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Uncle to work hard. nephew [ nevju: ] to be fond of / to like + reading

ENGLISH FOR MANAGERS | II СЕМЕСТР. Management Basics | Приложения. | Методические рекомендации для студентов | Правила чтения | Словообразование | Порядок слов | Имя существительное. Aртикль | Множественное число имен существительных | Времена группы SIMPLE |

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  1. Uncle to work hard


niece [ ni:s ] 1.6. Hobby

nephew [ nevju: ] to be fond of / to like + reading

Упр. 2. Работая в парах, проверьте друг у друга знание терминов родства.

My mother’s sister is my… My mother’s dad is my…

My father’s brother is my… My father’s mum is my…

My father’s nephew is my… My mother’s son is my…

My father’s daughter is my … My sister’s daughter is my…


Упр. 3. Работая в подгруппе, повторите фразы на тему «Семья».

What’s your name? – Как Вас (тебя) зовут?

Where are you from? – Откуда вы (ты)?

I am from Novosibirsk, Russia. – Я из Новосибирска, из России.

How old are you? – Сколько вам (тебе) лет?

I am thirty (years old). – Мне 30 лет.

What’s your job? – Кем Вы работаете?

I work as a manager./ I’m an economist. – Я работаю менеджером/экономистом.

What’s your favourite pastime (времяпрепровождение) / hobby? – Чем Вы увлекаетесь?

I am fond of music / playing computer games / knitting [nitiŋ]. – Я увлекаюсь музыкой/игрой в компьютерные игры/вязанием.

Is your family large? – Ваша семья большая?

No, it isn’t. We are four. – Нет, нас четверо.

Are you married or single? – Вы женаты / замужем или холост / незамужем?


Упр. 4. Работая в парах, переведите слова и назовите род деятельности родственников по образцу:

-What is your uncle’s job?

-My uncle is a journalist [Xo:nəlist].

Occupations: engineer, pensioner['pen∫әnә], housewife, secretary, schoolgirl, student, teacher, doctor, worker, businessman, businesswoman, sociologist[sousi'olәXist], manager, military man, actor, artist, nurse [nә:s] - медсестра


Упр. 5. Переведите слова. Скажите, чем увлекаются Ваши родственники по образцу:

My brother is fond of hockey. His mother-in-law likes gardening. My sister’s hobby is music.

Favorite pastimes: reading, singing, dancing, watching TV, collecting stamps, knitting, playing the guitar [gita:], music, sport, fishing, pets (питомцы, домашние животные).

Упр. 6. Повторите слова и выражения по теме «Семья»

З анятие 6


Упр. 1. Выучите личные и притяжательные местоимения

Личные местоимения в именительном падеже (кто? что?) Личные местоимения в объектном падеже (кого? кому?) Притяжательные местоимения (чей?)
I-я me my
You- ты, вы you your
He- он him his
She-она her her
It- он, она, оно it its
We- мы us our
They- они them their[ðeiә]


Упр. 2. Употребите соответствующие местоимения в именительном падеже:

1..... is a teacher. 2.... are good friends. 3....is a table. 4....am a nurse. 5....is Mr. Tomson. 6.... is a cat. 7.... is a young man. 8....is a nurse. 9.... is in London. 10.... are at Home. 11. I have two books....are good. 12. Ann works in the hospital.... is a doctor. 13.... are her patients[pei∫әnts]. 14. … am Russian.15. … you a student? 16. I have a hobby. … is very interesting. 17. …is his aunt. 18. Is …your brother? 19. These are my friends … are fond of music. 20. My family is large. … are six.


Упр. 3. Употребите соответствующие местоимения в объектном падеже:

1. My brother gave... (I) a very interesting book. 2. You must go to see... (she). 3. My friends came to see... (we) and I showed... (they) the pictures' you had sent... (I). 4. The father wanted to give... (he) the book. It is on the table. Bring … (it) here, please.


