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[5] History Workshop Journal, I, 1976, p.2 (editorial).
[6] Sheila Rowbotham, Hidden from History, Pluto Press, 1973.
[7] Sheila R. Johansson, “’Herstory’ as history: a new field or another fad?”, in Berenice A. Carroll (ed.) Liberating Women ’ s History, Illinois University Press, 1976, p.427.
[8] L. von Ranke, Histories of the Latin and German Nations from 1494 to 1514, цитируемый отрывок переведен в: G.P.Gooch. History and Historians in the Nineteenth Century, 2nd edn, Longman, 1952, p.74.
[9] К сожалению, именно такое впечатление создает наиболее часто цитируемый перевод «что случилось на самом деле»; см.: Fritz Stern (ed.), The Varieties of History, 2nd edn, Macmillan, 1970, p.57.
[10] Томас Карлейль, цит. по: J.R.Hale (ed.)? The Evolution of British Historiography, Macmillan, 1967, p.42.
[11] Е.Р.Thompson, Customs in Common, Penguin, 1993, Ch.7.
[12] V.A.C.Gatrell, The Hanging Tree: Execution and the English People, 1770-1868, Oxford University Press, 1994.
[13] Цит. по: Gareth Stedman Jones, Outcast London, Penguin, 1976, p.258.
[14] L.P.Hartley. The Go-Between, Penguin, 1958, p.7.
[15] Simon Schama, “Clio at the Multiplex”, The New-Yorker, 19 Jan. 1998, p.40.
[16] См., например: James Sharpe, Instrument of Darkness: Witchcraft in England, 1550-1750,Hamish Hamilton, 1996, Jonathan Barry. Marianne Helster and Garet Roberts (eds), Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
[17] См., например: John Gillis, For Worse: British Marriages, 1600 to the Present, Oxford University Press, 1985.
[18] Fernand Braudel, “History and the social sciences: la longue durée ”, в его труде On History, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1980, pp.25-52.
[19] E.J.Hobsbawm and Т.О.Ranger (eds), The Invention of Tradition, Cambridge University Press, 1982.
[20] Richard G. Plaschka, “The political significance of Frantisek Palacký”, Journal of Contemporary History, VIII, 1973, pp.35-55.
[21] Noel Malcolm, Kosovo: a Short History, Macmillan, 1998.
[22] Цит. по: Christopher Parker, The English Historical Tradition since 1850, Donald, 1990, pp.42-43.
[23] Речь М. Тэтчер в Челтенхеме 3 июля 1982 г. Цит по: Anthony Barnett, Iron Britannia, Allison & Busby, 1982.
[24] Geoffry Pearson, Hooligan: a History of Respectable Fears, Macmillan, 1983.
[25] Raphael Samuel, Island Stories: Unravelling Britain, Verso, 1998, pp.337-338.
[26] J.H.Plumb, The Death of the Past, Macmillan, 1969; E.H.Carr, What a History? Macmillan, 1961.
[27] H.Butterfield, The Englishman and his History, Cambridge Unversity Press, 1944.
[28] Theodore Zeldin, “After Braudel”, The Listener, 5 Nov. 1981, p.542.
[29] Peter Burke, “People’s history or total history” в кн.: Raphael Samuel (ed.) People ’ s History and Socialist Theory, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981, p.8.
[30] Eric M. Sigsworth (ed.), In Search of Victorian Values, Manchester University Press, 1988, T.C.Smout (ed.), Victorian Values, British Academy, 1992.
[31] Raphael Samuel, “Unofficial knowledge”, в его работе: Theatres of Memory: Past and Present in Contemporary Culture, Verso, 1994, pp.3-39.
[32] Francis Fukuyama, The End of History and the Last Man, Hamish Hamilton, 1992.
[33] A.J.P.Taylor, War by Time-Table: How the First World War Began, Macdonald, 1969, p.45; Richard Cobb, A Second Identity, Oxford University Press, 1969, p.47.
[34] George L. Mosse, The Image of Man: the Creation of Modern Masculinity,Oxford University Press, 1996, ch.8.
