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Task 1. Read the text. 2 страница

Task 2, Learn the following words and expressions. Make your own sentences with them. | Task 9. Answer the questions. | Task 15. Read the text, learn the active vocabulary under it and answer the questions. | Task 2. Learn the following words and expressions. Make your own sentences with them. | The Federal and State Court Systems | Task 1. Read the text. | Selection of the Trial Jury. | III. Your Working Day | Active Vocabulary | Task 4. Make up your own situation with the words and expressions from task 3,4 |

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Bernard Lewis, a thirty-six-old man, while preparing dinner became involved in an argument with his drunken wife. In a fit of a rage Lewis, using the kitchen knife with which he had been preparing the meal, stabbed and killed his wife. He immediately called for assistance, and readily confessed when the first patrolman appeared on the scene with the ambulance attendant. He pleaded guilty to

manslaughter. The probation department's investigation indicated that Lewis was a rigid individual who never drank, worked regularly, and had no previous criminal record. His thirty-years-old deceased wife, and mother of three children, was a ""fine girl" when sober but was frequently drunk and on a number of occasions when intoxicated had left their small children unattended. After due consideration of the background of the offence and especially of the plight of the three motherless youngsters, the judge placed Lewis on probation so that he could work, support, and take care of children. On probation Lewis adjusted well, worked regularly, appeared to be devoted to the children, and a few years later was discharged as ""improved"' from probation.


In 1952 two youths in Mitcham, London, decided to rob a dairy. They were Christopher Craig, aged 16, and Derek William Bentley, 19. During the robbery they were disturbed by Sydney Miles, a policeman. Craig produced and gun and killed the policeman. At that time Britain still had the death penalty for certain types of murder, including murder during a robbery. Because Craig was under 18, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. Bently who had never touched the gun, was over 18. He was hanged in 1953. The case was quoted by opponents of capital punishment, which was abolished in 1965.



In 1976 a drunk walked into a supermarket. When the manager asked him to leave, the drunk assaulted him, knocking out a tooth. A policeman who arrived and tried to stop the fight had his jaw broken. The drunk was fined J10.


In June 1980 Lady Isabel Barnett, a well-known TV personality was convicted of stealing a tin of tuna fish and a carton of cream, total value 87p, from a small shop. The case was given enormous publicity. She was fined J75 and had to pay J200 towards the cost of the case. A few days later she killed herself.


This is an example of a civil case rather than a criminal one. A man had taken out an insurance policy of Jl00,000 on his life. The policy was due to expire at 3o'clock on a certain day. The man was in serious financial difficulties, and at 2.30 on the expire day he consulted his solicitor. He then went out and called a taxi. He asked the driver to make a note of the time, 2.50. He then shot himself. Suicide used not to cancel an insurance policy automatically. (It does nowadays.) The company refused to pay the man's wife, and the courts supported them.

* Find in the texts the sentences with the Passive Voice.

Task 4. Learn the active vocabulary and use it in the sentences of your own.

Active Vocabulary


I. penalty (n) - наказание, взыскание Cf. punishment(ri) death penalty - смертная казнь syn. capital punishment

2. murder (n) - убийство (умышленное)



manslaughter (n) - непредумышленное убийство; homicide (n) - юр. убийство (часто на бытовой почве)

3. assault (n) - нападение; юр. словесное оскорбление и угроза физическим насилием

4. shop - lifting (n) - ограбление магазина

5. fraud (n)- обман; мошенничество; подделка

6. law-abiding (adj) - законопослушный

1. misdeed - преступление; злоде-яние

8. wrongdoer (n) - преступник, правонарушитель


9. sentence (n) - приговор;

10. corporal punishment - телесное наказание





11. life sentence - пожизненное

заключение (срок);

12. probation (n)- условное освобождение на поруки; (освоб. несовершеннолетнего) преступника

13. suspended sentence - условный приговор;

14. custody (n) - опека, попечение; заключение

15. to pass a sentence upon smb. -

выносить приговор кому-л;

16. community service - общественные работы

17. to receive a sentence - получить срок;

18. to serve one's sentence- отбывать срок наказания.

