and fear in September. However, all such plans have been stopped by decree from Prime Creator.

2. Are there plans for the light to help humanity with a new financial system in early September? Galactic Federation Of Light On Significant September Changes, And Unlimited Support From Galactics!

Answer 2
There are plans for help with the financial system. The financial system is currently being stabilized by galactics to avoid panic. There will be a switchover to a new gold back system that will allow lightworkers to be funded for their Divine Works. This is to come first. This date will come in September. This date has high potential in the second week of September. You live on a free will planet. Therefore, any one of thousands of individuals must all agree to execute certain procedures in order to “turn on” the system. Just one who does not execute their part of the process will cause a delay. Something as simple as a car that does not start that keeps a person from making a meeting could force a delay. We can only provide probabilities.

3. Is the message in this Archangel Michael channeling, accurate? Archangel Michael On September 28th; ~2.3 Billion People Will Perceive 5D; Gamma Light Affects DNA; The Super Light Body

Answer 3
This statement is mostly true. By the end of the month, approximately 2.3 billion will have perceived 5D. This will happen in waves and will start before September 28.

4. Is earth still in the vicinity of Nibiru and is it feeling any effects from Nibiru like changes in our magnetosphere, and the increases in fireballs, red dust storms, red rain, earthquakes and tectonic stress, as expressed from the Zetas? Zetas: “The Earth Is Now Trapped In Front Of Planet X”,…Devastation Not Seen In 50000 Years Forthcoming

Answer 4
This is fear propaganda and is not true. There is no planet Nibiru in this dimension.

5. Is humanity going to be visited by beings from Nibiru?

Answer 5
No beings from Nibiru will be visiting at this time on Earth

6. Has our solar system been ‘driven’ to the centre of the universe or multiverse? “The Event” Clue Via “The One”: Earth Will Become Centre Of Universe And Multiverse Earth… Now A Few Steps Away From The Centre Of The Universe? What Is Going On??? Breaking Inter-Galactic News!! Ashtar: Earth Traveling Like Rocket Towards Centre Of Multiverse; Earth Scientists Given Hologram To Look At

Answer 6
The Earth is not traveling toward the center of the universe. This is a distorted message. Distance is an illusion. Earth, however, is now the center of interest in the universe because of the events happening here. As the densest planet in the Universe, interest is high for humanity to break free and join what you call 5d or Christ Consciousness or Unity Consciousness.

7. How extensive is the influence of earthlings, towards all universes? Mini-Message # 16 – Earth Takes Her Place As the Heart of the Multiverse

Answer 7
Humanity rising into Christ or Unity Consciousness pulls all lower density groups and planets toward Christ or Unity Consciousness. For the Primer Creator, Company of Heaven, and for all who serve by bring light to lower density worlds, this is a cause for great rejoice. To graduate from the lower densities is an accomplishment that is necessary on the Journey of becoming a Co-Creator with the Prime Creator and to ultimately becoming the equal of Prime Creator. The great All That Is, (Prime Creator’s Mother/Father), wishes for humanity to evolve to where we each can join in the adventure of exploring the All That Is in those areas not yet explored. Our experiences on Earth and in the higher planes is our training for this eventuality.

8. Are significant earthquakes as mentioned in this article, accurate in terms of a major New Madrid earthquake starting off a chain reaction of events, that will ‘wake up’ humanity to love? Zeta 2015 Update On World Tectonic Plates: Significant New Madrid Earthquakes Later This Year! Zeta “Exterrestrials” Call Nasa “Desperate” In Attempts To Expain Away Nibiru-Caused Earth Changes

Answer 8
Earthquakes will occur as a natural by-product of physical changes within Earth. These Earthquakes shall be kept to a minimum. Nibiru is not in your dimension / universe and cannot affect the Earth. Please understand that it is counter productive to have large scale fear inducing events during this time of moving towards Divine Love and Unity. All such fear inducing events are not in this timeline. There is only one timeline and it is marching toward Ascension for Earth and for all Earth inhabitants, on and off planet.

9. Is it true, that humanity needs to focus on ley lines to free ourselves from the slavery grid, and if so, what specifically can we do that can have the most effect and on what date do you suggest humanity comes together on this matter? Oh Dear! See Obvious Connection! Compare Worldwide HAARP Map, With Ley Line Map

Answer 9
The ley lines are now active. Earth’s energy grid is active. Humanity should focus on meditation, drinking water, clearing old patterns, eating higher light quotient food (plant based proteins and fruits and nuts), and forgiving those that seek to enslave and control. We become what we focus upon (emphases by ArchAngel Michael). If we focus on fighting those that seek to harm us then we become those who harm others. Allow the dark Ones to feel the Light and Love and they will transform. Send those who seek to enslave Light, Love, and Forgiveness and they shall lose their fear and thus their appetite of lusting after control and power.

