Читайте также: |
A) Carburetor
B) Liquid
C) Coolant
D) Fuel
E) Oil
4. Translate into English: Пришлите нам баллон кислорода.
A) Send us a barrel of oxygen.
B) Send us a bottles of oxygen.
C) Send us a bottle of nitrogen.
D) Send us a bottle of oxygen.
E) Send us a balloon of oxygen.
5. Give the right translation: Send me a tool kit.
A) Присылаю вам набор инструментов.
B) Пришлите экипажу набор инструментов.
C) Присылаю им набор инструментов.
D) Пришлите нам набор инструментов.
E) Пришлите мне набор инструментов.
6. Find the correct translation: “ fuel, oil and air systems”
A) органы управления топливной системы;
B) маслосистема и топливная система;
C) система топливоподачи, маслосистема и система воздухоснабжения силовой установки
D) система воздухоснабжения силовой установки, органы управления топливной системы;
E) системное обеспечение.
7. Insert the suitable word: The _____________ consists of vertical and the horizontal stabilizer.
A) empennage
B) wing
C) fuselage
D) nose gear
E) strut
8. Decode the abbreviation: TCAS
A) True Computer Air Speed
B) Trust Collision Air Speed
C) Turbine Case Automatic System
D) Traffic Collision Avoidance System
E) Thrust Collision Avoidance System
9. Complete the sentence with a correct preposition: The power plant provides power ______ flight.
A) with
B) for
C) above
D) over
E) behind
10. Find the correct answer to the question: What are the main parts of the power plant?
A) engine, nacelle, oil cooler, propeller and engine mount;
B) nacelle, the shock absorber, propeller;
C) the nose, the fin, oil cooler, the engine;
D) rudder, elevator, propeller and engine mount;
E) rudder, engine, engine mount, oil cooler.
11. Choose the right translation: Change the nozzle plug.
A) Запустите двигатели.
B) Замените тормоза.
C) Поменяйте сливной кран.
D) Замените крышку капота.
E) Поменяйте заглушку на сопло.
12. Insert: Is ___ a cargo plane?
A) this’s
B) she
C) he
D) its
E) it
13. Insert the suitable word: There is _____ fuel there.
A) many
B) much
C) any
D) a few
E) few
14. Give Russian equivalent: “port engine”
A) левый двигатель;
B) правый двигатель;
C) средний двигатель;
D) отказ двигателя;
E) порт двигатель.
15. Translate into Russian: Вы можете выпустить шасси?
A) Are you able to landing gear?
B) Can you extend the gears?
C) Landing gear is extended.
D) Landing gears can extend?
E) can you extend the germs?
16. Complete the sentence with correct preposition: Some planes are standing _______ the apron.
A) via
B) to
C) on
D) with
E) to
17. Fill in one of the following words: A ______ is towing a plane into the hangar.
A) track
B) bus
C) aircraft
D) tractor
E) plane
18. Change this statement to question: I had a problem with flaps.
A) Are you having a problem with flaps?
B) I had a problem with flaps?
C) Had I have a problem with flaps?
D) Did I had a problem with flaps?
E) Did I have a problem with flaps?
19. Use Simple Past: We _______ (fly) to London last week.
A) flew
B) fly
C) flied
D) flown
E) flying
20. Make the sentence negative: “Boeing 707” carried 400 passengers.
A) “Boeing 707” are not carried 400 passengers.
B) “Boeing 707” didn’t carry 400 passengers.
C) “Boeing 707” carry not 400 passengers.
D) “Boeing 707” did carry not 400 passengers.
E) “Boeing 707” didn’t carried 400 passengers.
21. Use Passive Voice: We make an inspection of main parts.
A) An inspection of main parts are making.
B) An inspection we made.
C) Main parts are make inspection.
D) We are made in inspection of main parts.
E) An inspection of main parts is made.
22. Give English equivalent: “turbofan”
A) турбохолодильный;
B) турбовентиляторный двигатель;
C) турбовинтовой двигатель;
D) турбореактивный двигатель;
E) турбогенератор.
23. Give English equivalent: «капремонт»
A) overhose;
B) overhouse;
C) overhaul;
D) overdose;
E) overshoes.
24. Give synonym(s): “to determine faults”
A) to locate/find faults;
B) to inflate faults;
C) to remove faults;
D) to change faults;
E) to regulate faults.
25. Fill in the gap with correct word: We have to test ________ of connexions.
A) using
B) covering
C) tighten
D) tightness
E) install
1. Give the right translation: “oil quantity gage”
A) масломанометр;
B) количество масла;
C) масляный радиатор;
D) утечка масла;
E) топливо.
