Using the diagram below and the information from the table, in groups prepare a description for each type of corporate culture and present it to your groupmates.
Read the following competencies for the entrepreneurial engineer and give your comments. | Choose the right engineering abilities below for each category in the Table. The number of abilities is in brackets. | A) Complete the table with personal and professional abilities. Use the list below. Give the reasons. | Engineering Ethics | Fill in the gaps with the words or word combinations below. | Look at the following words in bold in the texts and try to explain them. Consult the dictionary if necessary. | C) In groups discuss the meaning of the question. | Get acquainted with information below. In groups choose two points from the list and think of the situation concerning (chemical) engineers. | Look at the table and match the information from columns A, B and C. | C Nursing care for family members |

21 Role play the following situation: ‘Designing an advertising brochure’
All of you are the members of the work group for designing an advertising brochure. Present your ideas according to the role cards:
Card A - Production Manager
Card B - Finance Manager
Card C - Sales & Marketing Manager
Card D - Human Resources Manager
Card E - R&D Manager
Card F – supervisor of the work group
‘Perfect Company’
22 You are going to prepare and give a presentation about the company which you should invent. Work individually or in pairs and follow the outline:
- What does your company produce?
- What is it called?
- What kind of public image do you have?
- What is your company structure?
- How many people do you employ?
- Where are your headquarters?
- Do you have offices in other countries? if so, where?
- What is your turnover; market share and net profits? Who is your main competitor?
- Are you growing, shrinking or holding steady?
- What are your most promising products and/or markets?
- What problems are you having and how are you dealing with them?
- What are your employment policies?
- dress code
- timetables/hours of work
- relations with clients
- conduct at work (good facilities, opportunity to express your opinions, ‘interesting’ and ‘enjoyable’ work, flexitime, adequate payment, perks(e.g. discounts on travel and more company social events), receiving end-of-year bonuses).
Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 46 | Нарушение авторских прав - 2015-2025 год. (0.006 сек.)