[35] Интервью с Н. Земон Дэвис в кн.: Henry Abelove et al (eds.), Visions of History, Manchester University Press, 1984, pp.114-115.
[36] Christopher Hill, Change and Continuity in Seventeenth-Century England, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1974, p.284.
[37] Peter Laslett, Family Life ad Illicit Love in Earlier Generations, Cambridge, 1977, p.181.
[38] R.H.Tawney, History and Society, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978. p.55.
[39] Quentin Skinner, “Meaning and understanding in the history of ideas”, History & Theory, VIII, 1969, p.53.
[40] James Joll, Europe sine 1870, Penguin, 1976, p.xii.
[41] Eric Hobsbawm, On History, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1997, p.27.
[42] Gordon Connel-Smith and Howell A. Lloyd, The Relevance of History, Heinemann, 1972, pp.29-31, 123.
[43] W.S.Churchill, Marlborough: His Life and Times, (4 vols), Harrap, 1933-38; Roy Jenkins, Asquith, Collins, 1964.
[44] Francesco Guicciardini, Maxims and Reflections of a Renaissance Statesman (Ricordi), Harper & Row, 1965, p.69.
[45] См., например: Richard E. Neustadt and Ernest R. May, Thinking in Time: the Uses of History for Decision-Makers, Free Press, 1986; Paul Kennedy, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, Unwin Hyman, 1988.
[46] David H. Fischer, Historians ’ Fallacies, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1971, Ch.9.
[47] Hobsbawm, On History, pp.29, 233.
[48] E.H.Carr, What is History?, 2nd edn., Penguin, 1987, p.69.
[49] О направлении развития исторического процесса в Африке, см., например, книгу Donald Denoon, Southern Africa since 1800, Longman, 1972.
[50] Mary Lyndon Shanley, Feminism, Marriage and the Law in Victorian England, 1850-1895, Princeton, 1989.
[51] Michael Anderson, “The relevance of family history”, в кн.: Chris Harris (ed.), The Sociology of the Family, Keele, 1980.
[52] Linda Colley, Britons: Forging the Nation, 1707-1837, Yale University Press, 1992;Raphael Samuel, Island Stories: Unravelling Britain,Verso, 1998, pp.41-75.
[53] Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities, Verso, 1983.
[54] Paul Gilroy, The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness, Verso, 1993.
[55] Amy Louise Erickson, Women and Properly in Early Modern England, Cambridge University Press, 1993; Clare Midgley, Women Against Slavery, Routledge, 1992.
[56] William Cobbett, Advice to Young Men, Peter Davies, 1926, p.176.
[57] John Tosh, A Man ’ s Place: Masculinity and the Middle-Class Home in Victorian England, Yale University Press, 1999.
[58] Чтобы войти в курс его работ, лучше всего обратиться к: P.Rabinow (ed.), The Foucault Reader, Pantheon, 1984.
[59] G.R.Elton, “Second thoughts on history at the universities”, History, LIV, 1969, p.66. См. его же: The Practice of History, Fontana, 1969, pp.66-68.
[60] V.H.Galbraith, в R.C.K.Ensor et al., Why We Study History, Historical Association, 1944, p.7; см. также его труд: An Introduction to the Study of History, C.A.Walts, 1964, pp.59-61.
[61] Richard Cobb, A Second Identity: Essays on France and French History, Oxford University Press, 1969, p.47.
[62] Jeff Guy, The Destruction of the Zulu Kingdom, Longman, 1979.
[63] David Cannadine, “British history: past, present – and future?”, Past & Present, 116, 1987, p.180.
[64] См., например: G.R.Elton, Return to Essentials, Cambridge University Press, 1990, pp.84-87.
[65] См.: W.G.Hoskins, The Making of the English Landscape, Penguin, 1970.
[66] Geoffrey Barraclough, History in a Changing World, Blackwell, 1955, pp.24-25.
[67] Richard Cobb, A Sense of Place, Duckworth, 1975, p.4.
[68] E.H.Carr, What is History?, Penguin, 1964, p.86.
[69] Louis Gottschalk, Understanding History: A Primer of Historical Method, Knopf, 1950, pp.53-55.