10. Are we in the times leading up to a pole shift, and what is your best guidance pertaining to this matter if there is an upcoming pole shift happening soon? Zetas Describe 7 Steps To The Pole Shift, Provide Poleshift Map, And Crucial Research

Answer 10
There will not be a pole shift. The time line that had high probability of a pole shift disappeared after the harmonic convergence meditation and ceremonial activities in 1987.

11. Is it accurate that there is a huge genetic activation in September, as mentioned in this channeling, and if so, could you elaborate on how we can best prepare, both collectively and individually? Archangel Michael On First Wave Of Ascension, And Those Who Stay As World Falls Apart

Answer 11
There will be a huge genetic activation in September. There is no need to prepare other than to state your intentions to gracefully and thankfully accept this gift from Prime Creator. Genetic activations have been occurring for a number of years. When spiritual initiates work on expanding their spirituality and raising their vibration / light quotient through meditation, service to others, stating intentions, disciplining the mind, staying in the now, being thankful, raising vibration, and sending Love and Light and Forgiveness to all, the genetic modifications increase in speed and scope. The impending mass genetic activations is the equivalent of getting a free ride up a few rungs on the spiritual ladder. This will cause many to feel a permanent heart opening and the bliss of Prime Creator’s love. This will cause some to physically ascend to 5d. Depending upon your current frequency, you will have varying experiences that will be perfect for your current state of consciousness (frequency / light quotient).

12. Will people start short circuiting as earth continues to be bathed in ever stronger, gamma radiation… how can earthlings best prepare for these specific gamma radiation surges?

Answer 12
The energies are individually buffered for each individual. There are, literally, teams attached to each incarnated on Earth and the amount of energy given to each is carefully modulated. If you could see interdimensionally, you would be in awe at the attention that each human on earth is given. To answer the question: No. People will not be short circuiting. What will happen is that those people who are strongly attached to the illusions of of their incarnated lives such as their ideas of success, limiting ideas (of religious or scientific dogma, judgments, etc.) may react in unpredictable ways that can include extreme fear, anger and denial.

13. Is this first contact channeling, accurate?

“We come to describe to you what is to occur moments after the “Event”. Part of the excitement we come to share is that we shall appear to millions upon millions even billions of people upon the planet. You will see and experience what you choose to see and experience. We will be experienced by the billions in very individual ways.

If you believe in Mohammed, you will see Mohammed. If you believe in Buddha, you shall see Buddha. If you believe in Jesus, you shall see the Master Jesus return. If you have no awareness of Lady Nada, I will not be visiting at that moment. The celestial skies will be filled with the multi-dimensional selves that you have come to understand for yourselves as well as for all of us.

We have chosen to come in different personality and to bring messages across the world. Those things that have been noted in this group, those things such as the similarity in messages that are being brought are a sign of the times. The similarity in messages presented in different languages around the world. The messages that are from different Masters and through different channels are similar. The Galactics join all those who are bringing you messages.” Breaking!!! “We Shall Appear To Millions, Even Billions Of People Around The Planet

Answer 13
This message is correct. However, please understand that this experience will be appearing only to those who have a genuine belief in these Ascended Masters and Prime Creator or God. Also understand that this experience will occur in a point of no time. During this point of no time, “in the blink of an eye” many minutes or even hours can pass that will allow those that believe this experience to interact as long as they want with those Ascended Beings that they believe in. Those that do not believe will have a different experience unique tailored to their level of consciousness. Only beings who are in service to God will be allowed to communicate with Earth Humans during this event. With over 7 billion incarnated souls on the planet, there will be many different experiences. All experiences are designed to communicate that we live in a Loving Universe, that Prime Creator loves us all and that we have done nothing wrong. Also explained to many is the story of reincarnation and how we use reincarnation to allow us additional chances to learn the lessons that we wanted to learn on Earth and to enjoy the experience of being in a 3d emotional and feeling environment and to enjoy the beauty of Mother Earth and her kingdoms. All will receive the deep Knowing that we are all One with Prime Creator and that to seek to judge others or ourselves is the same as judging Prime Creator. This is the most important lesson to learn.

14, Is there a first wave of ascension happening in the end of September, and is there a possibility for further delay on this matter? First Wave Of Ascension: Covering Earth With Christs! Mother God: First Wave Of First Wave Is At The Gates… Being 3D Practical Is Harming Your Opportunity To Ascend

Answer 14
There will be a first wave Event (and subsequent waves) that will propel all up the ladder of spirituality. Each wave event will propel more into physical Ascension. There will be no delay since this Event Series is not controlled by those on Earth who wish to delay or deflect. All attempts to delay or deflect have been stopped and will not be allowed upon Decree by Prime Creator.

15, Please comment on whether or not the Kolbrin bible passage highlighted here, is of any significant, and if so, how so? Kolbrin Prophecy: THE PEOPLE WILL SCATTER IN MADNESS, and will seek refuge within dens of the earth!

