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Best Jobs in America. Top 10 Best Jobs.

Читайте также:
  1. A. The article below describes the lives of two Russian teachers of English, Anya and Olga. Read the article and find out whether they are satisfied with their jobs.
  2. Chapter 6: International etiquette. Central and South America.
  3. Discuss if you would like to apply for one of the jobs. Give reasons for your answers.
  4. So then we asked some British people what they like or don't like about America...
  5. Topic 110: Today, more school leavers are unable to find jobs. Discuss the causes of rising unemployment among young adults and suggest any solutions.

MONEY Magazine and Salary.com researched hundreds of jobs, considering their growth, pay, stress-levels and other factors. These careers ranked highest:

Software Engineer

College Professor

Financial Adviser

Human Resources Manager

Physician Assistant

Market Research Analyst

Computer IT Analyst

Real Estate Appraiser




Software Engineer

Why it’s great: Software engineers are needed in virtually every part of the economy, making this one of the fastest-growing job titles in the U.S. Even so, it’s not for everybody.

Designing, developing and testing computer programs requires some pretty advanced math skills and creative problem-solving ability. If you’ve got them, though, you can work and live where you want: Telecommuting is quickly becoming widespread.

The profession is mostly young people the up-all-night-coding thing gets tired - but consulting and management positions aren’t hard to come by once you’re experienced.

What’s cool: Cutting-edge projects, like designing a new video game or tweaking that military laser. Extra cash from freelance gigs. Plus, nothing says cool like great prospects.

What’s not: Jobs at the biggest companies tend to be less creative (think Neo, pre-Matrix). Outsourcing is a worry. Eyestrain and back, hand and wrist problems are common.

Top-paying job: Release engineers, who are responsible for the final version of any software product, earn six figures.

Education: Bachelor’s degree, but moving up the ladder often requires a master’s.

College Professor

Why it’s great:

While competition for tenure-track jobs will always be stiff, enrollment is rising in professional programs, community colleges and technical schools -which means higher demand for faculty.

It’s easier to break in at this level, and often you can teach with a
master’s and professional experience. Demand is especially strong in fields that compete with the private sector (health science and business, for example).

The category includes moonlighting adjuncts, graduate TAs (Teaching Assistants) and college administrators.

What’s cool: Professors have near-total flexibility in their schedules. Creative thinking is the coin of the realm. No dress code!

What’s not: The tick-tick-tick of the tenure clock; grading papers; salaries at the low end are indeed low.

Top-paying job: University presidents’ pay can hit $550,000 or more, but most make about half that.

Education: Master’s or professional degree; Ph.D. for most tenured jobs.

Financial Adviser

Why it’s great: Twenty years ago, no one ever said, “I want to be a financial adviser when I grow up.” Now there are nearly 300 college programs for financial planning, and M.B.A.s, lawyers and accountants are jumping to this lucrative but more people-friendly profession. As company pensions die out and Americans increasingly have to manage their own retirement savings, financial planning is no longer just for the rich. And with Gen X-ers entering their peak earning years and boomers nearing retirement, business will get better still.

What’s cool: If you have a knack for numbers and a way with people, you can use Wall Street skills without selling your soul. You can work for yourself, for a small shop or for a giant financial services firm.

What’s not: Compliance rules mean lots of paperwork. Stress? You have to build a practice from the ground up.

Even lower-level managers are expected to design employee programs that also benefit the bottom line. International HR and compliance are especially hot. There’s a wide variety of work, from self-employed benefits specialists to corporate recruiters and HR generalists.

What’s cool: The mission: to make work more rewarding for workers. You help shape corporate culture and strategy.

What’s not: Fighting the “fluffy HR” stereotype; firing people.

Top-paying job: Senior HR directors make around $285,000; at the C-suite level, it does more like $1 million-plus.

Education: Bachelor’s degree, often followed by master’s level work or professional certification.

Physician Assistant

Why it’s great:

For most doctors, the worst part of their job is filling out paper-work and battling insurers. Physician’s assistants get to skip all that. Under a doctor’s supervision, they provide routine health care-conducting physical exams, ordering lab tests, prescribing medications, treating illnesses.

PAs can specialize, from the Emergency Room to pediatrics to orthopedics, and they can switch fields. Thanks to an aging population and demand for more cost-effective care, this job offers a level of security other professions can’t match.

