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Ex. 2. Read and translate the sentences, pay attention to the Gerunds.

Home work. | Class work. | Text C. | Ex. 15. Read, translate and memorize the word combinations. | Class work. | Ex. 22. Look, read and translate. Memorize the adjectives. | Home work. | Ex. 28. Analyze the ing - forms. Translate the sentences. | Ex. 32. Read text G and answer the question in the title in Russian. | Ex. 34. Analyze the ing - forms. Translate the sentences. |

Читайте также:
  1. A) Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the use of modal verbs.
  2. A) translate the illustrative examples into Russian;
  3. B) Translate the sentences into English paying attention to Complex Subject.
  4. B) Translate the sentences into English paying attention to economic terms.
  5. Build up Participles II and translate them into Russian.
  6. Change the following sentences to Subjunctive Conditionals. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.
  7. Choose the correct translation. Pay attention to the translation of the Infinitive and Participles.

Chapter 8.

1. Тема: Blood. 2. Грамматика: 1.The Gerund- Герундий; 2. The Verbal Noun – Отглагольное существительное;


Class work.

Ex. 1. Pay attention to the gerunds with the prepositions. Translate the sentences.

Иногда герундий с предлогами on, by, in, after переводится деепричастием.


On (upon)-по, после

On taking cough medicines a person felt relief.

After - -после

After taking the medicine the patient felt better.

3. By - путём, при помощи

By taking vitamin pills many people may improve their life style.


In entering the stomach antibiotics can combat the bacterium causing ulcers.

5. Before – до, до того как

Before going to bed the patient took his temperature

Through-благодаря, из-за

An unfavourable response developed through administering the remedy in too large doses.


Standard treatment for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that is directed at reducing the degree of obstruction may be insufficient for relieving symptoms and improving excessive tolerance in severe cases.

8. Of-часто не переводится. Герундий переводится существительным в родительном падеже.The psychological effect of taking a drug is called the placebo effect.

9. Without-без. Герундий часто переводиться отрицательным деепричастием.

The inflammatory process in the lungs could not be stopped without giving the patient streptomycin injections.


Ex. 2. Read and translate the sentences, pay attention to the Gerunds.

  1. If heart stops beating, use “closed method” cardiac massage.

2. Tamiflu is not a substitute for a flu vaccination. You should continue receiving an annual flu vaccination.

3. Do not stop taking this drug without consulting your doctor. Stopping the drug abruptly (резко) can worsen your condition.

4. It is not easy to give up smoking, begin using nicotine plaster to help yourself.

5. It is worth while following the recommendations on drug taking.

6. Patients should not take the capsules if they are presently taking a prescription drug for high blood pressure or depression without consulting the physician.


Дата добавления: 2015-07-20; просмотров: 150 | Нарушение авторских прав

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