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Читайте также:
  1. Обзорную лекцию о мультимедиа прочитает Сергей Карпов, документальный фотограф, главный редактор проекта «Mediacrowd», куратор проекта «РУЛЕТ».
Moss Roy Jen

Task 1 Study the words and phrases below:

Word of phrase Initial form Definition Translation
handy handy (adj.) useful зручний
hilarious hilarious (adj.) extremely funny  
insane insane (adj.) completely stupid or crazy божевільний
snowed under to be snowed under (phrasal verb) to have more work than you can deal with бути «по вуха» завантаженим роботою
contributed to to contribute to (v.) to help to make something happen «зробити внесок», допомогти
folk folk (n.) people люди, «народ»
throw around to throw around (phrasal verb) to throw or exchange something back and forth casually (here: to exchange ideas) «накидати» (ідей)
wrap it up to wrap it up (phrasal verb) to finish a job, meeting etc «закруглятися», закінчувати
‘m off for to be off for sth (phrasal verb) to go away for some purpose уходити (кудись)
reception reception (noun) the act of receiving radio, television, or other signals, or the quality of signals you receive зв'язок
punchy punchy (adj.) short but very clear and effective ефектний
bollocks bollock (n.) something wrong or stupid (informal) дурниці
elders elder (n.) a member of a tribe or other social group who is important and respected because they are old старійшини
wonders wonder (n.) something that makes you feel surprise and admiration дива
primeval primevial (adj). belonging to the earliest time in the existence of the universe or the Earth первісний


Task 2 Watch the episode and complete the lines with the words from the table above:

  Jen: You know, I think, maybe, it'd be a good idea if you two 1) _____________________ this, I really do.  
Roy: Well, obviously, in our line of work that would be 2) ________________. But, you know what, Jen, I'm actually, I'm 3) ______________________here.  
Jen: Thanks, I 4) _________________ lunch. Leave it on my desk.  
Roy: We can put any old 5) __________________ in that speech and she shall repeat it. It's going to be 6) ___________________.
Roy: OK, so let's just, um I don't know, let's just 7) ____________________ a few ideas.  
Roy: That's good, but it's not quite 8) __________________ enough, and it's probably true now anyway. I'll bet he does own a lot of gates.  
Roy: Are you 9) ______________________? What if she drops it?  
Moss: It goes on top of Big Ben. That's where you get the best 10) ___________________.  
Moss: I spoke to the 11) __________________ of the internet, not one hour ago.  
Jen: At last, I thought, a chance to explain the 12) ________________ of technology to ordinary 13) ___________________.  
Jen: Man's 14) ___________________instinct to survive at any cost, would lead to terrible violence, so, please, no flash photography.  
Jen: OK, guys, I guess I should 15) ______________________.  

Task 3 Complete the sentences below with the words/phrases from Task 1:

a) There was an article in the newspaper with a very strong and _____________ headline. I wanted to read it right away!

b) - Do you want to go for a pizza? – I’m sorry, I don’t have time for lunch. I’m completely _____________________ with the work I have to do.

c) We were so amazed by our last trip! The sight of the Taj Mahal filled us with __________________.

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