19. Cf. verdict (n) - вердикт; решение присяжных


Task5. A. Find the Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions:


- to pull the trigger

- in a fit of a rage

-to call for assistance,

- the background of the offence

- to place smb. on probation

- the case was given enormous publicity

- to expire

- to cancel an insurance police

B. Find the English equivalents for the following words and expressions:


are first heard by a magistrate who can either pass sentence, or refer the crime to a Crown Court with a judge and jury. Here are maximum sentences for some crimes. Sentences can be reduced for good behaviour, often by one-third or more. «Life sentences» are rarely more than 14 years, and it would be possible to release



Magistrates' Court

Crown Court









6 months


14 years

Grievous bodily harm


6 months


5 years

Possession of firearm


6 months


5 years

Possession of cannabis


3 rnonths


5 years

Common assault

£ 200

2 months


"Going equipped for stealing"

£ 1000

6 months


3 years




life imprisonment


- нападение на детей

- вынуть пистолет

- ей дали шесть лет тюремного заключения за непреднамеренное убийство

- заколоть кого-л

- признаваться в чём-л

- признать себя виновным

- криминальное прошлое

- через 5 лет его освободили

- она была оштрафована

- гражданское дело

- страховой полис


Task 6. Make up your own situation with the words and expressions from task 5,6. Task 7. Read the text and examine the chart.

Penalties in England

In England there are no minimum sentences, except for murder, which carries a penalty of life imprisonment. There are maximum sentences for other crimes. Crimes


Task 8. There are the general types of punishment in England. Give a Russian equivalent for each of them. Which of these punishments exist in your country? Discuss this in your group.


Suspended sentences: the offender does not go to prison unless he or she

commits another offence;

Probation: normal life at home, but under supervision; Youth custody in special centres for young adults; Short disciplinary training in a detention centre; Community service: decorating old people's houses, etc; Compensation: paying, or working for, one's victim; Fines: the punishment in 80 per cent of cases; Disqualification from driving; Fixed penalty fines: especially for parking offences.




Task 9. Answer the questions:

1. What is the purpose of state punishment?

2. What is the main principle of imposing punishment on the criminal?

3. What should be taken into consideration while passing a sentence?

4. What about the death penalty? Should it be abolished, to your mind?

5. How long do life sentences usually last in England? And in your country? What does it depend upon?

6. What kinds of crime do you know?

7. What is the maximum sentence for burglary in England?

8. For what crime can a wrongdoer


a) receive a suspended sentence,

b) be placed on probation?

9. Does the punishment influence the level of crime?

10. Does the penalty system in your country function effectively?

Task 10. Work in pairs and discuss the following.

1. Which punishment do you think is appropriate for each of the following

a) a murder of a policeman;

b) vandalizing a telephone box;

c) drinking and driving, without causing an accident;

d) robbing a supermarket with a gun;

e) stealing goods from a shop («shop-lifting»);

f) parking a car illegally.

2. Match these actual sentences from British courts with the crimes in question



a) five to ten years in prison;

b) a small fixed penalty fine;

c) life imprisonment; d) a J400 fine;


e) a J200 fine and disqualification from driving;

f) 100 hours of community service.

3. Turn to the list of crimes (see «the survey of crimes» Task 10.) Try to find
the proper penalties for those crimes. Discuss which of you is the harsher judge?

Task 11.

A) Translate into English

1. Целью государственного наказания является не только исправление правонарушителя. Необходимо показать другим людям что случится, если они нарушат закон.



2. Форма наказания должна быть тщательным образом продумана.

3. Мелкие правонарушители, воры, насильники и убийцы не должны быть

наказаны одинаково.

4. Словесное оскорбление в Англии наказуемо, так же как и мошенниче­ство и др. преступления.

5. Для несовершеннолетних правонарушителей существуют специальные

места заключения -для молодых.

6. За хранение огнестрельного оружия в Англии вы можете получить 100 фунтов стерлингов штрафа и 6 месяцев тюремного заключения.

7. После показаний всех свидетелей и совещания присяжных судья вынес вердикт «невиновен». Наконец, человек, обвинённый в преступлении, кото­рого не совершал, был оправдан.

8. - Какой приговор вынес судья? - Преступнику дали условное наказа­ние. - Что это значит? - Это значит, что его не посадят в тюрьму до тех пор, пока он не совершит ещё одно преступление.

В) Put all kinds of questions to the sentence and put it into the Passive Voice:

The counsel for the prosecution accused the defendant of burglary.

Task 12. A) Work in pairs.