Упр. 4. Употребите соответствующие притяжательные местоимения:

1. Mr. and Mrs. Black have two children. Both … children are daughters. 2. He is in America now, but … family is in London. 3. Mrs. Black likes flowers … daughters are fond of gardening too. 4. … native city is Novosibirsk. 5. What is … name? 6. We study at the medical university. … university has 10 faculties. 7. Miss Smith is a teacher.... students are English. 8. We are Russian.... friends are French. 9. I have a cat.... cat is small. 10. My friend has a car.... car is black. 11. My son has a dog....dog is big.


Упр. 5. Найдите все местоимения и переведите предложения:

1. We live with my parents. 2. She finished our school. 3. Her son works with our uncle. 4.1 live not far from you and your mother. 5. Their flat is on the second floor. 6. Our doctor is young.

7. We have a dog. We like it and it likes us.


Упр. 6. Раскройте скобки, употребив соответствующие местоимения:

1.(I) friend sends (I) many letters. 2. (He) brother knows (you). 3. (I) often see (they) in the park. 4. Don't ask (he) about (he) wife. 5. (He) met (she) at the Browns. 6. (We) teacher greets (we) every morning. 7. (We) greet (she) too. 8. (You) son studies together with (I).


Упр. 7. Переведите местоимения:

1. (Я) see (его) sister. 2. (Мы) know (их) and (их) children. 3. (Она) teaches (нам) Biology. 4. (Он) likes (свою) work. 5. (Наш) Institute is in Kirov Street. 6. (Я) see a car. (Я) see (ее) well. (Ее) colour is black. 7. Do (вы) know (ее) and (ее) brother?


Упр. 8. Прочтитевслух и переведите:

My dog is one year old. Our cat is two. My younger sister is three. My younger brother is four. My cousin is five. Her cat is six. Her brother is seven. His dog is eight. My niece is nine. Her friend is ten. My nephew is eleven. His friend is twelve. I am seventeen. Our aunt is thirty. Her husband is thirty three. Our mum is thirty five. Our dad is forty. My granny is fifty eight. Our grand-dad is sixty two. Their house is one hundred years old.

Упр. 9. Повторите указательные местоимения

Ед. число Мн. число
This – этот, эта, это These – эти (близко и сейчас)
That – тот, та, то Those – те (далеко и в прошлом)


Do you know this man? – Вы знаете этого человека?

These flowers are roses. – Эти цветы – розы.

That man is my husband. – Тот человек- мой муж.

Those were talented people – Это (то) были талантливые люди.

Упр. 10. Переведите предложения, употребив указательные местоимения.

  1. Это студент. 2. Это студенты. 3. Этот студент очень умен. 4. То мои друзья.

5. То были интересные книги. 6. Кто это сказал? 7. Кто там?

8. I have got a picture. Come and look at …picture.

9. There’s something on the ceiling (потолок). What’s …on the ceiling?

10 You can hear music. Do you like …music?

Модуль 4. Грамматическая тема: Глагол "to be". Оборот “there is (are)”. Лексическая тема: «Дела семейные» - “Personal Life”.

Занятие 7

Глагол "to be"

Этот глагол выполняет функцию вспомогательного глагола или глагола-связки и переводится на русский язык словами: есть, имеется, является, находится, существует, это или опускается при переводе.

Формы глагола "to be"

Настоящее время Прошедшее время Будущее время
I am He (she, it) is We / you / they are   I was He(she, it) was We/ you / they were   I / we shall be He (she, it) will be You / they will be  

Отрицательные предложения

Отрицательная частица "not" ставится после первого элемента сказуемого:

(+) I am a doctor. (–) I am not a doctor.

(+) Не will be a teacher.(–) He will not be a teacher.

Вопросительные предложения

(+) He is a doctor. – Is he a doctor? – Yes, he is. —No, he is not.

(+) They will be teachers. – Will they be teachers? – Yes, they will. – No, they will not.


Упр.1. Найдите в предложениях глагол "to be", определите форму времени и переведите предложения.