2. Find the correct equivalent: “burn off fuel”
A) слить топливо;
B) вырабатывать топливо;
C) заправить топливом;
D) перезаправка;
E) остаток топлива.
3. Insert the correct word: A force is required ________ the airplane through the air.
A) to coolant
B) to fly
C) to propel
D) to carburet
E) to jack
4. Translate into English: Члены экипажа в пилотской кабине.
A) There is a crew members in the cockpit.
B) The crew members is in the cockpit.
C) A crew in the cockpit.
D) The crew members are in the cockpit.
E) There are a crew member in the cockpit.
5. Give the correct translation: Change the fuel pump.
A) Заправьте топливом.
B) Замените топливный бак.
C) Топливный насос не работает.
D) Принести гидравлический насос.
E) Замените топливный насос.
6. Find the correct translation: “engine controls”
A) органы управления двигателем;
B) капитальный ремонт двигателя;
C) моторама;
D) гондолы двигателя;
E) чехол двигателя.
7. Insert the suitable word: A (n) ___________ is mounted in the empennage.
A) main gears
B) left wing
C) flaps
D) spoilers
E) auxiliary power unit
8. Decode the abbreviation: VHF
A) Very High Fact
B) Very High Frequency
C) Very High Omnidirectional Range
D) Variable High Frequency
E) Voltage Regulator
9. Complete the sentence with a correct preposition: The wings support the plane _____ the air.
A) above
B) out
C) in
D) at
E) within
10. Find the correct answer to the question: How many passengers can IL-86 carry?
A) 150
B) 300
C) 350
D) 250
E) 275
11. Choose the right translation: Replace the fuse.
A) Замените шланг.
B) Поменяйте заглушку на сопло.
C) Замените люк.
D) Замените предохранитель.
E) Замените корпус.
12. Insert: _____ are mechanics, aren’t you?
A) Their
B) You
C) Your
D) They
E) We
13. Insert the suitable word: There are five main parts of the ___________.
A) traffic
B) board
C) aircraft
D) transport
E) aircrafts
14. Give Russian equivalent: “wind screen wiper”
A) стеклоочиститель лобового стекла;
B) боковой ветер;
C) лобовое стекло;
D) окно салона;
E) размах крыла.
15. Translate into Russian: У нас могут быть проблемы в полете.
A) There was a problem.
B) There are problems in flight.
C) There is a problem in flight.
D) We may have any failure in flight.
E) We might have some failure in flight.
16. Complete the sentence with correct preposition: A mechanic is pushing the platform away ______ the aircraft.
A) with
B) to
C) on
D) out
E) from
17. Fill in one of the following words: A tractor is towing a plane into the ________.
A) hangar;
B) TW;
C) RW;
D) airway:
E) FL.
18. Put “Wh” question: They left the plane 10 m. ago.
A) What time they left the plane?
B) Did the leave the plane?
C) When they left the plane?
D) What time did they leave the plane?
E) What time did their leave the plane?
19. Use Simple Past: He ______ (send) some spare parts.
A) sends
B) sanded
C) sent
D) sending
E) sets
20. Put the question to the underlined words: Its cost was 7 million dollars.
A) How much was its cost?
B) Was it 7 million dollars?
C) How its cost?
D) How far its cost?
E) How much is its cost?
21. Use Passive Voice: I open the drain cock.
A) I was opened the drain cock.
B) The drain cock is opened.
C) The drain cock I open.
D) The drain cock was opened.
E) The drain cock is being opened.
22. Give English equivalent: « электропроводка»
A) wiring;
B) wirer;
C) wiper;
D) winner;
E) whisper.
23. Give Russian equivalent: “disembark”
A) отказ двигателя;
B) аварийная посадка;
C) проверка документов;
D) посадка пассажиров;
E) высаживать пассажиров.
24. Give synonym(s): “to remove”
A) to removes;
B) to correct;
C) to replace/change;
D) to regulate/change;
E) to inspect/examine.
25. Fill in the gap with correct word: They replace lights and _______ wiring.
A) faculty
B) faulty
C) facility
D) frame
E) flexibility
1. Give the right translation: “oil pressure fluctuation”
A) заправочная горловина;
B) утечка топлива;
C) давление масла;
D) утечка масла;
E) колебание давления масла.
2. Find the correct equivalent: “повседневный уход”
A) service;
B) current servicing;
C) all day servicing;
D) up-to-date service;
E) day-to-day servicing.
