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Theatre in Ukraine

REHEARSAL DISCIPLINE | Confessions of a would-be actor | I. Performance | Comprehension Check | At the Theatre | The Reaction of the Audience | I. Comprehension Check | Theatre in the USA | II. Vocabulary Practice | THEATRE IN GREAT BRITAIN |

Читайте также:
  1. A Visit to the Theatre
  2. At the Theatre
  3. At the Theatre
  5. c) The theatre is the ancient but ever youthful parent of all entertainment in dramatic form.
  6. Companytheatre
  7. Dorfman Theatre

The roots of the Ukrainian national theatre are traced to Old Slave myths. Performances by "skomorokhy," by Old Rus' itinerant actors, were first men­tioned in the ll-th century and in the 17th— 18th centuries they took the form of "balahan" and "vertep" itinerant drama and puppet shows, which sti­mulated the appearance and maturation of the theatrical art in Ukraine. Folk dramas appeared in the 17th century as a stage versions of literary works (usu­ally adventure stories or school melodramas).

Taras Shevchenko's historical and social drama "Nazar Stodolya" streng­thened the theatre's realistic principles.

Plays marked by talent and high professionalism were written by Ivan Kocherga and
Y. Yanovsky, complemented by dramas of everyday life by H. Mizyun, H. Hyzylsky, etc.

In 1950s—1980s historical themes were broached by gifted Ukrainian playwrights (Ivan Kocherha's "Yaroslav the Wise," O. Ilchenko's "St. Petersburg Autumn"). It was then that
O. Dovzhenko wrote the enthusiastically romantic play "Life in Blossom" about plant breeder
T. Michurin and the tragic come­dy "Cossack Descendants."

Over the past years the Ukrainian theatre has stayed on the wave crest of national revival. Among its stars are B. Stupka, B. Kozak, F. Stryhun, A. Rohovtseva, V. Zaklunna and others.

At present, Ukraine operates 91 drama companies, including "academic the­atres" in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv and Simferopol; musical drama and puppet theatres in all the 25 administrative Oblast regions; Youth Theatres in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Zaporizhya and Lviv; musical comedies in Kyiv, Kharkiv and Odesa. The Union of Theatrical Workers was founded in 1987 and its current membership approa­ches 6,000. Kyiv houses the State Museum of Theatrical, Musical and Cinema­tographic Art of Ukraine.

Ukrainian ballet is known on every continent. The Kyiv Ballet troupe has triumphantly toured the USA, Canada, Japan, European, South American countries. Audiences across the globe were bewitched by the virtuoso techni­ques and dramatic talent of such Ukrainian ballerinas as Valentina Kalinovska, Olena Potapova, Alia Havrylenko and Alia Lahoda. Solo dances Irayida Lukashova and Valeriy Parsegov won the Anna Pavlova and Waslaw Nijinsky international prizes.

Ukrainian ballet has old traditions dating from folk dances in Kyiv Rus' on to the music-and-dance scenes of the School Theatre.

I. Comprehension Check

77. Answer the questions on the text:

1. When was the beginning of the Ukrainian theatre?

2. What were the main forms of the theatrical life in Ukraine?

3. Who contributed to the development of the realistic principles of the Ukrainian Theatre?

4. What were the characteristic features of the theatrical life in Ukraine during the 20-th century?

5. What is the place of ballet among the others genres of theatrical performances on the Ukrainian stage?

6. What can you say about the theatrical life in our country nowadays?


Vocabulary Practice

78. Find the English equivalents of the following words and phrases from the text:

1. слов'янський міф

2. театр, що переїздить з місця на місце

3. сприяти появі і становленню театрального мистецтва

4. сценічна версія

5. укріпити реалістичні принципи театрального мистецтва

6. обдаровані (талановиті) українські драматурги

7. хвиля національного відродження

8. налічує 6,000 членів

9. народні танці


79. Discuss the following topics in class.

1. The Ukrainian theatre and its creators.

2. The theatrical companies you like best.

3. Describe your favourite actor or actress.

4. Speak of your last visit to the Opera House or Play House.

5. Describe your impressions of a play (opera, ballet).

6. Give a description of the scenery of some play, act, scene that appealed to you.

7. The educational role of the theatre.



80. Pair work.

Student A. Read the first review of the comedy and convince your friend to go to this play with you.

Student B. Read the second review of the opera and convince your friend to go to this play with you.

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