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The Princess Diaries

Читайте также:
  1. A Princess Of Mars
  2. At parties, about dragons and goblins and giants and the rescue of princesses
  3. But you are a princess by birth.
  4. Diana, Princess of Wales
  5. Edit] Missing diaries
  7. Princess of maths!


Word Definition Derivatives Translation Synonyms/antonyms Example
Ambitious Determined to be successful, rich, powerful, etc. Ambition, ambitionist Целеустремленный, амбициозный   Ruthlessly ambitious of love/wealth; ambitious to do sth, an ambitious attempt to climb the dangerous mountain/ he is ambitious of (for) power
Outfit 1) a set of clothes that you wear together, especially for a particular occasion or purpose 2) a group of people working together as an organization, business, team, etc. 3) a set of equipment that you need for a particular purpose     снаряжение   She was wearing an expensive new outfit. - a wedding outfit - a cowboy / Superman outfit This was the fourth album by the top rock outfit. a bicycle repair outfit
Edge 1) the outside limit of an object, a surface or an area; the part furthest from the centre 2) the sharp part of a blade, knife or sword that is used for cutting 3) (usually the edge) [sing.] the point at which sth, especially sth bad, may begin to happen 4) edge (on / over sb/sth) a slight advantage over sb/sth 5) a strong, often exciting, quality 6) a sharp tone of voice, often showing anger   1) кромка, край; грань, граница 2) лезвие, острие; заточенность; холодное оружие 3) острота, резкость (о языке, манерах)   He stood on the edge of the cliff. a big house on / at the edge of town Don’t put that glass so near the edge of the table. I sat down at the water’s edge. Stand the coin on its edge.
To attend 1) to be present at an event 2) to go regularly to a place 3) to pay attention to what sb is saying or to what you are doing 4) to happen at the same time as sth 5) to be with sb and help them   1) посещать; присутствовать 2) (attend to) заботиться (о чем-л.); уделять внимание (кому-л., чему-л.); следить (за кем-л., чем-л.) 4) прислуживать, обслуживать 5) сопровождать; сопутствовать   The meeting was attended by 90% of shareholders. We’d like as many people as possible to attend. She hadn’t been attending during the lesson. She dislikes the loss of privacy that attends TV celebrity. The President was attended by several members of his staff.
To reject 1) to refuse to accept or consider sth 2) to refuse to accept sb for a job, position, etc. 3) to decide not to use, sell, publish, etc. sth because its quality is not good enough 4) to fail to give a person or an animal enough care or affection   а) отвергать, отклонять; отказываться (принять, рассматривать, обсуждать и т. п.) б) отталкивать; отвергать; чуждаться а) браковать, забраковывать; отсортировывать б) признавать негодным к несению военной службы 3) выделять, извергать а) отклонять (например, запрос) б) выбрасывать (например, диск из дисковода)   to reject an argument / a claim / a decision / an offer / a suggestion The prime minister rejected any idea of reforming the system. I’ve been rejected by all the universities I applied to. Imperfect articles are rejected by our quality control.
To refuse 1) to say that you will not do sth that sb has asked you to do 2) to say that you do not want sth that has been offered to you 3) to say that you will not give sb sth that they want or need   1) отвергать, отказывать; отклонять 2) отказываться Syn: reject, turn down Go on, ask her; she can hardly refuse. He flatly refused to discuss the matter. She refused to accept that there was a problem. I politely refused their invitation. The job offer was simply too good to refuse. They refused him a visa.
To accept 1) to take willingly sth that is offered; to say ‘yes’ to an offer, invitation, etc. 2) to receive sth as suitable or good enough 3) to agree to or approve of sth 4) to admit that you are responsible or to blame for sth 5) accept sth (as sth) to believe that sth is true 6) accept sth (as sth) to continue in a difficult situation without complaining, because you realize that you cannot change it 6) accept sb (into sth) | accept sb (as sth) to make sb feel welcome and part of a group 7) accept sb (into sth) | accept sb (as sth) to allow sb to join an organization, attend an institution, use a service, etc.   1) принимать, брать; соглашаться   He asked me to marry him and I accepted. He is charged with accepting bribes from a firm of suppliers. My article has been accepted for publication. This machine only accepts coins. Will you accept a cheque? Can we accept his account as the true version? The workforce is generally accepted to have the best conditions in Europe. It may take years to be completely accepted by the local community
To occur 1)to happen 2) to exist or be found somewhere 3) to exist or be found somewhere   1) происходить, случаться, совершаться 2) встречаться; попадаться 3) (occur to) приходить на ум 4) залегать Syn: happen, befal When exactly did the incident occur? The idea occurred to him in a dream. It didn’t occur to him that his wife was having an affair.