What’s cool: Doctors’ work, bankers’ hours. PAs average 35 to 40 hours a week, and they can work part time and in a variety of settings.

What’s not You’re not the ultimate decision maker on patient treatment; there’s little room for advancement.

Top-paying job: Specialists in cardiothoracic surgery earn over $100,000.

Education: Four years of college, two to three years of training in an accredited program, plus national.

Market Research Analyst

Why it’s great: If you want to know what the next big thing is, this is your field. Before launching a product or service, companies turn to market research analysts who collect and evaluate data about consumer wants, needs and buying habits.

You get to work on a huge variety of projects: in a single day you might run a taste test on a new vodka flavor, evaluate a re-branding campaign for a hot dog and analyze political polling data.

What’s cool: Testing products before they hit the market. You talk to lots of people and get to ask them personal questions you wouldn’t dare pose at a party.

What’s not: Being mistaken for a telemarketer; deadlines; number crunching.

Top-paying job: A senior exec or partner in a consulting firm can earn more than $200,000.

Education: B.A. M.A. in statistics helps.

Computer IT Analyst

Why it’s great: Seems like the entire world is at the mercy of information technology folks, thanks to the rapid spread of computers and swell of the Internet. And all of these jobs pay well, from desktop support technician to Webmaster to database wonk.

Entry-level analysts make $60,000 and above. Senior database specialists and IT managers command six-figure salaries and decent bonuses. A bachelor’s degree is enough to get started..

What’s cool: Telecommuting and freelance gigs abound. Plus: e-mail snooping!

What’s not: Carpal tunnel syndrome; outsourcing will mean fewer entry-level and non-specialized jobs.

Top-paying job: Network operations directors, who are responsible for a company’s intranet, earn $250,000-plus.

Education: From a B.S. to a Ph.D.

Real Estate Appraiser

Why it’s great: The housing boom has meant beau- coup bucks for appraisers in recent years, but the field hasn’t gotten as crowded as real estate brokerage.

And because valuations are needed whenever any property is sold, mortgaged, insured, taxed or developed, there’s going to be work even when the market slows. A quarter of appraisers have steady nine-to-five government gigs assessing property for tax purposes.

What’s cool: Abundant self-employment opportunities. Research isn’t the pain that it used to be, thanks to the Internet.

What’s not: There’s still a lot of legwork; advancement is limited.

Top-paying job: Collateral appraisers, who work with lenders, earn $ 130,000-plus.

Education: Bachelor’s degree; licensing and certification requirements vary by state.


Why it’s great: Demand for pharmacists is exploding as the population ages and new medications are developed. By 2010 the number of prescriptions filled is expected to rise 27% to 4.1 billion.

Pharmacists also give advice on over-the-counter meds and help patients manage chronic conditions like diabetes. About 60% work in retail settings, the rest in hospitals and nursing homes and in research or sales
for drug companies.

What’s cool: Pharmacists are in such demand that graduates today can expect multiple job offers, signing bonuses and $90K-plus salaries.

What’s not: Dealing with insurers and angry patients; limited advancement.

Top-paying job: Pharmacists at major retail chains
can earn six figures.

Education: A doctor of pharmacy degree program

is six years long.


Why it’s great:

Feel stressed or anxious? So do a lot of people. That and the decreasing stigma attached to seeking help have fueled demand for psychological services.

The pay is good, the hours are flexible, and it’s pretty hard to top the psychological benefit that comes with bringing relief to a troubled mind. Greater awareness of how mental health and behavior issues affect learning makes school psychology a particularly fast-growing speciality.

What’s cool: Shrinks are four times as likely to be self-employed as other professionals.

What’s not: Years of training; stiff competition for slots in graduate programs; insurers.

Top-paying job: Clinical and counseling psychologists can earn $95,000-plus.

Education: Ph.D. and one-year internship; to be a school psychologist, three years of graduate study and a one-year internship.



