Читайте также:
Francisco H.G. Ferreira
Income, inequality, and poverty during the transition from planned to market economy
Branko Milanovic,
The evolution of thinking about poverty: exploring the interactions
World Devepolment Report 2000/2001: Attacking Poverty
Table of Contents (128K)
Overview (926K)
Part I - Framework
Chapter 1: The Nature and Evolution of Poverty (1.05MB)
Chapter 2: Causes of Poverty and a Framework for Action (900K)
Part II - Opportunity
Chapter 3: Growth, Inequality, and Poverty (945K)
Chapter 4: Making Markets Work Better for Poor People (921K)
Chapter 5: Expanding Poor People's Assets and Tackling Inequalities (923K)
Part III - Empowerment
Chapter 6: Making State -Institutions More Responsive to Poor People (980K)
Chapter 7: Removing Social Barriers and Building Social Institutions (821K)
Part IV - Security
Chapter 8: Helping Poor People Manage Risk (940K)
Chapter 9: Managing -Economic Crises and Natural Disasters (938K)
Part V - International Actions
Chapter 10: Harnessing Global Forces for Poor People (882K)
Chapter 11: Reforming Development Cooperation to Attack Poverty (911K)
Bibliography (1.04MB)
Selected World Development Indicators
Part I - Map: the World by Income, Tables (1.3MB)
Introduction to the Selected World Development Indicators (791K)
Map: The World by Income (220K)
Table 1. Size of the economy (88K)
Table 2. Quality of life (85K)
Table 3. Population and labor force (85K)
Table 4. Poverty (82K)
Table 5. Distribution of income or consumption (84K)
Table 6. Education (98K)
Table 7. Health (85K)
Part II - Technical Notes, Data Sources, Classification of Economies by Imcome and Region, 2000 (278K)
Доклад о мировом развитии 2000/2001. Борьба с бедностью. Обзор
Poverty net
Understanding Poverty
Trends in poverty over time
Сравнительные оценки бедности
Мартин Рэвелльон
Сборник материалов по стратегии сокращения бедности
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Income Distribution and Poverty
European Union
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Poverty during the transition | | | SOCIAL STRATIFICATION |