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24 страница. [217] См., например: Elton, The Practice of History, pp.vii-viii.

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[217] См., например: Elton, The Practice of History, pp.vii-viii.

[218] Lee Benson, Toward the Scientific Study of History, Lippincott, 1972.

[219] Цит. по: Peter Novick, The Noble Dream: theObjectivity Questionand the American Historical Profession, Cambridge University Press, 1988, p.28.

[220] Zeldin, “After Braudel”. См. также его статью “Social and total history”, Journal of Social History, X, 1976, pp.237-45.

[221] K.R.Popper, The Open Society and its Enemies, vol.2, 5th edn., Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1966, p.265.

[222] Raphael Samuel (ed.), Peoples History and Socialist Theory, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981, editor’s introduction, p.xiv.

[223] Удивительно, что в указанную ошибку впадает и Э.Х.Карр в своей книге: E.H.Carr, What is History?, Penguin, 1964, p.16.

[224] Из письма лорда Актона участникам «Кембриджской новой истории», 1896, опубл. в: Fritz Stern (ed.), Varietes of History, 2nd edn., Macmillan, 1970, p.247.

[225] Carr, What is History?, p.120.

[226] L.B.Namier, Avenues of History, Hamish Hamilton, 1952, p.8.

[227] M.M.Postan, Fact and Relevance, Cambridge University Press, 1970, p.51.

[228] Elton, The Practice of History, pp.74-82.

[229] См.: R.C.Richardson, The Debate on the English Revolution Revisited, Routledge, 1988.

[230] Marc Bloch, The Historians Craft, Manchester University Press, 1954, p.65.

[231] Взгляды Поппера со всей ясностью изложены в: Bryan Magee, Popper, Fontana, 1973.

[232] R.F.Holland, European Decolonization 1918-81, Macmillan, 1985.

[233] James Joll, The Origins of the First World War, Longman, 1984.

[234] Jakob Burckhardt, The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, Phaidon, 1960, p.1.

[235] В особенности это относится к «Практике истории» Элтона.

[236] Richard Cobb, A Second Identity, Oxford University Press, 1969, p.47. См. подобные же высказывания Зелдина в: France 1848-1945, vol.1, Oxford University Press, 1973, p.7.

[237] См., например: Peter Geyl, Napoleon: For and Against, 2nd edn., Cape, 1964.

[238] Сравните, например: Peter Laslett, The World We Have Lost, 2nd edn., Methuen, 1971, и E.P.Thompson, Whigs and Hunters, Penguin, 1977.

[239] Michael Howard, The Lessons of History, Oxford University Press, 1981, p.21.

[240] J.B.Bury, “The science of history”, 1902, цит. по: Stern, Varietes of History, p.215.

[241] Adrian Wilson, “The infancy of the history of childhood: an appraisal of Philippe Ariès”, History and Theory, XIX, 1980, pp.132-153.

[242] H.Butterfield, The Whig Interpretation of History, Penguin, 1973, p.30.

[243] Sheila Rowbotham, Hidden from History, Pluto Press, 1973.

[244] Цит. по: J.H.Hexter, On Historians, Collins, 1979, p.15.

[245] Gordon Connel-Smith and Howell A. Lloyd, The Relevance of History, Heinemann, 1972, p.41.

[246] Elton, The Practice of History, p.31.

[247] Консервативные убеждения Элтона наиболее четко выражены в его двух вступительных лекциях «Будущее прошлого» (1968) и «История Англии» (1984), опубликованных в его книге: G.R.Elton, Return to Essentials, Cambridge University Press, 1991.

[248] Roland Barthes, Image, Music, Text, Fontana, 1977, pp.42-48.

[249] Текстуальные теории, возникшие на основе концепции Соссюра, систематизированы в: Raman Selden, Peter Widdowson and Peter Brookes, A Readers Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory, 4th edn., Prentice Hall, 1997.

[250] Хорошее представление об идеях Фуко дается в: P.Rabinow (ed.), The Foucault Reader, Penguin, 1991.