Unit 1. Education

1. accounts department бухгалтерия
2. acquire knowledge приобретать знания
3. all-round всесторонний
4. applicant / a candidate абитуриент
5. associate professor доцент
6. broadcasting centre телевизионный центр
7. competitive конкурсный
8. comprehensive всесторонний
9. compulsory обязательный
10. cultural heritage культурное наследие
11. deserved and honorable worker of the higher professional education заслуженный работник высшего профессионального образования
12. distance learning дистанционное обучение
13. full-time дневное обучение
14. health center оздоровительный центр
15. higher education высшее образование
16. holiday camp лагерь отдыха
17. honored worker of science and technique of Russian Federation почетный работник науки и техники Российской Федерации
18. Learned Council of University ученый совет университета
19. obtain a license or certificate получить лицензию (сертификат)
20. part-time обучение с отрывом
21. personnel department отдел кадров
22. planning and finance department планово-финансовый отдел
23. postgraduate course аспирантура
24. pre-university training до вузовская подготовка
25. printing house типография
26. reference отзыв (рекомендация)
27. scientific and technological center научно-технологический центр
28. senior lecturer старший преподаватель
29. smb's qualification квалификация
30. student’s canteen студенческая столовая
31. the newspaper editorial office редакция газеты
32. to award a degree to smb получить степень
33. to be admitted (to be accepted) to a university быть принятым в университет
34. to enroll in (AmE), to enter (BrE) (a) school/university поступить в университет  
35. university admission board (an admission office) приёмная комиссия  
36. vocational профессиональный

Unit 2. Ecology

1. acid rain кислотный дождь
2. acidity кислотность
3. aquatic водный
4. chimney труба
5. consequence последствие
6. contaminate загрязнять
7. contamination загрязнение
8. crucial критичный
9. damage повреждать, наносить ущерб
10. decline уменьшать, отклонять
11. dentistry густота, плотность
12. desertification опустынивание
13. destruction разрушение
14. disaster несчастье, катастрофа
15. disruption разрушение
16. drought засуха
17. encourage вдохновлять, воодушевлять
18. environment окружающая среда
19. evaporation испарение
20. excess избыточный
21. extinct угасший, вымерший
22. fertility плодородие
23. fuel combustion сжигание топлива
24. global warming глобальное потепление
25. greenhouse effect парниковый эффект
26. harmful вредный
27. on the verge of extinction на грани вымирания
28. ozone layer озоновый слой
29. poison яд
30. pollute загрязнять
31. pulp paper industry бумажная промышленность
32. radioactive waste радиоактивные отходы
33. recycle перерабатывать
34. rubbish мусор
35. salinity of the rivers соленость рек
36. threaten угрожать
37. unleaded petrol не этиловый бензин
38. water supply запасы воды
39. well-being благосостояние
40. wood working деревообрабатывающая промышленность

Unit 3. Globalization

1. absorptive впитывающий
2. added value добавочная стоимость
3. affront оскорбление, обида
4. ahead of впереди, перед
5. animal stock стадо, скот
6. apparently очевидно
7. arrogance гордость, высокомерие
8. attribute свойство, качество
9. awareness внимание, просвещение
10. benefit выгода
11. bilateral двусторонний
12. challenge вызов, проблема
13. community общество
14. concern внимание
15. consciousness сознание
16. contentious придирчивый, дискуссионный
17. cross-border международный
18. decisive решающий
19. devastating разрушительный
20. diffusion распространение
21. dimension сфера
22. disruption спад
23. disruptive разрушительный
24. effort попытка
25. encounter столкновение, схватка
26. equitable соразмерный, равный
27. erosion разрушение
28. finished product конечный продукт
29. for-profit коммерческий
30. frontier граница
31. governance власть
32. identity индивидуальность
33. imagery образность, фигуры речи
34. in between между
35. in regard to что касается
36. inappropriately нецелесообразно, неподобающе
37. intense сильный, интенсивный
38. interchangeably взаимозаменяемо
39. interruptions перебои
40. laissez-faire принцип свободы торговли
41. lane путь
42. leverage способ
43. lingering длительный
44. literacy грамотность
45. merchant торговец
46. multilateral многосторонний
47. mutual взаимный
48. narrowly в узком смысле
49. naval морской
50. outbreak вспышка
51. overall общий
52. overland наземный, сухопутный
53. populous густонаселенный
54. poverty бедность
55. precipitously резко
56. prominent выдающийся, значительный
57. regeneration обновление
58. relatively относительно
59. removal смещение
60. resident житель
61. resolution решение
62. revival возрождение
63. rightfully правомерно
64. salvation вечная жизнь, спасение
65. secular извечный
66. sedentary оседлый
67. settled lands заселенная территория
68. shared values общие ценности
69. shrinking сокращение, сжатие
70. so long пока
71. sophisticated опытный
72. specie металлические деньги
73. stretch пространство
74. substantial важный, значительный
75. substantially в значительной степени
76. supply and demand спрос и предложение
77. supranational надгосударственный
78. suspicion подозрение
79. to anchor укреплять, закрепить
80. to argue утверждать
81. to bring forth порождать
82. to circumvent обманывать, обходить
83. to coin вводить в обращение
84. to coincide совпадать
85. to displace перемещать
86. to embody реализовать
87. to exert проявить, действовать
88. to expand расширять
89. to facilitate способствовать
90. to foster поощрять, содействовать
91. to gain получать, приобретать
92. to mediate преобразовывать, устанавливать
93. to pay heed to обращать /уделять внимание
94. to peg искусственно поддерживать
95. to refer to ссылаться на, относиться к
96. to reverse полностью изменять; менять
97. to sacrifice жертвовать
98. to spread распространяться
99. to sustain поддерживать
100. to tempt соблазнять, искушать
101. to pacify успокаивать, усмирять, восстанавливать
102. to preside осуществлять контроль
103. trade flow торговый поток
104. under the auspices под эгидой
105. underway в процессе исполнения/ реализации
106. underwrite подписать
107. unevenly неравномерно
108. unification объединение
109. unraveling развертывающийся
110. vast обширный
111. virtue достоинство, качество
112. widespread обширный