[70] Marc Bloch, The Historian ’ s Craft, Manchester University Press, 1954, p.61.
[71] Отрывок из: Gerald of Wales, Expugnatio Hibernica, переведен с латыни в: D.C.Douglas and G.W.Greenaway (eds.) English Historical Documents, 1042-1189, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1953, p.386.
[72] Наилучшим примером здесь является автобиография Папы Пия II, написанная в 1460-х гг. См.: Leona С. Gabel (ed.), Memoirs of a Renaissance Pope: the Commentaries of Pius II, Allen & Unwin, 1960.
[73] Д.У.Броган в предисловии к: Lucy Norton (ed.) Historical Memoirs of the Duc de Saint-Simon, Vol.I, Hamish Hamilton, 1967, p.xix.
[74] Romney Sedgwick (ed.), Lord Hervey ’ s Memoirs, William Kimber, 1952.
[75] Цит. по: David Vincent, Bread, Knowledge and Freedom: a Study of Nineteenth-Century Working Class Autobiography, Methuen, 1981, p.26.
[76] См.: Kellow Chesney, Crimean War Reader, Severn House, 1975.
[77] Е.Р.Thompson and Eileen Yeo (eds.), The Unknown Mayhew: Selections from the Morning Chronicle, 1849-50, Penguin, 1973.
[78] Peter Gay; The Bourgeois Experience: Victoria to Freud, Vol. II, The Tender Passion, Oxford University Press, 1986; John Tosh, A Man ’ s Place: Masculinity and the Middle-Class Home in Victorian England, Yale University Press, 1999, ch.3.
[79] V.Н.Galbraith, An Introduction to the Use of Public Records, Oxford UniversityPress, 1934, pp.54-55.
[80] Томас Кромвель – Джону Хардингу, 8 июля 1536 г., цит. по: G.R.Elton, Policy and Police, Cambridge University Press, 1972, pp.342-343.
[81] Garrett Mattingly, Renaissance Diplomacy, Cape, 1962, pp.110, 306.
[82] См., например: Laura Cowing, Domestic Dangers: Women ’ s Words and Sex in Early Modern London, Oxford University Press, 1996.
[83] George Unwin, Samuel Oldknow and the Arkwrights, Manchester University Press, 1924.
[84] Peter Matthias, The Brewing Industry in England, 1700-1830, Cambridge University Press, 1959, p.xii.
[85] Мона Маргарита – Франческо ли Марко Датини, 29 августа 1389 г., цит. по переводу в: Iris Origo, The Merchant of Prato, Cape, 1957, p.166.
[86] Pat Jalland, Women, Marriage and Politics, 1860-1914, Oxford University Press, 1988, pp.3-4.
[87] L.B.Namier, the Structure of Politics at the Accession of George III, Macmillan, 1929, и его же: England in the Age of the American Revolution, Macmillan, 1930.
[88] H.H.Asquith, Letters to Venetia Stanley,M. and E. Brock (eds.), Oxford University Press, 1982, p.508.
[89] M.R.D.Foot and H.C.G.Matthew (eds.), The Gladstone Diaries, Oxford University Press, готовится к печати.
[90] Ben Pimlott, “Hugh Dalton’s Diaries”, The Listener, 17 July 1980. Отредактированный вариант дневников (в двух томах) был опубликован Лондонской школой экономики совместно с Джонатаном Кейпом в 1986 г.
[91] Richard Crossman, The Diaries of a Cabinet Minister, vol.I, Hamish Hamilton and Cape, 1975, p.12.
[92] David Knowles, Great Historical Enterprises, Nelson, 1963, pp.65-97.
[93] Georges Lefebre, The Great Fear of 1789, New Left Books, 1973, pp.100-121.
[94] Elizabeth M. Hallam and Michael Roper, “The capital and the records of the nation: seven centuries of housing the public records in London”, The London Journal, IV, 1978, pp.74-75.
[95] R.B.Wernham, “The public records in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries”, in Levi Fox (ed.), English Historical Scholarship in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Oxford University Press, 1956, pp.21-22.