To mock 1) to laugh at sb/sth in an unkind way, especially by copying what they say or do 2) to show no respect for sth       He’s always mocking my French accent. Ç The other children mocked her, laughing behind their hands. The new exam mocked the needs of the majority of children.
To grab 1) grab sth (from sb/sth) to take or hold sb/sth with your hand suddenly, firmly or roughly 2) grab at / for sth to try to take hold of sth 3) grab (at sth) to take advantage of an opportunity to do or have sth 4) to have or take sth quickly, especially because you are in a hurry 5) to take sth for yourself, especially in a selfish or greedy way 6) to get sb’s attention   1. а) схватывать, хватать; пытаться схватить б) ухватиться (за идею), использовать 2. а) захватывать, присваивать, завладевать Syn: grasp She grabbed the child’s hand and ran. She grabbed at the branch, missed and fell. Grab a seat, I won’t keep you a moment. Glasgow’s drugs problem has grabbed the headlines tonight.
To daydream to have pleasant thoughts that make you forget about the present   грезить наяву; мечтать, фантазировать   I would spend hours daydreaming about a house of my own.
To conquer 1) to take control of a country or city and its people by force 2) to defeat sb, especially in a competition, race, etc. 3) to succeed in dealing with or controlling sth 4) to become very popular or successful in a place   1) завоёвывать, покорять; порабощать; подчинять; подавлять (силой оружия) 2) преодолеть, победить, подчинить себе, побороть (препятствия, помехи, сопротивление) 3) покорить, взять вершину (в альпинизме) subjugate, subdue, vanquish overcome, surmount The Normans conquered England in 1066. The world champion conquered yet another challenger last night. The band is now setting out to conquer the world.
To doubt 1)to feel uncertain about sth; to feel that sth is not true, will probably not happen, etc. 2) to not trust sb/sth; to not believe sb   1) сомневаться, быть неуверенным (в чём-л.), считать маловероятным 2) сомневаться, не доверять, не верить Syn: suspect, to consider unlikely disbelieve, distrust There seems no reason to doubt her story. I doubt if the new one will be any better. I had no reason to doubt him.
To dump 1) to get rid of sth you do not want, especially in a place which is not suitable 2) dump sb/sth (on sb) to get rid of sb/sth or leave them for sb else to deal with 3) (business) to get rid of goods by selling them at a very low price, often in another country 4) to put sth down in a careless or untidy way 5) (informal) to end a romantic relationship with sb 6) to copy information and move it somewhere to store it   1) выгружать, разгружать, сваливать 3) избавляться, бросать 4) отставлять на попечении (кого-л.) 5) а) (dump smth. on smb.) перекладывать (ответственность, вину, тяжёлую работу и т.п. на кого-л.) 6) сбивать с ног; бить   Too much toxic waste is being dumped at sea. Did you hear he’s dumped his girlfriend?
To strangle 1) to kill sb by squeezing or pressing on their throat and neck 2)to prevent sth from growing or developing   1) задушить, удавить 2) задыхаться 3) жать, давить, сжимать (о воротничке и т. п.) 4) подавлять, сдерживать, удерживать   to strangle sb to death Ç He strangled her with her own scarf. The current monetary policy is strangling the economy.
To settle down 1)to get into a comfortable position, either sitting or lying 2)to start to have a quieter way of life, living in one place   1) остепениться, угомониться 2) тонуть, идти ко дну (о корабле)   I settled down with a book. When are you going to get married and settle down?
To straighten 1)straighten (sth) (out) to become straight; to make sth straight 2) straighten (sth) (up) to make your body straight and vertical     выпрямлять   I straightened my tie and walked in. Straighten up slowly, then repeat the exercise ten times.