Unit 4. Science

1. advance продвигаться вперед; продвижение, успех
2. ancestor предок
3. arrangement расположение, классификация, соглашение
4. be concerned беспокоиться
5. behavior поведение
6. benefit извлекать/приносить выгоду; выгода, прибыль
7. breakthrough открытие, прорыв
8. celestial астрономический, небесный
9. circumstance обстоятельство
10. composition соединение
11. concern касаться, иметь отношение
12. contradict противоречить, возражать
13. evidence основание, свидетельство
14. expand расширять(ся), увеличивать(ся)
15. eventually в конечном счете, в конце концов
16. evolve развиваться, эволюционировать
17. forecast предвидеть; предсказание
18. heredity наследственность
19. heavenly небесный
20. incline иметь тенденцию, склоняться; наклон
21. influence влиять; влияние
22. multiply умножать, увеличивать
23. mysterious таинственный, непостижимый
24. nuclear ядерный, атомный
25. occur происходить, случаться
26. predict предсказывать
27. reasoning объяснение, аргументация
28. reflect отражать
29. regardless не обращая внимания, невзирая на
30. release освобождать; освобождение
31. rely on полагаться, доверять
32. result from происходить в результате ч-л
33. result in приводить к ч-л
34. reveal открывать, показывать
35. reverse менять; противоположный, обратный
36. revise исправлять, пересматривать
37. spiritual духовный
38. stir размешивать
39. surgical хирургический
40. unconscious бессознательный
41. tissue ткань

Unit 5. The Price of Progress

1. actually фактически, на самом деле
2. accordingly в соответствии
3. adult взрослый
4. apple of one’s eye самое дорогое (перен.)
5. assume предполагать, допускать
6. back (v) поддерживать
7. be fired быть уволенным
8. bite кусать(ся)
9. breed laziness воспитывать лень
10. brought about вызванный чем-л., послуживший причиной  
11. carpal tunnel syndrome синдром запястного канала  
12. contraption хитроумное изобретение
13. disbelief неверие, недоверие
14. devoid of лишенный (чего-л.)
15. devious хитрый
16. dot.com интернет
17. drivel (v) нести чепуху
18. еdge (ам.разг.) преимущество
19. elusive неуловимый
20. encase заключить в оболочку, поместить
21. entice соблазнять
22. enchantment очарование
23. ethereal эфемерный
24. except за исключением
25. figure out представлять, воображать
26. flashy кричащий, показной
27. foretell предсказывать
28. freak фанатик; помешанный на чем-либо
29. gaze уставиться, пристально смотреть
30. gleaming мерцающий
31. grouchy ворчливый
32. handle управлять
33. honor удостаивать
34. hours on end часами напролёт
35. hyper слишком (нервный)
36. infiltrate проникнуть
37. insidious хитрый, коварный
38. instill исподволь внушать
39. item пункт, параграф, деталь, штука
40. let alone не говоря уж; тем более
41. lie обманывать
42. matchmaking сватовство
43. nasty отвратительный
44. neck torpor онемение шеи
45. notion понятие, представление
46. make an ass of oneself выставить себя в глупом положении
47. on your own behalf самостоятельно
48. overthrow переворот, свержение
49. overwhelm переполнять, подавлять
50. pack (n) группа, масса
51. plough (v) вспахивать, пролагать, высекать
52. post (v) назначать
53. queue очередь
54. reach (n) досягаемость, охват
55. recall вспоминать
56. receptive восприимчивый
57. remote control дистанционное управление
58. rewarding дающий результат
59. road kill разбойник с большой дороги
60. saucy бойкий, раскованный
61. scoop (v) черпать
62. serendipity интуитивная прозорливость
63. set out пускаться, отправляться
64. soul mate единомышленник
65. sport (v) щеголять
66. take over доминировать
67. time (v) назначать время
68. tear off отрывать
69. vanish улетучиваться, исчезать
70. Yet in exchange ко всему прочему
71. whereas поскольку, с учетом того, что
71.wombat зд. червь

