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The best answer is B. Those is the best pronoun to refer back to animals. For the second blank, daily grind is appropriate in meaning, but is a slang expression. A habit cannot be describe as daily in the sense of general behavior.



The reopening marks the end of a massive, inside-and-out ___________ project that shrouded the society's terra-cotta headquarters in scaffolding for nearly four years.


A. reduction

B. reunification

C. commiseration

D. renovation

E. conservation


The best answer is D. It is logical that a reopening would follow a renovation.


Diego silenced the ___________ and turned her passion for scrapbooks into a successful retail and ___________ business.


A. devotees… public

B. enthusiasts… marketable

C. detractors… economic

D. concordances … profitable

E. skeptics … wholesale


The best answer is E. One silences opposing voices, therefore, choices D and E can logically fill the first blank. Retail and wholesale logically go together.


Stenton, who was ___________ in New York City in 1915, spent most of his life sharing his love of music by teaching others to ___________ the piano.


A. educated… listen

B. born … play

C. taught… love

D. raised… appreciate

E. grown… adore


The best answer is B. The first blank requires a verb to refer to an action that happened in 1915. Other than choice B, all the choices refer to things that happen over a period of years.



Today Calder is the youngest by nearly two generations at the veteran’s hospital, where he ___________ therapy and ___________.


A. undergoes … rehabilitation

B. has… restoration

C. does… healing

D. suffers… analysis

E. experiences… treatment


The best answer is A. Choices A and B can logically and idiomatically fill the first blank. Restoration is incorrect because it is not a word one applies to humans.



More and more people are considering mortgages that require the ___________ to pay only the monthly ___________ on the loan.


A. taker… profits

B. client… revenues

C. instigator… dividends

D. borrower … interest

E. investigator… capitol


The best answer is D. Choices C and D are illogical for the first blank. Choice A is not idiomatic. Revenues is not a word used to describe payments made by an individual.



Some economists are predicting that demand will catch up with productivity shortly, ___________ an enormous boom in job growth.



A. making

B. shooting

C. spurring

D. spinning

E. goading


The best answer is C. Spurring, a verb whose origins come from the spurs of a horseback rider’s boots, is appropriate to describe something that causes an enormous boom.



The city is ___________ to annex land for new, suburban-style homes, but zoning abuses blight existing neighborhoods with ___________ construction.


A. scheduled… exquisite

B. talking… opulent

C. foregoing… errant

D. slated… illegal

E. considering… succulent


The best answer is D. Only choices A and D are both logical and grammatical for the first blank. For the second blank, however, exquisite is not a logical adjective to describe a blight.


In ___________ of resolving the profound economic and social problems that continue to ___________ the nation, the president's removal last July accomplished nothing.


A. sense… butter

B. light… libel

C. coin… malign

D. means… disturb

E. terms … plague


The best answer is E. In terms of is idiomatic. Plague is the best choice to refer to profound economic and social problems.


Some agencies offer financing ___________ for developers to encourage the building of ___________ housing.


A. incentives … rental

B. perks… semi-permanent

C. bonuses… viable

D. encouragement… marketable

E. raises… salable


The best answer is A. Perks, encouragement and raises are usually given to employees, not developers. Housing cannot be viable.



Marks, ___________ forecaster, estimates that, compared to the administration's dividend tax cuts, extending unemployment benefits would produce a 20 times ___________ positive effect on the gross domestic product.


A. a reliable… greatest

B. an economic … greater

C. an intuitive… great

D. a moneyed… worse

E. a furtive… worst


The best answer is B. Choices A, B and C are reasonable to fill the first blank. D and E are possible, but would be unusual. After a 20 times greater___, a comparative form of adjective is needed, such as greater.



As a politician's wife, Carole Samuels became active in her own ___________, attending chamber of commerce breakfasts and historical society meetings, and ___________ in the Gardener’s Club.



A. way… convened

B. time… convening

C. self… ran

D. right… running

E. identity… chaired


The best answer is D. In her own right is idiomatic. A gerund is needed to fill the second blank to maintain parallelism.


Seth Walters has ___________ more than four decades in commercial banking, ___________ from a bank messenger to president and CEO of the Merchant’s Bank.


A. caroled… upping

B. resided… increasing

C. loafed… raising

D. spent … rising

E. squandered… starting


The best answer is D. Grammatically, choices A, B and C cannot fit in the first blank because they would have to be followed by a preposition. Choice E is unlikely – if the time had been squandered, Walters would not have risen to the position of president.


As healthcare costs grow, the problem of the underinsured will only get ___________, as corporations seek to control costs by continuing to raise ___________ for employees.


A. worse … deductibles

B. depleted… deductions

C. alleviated… welts

D. recompensed… interest

E. disparaged… abscesses


The best answer is A. The phrase the problem will only get ___, is generally followed by something negative, such as worse. Deductibles is logical since the sentence refers to insurance (the problem of the underinsured).


