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My Working Day. | Revision. | Professions, Countries. | Dwelling. | My Family. |

Читайте также:
  1. My Family.

1. Близнецы совсем непохожи.

2. Ужас! Он три раза был женат. – Кто бы говорил!

3. Мачеха Золушки падчерицу не любила.

4. Мы одногодки и родились в одном месяце.

5. Мини-юбки – гвоздь сезона.

6. Настоящие старые девы детей не любят.

7. У вас дети есть? - Да. Мальчик и мальчик.

8. Некоторые пенсионерки выглядят моложе своих лет.

9. Я знаю пять языков. – Неужели?

10. Не хочу учиться, хочу жениться.

11. Где очки? – В ящике.

12. Ее новый дружок – просто милашка.

13. Цвет волос я унаследовала от мамы.

14. Почему ты опять пропускаешь занятия? – Кто бы говорил!

15. Не хочу быть единственным ребенком в семье.

16. Два сапога – пара.

17. Яблоко от яблони недалеко падает.

18. Сколько лет твоей тете? – Далеко за сорок.

19. Мой двоюродный брат на два года старше меня.

20. Мои родители – одногодки.

21. Иногда просто смешно наблюдать за нашими политиками.

22. Племянники и племянницы не всем доставляют радость.



1) I’ve won a lottery! 2) Sometimes teachers don’t want to go to classes. 3) My friend was kidnapped. 4) I love snow. 5) Today is smb’s birthday. 6) My friend wants to dye her hair green. 7) Speech Practice will be cancelled. 8) You won’t get any scholarship this month. 9) You look a million dollars today. 10) Have you got a cousin? 11) Some people can fly.


1) When was your brother/sister born? 2) When did the Great Patriotic war start? 3) When did you enter the university? 4) When do you get more presents than usual? 5) When was your school-leaving party? 6) When is St. Valentine’s day? 7) When is the day of students? 8) When did this academic year begin? 9) When do we celebrate Christmas? 10) What date is it today?

Speak about a famous family. Your group mates will try to guess it.

Speak about an imaginary family.


A mother’s boy = mamma’s darling

To be of full age = to come of age

Best man, bridesmaid


Civil marriage

Double date (свидание на две пары)

Foster parents (патронажные родители)

Generation gap (проблема отцов и детей)


To live on one’s parents (быть на содержании родителей)

Love marriage, marriage of convenience

Marriage certificate

To marry low (вступить в неравный брак)

Newly-wed, spouse


To rush into marriage

Triplet (близнец из тройни)

He is a good family man.



Dear Jane,

Let me introduce myself. My name is Richard. I am forty-seven years old, and I work in Washington. I am a lawyer, and a partner in a 5-lawyer firm in this city. I was divorced last year after a 16-year marriage.

I saw your photo. Your smile is very lovely! I’m sure you have received many letters, but I hope you will write back to me.

Besides the legal profession, I am also in the US Air Force Reserve. My interests are different. I enjoy music, theatre, dancing, traveling, tennis, skiing, and many other activities. My health is excellent and I like to think I am young for my age.

You mentioned that you are looking for someone who is caring, educated and independent. These are the qualities I would like to find in a woman. A successful marriage requires that each spouse respects the other, has good communication skills, and shows love to each other every day. This is the kind of marriage I would like to have.

I have a 14-year-old daughter, Kelli, who lives with her mother. Her mother is remarried. Her mother also has a daughter by another marriage, who I adopted, and she is 19.

I would like to remarry someone who has a son. It was a great regret of mine that I didn’t have another child, particularly a boy.

I would love to tell you about myself, and the wonderful American Northwest where I live (the best part of the United States).




Дата добавления: 2015-07-19; просмотров: 53 | Нарушение авторских прав

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