UNIT 6. Looking for a job

1. allot распределять, назначать
2. applicant претендент, заявитель
3. approach (зд.) попытка вступить в переговоры
4. at your disposal в вашем распоряжении
5. bum out обескураживать
6. bummed out раздраженный
7. business trip командировка
8. CIS Cоюз независимых государств
9. command владение
10. edge (ам. разг.) преимущество
11. elusive неуловимый
12. entice соблазнять
13. experienced опытный, знающий
14. figure out представлять себе
15. first and foremost в первую очередь
16. flashy кричащий, показной
17. grasp (зд.) понять
18. independently самостоятельно
19. lurk обман, хитрость
20. mislead ввести в заблуждение
21. onslaught стремительная атака
22. opportunity возможность, перспектива
23. overwhelm подавлять
24. pack (n) группа, масса
25. post (v) назначать на должность
26. preliminary подготовительное мероприятие, предварительный
27. proactive инициативный, действующий с опережением
28. reach (n) досягаемость
29. receptive восприимчивый
30. serendipity интуитивная способность к открытиям
31. size up определять, оценивать
32. strive пытаться, стараться
33. `tack (зд.) лавировать
34. timing выбор времени
35. unambiguously однозначно, недвусмысленно
36. willingness готовность, желание
37. worth имеющий значение; стоящий


Scientific research

The following expressions are concerned with carrying out an experiment. Remember them to describe your scientific research.

To be busy with an experiment

To make (carry out, perform, conduct) a set of experiments

The experiment is concerned with (deals with)

The experiment shows (proves, determines, explains, accounts for, gives information on, provides information on, provides information on) something

The experiment makes it possible to show (prove, obtain, understand) something

The results of the experiment enable us to determine (estimate, compute, see) something

The experiment lasts (takes) several days

To make measurements during the experiment

To take the readings of the apparatus

To process the data obtained

To classify the data, to verify (check up) the results, to analyze (make an analysis of) the results

To draw the conclusions from experimental data

On the basis of the experiment it was concluded that …

Words and expressions concerned with discussing a hypothesis.

To advance (put forward, propose, build up, set up, formulate, create) a hypothesis

To accept (adopt) a hypothesis

The most obvious hypothesis

There is some evidence for and against this hypothesis

To verify (check, test) the hypothesis


The idea of the key stages of making presentation. Try to take them into account while preparing for your presentation.

Presentation is a convenient and eye-catching way of delivering information. There are some psychological, communicational and cultural aspects that must be taken into account.

· Give yourself enough time to write, edit and rewrite.

· Give yourself time to practice, practice and practice.

· Limit the amount of information you give. A report is a much better place to give a lot of information.

· Use the question and answer session as an opportunity to give extra information on your subject.

· It’s very important to maintain a good eye contact with the audience, but do not look at just one person.

· The manner must be positive, confident and relaxed.

· Do not forget to use pauses for emphasis.

· Use facial expressions (smiles) to emphasize your feelings.

· Remember to speak clearly and not too fast.

· Do not stand completely still – a little movement between table and board is more interesting.

· Keep hands out of pockets – in some cultures it shows disrespect.

· Keep to the time. Many people become impatient with presentations that go on too long. You may be cut off.

· Tell the audience what you are going to say, say it and tell the audience what you’ve said.

· Don’t apologize for your English.

Some expressions to be used while making a presentation. Try to remember them.

Introducing yourself and your talk

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!

Dear friends!

It’s a pleasure to be with you today.

It’s an honor to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished audience.


