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VOCABULARY. to take the examinations – сдавать экзамены

Необходимо набрать 80 баллов (40 баллов – обязательные задания, остальные баллы начисляются за работу на занятии (2 балла) и за выполненные задания по выбору студента). | CRIMINAL LAW | CRIMINAL LAW | AT THE TRIAL | AT THE TRIAL | CIVIL LAW | THE LEGAL PROFESSION | THE LEGAL PROFESSION | VOCABULARY | УПРАЖНЕНИЕ 1. |

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  4. Active Vocabulary


to take the examinations – сдавать экзамены

the Bar Council - совет барристеров

to enter into a contract – заключить контракт

the doctor of law degree – степень доктора права

to clerk – работать секретарем

curriculum – учебный план

legal reasoning – юридическое мышление

1. In the English legal system a practicing lawyer must hold one of two professional qualifications: she/he must either have been admitted to practice as a solicitor or have been called to the Bar as a barrister. This division of the legal profession is of long standing, each branch having its own characteristic functions, a separate governing body and professional rules.

2. The legal training for solicitors and barristers is different. To qualify as a barrister a person has to do the following: the first part of training is the academic stage, which provides a general theoretical introduction to the law. The next step is assisting and observing experienced barristers, as well as more practical experience. The last stage is to take the examinations of the Bar Council.

3. To qualify as a solicitor, a person enters into a two-year contract with a firm of solicitors to gain practical experience in a variety of areas of law while studying part time for the “Law Society” exams. It is not necessary to go to university. When you have passed all the necessary exams, you can practice as a lawyer.

4. In the USA legal education includes three years in a Law School and leads to the doctor of law degree. Since legal education in the US does not include any period of practical work experience, the first years out of law school will function as on-the-job training. Work in a large firm will expose the young lawyer to legal practice often with companies, rather than individuals, as clients.

5. Clerking for a judge is considered to be an honorfor a young lawyer. Most judges having only two clerks, there are not many positions available. The judge will be very selective in the choice of lawyers to fill those positions. Lawyers clerk for two years, assisting their judge with any business before the court. Law students do not become judges on leaving the university. Usually only on having gained considerable experience a lawyer may be considered for appointment as a judge.

6. The course of legal education in Russia takes four or five years of university training and includes different sides of legal theory and practice: criminal law, civil law, administrative law, constitutional law, etc. The general objective of legal education is to prepare the students of law to function as competent lawyers. The specific objective of the curriculum is to maximize the student’s mastery of legal reasoning and legal method – in addition to teaching the basic substantive rules of the law. Students of law must be taught to analyze complex factual situations, to reason deductively, to separate the relevant from the irrelevant to apply the law in specific cases.


Дата добавления: 2015-07-20; просмотров: 36 | Нарушение авторских прав

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