Objective Number
| Evaluation
| Evidence
| I spent a lot of time to learn the programming languages to using in my website. My basic knowledge about creating website helps me to create site. After adding each code, I checked the website for mistake.
| Investigation & analyses 7-16 pages;
Testing 112-113 pages.
| I make my site very easy and understandable to my client as to user who uses it. In this website, I use a basic easy code that is why it would not be so difficult to learn and understand them. I make some notes and code comments to code of website to be understandable to my client.
| Investigation & analyses 7-16 pages.
| I always checked for mistakes after adding codes. It helped me to create website easy and fast. In website there is many connections, I cannot to avoid from unpredictable errors. That is why I tried to solve the problem immediately and right some notes.
| Testing 112-113 pages.
| Correctly working all pictures, videos are very important for online shop. I had found codes that allowed me to add all of them. They gave me opportunity to change the size, as I want. It made the website more interesting and all codes are work.
| Design 17-31 pages; Testing 112-113 pages.
| Products table make website more useful and it is the main thing in online shop. It was not easy job as I used software tool written in PHP that called PHPMYADMIN. I created special table and filled them with information about all products. After I linked this table with one of the web pages of website. By PHPMYADMIN I can update products that is why it must always updated after adding material.
| Development and programming 33-111 pages.
| Online shop must be easy look like and colorful to users. It make site more spammed. All pages have the same design and it takes all pages. I believe that our client and users will like it. Anyhow, client can change it easily.
| Design 17-31 pages.