The subject of my presentation is …

I’d like to talk to you about …

I’m going to inform you about …

I’m going explain our position on …

I’m going to describe …

We are here today to learn about …

The purpose of this talk is to give the background to …

I’d be glad to answer any questions at the end of my talk.

Describing visual aids

In my first slide I’d like to show you …

If you look at the screen you can see …

The horizontal (vertical) axis is …

The left side shows …

The third row contains …

On the right is …

As you can see …

Here is the …

This clearly shows …

This is important because …

I’d like to draw your attention to …

Now, I’d like to move on to …

Next, let me describe …

Finally, let me explain …


Before I finish, let me just say …

That covers all that I wanted to say today.

Let me just run over the key point again.

To sum up …

In conclusion I’d like to say …

I’d like to leave you with the following idea …

Thank you for your attention.

I’d be glad to try and answer any questions.



The text   • is about… • deals with… • presents… • describes…
In the text   • the reader gets to know… • the reader is confronted with… • the reader is told about…
The author (the narrator) • says, states, points out that… • claims, believes, thinks that… • describes, explains, makes clear that… • uses examples to confirm/prove that… • agrees/disagrees with the view … • contradicts the view • criticises/analyses/ comments on… • tries to express… • argues that… • suggests that… • compares X to Y… • emphasizes his point by saying that… • doubts that… • tries to convince the readers that… • concludes that…

Expressing the Movement of a Line

Verbs Nouns Adjectives Adverbs
rise (to) a rise dramatic dramatically
increase (to) an increase sharp sharply
go up to   huge hugely
grow (to) growth steep steeply
climb (to) a climb substantial substantially
boom a boom considerable considerably
peak (at) (reach) a peak (at) significant significantly
fall (to) a fall (of) marked markedly
decline (to) a decline (of) moderate moderately
decrease (to) a decrease (of) slight slightly
dip (to) a dip (of) small  
drop (to) a drop (of) minimal minimally
go down (to)      
reduce (to) a reduction (of)    
a slump      
level out a leveling out    
no change no change    
remain stable (at)      
remain steady     (at)      
stay (at)      
stay constant (at)      
maintain the same level    

Describing the Speed of a Change

Adjectives Adverbs
rapid rapidly
quick quickly
swift swiftly
sudden suddenly
steady steadily
gradual gradually
slow slowly


Presenting a graph

Introduction Topic Circumstances
This graph shows... the results of our products... over 10 years.
The diagram outlines... rates of economic growth... between 1990 and 1996.
This table lists... the top ten agencies... in the industrial world.
This pie chart represents the company's turnover... for this year in our sector.
This line chart depicts... the changes in sales... over the past year.
This chart breaks down (ventile)... the sales of each salesman... during the past ten weeks.

The four basic trends (ten dances) are:


· upward movement: ì

· downward movement: î

· no movement: è

· change in direction: æ or ç

Indicating upward movement: ì


Verbs Nouns
Transitive Intransitive  
(to) increase (to) increase (an) increase
(to) raise (to) rise (rose, risen) (a) raise (US), a rise (UK)
(to) push/put/step up (to) go/be up (an) upswing
  (to) grow (a) growth
(to) extend, (to) expand (to) extend, (to) expand (an) extension, expansion
  (to) progress (a) progression
  (to) boom/soar/climb (a) boom
  (to) jump, (to) skyrocket (a) jump
  (to) reach a peak, (to) peak (a) peak
  (to) reach an all-time high  

Indicating downward movement: î

Verbs Nouns
Transitive Intransitive  
(to) decrease (to) decrease (a) decrease
(to) cut, (to) reduce   (a) cut, (a) reduction
  (to) fall (off) (fall, fell, fallen) (a) fall
  (to) plunge, to plummet (a) plunge
  (to) drop (off) (a) drop
  (to) go down (a) downswing
  (to) decline (a) decline
  (to) collapse (a) collapse (dramatic fall)
  (to) slump, (to) go bust (a) slump
  (to) bottom out  

Indicating no movement: è

Verbs Nouns
Transitive Intransitive  
(to) keep... stable (to) remain stable  
(to) hold... constant (to) stay constant  
(to) stabilize (to) stabilize stability

Indicating a change of direction: î or ç...