[251] Jacques Derrida, Of Grammatology, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976, p.158.

[252] Raphael Samuel, “Reading the Signs”, History Workshop Jornal, 32, 1991, p.93.

[253] Hayden White, The Content of the Form, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1987, p.72.

[254] Michel Foucault, The Archaeology of Knowledge, Tavistock, 1972.

[255] Keith Jenkins, ReThinking History, Routledge, 1991, p.68.

[256] Цит. по: Novick, That Noble Dream, p.601.

[257] См., например: Alun Munslow, Deconstructing History, Routledge, 1997; Keith Jenkins, OnWhat Is History?”, Routledge, 1995.

[258] Ярким примером подобного весьма критического анализа без всякого влияния постмодернизма является: Linda Coley, Britons: Forging the Nation, 1707-1873, Yale University Press, 1992.

[259] Примеры критики вигской интерпретации истории см. в: J.C.D.Clark, English Society 1688-1832: Ideology, Social Structure and Poitical Practice during the Ancien Régime, Cambridge University Press, 1985; Conrad Russel, The Causes of the English Civil War, Oxford University Press, 1990. Подобные же атаки на концепцию промышленной революции см. в: R.Floud and D.McCloskey (eds.), The Economic History of Britain since 1700, 2 vols, Cambridge University Press, 1981.

[260] Gareth Stedman Jones, Languages of Class: Studies in English Working Class History 1832-1982, Cambridge University Press, 1983, p.107.

[261] H. John Field, Toward a Programme of Imperial Life, Clio Press, 1982; John Tosh, “What shoud historians do with masculinity: reflections on nineteenth-century Britain”, History Workshop Journal, 38, 1994, pp.179-202.

[262] Обзор этих тенденций см. в: Peter Burke (ed.), New Perspectives in Historical Writing, Polity, 1991.

[263] См., например: Joan Scott, Gender and the Politics of History, Columbia University Press, 1988.

[264] Gabrielle M. Spiegel, “History, historicism, and the social logic of the text”, Speculum, LXV (1990), pp.59-86.

[265] Gertrude Himmelfarb, On Looking Into the Abyss, Knopf, 1994.

[266] Joyce Appleby, Lynn Hunt and Margaret Jacob, Telling the Truth About History, Norton, 1994, p.236.

[267] Elton, Return to Essentials; Arthur Marwick, “Two approaches to historical study: the metaphysical (including “Postmodernism”) and the historical”, Journal of Contemporary History, XXX, 1995, pp.5-35.

[268] Appleby, Hunt and Jacob, Telling the Truth About History; Richard J. Evans, In Defence of History, Granta, 1997.

[269] E.P.Thompson, The Making of the English Working Class, revised edn., Penguin, 1968, p.916.

[270] См.: Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, The Mind and the Method of the Historian, Harvester, 1981, Ch.1.

[271] Одна из таких теорий, несомненно, лежит в основе большинства работ Дж.Р.Элтона, а также научной школы «высокой политики», рассмотренной нами выше (с.77-78).

[272] Важным исключением из правила является: E.H.Carr, What is History?, Penguin, 1964.

[273] Peter Mathias, “Living with the neighbours: the role of economic history”, 1970, перепечатана в: N.B.Harte (ed.), The Study of Economic History, 1971, p.380.

[274] Примером этой точки зрения может служить: Jacques Barzun, Clio and the Doctors, Chicago University Press, 1974.

[275] Aileen S. Kraditor, “American radical historians on their heritage”, Past and Present, LVI, 1972, p.137.

[276] Ibid., p.137.

[277] Paul K. Conkin, “Intellectual history”, in: Charles E. Delzell (ed.), The Future of History, Vanderbilt University Press, 1977, pp.129-130.

[278] David Thompson, The Aims of History, Thames & Hudson, 1969, p.105.

[279] Isaiah Berlin, “Historical inevitability”, 1954, переиздана в: Patrick Gardiner (ed.), The Philosophy of History, Oxford University Press, 1974.