3. Insert the correct word: ______ pre-flight check before aircraft departure.
A) Perform
B) Performance
C) Perfume
D) Perfect
E) Performs
4. Translate into English: Пришлите нам баллон кислорода.
A) Sends us a bottle of oxygen.
B) Send us a bottle of oxygen.
C) Sent us a bottle of oxygen.
D) Send them a bottle of oxygen.
E) Send out a bottle of oxygen.
5. Give the correct translation: Fuselage skin is damaged.
A) Фюзеляж основная часть самолета.
B) Корпус самолета осмотрен.
C) Повреждена обшивка фюзеляжа.
D) Проблемы с фюзеляжем.
E) Имеются ли повреждения фюзеляжа?
6. Find the correct translation: “ engine overhauls major repairs”
A) ремонтировать двигатель;
B) основной двигатель;
C) замена двигателя;
D) капитальный ремонт двигателя;
E) органы управления двигателем.
7. Insert the suitable word: Trailing edge flaps and leading edge flaps are used to _______ the take-off and landing speeds.
A) produce
B) reduce
C) increase
D) deduced
E) speed up
8. Decode the abbreviation: EDHP
A) Electronic Direction Hydraulic Piston
B) Exhaust Driven Hydraulic Pump
C) Electronic Driven High Propulsion
D) Engine Driven Hydraulic Pump
E) Engine Indicating Alerting System
9. Insert correct preposition: The landing gear supports the plane ____ the ground.
A) out
B) to
C) via
D) on
E) through
10. Find the correct answer to the question: How many passengers can the “Boeing 747” carry?
A) 490
B) 400
C) 350
D) 300
E) 250
11. Choose the right translation: We have left engine ignition system failure.
A) Запустить левый двигатель.
B) Неисправна система зажигания левого двигателя.
C) Левый двигатель засосал инородный предмет.
D) Отказ правого двигателя.
E) Мы теряем левый двигатель.
12. Insert: The mechanic will be responsible for _________, ________ and__________.
A) overhaul and fly:
B) maintenance, RTC;
C) maintain, read back, take-off;
D) maintenance, repair, overhaul;
E) repair, guidance, maintain.
13. Insert the suitable word: Switch off the_______.
A) cowl
B) belt
C) jack
D) axe
E) engines
14. Give Russian equivalent: “overhaul”
A) замена;
B) частичный ремонт;
C) капитальный ремонт;
D) мастерская;
E) ангар;
15. Translate into Russian: У вас отказ двигателя?
A) Do you have an altimeter failure?
B) You have an engine failure?
C) Do you have a engine failure?
D) Have you get an engine failure?
E) Do you have an engine failure?
16. Complete the sentence with correct preposition: A mechanic is climbing ____ the cockpit.
A) along
B) into
C) above
D) with
E) within
17. Fill in one of the following words: He is checking the _____ pressure.
A) fuel
B) fill
C) full
D) fall
E) fell
18. Put the question to the underlined words: There was much cargo in the plane.
A) Where was much cargo?
B) Was there much cargo in the plane?
C) What was there in the plane?
D) Did there any cargo?
E) What are there in the plane?
19. Use Simple Past: I ____ (must make) some minor repair.
A) had must to make
B) musted to make
C) must to made
D) had to make
E) have to make
20. Make the sentence negative: The heat damaged many systems.
A) The heat not damaged many systems.
B) Did the heat damage many systems?
C) The heat doesn’t damaged many systems.
D) The heat wasn’t damaged many systems.
E) The heat didn’t damage many systems.
21. Use Passive Voice: They drained waste water.
A) They are draining waste water.
B) They were drained waste water.
C) Waste water was drained.
D) Waste water are drained
E) Waste water is drained
22. Give English equivalent: «слышимость»
A) readability;
B) hearing;
C) listening;
D) reading;
E) read.
23. Give Russian equivalent: “ crack ”
A) замыкать;
B) кабина пилота;
C) экипаж;
D) трещина;
E) отказ.
24. Give synonym(s): “ to correct level ”
A) to pump level;
B) to remove/change level;
C) to replace/inspect level;
D) to regulate level;
E) to inflate level.
25. Fill in the gap with correct word: They repair cracks or tears in skin _______.
A) cap
B) cowling
C) covering
D) cracking
E) closing
1. Give the right translation: “ground running”
A) гонка двигателя на земле;
B) запуск;
C) наземное обслуживание;
D) пробежка;
E) беговая дорожка.
