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Vocabulary notes. immunity [I'mju:nItI] неприкосновенность, иммунитет congressional immunity

An invoice | Text 1: Methods of Payment | Words and suggested activities | Vocabulary notes | Suggested activities | Word study | Vocabulary notes | Words and Grammar | Suggested activities | Illegal – ...незаконный......... |

Читайте также:
  1. Active Vocabulary
  4. General Notes
  5. Russian-English Vocabulary
  6. Task 15. Read the text, learn the active vocabulary under it and answer the questions.
  7. The necessary vocabulary items for describing a picture


immunity [I'mju:nItI] неприкосновенность, иммунитет  
congressional immunity   неприкосновенность члена конгресса  
diplomatic immunity   дипломатическая неприкосновенность  
parliamentary immuntiy   парламентская неприкосновенность  
personal immunity   неприкосновенность личности, право личной  
presidential immunity   президентский иммунитет  
delict ['dI:lIkt] нарушение закона, правонарушение  
in flagrant delict   на месте преступления  
acta jure imperil (Lat.)   приказ верховной власти  
to apologise [@'pol@³aIz] приносить официальные извинения; извиняться  
to apologise for smth   извиняться за что-либо  
to apologise to smb   извиняться перед кем-либо  
view   взгляд, мнение, точка зрения  
  there is a view that...   существует мнение, что...
  in my view   по моему мнению
  subject ['söb³@kt] 1) субъект; 2) подданный
  superior [sju'pIrI@] старший, начальник
  precept ['prI:sept] 1) указание, инструкция;
      2) вызов в суд, предписание
  to cope with smth   справляться с чем-либо
  boundary ['baund@rI] граница, межа
  to form a boundary   являться границей
  to codify ['koudIfaI] составлять кодекс, кодифицировать
  to codify the laws   составлять кодекс законов
  unauthorised [ön'o:T@raIzd] 1) неправомочный; 2) неразрешенный
  to sponsor   устраивать, организовывать, поддерживать, субсидировать
  in plain clothes   в штатском
  plain-clothes man   переодетый полицейский
  to run aground   сесть на мель
  syn. to go aground    
  to strike aground    
  consent [k@n'sent] согласие
  by common consent   с общего согласия
  age of consent   совершеннолетие
  silence gives consent   молчание – знак согласия
  vessel [vesl] судно
  syn. ship    
  crew [kru:] команда, экипаж (на судне, самолете)
  compare: team   команда (политическая, спортивная)


§ Words and Grammar


a Find the English equivalents in the text:


признать ответственность...........................................................................................................................

ответственность государства......................................................................................................................

право личной неприкосновенности............................................................................................................

пользоваться неприкосновенностью..........................................................................................................

предстать перед судом................................................................................................................................

поддерживать мнение.................................................................................................................................

приказ свыше...............................................................................................................................................

относиться к ним как к обычным преступникам.....................................................................................


b Match the words which are close in their meanings:


perpetrator secret
covert affair
boundary criminal
delict breach of law
liability frontier
precept responsibility
view instruction
incident opinion


с Match the words having opposite meaning:


legal inadequate international inferior
authorised illegal superior without
adequate unjustified common local
justified unauthorised peace special
responsible unofficial with war
lawful unlawful inside to reject
official irresponsible to own outside
    to assume to disown
    sporadic continuous


d Mark (with a tick) the meaning in which the following words are used in the text:



e Choose the correct preposition and make a few sentences with these phrases:


to cope with/in perpetrators

to admit responsibility of/to the act

the responsibility is limited to/in liability for/in reparations

to be contrary to/with international practice

to be subjected to/with New Zealand law

sporadic violence of/off Stateboundaries

to spy in/at plain clothes


f Insert the correct article, if necessary:


It is not strongly supported in... law.

part of... positive international law

in... international law

in... New Zealand law

to be charged with... murder and... arson

to stand... trial

... Nürnberg Charter

... President Eisenhower

g Use the correct forms of the verbs:


1 This concept (not to support) strongly in law.

2 After the French agents (to charge) with murder and arson, the French government (to admit) responsibility.

3 The French government (to be willing) to apologise.

4 They (to subject) to New Zealand law.

5 New Zealand (to treat) the agents as common criminals.


h Underline the participles and translate the following into Russian:


the concept widely used in practice.....................................................................................................................

the Nürnberg Charter adopted by a UN Resolution............................................................................................

situations including this incident.........................................................................................................................

perpetrators making illegal entries......................................................................................................................

an established practice.........................................................................................................................................

codified legal provision.......................................................................................................................................

a camouflaged plane............................................................................................................................................


i Translate the following sentences into Russian:


1 A State which sends agents is liable rather than the agents themselves.

2 The individuals are increasingly recognised as subjects of international law.

3 The agents are the means by which these acts are carried out.

4 Superior orders was no defence either in international law or in New Zealand law.

5 It has been impossible to establish immunity from local jurisdiction.

6 Powers stood trial in the then USSR.

7 In another incident the Swedish authorities assumed jurisdiction without the other side's permission.


j Write out all the words and expressions associated with immunity from the text.


§ Suggested activities

k Find the answers in the text:


1 How does law treat State criminality and responsibility?

2 How does law treat individuals involved in such cases?

3 What was France's view on this case before the agents stood trial?

4 What was the position of New Zealand government?


l Complete these question:


Дата добавления: 2015-07-19; просмотров: 52 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Violation – infringement – contravention| Were the French agents codified as spies or.........................................?

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