1. Mike is a student. 2. His mother was a doctor. 3. Helen and Ann are schoolgirls. 4. Mr. Pike and his wife were in Paris. 5. His daughter will be a stu­dent. 6. I am married. 7. My niece is a housewife. 8. His son will be eighteen tomorrow. 9. Her husband was in the hospital. 10. I shall be a manager.

Упр. 2. Вставьте глаголы "am, is, are, was, were":

1. He... a student. 2. You... French. 3. I... a teacher. 4. She... a young lady. 5. It... a car. 6. Nick... from London. 7. Ann... a doctor. 8. This... a book. 9. The door... open. 10. Pete... happy. 11. Bess... in Moscow now. 12. They... friends. 13. My son... a student. 14. His name... Jack. 15. My friends... doctors. 16. His wife... a housewife. 17. I... Russian.. I... from Novosibirsk. 18. My aunt … a teacher of English. 19. Her students … future economists. 20. They … from different cities. 21. One of her students … from China. 22. She … good at English and Russian. 23. My aunt and her students … friends. 24. I … glad they get on well. 25. Last summer they … in the Altai. It … a wonderful trip!

Упр. 3. Вставьте глагол "to be" в соответствующей форме.

1. I... in London in summer. 2. My son... a schoolboy next year. 3. Our relatives... at home now. 4. My wife... a housewife. 5. His daughter... in Paris last year. 6. His nephew... a doctor next year. 7. My husband... twenty nine yes­terday. 8. His son's friends... students of the medical college.


Упр. 4. Сделайте предложения из упражнения 2 вопросительными и отрицательными.

Упр. 5. Переведите предложения:

1. Завтра моей дочери исполнится 10 лет. 2. Их зовут Энн и Джейн. 3. В прошлом году его сын был студентом, а сейчас врач. 4. В марте я буду в Мо­скве. 5. Они били хорошими друзьями. 6. Сейчас они дома. 7. На прошлой неделе его жена лежала в больнице. 8. В среду они будут в институте.


Упр. 6. Запомните сочетания с глаголом "to be":

То be right – быть правым, правильным; tо be wrong – быть неправым, ошибаться;

to be happy – быть счастливым; to be sad – печалиться;

to be glad – радоваться; to be sorry – сожалеть;

to be worried about – беспокоиться;

to be angry with – сердиться;

to be hungry – быть голодным;

tо be afraid of – бояться чего-либо;

tо be tired of – устать;

to be well – быть здоровым; tо be ill – болеть;

to be busy [bizi](as a bee)– быть занятым (как пчелка); to be at home – быть дома

to be in time - приходить вовремя tо be late for – опаздывать;

to be good at – иметь успехи в…

to be fond of – увлекаться чем-либо;

tо be interested in – интересоваться, увлекаться;

tо be ready for – быть готовым;


Упр 7. Прочтите и переведите текст. Обратите внимание на выражения с предлогами.

It’s Saturday evening. Mr. Green is at home. He is sad because he is hungry. His wife is busy at work and Mr. Green is tired of sandwiches. He is fond o f American films but today the film isn’t interesting. He is also [olsou] worried because his daughter, Alice, is often late for school and her teacher is angry with her. Alice isn’t fond of Algebra. She is moreinterested in dancing and playing computer games. So, Mr. Green isn’t happy.

But his wife, Mrs. Green is happy. She is a tourist guide and her job is veryinteresting. She is fond of meeting new people. Mrs. Green is busy as a bee and she isn’t at home on Saturday and Sunday but it’s good for her because she isn’t interested in cooking or running the house.

Her daughter Alice is happy too. She isn’t good at Algebra or Physics, but she likes Biology: flowers, cats, dogs…She is fond of playing computer games, listening to music, dancing. Now she isn’t at home. She is in the disco with her boy-friend. They are glad to have a good time (817).