[280] Замечаниями такого рода пестрят работы Тэйлора: Bismark, Hamish Hamilton, 1955, и The Origins of Second World War, Penguin, 1964.

[281] G.R.Elton, The Practice of History, Fontana, 1969, pp.55-56.

[282] M.M.Postan, Fact and Relevance, Cambridge University Press, 1971, p.16.

[283] E.E.Evans-Pritchard, “Anthropology and history”, 1961, цит. по: E.E.Evans-Pritchard, Essays in Social Anthropology, Faber, 1962, p.49.

[284] Philip Abrams, Historical Sociology, Open Books, 1982, pp.2-3.

[285] См., например, такие критические статьи, как: Gareth Stedman Jones, “From historical sociology to theoretical history”, British Journal of Sociology, XXVII, 1976, pp.295-305; Tony Judt, “A clown in regal purple: social history and the historians”, History Workshop Journal, VII, 1979, pp,66-94.

[286] К.Маркс, Ф.Энгельс. Соч., т.13, с.6-7.

[287] Эта интерпретация убедительно обосновывается в: Melvin Rader, Marxs Interpretation of History, Oxford University Press, 1979. Противоположную точку зрения см. в: G.A.Cohen, Karl Marx’s Theory of History: A Defence, Oxford University Press, 1978.

[288] Fernand Braudel, “History and the social sciences: la longue durée ”, 1958, цит. по Fernand Braudel, On History, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1980, p.51.

[289] Ф.Энгельс – И.Блоху, 21 сентября 1890 г., цит. по: Соч., т.37, с.394.

[290] Karl Marx, Pre-Capitalist Economic Formations, Lawrence & Wishart, 1964, особенно см. предисловие Э.Дж.Хобсбаума.

[291] К.Маркс. Письмо в редакцию «Отечественных записок», ноябрь 1877 г., цит. по: К.Маркс, Ф.Энгельс. соч., т.19, с.120.

[292] К.Маркс, Ф.Энгельс. Соч., т.13, с.7.

[293] К.Маркс, Ф.Энгельс. Соч., т.8, с.119.

[294] К.Маркс, Ф.Энгельс. Соч., т.37, с.371.

[295] Цит. соч., т.3, с.43.

[296] Цит. соч., т.13, с.7.

[297] J.H.Clapham, “The study of economic history”, 1929, цит. по: Harte, Study of Economic History, pp.64-65.

[298] John Barber, Soviet Historians in Crisis, 1928-30, Macmillan, 1981.

[299] Eric Hobsbawm, “The Historians’ Group of the Communist Party” in Maurice Cornforth (ed.), Rebels and their Causes, Lawrence & Wishart, 1978, p.39.

[300] См. его труды: Age of Revolution, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1962; Age of Capital, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1976.

[301] Christopher Hill, The English Revolution 1640, 3rd edn., Lawrence & Wishart, 1955, p.43.

[302] E.P.Thompson, The Making of the English Working Class, Penguin, 1968, p.9.

[303] См.: Richard Johnson, “Thompson, Genovese and socialist-humanist history”, History Workshop Journal, VI, 1978, pp.79-100, и Perry Anderson, Arguments within English Marxism, Verso, 1980.

[304] E.P.Thompson, The Poverty of Theory, Merlin Press, 1978, в особенности с.110-119.

[305] Ibid., p.88.

[306] Christopher Hill, The World Turned Upside Down, Penguin, 1975, p.14.

[307] Ibid., p.386.

[308] Thompson, The Making of the English Working Class, p.13.

[309] К.Маркс, Ф.Энгельс. Соч., т.13, с.7.

[310] Barry Hindes and Paul Q. Hirst, Pre-Capitalist Models of Production, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1975, pp.308-313.

[311] Классическим опровержением «структурализма» является: E.P.Thompson, The Poverty of Theory. В более сжатой форме оно содержится в: Raphael Samuel, “History and theory”, in: R.Samuel (ed.), Peoples History and Socialist Theory, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981, pp.xl-lii.

[312] Ср. работу Хилла English Revolution с его же The World Turned Upside Down, написанной тридцать с лишним лет спустя.