Verbs Nouns
Transitive Intransitive  
(to) level off (to) level off/out, to flatten out (a) levelling-off
  (to) stop falling/rising (a) change
(to) stand at (to) remain steady  
  (to) stop falling and start rising  
  (to) stop rising and start falling  

Indicating the degree or the speed of change


dramatic(all) DEGREE vast(ly), huge(ly), a lot significant(ly) considerable/bly, a lot substantial(ly) moderate(ly)     a little, slight(ly)     SPEED   rapid(ly), quick(ly), swift(ly)   gradual(ly), gentl/ly little by little   slow(ly), quiet(ly)


Mathematical and scientific symbols


+ plus /'plʌs/
- minus /'maɪnəs/
± plus or minus /'plʌs ɔ: 'maɪnəs/
x multiplied by /'mʌltɪplaɪd baɪ/
/ over; divided by /'əʊvə/ /dɪ'vaɪdəd/
÷ divided /dɪ'vaɪdəd/
= equals /'ɪ:kwəlz/
approximately, similar /ə'prɒksɪmətlɪ/ /'sɪmɪlə tʊ/
equivalent to; identical /ɪk'wɪvələnt tʊ/ /aɪ'dentɪkl tʊ/
not equal to /'nɒt 'iːkwəl tʊ/
> greater than /'greɪtə ðən/
< less than /'les ðən/
greater than or equal to /'greɪtə ðən ər 'iːkwəl tʊ/
less than or equal to /'les ðən ər' iːkwəl tʊ/
not greater than /'nɒt 'greɪtə ðən/
not less than /'nɒt 'les ðən/
much greater than /'mʌʧ 'greɪtə ðən/
much less than /'mʌʧ 'les ðən/
perpendicular to /pɜːpən'dɪkjʊlə tʊ/
∣∣ parallel to /'pærəlel tʊ/
not equivalent to, not identical to /'nɒt ɪk'wɪvələnt tʊ/ /'nɒt aɪ'dentɪkl tʊ/
≄≉ not similar to /'nɒt 'sɪmɪlə tʊ/
² squared /'skweəd/
³ cubed /'kju:bd/
4 to the fourth; to the power four /tə ðə 'fɔːθ/ /te ðə 'pɑʊə fɔː/
n to the n; to the nth; to the power n /tə ðɪ en; tə dɪ enθ; tə ðə pɑʊər en/
root; square root /ru:t/ /skweə ru:t/
cube root /kju:b ru:t/
fourth root /fɔːθ ruːt/
! factorial /fæk'tɔːrɪəl/
% percent /pə'sent/
infinity /ɪn'fɪnətɪ/
varies as; proportional to /'vɛərɪz/ /prə'pɔːʃənəl/
˙ dot /dɒt/
¨ double dot /dʌbl dɒt/
: is to, ratio of /reɪʃɪəʊ/
f(x) fx f; function /ef/ /'fʌŋkʃən/
f'(x) f dash; derivative /dæʃ/ /dɪ'rɪvətɪv/
f''x f double-dash; second derivative /'dʌbl dæʃ/ /'sekənd dɪ'rɪvətɪv/
f'''(x) f triple-dash; f treble-dash; third derivative /'trɪpl dæʃ/ / trebl dæʃ/ /θɜ:d dɪ'rɪvətɪv/
f(4) f four; fourth derivative /fɔːθ dɪ'rɪvətɪv/
partial derivative, delta /paːʃəl dɪ'rɪvətɪv/ /deltə/
integral /'ɪntɪgrəl/
sum /sʌm/
w.r.t. with respect to /wɪð 'rɪspekt/
log log /lɒg/
logx log to the base 2 of x /lɒg tə ðə beɪs tu: əv eks/
therefore /'ðɛəfɔː/
because /bɪ'kɒz/
gives, leads to, approaches /gɪvz/ /li:dz tʊ/ /əprəʊʧəz/
/ per /pɜ:/
belongs to; a member of; an element of /bɪ'lɒŋz/ /'membə/ /'elɪmənt/
does not belong to; is not a member of; is not an element of /nɒt bɪ'lɒŋ/ /nɒt ə 'membə/ /nɒt ən 'elɪmənt/
contained in; a proper subset of /kən'teɪnd ɪn/ /'prɒpə 'sʌbset/
contained in; subset /'sʌbset/
intersection /'ɪntəsekʃən/
union /'juːnɪən/
for all /fə rɔ:l/
cos x cos x; cosine x /kɒz/
sin x sine x /saɪn/
tan x tangent x /tan/
cosec x cosec x /'kəʊsek/
sinh x shine x /'ʃaɪn/
cosh x cosh x /'kɒʃ/
tanh x than x /θæn/
|x| mod x; modulus x /mɒd/ /'mɒdjʊləs/
degrees Centigrade /dɪ'gri:z 'sentɪgreɪd/
degrees Fahrenheit /dɪ'gri:z 'færənhaɪt/
°K degrees Kelvin /dɪ'gri:z 'kelvɪn/
0°K, –273.15 °C absolute zero /absəlu:t zi:rəʊ/
mm millimetre /'mɪlɪmiːtə/
cm centimetre /'sentɪmiːtə/
cc, cm³ cubic centimetre, centimetre cubed /'kjuːbɪk 'sentɪmiːtə/ /'sentɪmiːtə 'kju:bd/
m metre /'miːtə/
km kilometre /kɪ'lɒmɪtə/
mg milligram /'mɪlɪgræm/
g gram /græm/
kg kilogram /'kɪləgræm/
AC A.C. /eɪ si:/
DC D.C. /di: si:/