Decide what the maximum and minimum punishment should be for four of the following crimes; decide under what circumstances you would apply a maximum punishment or a minimum punishment for the same crime. Now each pair presents one "crime and punishment" to the rest of the class, giving examples to support

the decision.

burglary (from a house) robbery (from a bank)

mugging (street attack in order to get money) vandalism (destruction of property) shop-lifting (stealing from a shop) sexual offences (eg rape) drug offences (eg drug dealing) motoring offences (eg speeding or dangerous driving) fraud (financial dishonesty) forgery (coping a painting or bank notes)

B) Work in threes: two of you are on holiday in New Zealand and staying in a hostel. You go out for the day and come back to find your bedroom has been burgled; all you valuables are gone and your clothes are strewn all over the floor. Report the theft to the police, given details of how you found the room. The third

person plays a local policeman or woman: prepare questions to ask the tourists and then find out what has happened. What can you do?

Task 13. Read this short story, then write down your response to the questions below, based on your knowledge of the law in your own country.

Two fifteen-year-old boys broke into a house in the middle of the day when the owner was out, and took money and jewellery worth about J900. The owner reported the crime to the police when she returned home at 6p.m.

1. Will the police investigate the crime?

2. How will they investigate? What will they do?

3. Do you think the police will catch the two boys?

4. If they do, what crime will they be charged with?

5. Can the boys be sent to prison?

6. What do you think the sentence would be? Do you think this is the correct sentence?

Compare your answers with the answer key (based on the situation in the United Kingdom).

1. Yes. 2. Visit the people who were broken into and take fingerprints if possible. 3. Probably not. 4. Burglary. 5. Probably a suspended sentence (= the boys are free but if they commit another crime in the next year or two years, they will receive a much tougher punishment) unless the boys already have a record for burglary. In this case, they could be sent to a centre for young offenders.

Task 14. Using the information of the units «Crime» and «Punishment», summarize the topic «Crime and Punishment».


A man was accused of stealing a pair of trousers. After a long examination he was acquitted, because the evidence against him was not sufficiently strong. He stayed, however, in the dock after his aquittal had been pronounced. The lawyer who had defended him, observing that he didn't go away, informed him that he was free to go wherever he wanted. The man shook his head slightly, but remained. By this time the court was nearly empty. Again his lawyer told him that he could go. «I can't go till all the witnesses against me have left the court», said the man. «And why may that be?» asked the lawyer. «Because of the stolen trousers, sir. I've got them on.»

Swallowed watch «Not returned»

A schoolgirl of 13, accused of stealing a wristwatch was said yesterday at Castle Eden juvenile court to have swallowed it accidentally when a teacher made


inquiries. Hospital x-rays showed it inside her but later there was no sign of the watch and it had not been returned. The girl was put On one year's probation and was ordered to pay compensation.


A beautiful blonde walked into a Chicago police station and gave the desk sergeant a detailed description of a man who had dragged her by the hair down three flights of stairs, threatened to choke her to death and finally beat her up.

«With this description we'll have him arrested in no time,» said the desk sergeant.

«But I don't want him arrested,» the young woman protested. «Just find him

for me. He promised to marry me.»

* * *

A man sentenced to death was being taken to the execution place in very nasty weather.

«What lousy weather», he remarked.

«You are not the one to grumble», commented one of the escort.

«We've got yet to go back».

Unit 13 A Policeman and the Criminal World

Task 1. Answer the questions:

1. What do you think of the job of a policeman?

2. What makes it so difficult and dangerous?

3. What is the principle duty of the policeman?

4. How would you formulate his motto?

5. How do policemen accomplish their duty in your country? Can you rely upon the police?

Task 2. A) Read the text, consulting the active vocabulary given in task 3.

The British police officer - sometimes called the «bobby» after Sir Robert Peel, the founder of the police force - is a well-known figure to anyone who has visited Britain or who has seen British films. Policemen are to be seen in towns and cities keeping law and order, either walking in the streets («pounding the beat») or driving in cars (known as «panda cars» because of their distinctive markings). Few people realize, however, that the police in Britain are organized very differently from many other countries.

Most countries, for example, have a national police force which is controlled



by central Government. Britain has no national police force, although police policy is governed by the central Government's Home Office. Instead, there is a separate police force for each of 52 areas into which the country is divided. Each has a police authority - a committee of local county committee and magistrates.

The forces co-operate with each other, but it is unusual for members of one force to operate in another's area unless they are asked to give assistance. This sometimes happens when there has been a very serious crime. A Chief Constable (the most senior police officer of a force) may sometimes ask for the assistance of London's police force, based at New Scotland Yard - known simply as «the Yard».

In most countries the police carry guns. The British police generally do not carry firearms, except in Northern Ireland. Only a few policemen are regularly armed - for instance, those who guard politicians and diplomats or who patrol airports. In certain circumstances specially trained police officers can be armed, but only with the signed permission of a magistrate.

