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Bibliography. The following sources were used:

Further Research | Bibliography | Part 1 - Personal Background | Results from the Questionnaire | Results from the Unstructured Interviews | Introduction | Context | Results | Conclusions | Evaluation |

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  1. Bibliography

The following sources were used:


Loiselle, M. 2013 Migration: Reasons To Move, National Geographic, Washington, USA


World Bank, 2013, Data - Net Migration at website



Kazakhstan To Launch National Center For Countering Desertification With UNDP, 2013, News Report in TengriNews at website http://en.tengrinews.kz

United Nations 2013 Population Press Release - 232 Million International Migrants Living Abroad Worldwide–New UN Global Migration Statistics Reveal, UN 2013


Wilmoth, J. 2013 Statement by Mr. John Wilmoth, Director, Population Division
Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations, 11th September 2013, New York, published on the UN Population Division website.


2.4 Report 2 – Commentary and suggestions for improvement


In the commentary below, strong points of the report are shown by a tick (ü), weak points where improvement is possible are shown by a (x), and suggestions for improvement are shown by (v).


Section of the Report Commentary
Title The title should briefly and accurately describe the main focus or aim of the research. ü The title in this case is clear, concise and accurately describes the focus of the research. ü The research is clearly targeted in a defined way which is manageable. ü The use of a general title and more specific development of the title is effective and creative, adding interest.
Introduction     In this section learners should explain the reasons for their choice of topic. ü The learner gives several legitimate reasons for choosing migration by relating the topic to personal experience, issues studied in the Global Perspectives Course Programme, personal interests and the impact of contemporary examples from the media. ü The reasons are described clearly and concisely. v A little more detail here would have been valuable. v There are some sources cited as evidence in this section in the Footnotes, however additional sources may have added further depth. û The focus on cities in the introduction is not sustained throughout the report. ü Reasons for migration are always in sharp and clear focus. v The introduction should have reflected this balance overall with less reference to the urban dimension.
Context   In this section learners should describe the background to their chosen topic and the context for the research which suggest the aims of the Research Project. v The learner places the topic within the broader context of patterns and trends in migration drawing heavily upon United Nations’ numerical data in some detail; this contrasts with background material on the reasons for migration, which is less well developed; a more balanced treatment would be valuable. v A range of relevant sources are used as evidence to support the argument; more would have added depth. ü The organisation of the material and the line of argument are usually clear and well structured. ü All cited sources listed in the bibliography. û Cited sources not always accurate.

Aims   In this section the learner should describe the purpose and rationale for the research. ü In the Report the purpose and aims of the research are clearly stated and broken down into two research questions. v The scope of the research with only two questions and a few participants is quite narrow; widening the scope and range of methods in practice would give greater breadth. ü Overall this section is clear, structured and concise. v More detail would have been helpful.
Method     In this section the learner should describe and explain the reasons for the choice and design of the research methods. ü The learner justifies the research design and use of unstructured interviews very well in relation to the purpose of the research and the strengths of the method. ü Each method is described and the type of information that will be gathered by each method is described; the justification for the sample and the use of unstructured interviews is also quite strong. ü Using research concepts in the justification for the methods is good v However, more (research concepts) could have been introduced. ü The discussion of the reasons for rejecting some methods is very good and to be recommended as a helpful strategy in all reports. v The focus upon local participants could be more fully justified, for example in relation to the scope of the research, time available and a fuller description of ethical issues.
Results   In this section the learner should describe the data gathered by each method and show how it relates to the original research questions. ü In this report, the learner outlines the main data gathered using each of the methods in a clear and structured way. ü The use of tables to summarise data is helpful. v Some alternative forms of presentation could have been used, for example quotations from the interviews or pie charts to present some of the numerical data in the context. û The results are narrow in scope due to the narrow focus of the research. v More detail would have been valuable and perhaps an additional research question introduced for research, though care should be taken to keep the task manageable.
Conclusion     In this section the learner should describe the conclusions or answers found to the questions. ü The learner summarises the main findings of the research questions in the conclusion – this is clear, structured and concise. ü The identification of unexpected results is valuable. v Greater depth of discussion is recommended. v Discussion of the implications of the conclusions may have added depth of analysis.

Evaluation In this section the learner should discuss the degree to which the aims of the research have been met and the strengths and weaknesses of the research in practice. ü In this report, the learner identifies a range of strengths and weaknesses of the research design and methods, using concepts relating to research quality to evaluate; this is good. v Some suggestions of how to improve the methods and research design are included; however one or two more would have been helpful. ü The evaluation of the sample is a strength. v Further evaluative points would give greater depth
Further Research In this section the learner should make suggestions about further research that could be undertaken following the original research and reflect upon their own learning. v Several suggestions for further research were described and related to the outcomes and limitations of the research. The discussion was clear and concise. v The impact of the research on personal perspectives arising appropriately out of the research results and conclusions was clearly but only briefly described. v Greater length and depth of discussion would be valuable, perhaps explaining how the further research might clarify issues or deepen understanding.
Bibliography In this section the learner should provide a full bibliography. ü A bibliography was included, revealing the use of a range of resources. v However more resources would add detail and depth to the overall research. v The conventions for writing bibliographies should be followed consistently.


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