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How the Ancient Builders Put a Hand to the Development of Different Languages

Read and discuss with your partner the definition of your profession as given in The New Mariam-Webster Dictionary. Express your own opinion | Ancient Wonders of the World | CONTINUOUS TENSES IN ACTIVE VOICE | FROM THE HISTORY OF ART OF BUILDING | Start compiling your own vocabulary of international words. | Choose and use | Sequence of tenses | TO THE HISTORY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING | Modal verbs and their equivalents | THE PROFESSION OF A CIVIL ENGINEER |

Читайте также:
  2. Ancient Wonders of the World
  3. C In the magazine article on the next pages, two different members of the
  4. Card 10 Let’s talk about different types of houses.
  5. Development Projects in Peril
  6. Different levels of measurement and reporting
  7. Different Types of Architecture: Roman, Indian, and Egyptian Styles, and Much More

Министерство по образованию и науке РФ

Кубанский государственный технологический университет

Новороссийский политехнический институт



О.Н. Мусихина, В.Л. Яськова



English for Civil Engineers

Английский язык для строителей.



Издание 2-е, переработанное и дополненное


Утверждено Редакционно-издательским советом университета

в качестве учебного пособия.



Краснодар 2011


ББК 81.2 Англ.

М 91


Рецензенты: доктор филологических наук, профессор кафедры

научно-технического перевода КубГТУ, С.Г. Воркачев,

кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры

иностранных языков НПИ КубГТУ Е.В. Кинчина.


О.Н. Мусихина, Яськова В.Л. English for Engineers. (Профессиональный английский язык. Практикум.). – 2-е изд. доп. - Кубан. гос. технол. ун-т. Краснодар: Издательство КубГТУ, 2011. – 190 с.



Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов инженерных специальностей технических, а также широкого круга лиц, изучающих английский язык и желающих овладеть лексикой по следующим разделам: строительство, инженерная защита окружающей среды, менеджмент и маркетинг в строительстве.

Учебное пособие включает также тексты научно-популярного характера и нацелено на развитие у студентов навыков чтения, перевода и говорения на английском языке, как на инженерные темы, так и в других областях человеческого общения.



ISBN 5-222-04867-X © Мусихина О.Н., Гисина О.Н.,

Яськова В.Л., 2004

© «Феникс», оформление, 2004.

Lesson 1. How the Ancient Builders Put a Hand to the Development OF DIFFERENT LANGUAGES ….…………...  
  Grammar Revision ………………………………………..…………...  
  Time for fun…………………………………………………………….  
Lesson 2. Ancient Wonders of the World……………………………...  
  Grammar Revision ………………………………………..…………...  
  Self-Study ………………………………………………………………  
  Time for Fun…………………………………………………………….  
  Grammar Revision ………………………………………..…………...  
  Read for Fun…………………………………………………………….  
Lesson 4 . some Interesting facts about Asbestos……………..  
  Let’s Revise the Grammar (see Grammar Appendix p.p.)……………...  
  Grammar Revision ………………………………………..…………...  
  Time for Fun…………………………………………………………….  
  Grammar Revision ………………………………………..…………...  
  Time for Fun…………………………………………………………….  
Lesson 7. construction works………………………………………….  
  Grammar Revision ………………………………………..…………...+  
  Time for Fun……………………………………………………………  
Lesson 8. MODERN BULDING MATERIALS………………………………...  
  Grammar Revision ………………………………………..…………...  
  Time for Fun…………………………………………………………….  

Lesson 1.

1. Read and try to understand the text:

How the Ancient Builders Put a Hand to the Development of Different Languages


1. The people of Babylonia were rich and powerful. They were also happy. They loved each other and *they enjoyed working together1. *But one thing was lacking2. Men had only the earth to enjoy. God had kept heaven for him­self and his angels.

2. The King of Babylonia decided that his people should have Heaven as well as Earth. So he ordered them to build a great tall tower. Six hundred thousand men began making bricks and mixing mortar and piling up a building higher and higher. All day every day men carried bricks and mortar up a stairway on the east side of the tower. Then they walked down another stairway on the west to get more loads. This went on for forty-two years until the Tower was twenty-seven miles high. It was so high that it took a man a whole year to carry bricks from the ground to the top.

3. Now the Tower had risen nearly to Heaven, and God saw that he would have to do something to keep the invaders out. Perhaps if he made it hard for people to co-operate, they would not be able to finish the Tower. To carry out his plan God sent seventy angels down to Earth. The angels had orders: first to take away the one language everybody understood, then to split the people up into groups, with each group speaking a new tongue of its own.

4. *In no time3 the men who made bricks couldn't talk to the men who carried them. And the men who carried bricks couldn't say an understandable word to the men who laid the bricks. Everything was a mess, and every­body blamed everybody else for not understanding. People no longer talked about the Tower of Heaven. Nobody worked there any longer. And the Tower was soon ruined.


2. Notes to the text:


1. …they enjoyed working together. – …им нравилось работать вместе.

2. But one thing was lacking. – но не хватало одного.

3. In no time… – в мгновение ока


3. Key vocabulary / words and expressions:


carry out a plan – выполнить план

get more loads – взять больше груза

heaven ['hevn] – n небо, небеса

invade [in'veid] – v вторгаться, захватывать; ~er n захватчик; посягатель

lay the bricks – класть кирпичи

mortar ['mo:tə] – n раствор

pile up – нагромождать, зд. возводить, строить

ruin [ruin] – v разрушить

split (up) – v разделить (на группы и т. п.), расколоть; поссорить

stairway ['stεəwei] = staircase['stεəkeis] – n лестница

4. General Understanding. Answer the questions to the text:


1. What language did the ancient Babylonians speak?

2. What were they lacking?

3. What did the king of Babylonia decide to do?

4. Was God glad to see the building of the tower to the Heaven?

5. How many angels were sent down to Earth?

6. What orders did they have?

7. Were they successful?

8. The Tower was ruined, wasn’t it?

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