At the school, she wrote and directed several ___________ productions about the Everglades and its ___________ as well as tributes to historic Floridians, such as Marjory Stoneman Douglas.


A. physical… fauna

B. theatrical … animals

C. musical… locations

D. creative… flora

E. prolific… alligators


The best answer is B. Theatrical productions and musical productions are idiomatic. Animals is a better choice than locations for something that belongs to the Everglades.


Some residents claim that the timing of the strike was inappropriate, considering the ___________ economy.


A. flourishing

B. harmonizing

C. shivering

D. questionable

E. illiterate


The best answer is D. Choices B, C and E cannot be applied to an economy. A strike is generally considered inappropriate when the economy is poor, hence D is a better choice than A.

A wildfire roaring through the ___________ of the San Bernardino Mountains burned as ___________ as 20 homes and forced thousands to flee.


A. crests… various

B. foothills … many

C. summits… numerous

D. grounds… far

E. trees… much


The best answer is B. It would be nearly impossible for a fire to roar through the crests or summits of mountains. Many is the appropriate choice to agree with homes.


Businessmen and investors may be ___________ a little easier now that the initial fears ___________ by the elections of leftist presidents in neighboring countries have been muffled.



A. living… released

B. working… tipped off

C. breathing … unleashed

D. thinking… forestalled

E. pondering… untapped


The best answer is C. To breath easier is idiomatic. Used metaphorically, fears can be unleashed.


Arguing that the roots of many of the region's problems are more political and institutional than economic, the lecturer claimed that the government will now stress the need to ___________ corruption and ___________ bureaucracy.

A. arm… unwieldy

B. forego… international

C. attack… exceptional

D. defuse… permissive

E. tackle … inefficient


The best answer is E. Attack and tackle are the only logical choice for the first blank. The word b ureaucracy is rarely preceded by a positive adjective.



Compared to economic disaster areas like Venezuela and Argentina, where the ___________ shrank by 12 percent last year, Brazil's outlook is ___________.


A. economy … rosy

B. population… undecided

C. integration … advantageous

D. specification… ambiguous

E. profit… perilous


The best answer is A. Choice A is the most logical for the first blank. Profit could not follow the when referring to an entire country. For the second blank, there is a contrast set up between Venezuela and Argentina on the one hand, and Brazil on the other. Since the former are disaster areas, the second should be positive.



Throughout the downturn of the past few years, economists and analysts have trumpeted our historic increases in productivity as the one ___________ in an otherwise dreary economic ___________.


A. upturn… neighborhood

B. indication… surrounding

C. positive … environment

D. advisory… background

E. allocation… milieu


The best answer is C. The phrase as the one x in an otherwise dreary… sets the stage for a positive word filling the blank.


The Andes ___________ as the floor of the Pacific Ocean slipped uneasily beneath South America, ruffling the land along the west coast of the ___________.


A. formed… continent

B. created… country

C. disinterred… mass

D. depredated… mass

E. shaped… landfill


The best answer is A. Created and shaped would have to be put into a passive form (were created, were shaped) to fill the first blank. Disinterred and depredated are illogical.



Researchers have long ___________ about whether this kind of selfless behavior in animals, ___________ as altruism, directly benefits the helper.


A. argued … known

B. dreamed… deemed

C. stipulated… named

D. simulated… seen

E. posited… characterized


The best answer is A. Only argued and dreamed can go before about. Deemed cannot precede as.


According to Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection, an animal's success in the gene ___________ is measured by the number of offspring it ___________ raises to pass on its DNA.


A. source… substantially

B. swamp… joyfully

C. pool … successfully

D. base… productively

E. chromosome… verdantly


The best answer is C. Gene pool is idiomatic. Successfully is a logical choice; if the offspring are not raised successfully, they cannot make an impact on the gene pool.

___________ of mythical giant apes lurk in the oral ___________ of most Native American tribes, as well as in Europe and Asia.



A. Talks… chronicles

B. Stories… verbiage

C. Legends… writings

D. Quips… meanderings

E. Tales … traditions


The best answer is E. One can have stories, legends or tales of something. Oral traditions is an idiomatic expression. Furthermore, oral verbiage is both redundant and illogical, while oral writings is a contradiction in terms.


Statistically, the 3,300 responses ___________ the opinions (accurate to plus or minus two percent) of the 154 million American adults who have traveled over the ___________ three years.

A. face… last

B. focus… first

C. preclude… coming

D. represent … past

E. repress… forthcoming


The best answer is D. Grammatically, all of the choices are suitable to fill in the first blank, but semantically, represent is the most logical choice. Because the present perfect (have traveled) is used, the second blank must be something that refers to the past.



The academic services division was ___________ to providing quality support to the students and staff through the provision of specialist administrative ___________.


A. submitted… services

B. committed … assistance

C. destined… debate

D. conniving… help

E. striving… contact


The best answer is B. Choice D and E cannot be correct for the first blank because they are gerund forms. An academic services division cannot normally be submitted. Destined would have to be follow be an infinitive form.