[313] J.C.D.Clark, English Society 1688-1832: Ideology, Social Structure and Political Practice during the Ancien Régieme, Cambridge University Press, 1985, p.1: см. также его работу: Revolution and Rebellion: State and Society in England in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, Cambridge University Press, 1986, p.2.

[314] См., например, работы Дж.Элтона и Дж.Кларка.

[315] W.W.Rostow, The Stages of Economic Growth, Cambridge University Press, 1960.

[316] Catherine Hall, “Histories, empires and the post-colonial moment” in: Iain Chambers & Lidia Curti (eds.), The Post-Colonial Question: Common Skies, Divided Horizons, Routledge, 1996, pp.65-77.

[317] См., например: Olwen Hufton, The Prospect Before Her: a History of Western Women, 1500-1800, Harper Collins, 1995.

[318] Классическим обзором всех «за» и «против» понятия «патриархат» является статья Шейлы Роуботам Салли Александер и Барбары Тэйлор в: Raphael Samuel (ed.), Peoples History and Socialist Theory, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981, pp.363-373.

[319] Jane Lewis (ed.), Labour and Love: Womens Experience of Home and Family 1850-1940, Blackwell, 1986, предисловие редактора, с.4. См. также: John Tosh “What should historian do with masculinity? Reflections on nineteenth-century Britain”, History Workshop Journal, 38, 1994, pp.179-202.

[320] Natalie Zemon Davis, “‘Women’s history’ in transition: the European case”, Feminist Studies, III, 1975, pp.83-103.

[321] Michael Roper and John Tosh (eds.), Manful Assertions: Masculinities in Britain since 1800, Routledge, 1991; Leonore Davidoff and Catherine Hall, Family Fortunes: Men and Women of the English Middle Class 1780-1850, Hutchinson, 1987.

[322] Louise Tilly and Joan Scott, Women, Work and Family, 2nd edn., Methuen, 1987.

[323] Joan Kelly, Women, History and Theory, Chicago University Press, 1984, ch.3.

[324] H.R.Trevor-Roper, “History: professional and lay”, 1957, цит. по: H.L.Lloyde-Jones, V.Pearl and B.Worden (eds.), History and Imagination, Duckworth, 1981, p.13.

[325] Thompson, The Poverty of Theory, p.78.

[326] Roderick Floud, Height, Health and History: Nutritional Status in the United Kingdom, 1750-1980, Cambridge University Press, 1990, p.29.

[327] Цифры Куртина стали предметом продолжающихся споров среди специалистов по количественным методам. См.: Paul E. Lovejoy, “The volume of the Atlantic slave trade: a synthesis”, Journal of African History, XXIII, 1982, pp.473-501; J.Inikori (ed.), Forced Migration, Hutchinson, 1982.

[328] G.M.Trevelyan, English Social History, Longman, 1944, p.viii.

[329] См., например: Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, The Peasants of Languedoc, University of Illinois Press, 1974.

[330] E.A.Wrigley and R.S.Shofield, The Population History of England, 1541-1871, Arnold, 1981.

[331] E.A.Wrigley (ed.), An Introduction to the English Historical Demography, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1966, p.97.

[332] См., например, подробный анализ данного метода в: David Levine, Family Formation in an Age of Nascent Capitalism, Academic Press, 1977, pp.153-174.

[333] Peter Laslett (ed.), Household and Family in Past Time, Cambridge University Press, 1972.

[334] Методологические аспекты такого анализа в деталях рассматриваются в: E.A.Wrigley (ed.), Nineteenth Century Society, Cambridge University Press, 1972.

[335] См., например: Leo F. Schnore (ed.), The New Urban History, Princeton University Press, 1975.

[336] См.: J.R.Vincent, Pollbooks: How Victorians Voted, Cambridge University Press, 1967.

[337] Allan G. Bogue, “The new political history”, в: Michael Kammen (ed.), The Past Before Us, Cornell University Press, 1980. О применении количественных методов в изучении английской истории см.: W.O.Aydelotte, Qualification in History, Addison Wesley, 1971.