x + 1 x plus one
x -1 x minus one
x ± 1 x plus or minus one
xy x y; x times y; x multiplied by y
(x — y) (x + y) x minus y, x plus y
x/y x over y; x divided by y;
x ÷ y x divided by y
x = 5 x equals 5; x is equal to 5
x ≈ y x is approximately equal to y
x ≡ y x is equivalent to y; x is identical with y
x ≠ y x is not equal to y
x > y x is greater than y
x < y x is less than y
x ≥ y x is greater than or equal to y
x ≤ y x is less than or equal to y
0 < x < 1 zero is less than x is less than 1; x is greater than zero and less than 1
0 ≤ x ≤ 1 zero is less than or equal to x is less than or equal to 1; x is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 1
x squared
x cubed
x4 x to the fourth; x to the power four
xn x to the n; x to the nth; x to the power n
x-n x to the minus n; x to the power of minus n
root x; square root x; the square root of x
the cube root of x
the fourth root of x
the nth root of x
(x + y)² x plus y all squared
(x/y)² x over y all squared
n! n factorial; factorial n
x% x percent
x ∝ y x varies as y; x is (directly) proportional to y
x ∝ 1/y x varies as one over y; x is indirectly proportional to y
x dot
x double dot
f(x) fx f of x; the function of x
f'(x) f dash x; the (first) derivative of with respect to x
f''x f double-dash x; the second derivative off with respect to x
f'''(x) f triple-dash x; f treble-dash x; the third derivative off with respect to x
f(4) f four x; the fourth derivative off with respect to x
∂v the partial derivative of v
∂v ∂θ delta v by delta theta, the partial derivative of v with respect to θ
² v ∂θ² delta two v by delta theta squared; the second partial derivative of v with respect to θ
dv the derivative of v
dv d v by d theta, the derivative of v with respect to theta
d ² v² d 2 v by d theta squared, the second derivative of v with respect to theta,
integral from zero to infinity
the sum from i equals 1 to n
w.r.t. with respect to
logey log to the base e of y; log y to the base e; natural log (of) y
gives, approaches
Δx → 0 delta x approaches zero
limΔx→0 the limit as delta x approaches zero, the limit as delta x tends to zero
LtΔx→0 the limit as delta x approaches zero, the limit as delta x tends to zero
m/sec metres per second
x ∈ A x belongs to A; x is a member of A; x is an element of A
x∉ A x does not belong to A; x is not a member of A; x is not an element of A
A⊂ B A is contained in B; A is a proper subset of B
A ⊆ B A is contained in B; A is a subset of B
A ⋂ B A intersection B
A ⋃ B A union B
cos x cos x; cosine x
sin x sine x
tan x tangent x, tan x
cosec x cosec x
sinh x shine x
cosh x cosh x
tanh x than x
|x| mod x; modulus x
18 ℃ eighteen degrees Centigrade
70 ℉ seventy degrees Fahrenheit


Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 81 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: VIRTUAL RELATIONSHIPS | Scan the text and answer the question. | Как влияет интернет на нашу жизнь | PROACTIVE JOB HUNTING | IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A NEW POSITION | Несколько советов для успешного прохождения собеседования при устройстве на работу | Calling an Employment Agency | The Vanishing Ozone Layer | Globalization in question | The branches of science |
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Unit 5. Price of Progress| Before reading the text answer the following questions.

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