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Chapter VI


I. Learn the pronunciation of the following words:


meretricious, grotesque, ferocious, hitherto, murmurous, euphemism, menagerie, notoriety, contingencies, debauchee, antecedent, lethargic, drowsiness, insidious, rouged.


II. Study the vocabulary and render the situations from the text:


to transpire 104, to fall short of being news 104, to beat one’s way 105, to be in the riot 105, to haunt 105, to provide an outlet for smth 106, on the verge of smth 106, to repose more trust in smb 107, to inherit money 107, to go intact to smb 107, to ingratiate oneself with smb 108, to run around (alone)110,111; Speak for yourself! to be appalled 114, to blot out 116.


III. Give English equivalents to the following:


Похвальная предприимчивость 104, выстрел наугад 104, бросить якорь 104, быть верным до конца 105, эгоцентризм 105, презирать кого-либо 105, физически крепкий 106, во всяком случае 106, продолжаться бесконечно 107, вступать в разговор 109, беспокоить/возмущать 111, гнетущая атмосфера 111, непревзойденный 111, величественно восседать 112, подвыпивший 113, близость 114, зверинец 115, одним щелчком пальцев 116, отправная точка 117.


IV. Pay attention to the usage of the following verbs of motion, differentiate between their meanings and think of 3-5 sentences of your own in English:


to loaf along 104, to beat one’s way 105, to drift back 106, to coast along 106, to trot around 108, to run around 110, to stroll 111, to saunter over 112, to linger 116.


V. Comment on the following sentences:


1. The passage on p. 115 “Her glance left me … p. 116 … of unwavering devotion”.

2. “You can’t repeat the past”.–“Can’t repeat the past?” he cried incredulously. “Why of course you can!” p. 117


VI. Speak on the following


1. What other legends about Gatsby have you come to know from the chapter?

2. Speak on Gatsby’s youth and dreams. What do you know about his parents? Why did he change his name?

  1. The author has collected some details about Gatsby’s human qualities. Can you find them?

4. Who was Cody? What was his role in Gatsby’s life?

  1. Describe Gatsby’s celebrated guests and their behaviour.

6. What was Daisy’s impression of the party? How did she account for people coming to the parties without invitation?

7. Why did Tom call the guests a “menagerie”? Why did Gatsby introduce him as “the polo player”? What quality did Tom’s presence give to the party?

8. Why did Tom want to find out information about Gatsby?

9. Why was Gatsby depressed after the party? What did he want Daisy to do? Did he ask too much from her?

10. Is Gatsby a sentimental person?

11. What do you think Nick was reminded of through all Gatsby said?


VII. Prepare a written translation of the passage on p. 104 from “James Gatz…” up to p. 105 “…he was faithful to the end”.

VIII. Make up your own sentences with the vocabulary in Russian for your fellow-students to translate them into English.


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