[338] Наиболее четкое обоснование этого подгода на английском языке содержится в: Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, The Territory of the Historian, Harvester, 1979, ch.2.

[339] G.N.Clark, Guide to English Commercial Statistics, 1696-1782, Royal Historical Society, 1938.

[340] B.R.Mitchell and Phyllis Deane, Abstract of British Historical Statistics, Cambridge University Press, 1962, p.466. Анализ проблем, связанных с индексом стоимости жизни см. в: Roderick Floud, An Introduction to Quantitative Methods for Historians, 2nd edn., Methuen, 1979, pp.125-129.

[341] W.O.Aydelotte, “On the business interests of the gentry in the Parliament of 1841-47” в: G. Kitson Clark, The Making of Victorian England, Methuen, 1962. См. также: W.O.Aydelotte, Qualification in History, ch.5.

[342] Предварительный обзор полученных результатов содержится в: Michael Anderson and others, “The national sample from the 1851 Census in Great Britain”, Urban History Newsletter, 1977, pp.55-59.

[343] Lawrence Stone, The Crisis of the Aristocracy, 1558-1641, Oxford University Press, 1965, p.130.

[344] Floud, An Introduction to Quantitative Methods for Historians, pp.88-122.

[345] Я в упрощенном виде привожу пример из: Edward Shorter, The Historian and the Computer, Prentice Hall, 1971, pp.5-8.

[346] Peter Burke, Sociology and History, Allen & Unwin, 1980, p.40.

[347] Обсуждение этой и других подобных тем см. в: Michael Anderson, Approaches to the History of the Western Family, 1500-1914, Macmillan, 1980, pp.33-38.

[348] W.O.Aydelotte, A.G.Bogue and R.W.Fogel (eds.), The Dimensions of Quantitative Research in History, Princeton University Press, 1972, pp.10-11.

[349] R.W.Fogel, “The new economic history: its findings and methods”, Economic History Review, 2nd series, XIX, 1966, pp.642-656. Примером применения этого подхода к истории Великобритании является: G.R.Hawke, Railways and Economic Growth in England and Wales, 1840-1870, Oxford University Press, 1970.

[350] Peter Mathias, “Economic history: direct and oblique” в Martin Ballard (ed.), New Movements in the Study and Teaching of History, Temple Smith, 1970, pp.83-84; E.H.Hunt, “The new economic history”, History, LIII, 1968, pp.15-16.

[351] John Habakkuk, “Economic history and economic theory”, Daedalus, C, 1971, pp.305-322.

[352] Roderick Floud (ed.), Essays in Quantitative Economic History, Oxford University Press, 1974, p.2.

[353] См.: Herbert G. Gutman, Slavery and the Numbers Game, University of Illinois Press, 1975; Paul David et al, Reckoning with Slavery, Oxford University Press, 1976.

[354] Lawrence Stone, The Past and the Present Revisited, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1987, p.94.

[355] Lee Benson, Toward the Scientific Study of History, Lippincott, 1972, pp.98-104.

[356] Carl Bridenbaugh, “The great mutation”, American Historical Review, LXVIII, 1963, p.326. Более развернутую критику количественных методов см. в: Jacques Barzun, Clio and the Doctors, Chicago University Press, 1974.

[357] G.R.Elton, The Practice of History, Fontana, 1969, pp.49-51.

[358] G.R.Elton, Political History, Allen Lane, 1970, pp.48-49.

[359] Обзор этой дискуссии см. в: Arthur J. Taylor (ed.), The Standard of Living in Britain in the Industrial Revolution, Methuen, 1975.

[360] François Furet, “Quantitative history”, Daedalus, C, 1971, p.160; François Furet, In the Workshop of History, Chicago University Press, 1985.

[361] Aydelotte, Bogue and Fogel, The Dimensions of Quantitative Research in History, p.9.

[362] См., например, статью Нэмира «Политика и человеческая природа» (1955) в: Fritz Stern (ed.), The Varietes of History, Macmillan, 2nd edn., 1970.