Answer 15
As mentioned earlier, some misguided souls will react in unpredictable ways after experiencing the series of Event waves. Some will react in fear. Those who react in fear may choose to hide underground. The responses of 7 billion will be fear on one end of the spectrum to joy and ecstasy on the other end. Many will fall in between. All will have many waves that will allow them to choose service to others, service to Prime Creator and physical Ascension.



Sananda On September 28th High Photon Energy: First Ascension May Be For “Few” Who Will Return In Crystalline Bodies, Others May Suddenly Awaken; Much Work Still Ahead… The “Next” Supper With “Jesus”

Thursday, September 17, 2015 12:31

Dear world~ We have another welcomed message from our returned master teacher Sananda (and One Who Serves) via James McConnell (reposted below)… basically saying that the numbers for a first wave ascension will likely be low… but those who do choose ascension will likely return to help out the others for the next ascension waves to come. Sananda says the wave of photonic energy will settle alot of warring energy inside us, and will ultimately result in more peace. The ascension does not represent the ‘end’ because there is always a new beginning… would it be surprising to know that when Jesus returns, that there will be wine served at the table? Hmmmmm? Indian in the machine

From Sananda vis James McConnell:

But the time is now. Look at this month, this September. Look at September 28th and at this photon energy coming in that is supposed to be at its highest level ever. And yes, that is true. It is going to be. Can we say that all of you are going to Ascend in that moment and go off in your Rainbow Bodies and cross the Rainbow Bridge to get back to your higher selves? No. We say that is not necessarily going to happen. It may happen for a few but there is still much of those who are still awakening, too much work that is still ahead.

And yes, those of you who have been sitting back and thinking that you are going to be relieved or delivered or thinking that the Rapture is going to come or any of these things, no, that is not the way it is working. It is working with you. You have to be the ones to make this happen.

So, on the day that this goes through, those of you who are listening to this call and are resonating with these words, you will feel the energy the most. But there will be many across the planet that will also be feeling this energy as well. There will be those holding arms and looking for a battle but will turn to one another and say, “Why. Why are we doing this? There is no reason to continue on like this! Why would I want to harm my brother and my sister?” And they will begin to realize, not the unification that you have, but they will begin to realize a connection that everyone is a brother, everyone is a sister. I can tell you now that time is coming. That moment is nearly here.

When you feel these energies move through you, yes, on the 28th, may be a few days before, may be a few days after, maybe a week later, we are not going to say exactly because everybody will resonate to these energies differently. So, you, yourselves, we can tell you to prepare. Prepare for yourself. Do you need to prepare for safety for each other as far as stockpiling weapons and these types of things? NO! Certainly not. That is the old paradigm and that will not work in the New Age that is coming upon you. That will not work in the new vibrations that are here now and will be exceeding the vibrations you are feeling now by a tremendous amount.

So we tell you again now, be ready. Those times are here. You are ready to cross the finish line. There is no turning back at this point. Why would anyone want to turn back? We know you don’t. We know that you came here to finish this race, to finish this journey. You are all working together with us and we are working together with you. And together, my brothers, my sisters and my friends we are going to make this happen. It is a joint effort, a unified effort. We will come together in oneness. Archangel Michael has been speaking of peace. We will come together in peace. The entire planet will come together in peace. It is destined. It cannot be stopped.

There are those of the Cabal, the Dark Forces who are still working at it. They are fighting tooth and nail to hold on to their life that they have created. They realize now that they are at their end. They are fully realizing that they cannot hold on much longer. Yet they still proceed. They still continue to be arrogant and think that they can overcome heaven. How could anyone possible do that?

So, that is not going to happen. There is not going to be any nuclear war. There is not going to be any major pandemic across the planet. There is not going to be any culling of the populations that many of the sources have been saying. That is not going to happen. We have not worked as hard with all of you for many decades, many hundreds of years; many thousands of years to let it all go away in a puff of smoke. That will never happen.
So, I tell you now, all of you listening to this call heed my words, this is it! This is the end or the beginning. You decide. It is coming to the crescendo, a culmination and it will be very, very shortly.

That is my message, as Sananda. I will be with you many times in the future. There will be times when we will be joining hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, sitting across the table from one another, breaking bread and yes, even wine. The celebration has been prepared and it is waiting for you to sit at the tables!

All of my peace and love be with you.

More on Sept. 28 and other related concerns:


Two Channelings That Support The Theory, “The Event” Will Propel Humanity From Carbon Based To Crystalline Based, In The Blink Of An Eye: Metamorphic Transformation channeled through Peggy Black and the “Team”, And The manuscript of survival part 403 by Aisha North

Two Channelings That Support The Theory, “The Event” Will Propel Humanity From Carbon Based To Crystalline Based, In The Blink Of An Eye: Metamorphic Transformation channeled through Peggy Black and the “Team”, And The manuscript of survival part 403 by Aisha North


IITM: This is a latest attempt to sort through what is taking place on our planet… the bigger picture.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-26; просмотров: 112 | Нарушение авторских прав

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