To tap 1) to hit sb/sth quickly and lightly 2) if you tap your fingers, feet, etc. or they tap, you hit them gently against a table, the floor, etc., for example to the rhythm of music 3) tap (into) sth to make use of a source of energy, knowledge, etc. that already exists 4) to fit a device to a telephone so that sb’s calls can be listened to secretly 5) to cut into a tree in order to get liquid from it 6) to choose sb to do a particular job   Затыкать   Someone tapped at the door. He was busy tapping away at his computer. Ralph tapped me on the shoulder. The music set everyone’s feet tapping.
To check 1) check sth (for sth) to examine sth to see if it is correct, safe or acceptable 2) check (with sb) to find out if sth is correct or true or if sth is how you think it is 3) to control sth; to stop sth from increasing or getting worse 4) to stop yourself from saying or doing sth or from showing a particular emotion 5) to leave coats, bags, etc. in an official place (called a checkroom) while you are visiting a club, restaurant, etc.   проверять, сверять 2) останавливать; препятствовать; ограничивать, сдерживать, обуздывать, регулировать 3) отмечать галочкой, птичкой 4) соответствовать, совпадать 5) выписывать чек сдавать (в камеру хранения, в багаж) Syn: verify, stop We should check her documents.
To crown 1) to put a crown on the head of a new king or queen as a sign of royal power 2)crown sth (with sth) to form or cover the top of sth 3) crown sth (with sth) to make sth complete or perfect, especially by adding an achievement, a success, etc. 4) (old-fashioned, informal) to hit sb on the head 5) to put an artificial cover on a tooth   1) венчать; короновать; возводить на престол 2) а) венчать (возлагать венок в знак победы), увенчивать б) награждать, премировать 3) венчать, увенчивать, завершать (верхнюю часть чего-л.); покрывать вершину, верхушку (чего-л.) 4) завершать, заканчивать, венчать (дело) 5) провести в дамки (шашку) 6) ставить коронку (на зуб) 7) дать по мозгам, ударить по голове   Queen Elizabeth was crowned in 1953. Their efforts were finally crowned with success. I’ve had one of my teeth crowned.
To pick 1) to choose sb/sth from a group of people or things 2) to take flowers, fruit, etc. from the plant or the tree where they are growing 3) to pull or remove sth or small pieces of sth from sth else, especially with your fingers   1) = pick off собирать, снимать; рвать, срывать (цветы, фрукты) 2) а) клевать, поклёвывать (о птицах) б) едва прикасаться к еде; есть очень маленькими кусочками, порциями выбирать, отбирать, подбирать б) выискивать, искать 4) а) долбить, продалбливать, протыкать б) просверливать, пробуравливать в) ковырять, сковыривать; разрыхлять (киркой) 5) обгладывать (кость) 6) а) чистить (ягоды) б) обдирать, ощипывать (в частности, птицу) в) прочищать (посредством какого-л. тонкого предмета) Syn: peck, Choose, pluck, gather, cull Pick a number from one to twenty. He has been picked to play in this week’s game. to pick grapes. She picked bits of fluff from his sweater. He picked the nuts off the top of the cake.
To snort 1) to make a loud sound by breathing air out noisily through your nose, especially to show that you are angry or amused 2) to take drugs by breathing them in through the nose   1) храпеть (о лошади и др. животных) 2) фыркать (выражая недовольство, пренебрежение и т. п.) 3) громко, грубо смеяться 4) пыхтеть (о машине, часто о паровозе) 5); нюхать, вдыхать наркотик (обычно героин или кокаин)   She snorted in disgust. The horse snorted and tossed its head. ‘You!’ he snorted contemptuously to snort cocaine.
To exchange 1) to give sth to sb and at the same time receive the same type of thing from them 2) exchange A for B to give or return sth that you have and get sth different or better instead 3) exchange contracts to sign a contract with the person that you are buying sth from, especially a house or land   а) обменивать б) меняться 2) променять 3) обменивать (валюту)   I shook hands and exchanged a few words with the manager. The two men exchanged blows. Everyone in the group exchanged email addresses. If it doesn’t fit, take it back and the store will exchange it.


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