[96] Ibid., pp.20-23.
[97] Julia Namier, Lewis Namier: a Biography, Oxford University Press, 1971, p.282.
[98] Andrey Linkman and Bill Williams, “Recovering the people’s past: the archive rescue programme of Manchester Studies”, History Workshop Journal, VIII, 1979, pp.111-126.
[99] Министерство иностранных дел.
[100] Anthony P. Adamthwaite, The Making of the Second World War, Allen & Unwin, 1977, p.20.
[101] Elizabeth M. Hallan and Michael Roper, “The capital and the records of the nation: seven centuries of housing the public records in London”, The London Journal, IV, 1978, p.91.
[102] Richard Cobb, A Second Identity: Essays on France and French History, Oxford University Press, 1969, p.15.
[103] J.H.Hexter, On Historians, Allen Lane, 1979, p.241. Этот ярлык был без всякого основания навешен на Кристофера Хилла.
[104] Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, The Peasants of Languedoc, Illinois University Press, 1974, p.4.
[105] C.R.Cheney, Medieval Texts and Studies, Oxford University Press, 1973, p.8.
[106] Уильям Кемден. Предисловие к Britannia (1586), цит. по: J.R.Hale (ed.), The Evolution of British Historiography, Macmillan, 1967, p.15.
[107] Lord Acton, Lectures on Modern History, Fontana 1960 (впервые опубл. в 1906 г.), p.22.
[108] Marc Bloch, The Historian ’ s Craft, Manchester University Press, 1954, p.86.
[109] Helen Wallis and others, “The strange case of the Vinland Map: a symposium”, Geographical Journal, CXL, 1974, pp.183-214.
[110] Bloch, The Historian ’ s Craft, p.165; J.J.Bagley, Historical Interpretation, Vol. I: Sources of English Medieval History, 1066-1540. Penguin, 1965, pp.24, 29-30.
[111] См., например, впечатляющий список иформаторов и собеседников, составленный Ричардом Воганом, в: Richard Vaughan, Matthew Paris, Cambridge University Press, 1958, pp.11-18.
[112] Antonia Gransden, Historical Writing in England, с. 550 to с. 1307,Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1974, pp.242-245, 367-372.
[113] Stephen Koss, Asquith, Allen Lane, 1976, pp.181-182, 217.
[114] V.H.Galbraith, The Making of Domesday Book, Oxford University Press, 1964. Подобный же подход рекомендуют Т.Г.Эшплант и Эдриан Уилсон в: T.G.Ashplant and Adrian Wilson, “Present-centred history and the problem of historical knowledge”, Historical Journal, XXXI, 1988, pp.253-274.
[115] Quentin Skinner, “Meaning and understanding in the history of ideas”, History and Theory, VIII, 1969, pp.3-53; J.G.A.Pocock. Politics, Language and Time, Methuen, 1972, особенно гл.1.
[116] V.Н.Galbraith, Studies in the Public Records, Nelson, 1948, p.6.
[117] G.R.Elton, England, 1200-1640, The Sources of History, 1969, pp.41, 70-73
[118] G.W.Keeton, Lord Chancellor Jeffreys and the Stuart Cause, Macdonald, 1965, p.23.
[119] Michael Roper, “Public records and the policy process in the twentieth century”, Public Administration, LV, 1977, pp.153-168.
[120] Colin Holmes, “Government files and privileged access”, Social History, VI, 1981, p.342.
[121] G. Kitson Clark, The Critical Historian, Heinemann, 1967, pp.92-96, 109-114.
[122] Herbert Butterfield, man on His Past, Cambridge University Press, 1955, p.90.
[123] J.D.Fage (ed.), Africa Discovers Her Past, Oxford University Press, 1970.
[124] Edward W. Said, Orientalism, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978.
[125] Carrol Smith-Rosenberg, Disorderly Conduct: Visions of Gender in Victorian America, Oxford University Press, 1986, pp.25-27.
[126] Более подробное обсуждение этого вопроса с примерами см. в: Alan Booth and Sean Glynn, “The public records and recent British economic historiography”, Economic History Review, 2nd series, XXXII, 1979, pp.303-315.