[363] Это выражение заимствовано мной из: Margaret Spufford, Contrasting Communities: English Villagers in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Cambridge University Press, 1974, p.xxiii.

[364] Roy Porter, Mind Forgd Manacles: A History of Madness in England from the Restoration to the Regency, Athlone, 1987, p.x.

[365] Lucien Febvre, “History and psychology” (1938), см. в: Peter Burke (ed.), A New Kind of History, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1973.

[366] Robert Mandrou, Introduction to Modern France, 1500-1640: An Essay in Historical Psychology, Arnold, 1975.

[367] Bruce Mazlish, James and John Smart Mill: Father and Son in ihe Nineteenth Century, Hutchison, 1975.

[368] Peter Gay, Freud for Historians, Oxford University Press, 1985, p.75.

[369] Michael P. Rogin, Fathers and Children: Andrew Jackson and the Subjection of the American Indian, Knopf, 1975.

[370] David Е. Stannard, Shrinking Htstory: On Freud and the Failure of Psychohistory, Oxford University Press, 1980, p.30.

[371] Dror Wahrman, Imagining the Middle Class: the Political Representation of Class in Britain, c. 1780-1840, Cambridge University Press, 1995, p.11.

[372] Kevin Sharpe, Politics and Ideas in Early Stuart England, Francis Pinter, 1989. Ch.1.

[373] Keith Baker, “On the problem of ideological origins of the French Revolution”, в: Dominick La Capra and Steven L. Kaplan (eds.), Modern Intellectual History: Reappraisals and New Perspectives, Cornell University Press, 1982, p.204.

[374] Raphael Samuel (ed.), Patriotism: the Making and Unmaking of the British National Identity, 3 vols, Routledge, 1989.

[375] Natalie Zemon Davis, Fiction in the Archives, Polity, 1987, p.4.

[376] Clifford Geertz, The Interpretation of Cultures, Hutchinson, 1975, Ch. 1.

[377] Clifford Geertz, Local Knowledge: Further Essays in Interpretive Anthropology, Fontana, 1983.

[378] Natalie Zemon Davis, Society and Culture in Early Modern France, Duckworth, 1975, pp.xvi-xvii.

[379] Robert Darnton, The Great Cat Massacre and Other Episodes in French Cultural History,Allen Lane, 1984, p.262.

[380] Raphael Samuel, “Reading the signs: II”, History Workshop Journal, 33, 1992, pp.235-238, 243.

[381] Roy Porter and Lesley Hall, The Facts of Life: the Creation of Sexual knowledge in Britain, 1650-1950, Yale University Press, 1955, Ch.2; Leonore Davidoff and Catherine Hall, Family Fortunes: Men and Women of the English Middle Class, 1780-1850, Hutchinson, 1987, Ch.2-3; John Tosh, A Mans Place: Masculinity and the Middle-Class Home in Victorian England, Yale University Press, 1999.

[382] Анализ теории Лакана применительно к гендерной истории см. в: Sally Alexander, Becoming a Woman and Other Essays in 19th and 20th Century Feminist History, Virago, 1994, pp.105-110, 225-230.

[383] Denise Riley, Am I That Name? Feminism and the Category ofWomanin History, Macmillan, 1988.

[384] Joan W. Scott, “Gender: a useful category of historical analysis”, American Historical Review, 91 (1986), pp.1053-1075.

[385] Stefan Collini, “The idea of “character” in Victorian political thought”, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 5th series, XXXV (1985), pp.29-50.

[386] Judith R. Wolkowitz, Prostitution and Victorian Society, Cambridge University Press, 1980, p.ix.

[387] Georges Duby, “Ideologies in social history”, в: Jacques Le Goff and Pierre Nora (eds.), Constructing the Past: Essays in Historical Methodology, Cambridge University Press, 1985, p.151.

[388] Patrick Joyce, “The end of social history?”, Social History, XX (1995), pp.73-91.

[389] Patrick Joyce (ed.), The Historical Meaning of Work, Cambridge University Press, 1987.

