Implementation review and evaluation
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Implementation review and evaluation is key to determining the effectiveness of a CSI improvement programme. Some common areas for review include:
- Were we correct in our assessment of the current situation and in defining the problem statement?
- When defining the goals for improving IT services did we commit to the right goals?
- When developing our strategy for improving the use and management of IT services, did we make the right choices and take the right decisions?
- When implementing our strategy, did we do it right?
- In the new situation, have we improved the provision of IT services?
- And finally, what are the lessons learned and... where are we now?
Review and evaluation of a CSI initiative fall within two broad categories:
- Issues closely tied to the original problem situation with respect to the IT service provision to the business and ensuing business aims and strategy for the improvement thereof
- Issues in relation to the planning, implementation and proceedings of the IT improvement programme itself and associated project s such as measurements, problems, actions and changes.
The issues in the first category are closely related to the characteristics of the original problem situation which instigated the actions for understanding and improvements and will therefore include:
- Ability of IT services to meet business needs
- Business satisfaction with the service provision
- Business benefits in the area of productivity, effectiveness, efficiency and economy
- Financial issues such as understanding the costs of IT service provision control of IT cost s to the business, accountability of IT costs to the business
- Quality of IT service provision and support of IT use
- Communication between the business and IT service provider and the degree of mutual understanding
- Degree of understanding and control of the management of the IT infrastructure and IT service provision on the part of the business.
For the second category the following issues should be reviewed and evaluated:
- Costs of staff involved in the improvement programme and costs of implementing and maintaining the measurement framework
- Project management such as planning, performance, timeliness of achieving results and milestones, amount of re-planning
- Adequacy of methods and techniques used
- Problems, bottlenecks, causes of progress performance problems, corrective actions and changes
- Communication, information gathering, reporting.
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