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Tempo Clock Mod

Practical Applications | Практическое применение | The Sequencer | Секвенсор | Parameters | Параметры | A basic sequence | Faking Polyphony | Иммитация полифонии | Faking Independent oFFs |

Читайте также:
  1. CASE OF LOIZIDOU v. TURKEY» (Application no. 15318/89, judgment date 18 December 1996) в контексті правила прийнятності скарг «ratione temporis».
  2. Pastiche, intertextuality, metafiction, temporal distortion, paranoia, etc. are specific features of
  3. The Clock that Went Backward», The Sun, 18 September, 1881.
  4. Синхронизация с другими устройствами, используя MIDI Clock
  5. Турецкое Правительство оспорило эту жалобу, подчеркнув прежде всего, что Суд не обладает компетенцией ratione temporis для ее рассмотрения.

Tempo Clock Mod is a special modulation destination. It allows you to get the sequencer to play notes of different lengths by messing with the tempo.

Remember there are 2 components to the speed of a sequence’s playback:

Tempo — how fast the sequencer ticks in beats per minute (BPM).

Clock Divider — what type of note is played on each sequencer tick (quarter note, 8th note, 16th triplet, etc.)


You can read the sections on those specific parameters for more information.

I found Dave’s explanation of the Tempo Clock Mod parameter in the manual to be a little confusing. The “Tempo Clock Mod” parameter modifies the overall tempo, and ranges from 0-100. That much is simple.

But the range setup is a bit unusual: Tempo Clock Mod is a ratio, and it is centered at 40. As the ratio number increases (i.e. becomes larger than 40), the tempo slows down. As the ratio number decreases (i.e. becomes smaller than 40), it speeds up.

Since this value is “centered” at 40, if you set Tempo Clock Mod to 40 for a given sequencer step, you won’t hear any change in what’s going on.

If you set Tempo Clock Mod to 80 (which is 40×2) for a given sequencer step, the note played will be 2 times as long, since the clock is running half as fast on that step.

If you set Tempo Clock mod to 20 (which is 40×½) for a given sequencer step, the note played will be ½ as long, since the clock is running twice as fast.

This table will help explain a bit more:


Tempo Clock Mod Value Note length is multiplied by… Tempo effect
  .25 4x speed
  .5 Double speed
  .75 1½ speed
  1.5 2/3 speed
    Half speed
  2.5 Tempo effect


Faster ← → Slower




Упражнение 4:

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Digital oscillator oFFs| Модуляция синхронизации темпа

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