[127] G.J.Renier, History: Its Purpose and Method, Allen & Unwin, 1950, pp.96-105.
[128] Margaret Spufford, Contrasting Communities: English Villagers in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Cambridge University Press, 1974, pp.320-344.
[129] Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, Montaillou: Cathars and Catholics in a French Village, 1294-1324, Penguin, 1980, p.xiii.
[130] Ibid., p.231.
[131] Richard Cobb. “ A view on the street”, в его книге A Sense of Place, Duckworth, 1975, pp.79-135.
[132] Marc Bloch, French Rural History, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1966, p.xxviii.
[133] E.P.Thompson, The Poverty of Theory, Merlin Press, 1978, pp.220-221.
[134] Классической работой такого рода является: C.V.Langlois and C.Seignobos, Introduction to the Study of History, greenwood, 1979 (впервые опубликована в 1898 г.). Из более современных трудов следует предпочесть: Louis Gottschaulk, Understanding History: A Primer of Historical Method, Knopf, 1950; Jacques Barzun and Henry F. Graff, The Modern Researcher, Harcourt, Brace Jovanovich, 3d edn, 1977.
[135] Richard Cobb, Modern French History in Britain, Oxford University Press, 1974, p.14.
[136] Richard Cobb, “Becoming a historian” в его работе A Sense of Place, pp.47-48; Jacques Barzun, Clio and the Doctors, Chicago University Press, 1974. p.90.
[137] См., например: S.T.Bindoff, “Political history”, в кн.: H.P.R.Finberg (ed.), Approaches to History, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1962, и G.R.Elton, Political History, Allen Lane, 1970, pp.57-72.
[138] Письмо Артура Янга из Флоренции, 1789 г., цит. по: J.R.Hale (ed.), The Evolution of British Historiography, Macmillan, 1967, p.35.
[139] Leopold von Ranke, History of Servia, 1828, цит. по: Theodore H. von Laue, Leopold Ranke: the Formative Years, Princeton University Press, 1950, p.56.
[140] Edward A. Freeman, The Methods of Historical Study, Macmillan, 1886, p.44.
[141] См., например: Paul Kennedy, The Rise of the Anglo-German Antagonism 1860-1914, Allen & Unwin, 1980.
[142] William Stubbs, The Constitutional History of England, Vol.I, Oxford University Press, 1880, p.v.
[143] Derek Beales, History and Biography, Cambridge Unversity Press, 1981.
[144] Первым этапом этого широкомасштабного проекта стал труд: sir Lewis Namier and John Brooke, The House of Commons 1754-1790, 3 vols, HMSO, 1964.
[145] Концепция «высокой политики» выдвигается в: Cowling, The Impact of Labour, pp.3-12.
[146] A.B.Cook and John Vincent, The Governing Passion: Cabinet Government and Party Politics in Britain, 1885-1886, Harvester, 1974, p.22.
[147] В 1946 г. журнал был переименован в «Анналы: экономика, общество, цивилизации».
[148] Р.Х.Тоуни, из некролога Джорджу Анвину (1925), цит. по: N.B.Harte (ed.), The Study of Economic History, Frank Cass, 1971, p.xxvi.
[149] Полезной работой по этому вопросу является: J.Z.Titow, English Rural Society, 1200-1350, Allen & Unwin, 1969.
[150] Alison Hanham (ed.), The Cely Letters 1572-1488, Oxford University Press, 1975.
[151] См., например: E.M.Carus-Wilson and O.P.Coleman, England ’ s Export Trade 1275-1547, Oxford University Press, 1963.
[152] R.C.Floud and D.McCloskey (eds.), The Economic History of Britain since 1700, 2 vols, Cambridge University Press, 1981.
[153] R.B.Outhwaite, Inflation in Tudor and Early Stuart England, 2nd edn, Macmillan, 1982.
[154] J.J.Van-Helten, “Empire and high finance: South Africa and the international gold standard, 1890-1914”, Journal of African History, XXIII, 1982, pp.529-548.
