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The Medical University of Novosibirsk.

Методические рекомендации для студентов | Правила чтения | Словообразование | Порядок слов | Имя существительное. Aртикль | Множественное число имен существительных | Имя числительное | Uncle to work hard | Модуль 5. Правила чтения буквосочетаний. | Времена группы SIMPLE |

Читайте также:
  1. Medical Education in Great Britain
  2. Medical Education in Great Britain
  3. Medical Education in the USA
  4. Medical Education in the USA
  5. My University
  6. My University
  7. My University

Last summer I finished a secondary school and entered the Novosibirsk Medical University.

The University was founded in 1935 as the Novosibirsk Medical Institute. Any school-leaver who really cares for medicine can apply to enter the university but it isn’t easy to be admitted there because the level of knowledge must be high enough.

Well, the aim of the Medical University is to train medical personnel, pharmacologists, psychologists and managers for medical institutions of all kinds: clinics, polyclinics, medical centers, maternity homes, sanatoriums and so on. Although I’m a first year student of the Medical University now, I am not going to become a doctor. We are studying Economics and Management in the field of Medicine.

Our University has more than 100 chairs and about 10 departments. Some of them, such as medical, pediatric and dental ones, are old enough. Several new specialties, such as Economics and Management in the field of Medicine (the one I’m studying!), Higher Education for Nurses or Social Work are also very popular with the students.

Our University is housed in several buildings. There are well-equipped labs, lecture rooms and libraries, computer rooms and sport complex there. The main building is in the center of the city. A lot of students live in the hostels.

The course of studies at the medical departments is 5 or 6 years. For 2 years medical students learn pre-clinical sciences, such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Human Anatomy, Histology and others. Then they master clinical subjects, such as Therapy, Surgery, Obstetrics and others. They learn how to diagnose diseases, carry out laboratory analysis and treat people. Every year medical students have practical training. First they work as hospital assistants, then as nurses, after that as doctor’s assistants. So, in 6 years they gain enough knowledge and experience to work as a general practitioner. During the 7th year the students work as interns in large clinics.

As for us, we are to study for 5 years. The curriculum includes Maths, Economics, Computing, a thorough course of English and others.

To become qualified specialists the students must listen to the lectures, attend practical classes, read a lot of modern scientific literature.They have to pass all the credit tests and exams successfully and pay attention to foreign languages too! (373 слов, 2000 знаков)

Занятие 15

Упр.1. Найдите в тексте, выпишите, прочитайте и переведите a)названия учебных предметов; b) названия лечебных учреждений; с) глаголы, отражающие работу студентов; d) глаголы, отражающие работу врача.


Упр.2. Дайте английские эквиваленты:

прошлым летом; несколько лет тому назад; я закончил(а) школу; я поступил(а) в университет; поступать нелегко; уровень знаний должен быть высоким; цель университета; готовить мед. персонал; различные мед. учреждения; я – студент(ка) первого курса; но я не собираюсь быть врачем; я стану менеджером; в университете - около 10 факультетов; многие студенты живут в общежитии; студенты – медики изучают теоретические и клинические предметы; они учатся диагностировать болезни и лечить людей; каждый год - у студентов практика; что касается нас; чтобы стать квалифицированными специалистами; сдавать зачеты и экзамены успешно.


Упр 3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на следующие особенности модальных глаголов:

1) can / may переводятся как может (могут);

2) must / should переводятся как должен (должны);

3) после модальных глаголов инфинитив не имеет частицы to.

1. Any school-leaver can apply to enter the university. 2. The level of knowledge must be high enough. 3. For 2 years medical students must learn pre-clinical sciences. 4. First they can work as hospital assistants. 5. To become qualified specialists the students must listen to the lectures, attend practical classes, read a lot of modern scientific literature, pass all the credit tests and exams successfully. 6. They should pay attention to foreign languages. 7. An economist should have a thorough training in economic theory. 8. The graduates ['grædjuits] (выпускники) can work at educational institutions. 9. You may continue your studies.


Упр 4. Работая в группе, дайте подробные ответы на вопросы в соответствии с содержанием текста:

1. What do you do? 2. When was the University founded? 3. Who can enter the University? 4. Is it difficult to be admitted there? 5. What is the aim of the Medical University? 6. How many departments are there at the University? 7. Where is the University housed? 8. What is the course of studies at the Medical University? 9.What subjects do the students master and when? 10. Speak about practical training.11. What should the students do to become qualified specialists?


Упр. 5. Работая в парах, отредактируйте текст, сократив его до 160 – 180 слов.

Упр.6. Подготовьте рассказ об университете по инструкции (см. модуль5).

Занятие 16

Упр.1. Работая в парах, рассказывайте о своем университете не менее 5 минут.

Упр.2. Прочтите и переведите текст “ Economist” со словарем, обращая внимание на выделенные слова и выражения.

I’m a student of the Philosophy and Economics Faculty. I'm sure that the profession of an economist is one of the most important nowadays.

What makes a good economist? Whatever he does, an economist should have a thorough training in economic theory, mathematics and statistics and our University offers such training. At the University we study various general and special subjects, such as Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Management, Accounting, Marketing, Advertizing, Money and Banking, Economic Theory, Econometrics, Statistics, Computer Science, Philosophy, Business Ethics, Foreign Languages, etc.

. The profession of an economist is quite diversified. The graduates can work at educational institutions, various research centres and laboratories, in industry, business, banks, etc. You may continue your studies at the Post-graduate Courses if you have a desire and abilities to become a scientist or a professor. Scientists in the field of Economics create new theories and models, test their hypotheses and carry out economic researches.

Being employed in industry and business, our graduates work as managers, as an executive manager, a sales manager, a financial manager. Some of us work as accountants. An accountant is one of the most prestigious and widely required professions of an economist in any society. You shouldn't mix an accountant and with a book-keeper. While a book-keeper is mostly involved in calculations, like balance sheets, income statements, invoices, an accountant is responsible for designing the financial policy of a company.

Some of us work at the banks, at the Stock Exchange as brokers, others work for the government. Knowing the economic laws of the development of the society, economists can solve many problems facing our country (1500).

Упр.12. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1) Why is the profession of an economist one of the most important nowadays? What does it contribute to?

2) What subjects should a good economist master?

3) How can you continue your studies after graduating from the Economics Faculty?

4) What kind of specialists are graduates of Economics Faculty? Where can they work?

5) In what way do accountants differ from book-keepers?

Модуль 8. Контроль усвоения:

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 128 | Нарушение авторских прав

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