[390] Это упущение частично исправлено небольшим разделом об устной истории в третьем издании книги: Arthur Marwick, The Nature of History, Macmillan, 1989, pp.215-216.

[391] John Vincent, An Intelligent Persons Guide to History, Duckworth, 1995, p.3.

[392] Bernard Donoughue and G.W.Jones, Herbert Morrison, Weidenfeld &. Nicolson, 1973.

[393] Anthony Seldon and Joanna Pappworth, By Word of Mouth, Methuen, 1983.

[394] Christopher Storm-Clark, “The miners, 1870-1970: a test-case for oral history”, Victorian Studies, XV, 1971, pp.65-66.

[395] В своей методологической работе «Голос прошлого» Томпсон дает более пол­ное описание разработанных им методов выборки. См.: Paul Thompson, The Voice of the Past: Oral History, 2nd edn., Oxford University Press, 1988, pp.124-131.

[396] Raphael Samuel (ed.), Village Life and Labour, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1975.

[397] Jerry White, The Worst Street in North London: Campbell Bunk, Islington, Between the Wars, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986; Rothschild Buildings: Life in an East End Tenement Block, 1887-1920, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980.

[398] Ken Worpole, “A ghostly pavement: the political implications of local working-class history” в: Raphael Samuel (ed.), Peoples History and Socialist Theory, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981, p.28.

[399] Журнал “ Oral History ” (Vlll, 1980, № 1) сообщает о конференции по истории черных и устной истории в 1979 г., в которой участвовали как профессиональные историки, так и черные активисты.

[400] Рецензия Стивена Косса на «Эдвардианцев» Томпсона в: Times Literary Supplement, 5 December 1975, p. 436.

[401] Philip Abrams, Historical Sociology, Open Books, 1982, p.331.

[402] Jerry White, “Beyond autobiography”, в: Samuel, Peoples History and Socialist Theory, p.35.

[403] См. рецензию Роберта Грея на книгу Томпсона в: Social History, V, 1977, pp.695-697.

[404] White, Rothschild Buildings, p.xiii.

[405] В качестве скромного по масштабам, но многообещающего примера такого подхода см.: Tottenham History Workshop, How Things Were: Growing Up in Tottenham 1890-1920, 1982.

[406] Alistair Thomson, Anzac Memories: Living with the Legend, Oxford University Press, 1994.

[407] Alessandro Portelli, The Death of Luigi Trastulli and Other Stories: Form and Meaning in Oral History, State University of New York Press, 1991, p.26.

[408] Впрочем, устная история и устная традиция плодотворно сочетаются в сборнике: B.Bernardi, C.Poni and A.Triulzi (eds.), Fonti Orali: Antropologia e Storia, Franco Angeli, 1978. Некоторые из важнейших статей были напечатаны по-английски.

[409] John Iliffe (ed.), Modern Tanzanians, East African Publishing House, 1973, содер­жит в том числе и ряд записей устных автобиографических рассказов. Устные мате­риалы искусно вплетены в ткань повествования в работе: Charles Perrings, Blade Mineworkers in Central Africa, Heinemann, 1979.

[410] Wyatt MacGaffey, “African history, anthropology, and the rationality of natives”, History in Africa, V, 1978, p.103.

[411] См.: Iona and Peter Opie, The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren, Oxford University Press, 1959.

[412] В 1961 г. книга вышла на французском языке, а ее английский вариант появился в 1965 г. (Oral Tradition, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1965). Новое, полностью переработанное автором издание опубликовано в 1985 г. (Jan Vansina, Oral Tradition as History, James Currey, 1985).

[413] M.S.M.Kiwanuka, A History of Buganda, Longman, 1971; S.Karugire, A History of the Kingdom of Nkore in Western Uganda to 1896, Oxford University Press, 1971.

[414] Этот и предыдущий параграфы основаны в первую очередь на статье Джозе­фа Миллера «Прислушиваясь к прошлому Африки», представляющей собой всту­пительный раздел в: Joseph Miller (ed.), The African Past Speaks, Daeson, 1980.

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