[155] Обзор литературы по этой проблеме см. в: P.L.Payne, British Entrepreneurship in the Nineteenth Century, Macmillan, 1974.
[156] G.M.Trvelyan, English Social History, Longman, 1944, p.vii. Почти такое же определение дается в: G.J.Renier, History: Its Purpose and Method, Allen & Unwin, 1950, p.72.
[157] G.D.H.Cole, A Short History of the British Working-Class Movement, 1789-1947, Allen & Unwin, 1948, pp.v-vi.
[158] Из растущего массива первоклассных работ можно выделить две: Barbara Taylor, Eve and the New Jerusalem: Socialism and Feminism in the Nineteenth Century, Virago, 1983; Anne Summers, Angels and Citizen s: British Women as Military Nurses 1854-1914, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1988.
[159] Peter Laslett and Richard Wall (eds.), Household and Family in Past Time, Cambridge University Press, 1972.
[160] John Tosh, A Man ’ s Place: Masculinity and the Middle-Class Home in Victorian England, Yale University Press, 1999.
[161] Keith Wrightson, English Society 1580-1680, Hutchinson, 1982, p.12.
[162] См.: Stephan Thernstrom, “Reflections on the new urban history”, Daedalus, C, 1971, pp.359-375. О ситуации в британской науке см.: H.J.Dyos, Exploring the Urban Past, Cambridge University Press, 1982.
[163] Обзор литературы по этому вопросу см. в: Lawrence Stone, The Causes of English Revolution, 1529-1642, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1972.
[164] Harold Perkin, The Origins of Modern English Society, 1780-1880, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1969.
[165] E.J.Hobsbawm, “From social history to the history of society”, Daedalus, C, 1971, pp.20-45.
[166] См., например: George Rudé, Paris and London in the Eighteenth Century: Studies in Popular Protest, Fontana, 1970. Критический обзор литературы по этому вопросу см. в: Joanna Innes and John Styles, “The crime wave: recent writing on crime and criminal justice in eighteenth-century England”, Journal of British Studies, XXV, 1986, pp.380-435.
[167] E.P.Thompson, Writing by Candlelight, Merlin Press, 1980, p.126.
[168] J.H.Hexter, Reappraisal in History, Longman, 1961, pp.194-195.
[169] Keith Wrightson, “The enclosure of English social history”, в кн.: Adrian Wilson (ed.), Rethinking Social History: English Society 1570-1920 and its Interpretation, Manchester University Press, 1993, pp.59-77.
[170] А точнее, 58 из 573 страниц книги Дж. Стивена Уотсона «Царствование Георга III, 1760-1815». См.: J. Steven Watson, The Reign of George III, 1760-1815, Oxford University Press, 1960.
[171] Два таких выдающихся исключения – J.R.Hale, Renaissance Europe, 1480-1520, Fontana, 1971, и Jacques Le Goff, Medieval Civilization, 400-1500, Blackwell, 1988.
[172] См. в особенности: J.H.Hexter, On Historians, Collins, 1979, pp.132-140.
[173] Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, The Peasants of Languedoc, University of Illinois Press, 1974, p.289.
[174] W.G.Hoskins, English Local History: The Past and the Future, Leicester University Press, 1966, p.21.
[175] Более полно этот вопрос рассматривается в: R.C.Richardson, The Debate on the English Revolution Revisited, Routledge, 1988, Ch.7.
[176] V.H.Galbraith, An Introduction to the Study of History, C.Watts, 1964, p.80.
[177] См., например: E.H.Carr, What is History?, Penguin, 1964, pp.28-29; J.G.A.Pocock, “Working on ideas in time”, in: L.P.Curtis (ed.), The Historian ’ s Workshop, Knopf, 1970, pp.161, 175.
[178] H.Butterfield, History and Human Relations, Collins, 1951, p.237.
[179] Fernand Braudel, The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II, Collins, 1972.
[180] C.V.Wedgwood, The King ’ s Peace 1637-1641, Collins, 1955, p.16.
[181] James Joll, “The unspoken assumptions”, in: H.W.Koch (ed.), The Origins of the First World War, Macmillan, 1972.
