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Study carefully the meaning of the following phrases and word combinations to avoid any difficulty in understanding the following text.

V. Translate into English | VI. Answer the questions | COMPREHENSION CHECK | Study carefully the meaning of the following phrases and word combinations to avoid any difficulty in understanding the following text. | COMPREHENSION CHECK | VI. Translate into English | STARTING A BUSINESS | TYPES OF BUSINESS | Sole Trader | Study carefully the meaning of the following phrases and word combinations to avoid any difficulty in understanding the following text. |

Читайте также:
  1. Active words and word combinations
  2. Complete the following sentences in appropriate ways, using one word for each blank space.
  3. D. Prepositional Phrases
  4. Do you know the parts of a newspaper? What information can you find on the following pages?
  5. Ex 2. Fill in the blanks with one of the following words. Mind your grammar
  6. Ex 2. Fill in the blanks with one of the following words. Mind your grammar.
  7. Ex. 10. Answer the following questions.





Кафедра иностранных языков





К практическим занятиям и по самостоятельной работе

по теме: «Профессиональное общение»

Для студентов 2 курса


6.030509 «Учет и аудит», 6.030504 «Экономика предприятия»

Дневной и заочной формы обучения

Керчь, 2013 г.

УДК 81’243’276.6:657



Составитель: Маркевич Т. А., старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков КГМТУ



Рецензенты: Павлюк Наталья Николаевна, старший преподаватель кафедры английской филологии КЭГИ ТНУ;

Торопова Ирина Семеновна, кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры учета и аудита КГМТУ.


Методические указания рассмотрены и одобрены на заседании кафедры иностранных языков КГМТУ,

протокол № 11 от 24.06.2009 г.


Методические указания рассмотрены и рекомендованы к утверждению на заседании методической комиссии ТФ КГМТУ

протокол № 7 от 23.06.09 г.


Методические указания утверждены на заседании Методического совета КГМТУ,

протокол № 6 от 26.06.09 г.

Методические указания рекомендованы к переутверждению на заседании кафедры иностранных языков КГМТУ,

протокол № 1 от 30.09. 2013 г.


Методические указания переутверждены на заседании методической комиссии ТФ КГМТУ, протокол №5 от 08.10. 2013 г.


ã Керченский государственный

морской технологический

университет, 2013 г.





Учебно-методическое пособие представляет собой сборник тем для подготовки к курсовому экзамену по английскому языку (раздел “Беседа по теме”). Выбор тем соответствует программе по иностранному языку по профессиональному направлению на экономических специальностях.

Целью пособия является подготовить студентов к чтению литературы профессионального характера, развить навыки устной речи и общения. Текстовой материал, включенный в пособие, подобран из оригинальных источников и периодической печати.

Упражнения направлены на развитие лингвистической и коммуникативной компетенции: синонимию и словообразование, ознакомление с речевыми образцами, употребление различных клише в речи; развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи.

Пособие состоит из 15 разделов. Каждый раздел состоит из текста для чтения и ряда заданий, которые направлены на расширение запаса активной лексики по специальности, а также на развитие умений поиска информации, анализа и обсуждения, умений высказать свою точку зрения, умений группового общения.

Глоссарий представляет собой список экономических терминов, которые встречаются в текстах, с объяснениями на английском языке.

Пособие может быть рекомендовано для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы.



Economics is a social science that seeks to analyze and describe the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Economics studies how individuals and societies seek to satisfy needs and wants through incentives, choices, and allocation of scarce resources. As a social science economics studies the social relationship of individuals. But unlike other social sciences, economics concentrates its study on the economy.

The word "economics" is from the Greek words οἶκος [oikos], meaning "family, household, estate," and νόμος [nomos], or "custom, law," and hence literally means "household management" or "management of the state." The management of society's resources is important because resources are scarce. Scarcity means that society has less to offer than people wish to have. Just as a household cannot give every member everything he or she wants, a society cannot give every individual the highest standard of living to which he or she might aspire.

Economics is the study of how society manages its scarce resources. In most societies, resources are allocated not by a single central planner but through the combined actions of millions of households and firms.

The major divisions of economics include microeconomics, which deals with the behaviour of individual consumers, companies, traders, and farmers; and macroeconomics, which focuses on aggregates such as the level of income in an economy, the volume of total employment, and the flow of investment.

Macroeconomics is the study of entire economy. The word macroeconomics meanseconomics in the large. Macroeconomists measure overall economic activity, analyse the determinants of such activity by the use of macroeconomic theory: forecast future economic activity and attempt to formulate policy responses designed to reconcile forecasts with target values of production, employment and prices. An important task of macroeconomics is to develop ways of aggregating the values of the economic activities of individuals and firms into meaningful totals. To this end such concepts as gross domestic product (GDP), national income, personal income, and personal disposable income have been developed. Macroeconomics is concerned with such major policy issues as the attainment and maintenance of full employment and price stability.

Microeconomics is the study of parts of the economy. The word ”micro” means small and microeconomics means economics in the small. The optimising behavior of individual units such as households and the firms provides the foundation for microeconomics.

Microeconomists may investigate individual markets or even the economy as a whole, but their analyses are derived from the aggregation of the behavior of individual units. Microeconomic theory is used extensively in many areas of applied economics. It is used, for example, in industrial organization, labor economics, international trade, cost-benefit analysis and many other economic subfields.

While microeconomics and macroeconomics view the economy from different perspectives, both are important. Scientific theories are used to explain economic activity in the world. The theories consist of sets of economic principles that abstract from the real world, similar to the way a road map abstracts from the world. A principle is obtained by continuously testing a hypothesis to see if it corresponds to activity in the world. Positive economics describes the way the world actually operates, and normative economics suggests how the world should operate. Positive economics is based on testable hypothesis, which can be proved false. Normative economics is based on an individual’s values, which cannot be proved either right or wrong.

The areas of investigation in economics overlap with other social sciences, particularly political science, but economics is primarily concerned with relations between buyer and seller. The economist seeks to identify the benefits and costs of any activity. Since marginal changes in benefits and costs from an activity are the basis for most choices, such changes tend to attract the economist’s attention. Economists also use economic theories to recommend policies to the government.


Study carefully the meaning of the following phrases and word combinations to avoid any difficulty in understanding the following text.


household – дом, хозяйство

account – счет

to take into account – брать в расчет

to allocate – размещать, распределять

scarce – недостаточный, скудный

scarcity – дефицит

to satisfy unlimited wants – удовлетворять неограниченные потребности

goods and services – товары и услуги

commodity - товар, предмет широкого потребления

resource – запасы, ресурсы, средства; природные богатства

to invest – вкладывать

investment – вложение

income – доход

national income – национальный доход

personal income – личный доход

personal disposable income - личный доход после уплаты налогов

facet – аспект

to recur – повторяться, возвращаться

fraction - доля, порция, часть

total production – общая производительность

total employment – общая занятость

the rate of change of overall prices – коэффициент изменений предельных цен

rate of economic growth – темпы экономического роста

layoff – увольнение

economic activity – экономическая активность

determinants – показатели, определители

values – ценности

meaningful totals – значительные итоги

gross domestic product (GDP) – валовой внутренний продукт (ВВП)

attainment – достижения

price stability – стабильность цен


Дата добавления: 2015-09-01; просмотров: 67 | Нарушение авторских прав

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