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means of translation

Читайте также:
  1. Addition as a Translation Problem
  3. Adequate translation and the role of context
  5. Antonymic Translation
  6. Attitude to the Materials for Translation
  7. B) Suggest the methods of translation into Ukrainian of the names of English and foreign companies in the sentences below.

· Addition and extension

For the first ten years of their marriage, the Bacons had holidayed in Bournemouth, because Arnold’s parents had always done so. (J. Archer) – Первые десять лет совместной жизни супруги Бэйкон проводили отпуск в Борнмуте, поскольку там всегда раньше отдыхали родители Арнольда.

· Substituting parts of speech and restructuring of the sentence

For those who still prefer the traditional ‘at home’ office party, there are a number of dos and don’ts. – Для тех, кто до сих пор предпочитает устраивать торжества “по-домашнему” на рабочем месте, следует напомнить несколько правил о том, что можно и чего нельзя делать.


· English does not have affixes in large numbers – only about 50 common prefixes [including international ones, like a- (amoral), pro- (prosocialist), auto- (autobiography), etc. ], and somewhat fewer suffixes.

· Russian prefixes are most typical of verbs, as they help to specify an aspect modification of the action: в мять, из мять, на мять, по мять, под мять, при мять, раз мять. In English, these verbs mean respectively to dent, rumple, beat, muss, crush, trample down, mash.

· Russian suffixes, on the other hand, prevail with nouns and adjectives.


Abbreviation is shortening a word.

Types of abbreviation

· Graphical abbreviations, used only in writing, and, therefore, pronounced and translated in its full form. These abbreviations are widely employed in faxes: e.g., agst = against, f/b = feedback, ETA = expected date of arrival, ETD = expected date of departure, etc. However, though rarely, some of these abbreviations enter the common stock of vocabulary and, pronounced in a shortened way, they become new words of the language: asap = as soon as possible.

· Phonetic abbreviations, or a non-standard way of writing some common words based on their pronunciation; typical of advertising. For example, u = you, thru = through. Normally, in translation this type of abbreviation is lost.

· Lexical abbreviations, including initialisms, spoken as individual letters (BBC, MP,; acronyms, pronounced as single words (NATO, UNESCO, AIDS); clippings, or parts of words which serve for the whole (ad, sci-fi = science fiction); blends, or words made out of the shortened forms of two other words (brunch= breakfast + lunch, burgernomics –гамбургерномика, Eurovision = Europe + television).

Semantic neologisms are words that already exist but are given the new meaing, based on resemblance of a newly denoted occurrence with the known one.
What can you do with a woman who sits and sponges all day long? – Что поделаешь с женщиной, которая весь день только и сидит, напиваясь, как сапожник.

The main problem during the translation of neologisms is understanding the new word's meaning. The translation itself, when the meaning is already known to the interpreter, is a far easier problem, and it is solved by using the ways of translation mentioned below, depending on what type of the word does the neologism belong to. The process of translating the word usually consists of two stages:

1) understanding the meaning of the word from the context

2) conveying this meaning using the ways of translating language.
In the case of translating the author's neologism the first stage plays the most significant role, and the second one is just a question of techniques.

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Means of translation| Ex. 2: Translate the following text preserving the main message and deleting unimportant details (selective translation); adapting it for laymen.

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