[182] Анализ этого понятия см. в: Bernard Bailyn, “The challenge of modern historiography”, American Historical Review, LXXXVII, 1982, pp.1-24.
[183] Классическое обоснование этой точки зрения см. в.: Eric Williams, Capitalism and Slavery, University of North Carolina Press, 1944.
[184] Carr, What is History?, p.52.
[185] Christine Bolt and Seymour Drescher (eds.), Anti-Slavery, Religion and Reform, Dawson, 1980 (см. в особенности статью Брайана Харрисона).
[186] Lawrence Stone, The Causes of the English Revolution, 1529-1642, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1972, ch.3.
[187] Carl E. Schorske, Fin-de-Siecle Vienna: Politics and Culture, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1980, p.xxii.
[188] R.H.Tawney, History and Society, Routledge & Kegan Paulm 1978, p.54.
[189] A.J.P.Taylor, War by Time-Table: How the First World War Began, Macdonald, 1969, p.1945.
[190] R.W.Southern, The Making of the Middle Ages, Hutchinson, 1953, pp.14-15.
[191] Agatha Ramm, “Leopold von Ranke” in: John Cannon (ed.), The Historian at Work, Allen & Unwin, 1980, p.37.
[192] E.P.Thompson, The Poverty of Theory, Merlin Press, 1978, p.85.
[193] H.Butterfield, George III and the Historians, Collins, 1957.
[194] Hayden White, Metahistory, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1973.
[195] Peter Burke, “History of events and the revival of narrative”, in: P.Burke (ed.), New Perspectives on Historical Writing, Polity, 1991, p.241.
[196] Natalie Zemon Davis, The Return of Martin Guerre, Penguin, 1985, pp.4, viii.
[197] Lawrence Stone, “The revival of narrative” (1979), цит. по его книге: Past and Present Revisited, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1987.
[198] Lucien Febvre, “A new kind of history”, 1949, цит. в переводе на английский по кн.: Peter Burke (ed.), A New Kind of History, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1973, p.38.
[199] Например: Andrew Roberts, A History of the Bemba, Longman, 1973; Jeff Guy, The Destruction of the Zulu Kingdom, Longman, 1979.
[200] Марк Блок в «Анналах» за 1932 г., цит. по: R.R.Davies, “Marc Bloch”, History, LII, 1967, p.273.
[201] См., например: F.M.Powicke, Modern Historians and the Study of History, Odhams, 1955, p.202.
[202] Цит. по: H.Butterfield, Man on His Past, Cambridge University Press, 1955, p.91.
[203] E.J.Hobsbawm, The Age of Revolution: Europe 1789-1848, Cardinal, 1973, p.11.
[204] См., например,: C.C.Eldridge (ed.), British Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century, Macmillan, 1984.
[205] George M. Fredrickson, White Supremacy: a Comparative Study in American and South African History, Oxford University Press, 1981, p.xviii.
[206] G.R.Elton, The Practice of History, Fontana, 1969, p.22.
[207] Braudel, The Mediterranean, vol.I, p.16.
[208] Fernand Braudel, “History and the social sciences: la longue dureé ”, 1958. Цит. по его книге: F.Braudel, On History, Weidenfeld & Nicloson, 1980, p.26.
[209] R.W.Chapman (ed.), Boswell ’ s Life of Johnson, Oxford University Press, 1953, p.304.
[210] Richard Cobb, A Second Identity, Oxford University Press, 1969, pp.19-20.
[211] H. Stuart Hughes, History as Art and as Science, Chicago University Press, 1964, pp.65-66.
[212] M.M.Reese (ed.), Gibbon ’ s Authobiography, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1970, p.99.
[213] Theodore Zeldin, “After Braudel”, The Listener, 5 November 1981, p.542.
[214] Galbraith, Introduction, p.4.
[215] G.R.Elton, The Practice of History, Fontana, 1969.
[216] Theodore Zeldin, “Ourselves as we see us”, Times Literary Supplement, 31 December 1982. См. также его статью: “After Braudel”, The Listener, 5 November 1981.
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