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Suggested activities. g Sum up what the Contract says about:

Vocabulary notes | Words and Grammar | Section 1: Companies in the UK | Vocabulary notes | Words and Grammar | Section 2: Business Contracts | Words and Grammar | CONTRACT TO PROVIDE BANQUET AND CONVENTION SERVICES | Words and Grammar | Suggested activities |

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  1. Suggested activities
  2. Suggested activities
  3. Suggested activities
  4. Suggested activities
  5. Suggested activities
  6. Suggested activities


g Sum up what the Contract says about:


• the Deposit

• the Cancellation Fee

• the Materials

h Choose one of the sub-articles and write a similar one making some changes or alterations.

Skim and scan:

Read the text quickly and say the governing law of what country is applied to this Contract.


3.6 All Materials shall be removed from the Hotel premises immediately upon the conclusion of the Event. The Client must reimburse the Hotel for any costs or expenses incurred by the Hotel associated with the removal and disposal of the aforementioned Materials.

3.7 The Client hereby accepts all responsibility and liability for all potential costs incurred by the Hotel regarding the Event, including without limitation, replacement or repair of damaged property caused by the Client's emloyees, assistants, agents, or guests. The Client shall transfer all amounts to be paid under this Article

3.7 to the Hotel within 14 days of the receipt of the bill. For payment see Article 3.15.

3.8 The Event may not endanger the reputation or safety of the Hotel or its inhabitants. If the Hotel reasonably believes that the Event will endanger the reputation or safety of the Hotel or its inhabitants, then the Hotel may cancel the Contract.

3.9 The Client shall not bring food products or beverages onto the Hotel premises.

3.10 The Client shall use the rented property only for the uses as specifically enumerated in, and specified within Article 1 of the Contract.

3.11 The Client or employees and agents of the Client may advertise or make other public statements regarding the Event at the Hotel only with prior, written approval of the Hotel.

3.12 The Hotel reseves the right to increase any and all prices, fees, and other amounts stated in the Contract, including the Cancellation Fee and amounts of tax obligations (collectively «Prices») at any time earlier than two (2) months prior to the start of the Event, and in such a manner that the Hotel, in its sole and exclusive discretion determines to be reasonable and appropriate.

3.13 All Prices quoted in this Contract are identified in U.E. (Conditional Units), and are exclusive of Value Added Tax and any other applicable taxes. All invoices shall be denominated in U.E., but shall be paid by the Client in Russian Rubles at the applicable Hotel exchange rate, indicated on the invoice, on the date of payment.

3.14 Amendments to this Contract shall only be effective if executed in writing and signed by both Parties.

3.15 The Client shall be held responsible for the prompt payment of all costs of the Event and any other additional charges itemized in the bills. Payment obligations including the Deposit shall be discharged in the following bank account of the Hotel: ________________________________________________ Alternatively payments can be done in cash or by the following credit cards: American Express, Master Card, Euro Card, Diners Club, JCB, Visa Card. Should the Deposit paid by the Client exceed the demand for payment, the difference will be reimbursed to the Client within 14 days after conclusion of the function. The Hotel shall return any amount to be reimbursed to the Client using the same method in which the Client originally paid; i. e. by reverse transfer (if the Client paid by electronic funds transfer), cash refund (if the Client paid in cash) or credit memorandum (if the Client paid by credit card). Any reimbursements shall be denominated in U.E., but shall be reimbursed to the Client in Russian Rubles at the applicable Hotel exchange rate in effect on the date the Hotel effects reimbursement in the manner described in the preceding sentence.

3.16 The Contract is to be construed and interpreted in accordance with the substantive law of the Russian Federation, excluding its choice of law principles. Any and all disputes and differences which may arise out of, or in connection with the subject of this Contract shall be settled as far as possible by means of negotiations between the Parties. Otherwise the disputes have to be settled by the International Commercial Arbitration Court with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, with the exception of disputes exclusively involving Russian parties, in which case, such disputes are to be resolved at and by the Moscow Arbitration Court.


By signature below, the undersigned Hotel and the Client hereby formally express their intent to be bound to each other, and to create a binding agreement regulating the respective rights and obligations of the Hotel and the Client with regard to an Event, scheduled for ___________ __________, 199__.


§ Vocabulary notes


to remove [rI'mu:v] 1) убирать, уносить; 2) передвигать
safety   безопасность, сохранность
with safety   без опасности, без риска
in safety   в безопасности
inhabitant [In'h{bIt@nt] житель
to enumerate [I'nju:m@reIt] перечислять
sole   единственный, монопольный
to quote [kwout] 1) цитировать; 2) назначать цену, котировать
quotation [,kwou'teISn] котировка, предложение
to denominate [dI'nomIneIt] называть, обозначать
exchange rate   курс обмена валют, обменный курс
amendment [@'mendm@nt] дополнение, поправка, исправление
to move an amendment   внести поправку (в закон, резолюцию).
to discharge [dIs'tSa:³] 1) выплачивать; 2) разгружать; 3) выпустить снаряд
alternatively [@l't@:n@t@vlI] как альтернатива, вместе с этим
to exclude [Iks'klu:d] исключать
negotiations [nI,gouSI'eISnz] переговоры
Chamber of Commerce   торгово-промышленная палата
and Industry    
intent [In'tent] намерение, цель
respective [rIs'pektIv] соответственный
in their respective places   каждый на своем месте


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