All members of the police must have gained a certain level of academic qualifications at school and undergone a period of intensive training. Like the army, there are a number of ranks: after the Chief Constable comes the Assistant Chief Constable, Chief Superintendent, Chief Inspector, Inspector, Sergeant and Constable. Women make up about 10 per cent of the police force. The police are helped by a number of Special Constables - members of the public who work for the police voluntarily for a few hours a week.

Each police force has its own Criminal Investigation Department (CID). Members of CIDs are detectives, and they do not wear uniforms. (The other uniformed people you see in British towns are traffic wardens. Their job is to make sure that drivers obey the parking regulations. They have no other powers - it is the police who are responsible for controlling offences like speeding, careless driving and drunken driving.)

The duties of the police are varied, ranging from assisting at accidents to safeguarding public order and dealing with lost property. One of their main functions is, of course, apprehending criminals and would-be criminals.





Task 3. Learn the active vocabulary and use it in sentences of your own

2. firearm (s)(n) - огнестрельное оружие

3. to be armed- быть вооружённым

1. guard - l (n) - охрана, стража, часовой

bodyguard (n) - телохранитель
safeguard (n)- охрана, конвой
v - охранять, защищать

2. patrol - 1(n) патрулирование, патруль

v - патрулировать, охранять

patrol car - дежурный полицейский

автомобиль, имеющий радиосвязь с


patrolman - амер. полицейский

4. warden (n) - смотритель, надзиратель (особый класс полицейских) traffic warden - полицейский, регулиру­ющий уличное движение

10. apprehend (v)


12. Criminal Investigation Department

- отдел уголовных расследований

старший поли-

Task 4. Find the English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

комитет, состоящий из членов совета графства и судей полицейского суда;


предоставлять помощь; просить помощь;

носить огнестрельное оружие;

достичь определённого уровня теоретической подготовки;

пройти курс интенсивного обучения;


работать добросовестно;

придерживаться правил парковки;


потерянное имущество (собственность);

превышение скорости (езда с недозволенной скоростью);

- предполагаемый (потенциальный преступник); Task 5. Make up your own situation using the words and expressions from task 2,3.

Task 6. Answer the questions:

1. Who was the founder of the British police?

2. Is there one police force, organized by central Government?

3. How is the police force organized in Great Britain?

4. In what situations can the policemen carry arms?

5. What are the ranks of policemen?

6. What are the duties of traffic wardens?

7. What is Scotland Yard and what does, it do?

Task 7. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the previous text

In Britain different areas have different (a). For instance, the

Metropolitan police operate in London, but there are different police forces in the countries outside London.

The top man in each police force is (b). He is appointed by the local

Watch Committee which is a (c) of the local government. The Watch

Committee can dismiss him, too, if the central government agrees. The Chief
Constable appoints all the (d) below him in his force.

Things are slightly different in London. The top man is known as the Metropolitan Police Commissioner and his appointment is arranged through the central government.

British police are normally not (e). In special cases, when their work

becomes dangerous, they can be given (f) however.

As is well known, the (g) of the British policeman is blue, with a tall

helmet. These days, you can see a different uniform in the streets. This is the

uniform with the yellow hatband worn by (h). Their job is simply to

control traffic and (i).

The most famous name connected with the British police is (j). It is

the headquarters of the London police force. Besides dealing with local police matters, the London police also help all over England and Wales with difficult crimes. They do this at the request of the local police.



3. J 10,000 was stolen from a bank in the High Street.

4. After the jury had listened to all the evidence

5. They were sent to prison for seven years.

6. The trial took place two months later.

7. and they finally arrested two men.

8. They questioned them at the police station

9. The police questioned a number of people about the crime B) Fill the gaps with suitable words.


1. I have never... the law and... a crime.

2. In Britain it is... the law to drive a car without insurance.

3. If you park illegally you will have to pay a....

4. The police were fairly sure the man committed the crime, but they knew it would be difficult to... it in court.

5. The jury must decide if the accused is innocent or....

6. In order to reach their decision, the jury must listen carefully to the....

7. If the accused is... of murder, the... may be at least ten years in prison.

8. He has been in trouble with the police once before, but it was only a minor

Task 9. A) Translate in English.

1. На улицах Лондона вы можете увидеть полицейских, которые не только поддерживают закон и порядок, но и готовы оказать помощь любому из вас.

2. Во многих странах существует общенациональная полиция, контроли­руемая правительством.

3. В Британии полиция организована иным образом. Страна разделена на 52 участка, на каждом из которых есть своя полиция.