2. Find the correct equivalent: “burn off fuel”
A) нехватка топлива;
B) вырабатывать топливо;
C) слив топлива;
D) утечка топлива;
E) заправить топливом;
3. Insert the correct word: A new ______ offers easier starting in cold weather.
A) cap
B) cowl
C) carburetor
D) cover
E) consumption
4. Translate into English: Механик находится в кабине пилота.
A) Is a mechanic in the cockpit?
B) There is mechanics in the cockpit.
C) There are a mechanic in the cockpit.
D) There is a mechanic in the cockpit.
E) Three mechanic in the cockpit.
5. Give the correct translation: Do you have a tool kit?
A) Вам необходим набор инструментов?
B) Вам выслать набор инструментов?
C) Где взять набор инструментов?
D) Кто имеет набор инструментов?
E) У вас есть набор инструментов?
6. Find the correct translation: “wing skin”
A) законцовка крыла;
B) обшивка крыла;
C) размах крыла;
D) левое крыло;
E) правое крыло.
7. Insert the suitable word: Each _____ is housed in a nacelle attached by a strut to the underside of the wing.
A) wiper
B) flap
C) wing
D) engine
E) wheel
8. Decode the abbreviation: FOD
A) Federal organization Delivery
B) Frequency Omni direction
C) Foreign Object Damage
D) Full Operating Direction
E) Foreign Object Distance
9. Complete the sentence with a correct preposition: I start _____ the engines and check the fuel pressure.
A) with
B) without
C) over
D) to
E) up
10. Find the correct answer to the question: What is the duty of a mechanic?
A) To fly and check the aircraft.
B) To separate the aircraft.
C) To provide a guidance.
D) To fly the aircraft.
E) To check the aircraft before the flight.
11. Choose the right translation: Change the fuel pump.
A) Заправьте топливом.
B) Замените двигатель.
C) Поменяйте топливный насос.
D) Топливный насос не работает.
E) Топливный насос переустановлен.
12. Insert: Mechanics must make emergency ________.
A) repairs
B) landing
C) equipment
D) unit
E) brakes
13. Insert the suitable word: We are _____ ______ fuel.
A) screw off
B) shortage of
C) cut off
D) short of
E) shut down
14. Give Russian equivalent: “tyre”
A) капот
B) шина
C) колодка
D) стартер
E) замок
15. Translate into English: Бортинженер может выполнить незначительный ремонт в полете.
A) A flight engineer are to make minor repairs in flight
B) A flight engineer cans make minor repairs in flight
C) A flight engineer must to make minor repairs in flight
D) A flight engineer has to make minor repairs in flight
E) A flight engineer can make minor repairs in flight.
16. Complete the sentence with correct preposition: The aircraft is taxiing ______ the ramp.
A) on
B) via
C) to
D) through
E) out
17. Fill in one of the following words: We have hand ______ failure.
A) pump
B) cover
C) stick
D) baggage
E) luggage
18. Change this statement to question: He went home after flight.
A) Did he go to home after flight?
B) Did he go home after flight?
C) Did he went home after flight?
D) Did he gone home after flight?
E) He did go home after flight?
19. Use Simple Past: When______(be) you in London?
A) did
B) are
C) been
D) was
E) were
20. Make the sentence negative: The mechanics did the work quickly.
A) The mechanics don’t do the work quickly
B) The mechanics didn’t the work quickly
C) The mechanics didn’t do the work quickly.
D) The mechanics didn’t did the work quickly
E) The mechanics do not the work quickly
21. Use Passive Voice: We extinguished the fire in the cargo hold.
A) The fire in the cargo hold is extinguished.
B) The fire in the cargo hold was extinguished.
C) Cargo hold was extinguished the fire.
D) The cargo hold was extinguished.
E) The fire in the cargo hold is extinguishes.
22. Give English equivalent: «давление»
A) pressurization;
B) altitude;
C) pressure;
D) speed;
E) rate.
23. Give Russian equivalent: “emergency”
A) срочная;
B) катастрофа;
C) авария;
D) скорая;
E) аварийный;
24. Give synonym: “ to inflate”
A) to pump
B) to regulate
C) to remove
D) to replace
E) to inspect
25. Fill in the gap with correct word: The may have to wear _______ devices.
A) pump
B) prospective
C) prolonged
D) protective
E) preventive
1. Give the right translation: “engine stall”
A) срыв в двигателе;
B) промывка двигателя;
C) запуск двигателя;
D) выключить двигатель;
E) отказ двигателя.
