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Problem-Solving Exercises

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A. Types of Transformations

I. Identify the types of transformations related to the translating process of sentence (1):

До конца второй мировой войны о технических достижениях в будущем любили порассуждать лишь авторы научно-фантастических произведений.

II. Translate sentences (1) and (2) employing the method of syntactic integration. Give some arguments for or against its use.

III. Find two other sentences in the text where this transformation can be easily employed.

IV. Is it possible to render the subject-predicate group in sentence (1) word-for-word, e.g.... рассуждения ограничивались литературой? If not, what other way can you suggest?

V. While translating sentence (3) choose between the word-for-word translation of "the reader's imagination" and the transformed wording: читатель в своем воображении.... Give your reasons.

VI. Evaluate the use of modulation and transcription in the following translation of sentence (4):

Его могли даже порой позабавить благополучные концовки некоторых рассказов таких пионеров этого жанра, как Жюль Берн и Г. Уэллс, в которых современное общество продолжало неторопливо двигаться по привычной колее, несмотря на самые ужасные открытия какого-нибудь ученого-маньяка. •'

VII. Can sentence (4) be partitioned in translation? What changes would it involve?

VIII. Explain in what way the meaning of the phrase: "can be depended upon" is compensated for in the following translation of sentence (5):

И что могло быть приятней машины времени Уэллса, которая, совершив полное опасностей путешествие в далекое будущее, непременно возвратит героя в настоящее как раз к чаю у камина в гостиной.

IX. Translate sentence (6) and state what kind of transformation can be used to render into Russian the sense of the phrase "the sense of the here-and-now".

X. Evaluate the following explication of the phrase "media-soaked eyes" in

sentence (9) and suggest some other possible way of its translation:

Все убыстряющиеся темпы технических и социальных изменений в послевоенном мире решительно размывают привычные черты нашей цивилизации на глазах у людей, пресыщенных информацией в самых различных формах.

В. Other Translation Problems

XI. Explain the difference between the English "speculation" and the Russian спекуляция. Can one of them be used to translate the other in any context? Why are such pairs sometimes called "the false friends of the translator"?

XII. What is the difference between the Russian words техника and технология? Which of them is a good equivalent to the English "technology"?

XIII. What Russian equivalent can you suggest to render the meaning of "the humdrum" in sentence (2)?

XIV. Which of the Russian words: солидный, твердый, незыблемый or прочный would you prefer when rendering the word "solid" in sentence (2)? Give your reasons.

XV. Explain the difference between the Russian предвосхищение, предчувствие and предвидение. Which of them is closer to the English "premonition" semantically in sentence (3)?

XVI. What is the accepted translation of the "nuclear deterrent"? Explain the difference in connotation between the English and the Russian term.

XVII. Find a good Russian equivalent to the English adjective "cataclysmic" in sentence (4). What is катаклизм in Russian?

XVIII. What reassurance is mentioned in sentence (4)? Is it expressed in so many words or can be deduced by the reader (for instance, from the happy end of a dramatic story)?

XIX. Show the semantic similarity of the Russian phrases: на него можно положиться, он обязательно это сделает, можете быть в нем уверены. Which of them can be used while translating sentence (5)?

XX. Choose an equivalent to the word "author" in sentence (5) among the Russian words автор, герой and путешественник. Explain your choice.

XXI. Would you use the regular Russian equivalent уютный to render the meaning of "cosy" in sentence (5)? If not, suggest another word.

XXII. While translating sentence (6) you will have to make up your mind whether чувство настоящего is good Russian or whether some additional word should be inserted, such as чувство уверенности в настоящем, сознание незыблемости настоящего or something Uke that. Make your choice and explain it.

XXIII. Is "airily" in sentence (7) to be rendered as высокомерно, легкомысленно, с легкостью or can you suggest something else?

XXIV. Note that the Russian verb думать is not used in the passive voice (cf. "is thought of in sentence (8). How would you overcome this difficulty? Would you resort to a change of form or look for another word?

XXV. Would you say in Russian: растворять вехи цивилизации (cf. "to dissolve the signposts of our civilization" in sentence (9). If not, find a better way out.

XXVI. What is the accepted Russian equivalent to "mass media"?

XXVII. What Russian verbs can express the idea of excessiveness which is present in the English "soaked" in sentence (9)?

XXVIII. "Media-soaked" in sentence (9) obviously refers to excessive doses of information fed to us through the mass media. Can you use the Russian word информация in your translation of this sentence?

XXIX. State which of the following Russian wordings would you choose in the translation of sentence (10)? Or in the translation of the headline? Justify your choice: картина будущего, облик грядущего, каким будет будущее.

XXX. Choose among the following Russian equivalents to the English phrase "willingly or reluctantly" in sentence (10): охотно или неохотно, хотим мы или не хотим, хотим мы этого или нет. Explain your choice.


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