Упр. 8. Ответьте навопросы по тексту:

1. Why is Mr Green sad? 2. What is wrong with his daughter? 3. Is Mrs Green a housewife?

4. What is Mr Green’s favourite pastime? 5. What is his daughter fond of? 6. Are they happy?


Занятие 8

Оборот “there is (are)»

Оборот сообщает о наличии / существовании или отсутствии чего-то в месте, обозначенном обстоятельством. С обстоятельства и начинаем перевод:

There is a book on the table. – На столе лежит книга.

There is no pen there. – Там нет ручки.

Если обстоятельство отсутствует, то переводим оборот словами: существует / есть/ имеется.

There are two rules. – Существует (есть, имеется) два правила.

Обратите внимание, что глагол в обороте согласуется с первым последующим словом:

There is a book and two newspapers on the desk

Упр. 9. Переведите предложения. Сформулируйте правило образования (?) и (-) предложений. Когда следует ставить no или not в отрицательных предложениях?

1. There is a telephone in that room. 2. There will be no conference on Mon­day. 3. Were there many patients in the clinic? 4. There are two theories. 5. There was a medical article in the yesterday's newspaper. 6. In the surgical (хирургический) department there will be two new nurses. 7. There were no operations yesterday. 8. There were not many patients with the flue last year.9. There is not enough information for the conclusion (вывод).

Упр. 10. Ответьте на вопросы. Поставьте предложения в (+) и (-) форму.

1. Is there a computer on your desk? 2. Are there many hospitals in our city? 3. Are there many faculties in your university? 4.How many faculties are there in your university? 5. How many students are there in your group?


Упр. 11. Вставьте вместо пропусков глагол to be:

  1. How many months …there … the academic year? 2. There …a pen and 2 books on the desk. 3. There … no snow in the street. 4.There …not any mistake in her test. 5. There …2 pens and a book … the desk.6. How many pages … there in the book? 7. There … a blackboard and 8 desks in the room 8. … there any tea in the cup? 9. There … no lectures on Sunday.


Упр.12. Вставьте вместо пропусков предлоги: in; at; on; by; to; of; from…to; near

1. I get up …7 a.m. 2. We have breakfast … the morning. 3. I usually go …the university …bus. 4. We have 3 classes … Friday. 5. I often study late … night. 6. We listen…. the lecture … History on Wednesday. 7. Ann sends letters … her parents every week.. 8. My sister was born … the first … March. 9. There is a small garden … the house. 10. He usually delivers (читает) lectures … 9 am … 11am.

Упр. 13. Переведите предложения:

1. В институте три факультета. 2. В парке было много де­тей. 3. Недалеко от нашего дома есть кинотеатр. 4. На моем столе лежала книга. 5. В этой книге нет картинок. 6. В тексте не было новых слов. 7. Зав­тра английского языка не будет. 8. Сколько студентов в группе?. 9. Сколько операций будет завтра? 10. Сколько медицинских статей было в газете? 11. В этой комнате есть телефон? 12. В пятницу будет конференция?


Упр.14. Прочтите и переведите стихотворение. Оборот there’s произносится [ðεэz].

to climb [klaim] – взбираться to go hiking - ходить в пеший поход

a creek - ручей a lawn [lo:n] – газон

dawn [do:n] – рассвет


In front of my house there’s [ðεэz] a tree, my cat likes to climb it with me.

In back of my house there’s a hill where I go hiking with Bill.

Next to my house there’s a creek where I catch fish every week.

Across the road there’s a lake where I go swimming with Jake.

Near my house there’s a park, I don’t go there after dark

Around the house there’s a lawn [lo:n], on weekends we sit there till dawn [do:n],.

Over the door there’s a light, it helps you to find us at night (378).


Упр.15. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. How old is the character (действующее лицо)? 2. Where is his house (in the city or in the country)? 3. Who are Bill and Jake? 4. What are they fond of? 5. What is there in front of / next to / near / around the house? 6. Would you like (хотели бы Вы) to live in that house?



Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 113 | Нарушение авторских прав

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