2. Find the correct equivalent: “ catering ”
A) кухня;
B) бортпитание;
C) обслуживание пассажиров;
D) бортоператор;
E) бортрадист.
3. Insert the correct word: Flight engineers are _______ for fuels, fuel systems and refueling.
A) reachable
B) reasonable
C) responsible
D) replaceable
E) renewable
4. Translate into English: Бортпроводники не члены экипажа.
A) Cabin attendant is in the cockpit.
B) Flight attendants are crew members.
C) Flight attendant is not a crew.
D) Flight attendants are not crew members.
E) Flight attendance are not crew members.
5. Give the correct translation: Connect the hose to the hydraulic system.
A) Нет доступа к гидравлической системе.
B) Соедините шланг к горловине бака.
C) Отсоедините шланг.
D) Отказ гидравлической системы.
E) Соедините шланг к гидравлической системе.
6. Find the correct translation: “major repairs of aircraft”
A) неотъемлемая часть ЛА;
B) основная часть ЛА;
C) капитальный ремонт ЛА;
D) осмотр ЛА;
E) замена двигателя ЛА.
7. Insert the suitable word: The _____ is an air-cooled, brushless machine.
A) generator
B) carburetor
C) generators
D) carburetors’
E) generator’s
8. Decode the abbreviation: EPS
A) Extended Twin Engine System
B) External Piston Supply
C) Engine Propulsion System
D) Engine Power System
E) Electrical Power System
9. Complete the sentence with a correct preposition: ______ the flight I walk around the aircraft and make an inspection.
A) Before
B) During
C) Within
D) While
E) On
10. Find the correct answer to the question: What are the main parts of the wing?
A) nose landing gear, main landing gear;
B) cockpit, tail, cabin;
C) the centre wing, outer wing, wing tips, flaps and ailerons;
D) engine, engine mount;
E) elevator, rudder.
11. Choose the right translation: Drain the waste water.
A) Куда слить отработанную воду?
B) Оставьте отработанную воду.
C) Слейте отработанную воду.
D) Дренажный шланг не работает.
E) В баках отсутствует питьевая вода.
12. Insert: Hemust perform routine preventive _______.
A) maintain
B) maintenance
C) mountain
D) mount
E) mentions
13. Insert the suitable word: Fill the ____ _____ with the fuel.
A) port tank
B) port wing
C) starboard wing
D) port filler
E) starboard filler
14. Give Russian equivalent: “consumption”
A) утечка топлива
B) слив топлива
C) сжигание топлива
D) расход энергии
E) расход топлива
15. Translate into English: Проверьте тормоза, у вас неисправность тормозов.
A) Do you check the brakes, you have brake failure.
B) Check the brakes, do you have brake failure?
C) Checked the brakes, you have brake failure.
D) Check the brakes, you have brake failure.
E) Check a brakes, you have brake failure.
16. Complete the sentence with correct preposition: A flight engineer is sitting _____ the pilots.
A) over
B) between
C) in front of
D) out
E) above
17. Fill in one of the following words: ______ may overheat.
A) flaps
B) sits
C) brakes
D) wing
E) galley
18. Change this statement to question: They were able to lower the gear.
A) Were they able to lower the gear?
B) Was they able to lower the gear?
C) Were their able to lower the gear?
D) Are they able to lower the gear?
E) Were the able to lower the gear?
19. Use Simple Past: I ______ (can locate) the failure.
A) could locates
B) caned locate
C) can located
D) could located
E) could locate
20. Make the sentence negative: It took much time to replace the engine.
A) It did take not much time to replace the engine.
B) It doesn’t took much time to replace the engine.
C) It took not much time to replace the engine.
D) It didn’t take much time to replace the engine.
E) It didn’t took much time to replace the engine.
21. Use Passive Voice: I can replace the wheel.
A) The wheel could be replaced.
B) The wheel can replaced
C) The wheel can be replaced.
D) The wheel can being replaced.
E) I can be replaced the wheel.
22. Give English equivalent: «вести записи»
A) keep record;
B) record player;
C) recording;
D) keep clear;
E) write.
23. Give Russian equivalent: “lubricate”
A) замок;
B) смазывать;
C) замазка;
D) замена;
E) запчасти.
24. Give synonym: “ ladder”
A) airstairs
B) leading
C) level
D) stand C21
E) maintenance stand
25. Fill in the gap with correct word: We have to________ loose bolts.
A) tear
B) taxi
C) taxiing
D) tighten
E) tire
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