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Save money

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  1. as they say, money isn't everything.
  2. Money Management - основы управления капиталом
  4. Взлом WebMoney
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save – to gradually collect an amount of money and keep adding to it, especially by regularly putting a certain amount into a bank;

save up – to save money in order to buy something or do something;

set aside – to regularly save part of the money you earn, especially over a long period;

scrimp and save – to try to save as much money as you can even though you do not earn very much.


to sell something to someone:

sell off – to sell something, especially at a reduced price, in order to get rid of it quickly, because you need the money soon or because it will not last a long time;

sell up – a British expression meaning to sell all the things that you own in a place, such as your house, your business, etc. in order to move to a different place or to do something different;

flog – an informal British word meaning to sell something, especially something that is of low quality or that has something wrong with it;

serve – if someone who works in a shop or a bar serves a customer, they help them to buy or choose the goods or drinks that they want;

to sell particular products as a way of making money:

deal in – to buy and sell a particular kind of goods as part of your business;

trade in – to buy and sell large quantities of something, especially basic materials such as rice, wood, gold, etc., or money from different countries;

stock – if a shop stocks a particular product, it has that product in the shop so that it is available for people to buy;

export – if a country or a company exports its products, it sends them to another country in order to be sold;

to sell illegal goods such as drugs:

peddle – to sell illegal drugs to people;

deal in – to buy and sell illegal goods such as drugs or things that have been stolen;

push – an informal word meaning to sell illegal drugs, especially to people who are dependent on them;

trafficking – selling large quantities of illegal drugs or taking them into another country in order to sell them;

black market – the system by which people illegally buy and sell goods or foreign money, especially for high prices, often because these things are difficult to obtain legally;

to stop something being available for people to buy:

take sth off the market – if a company takes a product off the market, it stops producing it and shops stop selling it;

withdraw – if a shop or a company withdraws a product, it makes it unavailable for people to buy by removing it from shops;

recall – if a company recalls a product, they ask all the shops that sell it and the people that have bought it to send it back to them for checking, because there may be something wrong with it;

ways of saving that something is being sold in large numbers:

outsell – if one product outsells another, more of it is sold than the other product;

be selling like hot cakes – an informal expression: if a product is selling like hot cakes, it is being sold very quickly and in large amounts because people very much want to buy it;

do a roaring trade – a British expression: if a person or a shop that sells a particular type of goods is doing a roaring trade, they are selling large quantities of goods because a lot of people suddenly want to buy them;

best–selling – a best–selling product is one that is sold in large numbers, especially more than any other product of the same type.


part of a company or business that someone owns, which gives them a right to receive a share of the profits:

share – a part of a company that you have bought which gives you the right to a share of the company's profits;

stake – a large or important part that you own or pay for in a plan or organization, especially when this involves some risk.


Дата добавления: 2015-07-10; просмотров: 158 | Нарушение авторских прав

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