4. Тем полицейским, которые охраняют политиков и дипломатов, а также на­блюдают за порядком в аэропортах, разрешается носить огнестрельное оружие.

5. Начальник полиции - высший ранг среди полицейских.

6. Вы можете быть оштрафованы за превышение скорости, а также за вождение автомобиля в нетрезвом виде.

7. Дорожный патруль может вас оштрафовать, если вы не соблюдаете правил парковки.

8. Целью работы полицейского является не только оказание помощи при различных авариях, конфликтных ситуациях, но и в аресте потенциальных пра­вонарушителей.

В) Put all kinds of questions to the sentence. Put it in the Past and Future Tenses. Police are searching for the man who is wanted for questioning about a string of burglaries in the Manchester area.




The criminal

To commit a crime/to break the law. To be a thug/ hooligan. To belong to the underworld. To be a tough gangster.

Arson / fraud / murder / mans laughter / robbery are criminal offences.

Shoplifting / hooliganism / speeding are petty crimes. To sell something on the black market.

To buy something which has fallen off the back of a lorry (idiom).

The victim

To be a law-abiding citizen.

To be plagued by a guilty conscience.

To be mugged/beaten up (!).

To have your bag pinched (!).

To have your house burgled.

To sue for damages.



The police

To conduct a police enquiry into

To recover stolen goods.

To use forensic evidence.

To take fingerprint.

To cross-question a suspect

To tail (!) / follow someone.

The courts

To take someone to court. To try somebody for a crime. To prosecute somebody. To be convicted of a crime. To appeal against a verdict.

To serve a prison sentence of 10

months/10 years.

To grant somebody a pardon.

To give someone a second chance.

The sentence serves as a deterrent.

To be lenient (not tough).

To aim to rehabilitate not punish.

To make somebody do community service.


Task 12. Using the information of the unit, summarize the topic «Police».

Just for Fun

Murder is always a mistake... One should never do anything that one cannot talk about after dinner.

Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1891

* * *

Eric: It was the corpse. He had a gun in his hand and a knife in his back. Who d'you think poisoned him? Erine: Who? Eric: Nobody. He'd been strangled!

E. Morecambe, E. Wise,

The Morecambe and Wise Joke Book, 1979

* * *

Marriage is not a word. It is a sentence.

Unit 14 Impeachment

Task 1. Read the text.

What is impeachment?

Here is an extract from the brochure «High Crimes and Misdemeanors» written by Robert Barr: Rep. Barr (R, Ga) serves on the House Judiciary and Government Reform Committees. He was the US attorney in the Northern District of Georgia under Presidents Regan and Bush. The American Constitution provides that the «President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery or high crimes and misdemeanor». This, impeachment is the constitutional remedy - the only one, addressed to serious offenses against the system of government and the public trust. The impeachment procedure, outlined in the Constitution, has been given content over the two centuries since its adoption.

But impeachment has been the subject of some controversy among legal scholars. One cause of the controversy is the political nature of impeachment. As constitutional scholar Michael Gerhardt has noted, «Impeachment is by nature, structure, and design an essentially political process.» Our Founding Father adopted this view of impeachment from English law and made it their own. It charges only «political crimes» and imposes purely «political punishments».

Thus, impeachment is not a criminal proceeding depending on proof of a




criminal infraction. Impeachment was intended to be a «safety valve, a security against an oppressive or corrupt President and his sheltered ministers». Our Founding Father constructed a safeguard against the executive abuse. There are three major duties imposed on the President by the Constitution and his oath of office. His first duty is «to take care that the laws be faithfully executed». The other two duties - «to faithfully execute the office of President of the United States» and «to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States» - are included in the oath of office. The power of impeachment serves as a guarantee that these duties are performed.

Task2. Learn the following words and expressions.

1. impeachment - порицание; обвинение; 2. misdemeanor - преступление

привлечение в суд

3. Rep. = Republican - член республикан -ской партии

5. treason - измена, предательство, государственная измена

7. remedy- средство судебной защиты 9. to outline - излагать

П. content- чувство удовлетворения

13. scholar - учёный

15. to impose - полагать 17. safety -безопасность 19. corrupt - развращённый 21. safeguard - гарантия, охрана 23. abuse - злоупотребление


Task 4. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words:

преступление; измена; полемика; коррумпированный президент; уголов­ное нарушение; обязанность; защищать Конституцию; служит гарантией; из­ложенная в Конституции; чисто политический процесс.

Task 5. Match the English and Russian equivalents:

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