Prosecutors have ___________ a wealth of circumstantial evidence linking the six ___________ to the deadly bombing.



A. collected… detectives

B. amassed … suspects

C. accumulated… suspicions

D. assembled… executors

E. engineered… perpetrators


The best answer is B. To amass wealth is idiomatic. Here the expression is expanded to refer to a wealth of evidence. Suspects is appropriate to refer to people accused but not yet tried.



First hired in 1972 as ___________ staff writer for The Examiner, Frank Gordon has since fashioned a career in journalism ___________ over three decades.


A. a budding… taking

B. a novice… reeling

C. an introductory… sponging

D. an eager… spanning

E. a top… straddling


The best answer is D. For the first blank, a person cannot be introductory. Eager or novice are the most appropriate adjective to describe a beginning writer. Only spanning can be used to indicate that Gordon’s career lasted three decades.



It was thought that if the corpse did not have ___________ care, the former pharaoh would not be able to ___________ out his new duties as king of the dead.


A. careful… fold

B. secret… address

C. deciduous… situate

D. proper … carry

E. learned… marry


The best answer is D. The care that one takes over something cannot be described as careful, secret, deciduous or learned. Duties are said to be carried out.


Many of these prizes are ___________ at the Faculty of Business presentation ceremony ___________ is held in June for the preceding academic year.


A. designated…who

B. relegated… that

C. awarded… which

D. stultified… in which

E. given… where


The best answer is C. Prizes are normally awarded or given. Which is the appropriate pronoun to refer to the ceremony.



Earlier this month tax-evasion charges were ___________ against Maryanne Sumner, who is ___________ for the auditing of operations.


A. filed … responsible

B. summoned… reliable

C. subpoenaed… determined

D. lodged… reachable

E. grated… accountable


The best answer is A. A person can be summoned or subpoenaed, not charges. To file charges is idiomatic.


The Egyptians mummified their dead because they believed that a person needed his body in the afterlife, and the better-looking the better, so it was ___________ on the priests in charge of ___________ to do a good job.


A. designated… wrapping

B. selected… preserving

C. assigned… mummifying

D. doled… exacting

E. incumbent… embalming


The best answer is E. The first four choices for the first blank are used passively (the priest was assigned). The blank calls for an active verb. The work of mummification is embalming.



Projects ___________ by management students include a recent communication analysis and team development project conducted by a postgraduate ___________.


A. serviced… pupil

B. organized… student

C. steered… professor

D. accomplished… teacher

E. sentenced… fellow


The best answer is B. One cannot service, accomplish or sentence a project. A postgraduate is a type of student.



When deep-sea explorers ___________ the Baltic Sea floor located a Swedish spy plane shot down by the Russians more than 50 years ago this June, they ended one of the more ___________ mysteries of the Cold War.


A. dredging… flimsy

B. combing … enduring

C. cruising… unforeseen

D. skimming… unreceptive

E. searching… personified


The best answer is B. One cannot cruise or skim the sea floor. A mystery can be described as enduring when it has been in existance for a long period of time.



By ___________ the elements in the bones of a person long dead, researchers can ___________ the main constituents of that individual's diet.


A. testing… delineate

B. revealing… concoct

C. exhuming… discern

D. examining… determine

E. subsuming… reveal


The best answer is D. A body can be exhumed, but not the elements in the bones of a body. These can be tested, examined or revealed. The constituents of a person’s diet can be determined.



Connected by a complex set of ___________ roads, the villages were defined by ditches, curbs, moats, open parklands, and working forests.


A. intersecting

B. fixed

C. interlinking

D. thickened

E. dense


The best answer is C. Since the roads are described as complex, it makes sense that they would be interlinked.



Discovered by two paleontology students in clay pits near Peterborough, the ___________ is the largest known fish ever ___________.


A. fossil … recorded

B. remnant… devoured

C. visage… monitored

D. vestige… summoned

E. pebble… careened


The best answer is A. Only fossil is logical in reference to a fish.


The recent arrest has ___________ concern about a government push against powerful business barons before the ___________ elections.


A. hurdled… forthcoming

B. marked… approaching

C. initiated… short

D. sparked … upcoming

E. kindled… near


The best answer is D. While choices C, D and E are all possible, only sparked concern is idiomatic.



The government will also now start the legal process of lifting the monopoly ___________ by Telecon, the state carrier.



A. endured

B. pressed upon

C. enjoyed

D. confounded

E. supplied


The best answer is C. A monopoly is something that a company enjoys, so C is the most logical choice.



An extensive archaeological excavation has ___________ a lost city that is believed to be one of the ___________ jewels in the ancient civilization of the Maya.


A. unearthed … crowning

B. buried… shining

C. uncovered… glowing

D. bared… crowned

E. obscured… buffed


The best answer is. Excavations remove objects from the earth therefore, unearthed is an appropriate choice. Crowning jewels is idiomatic.



Though the economy ___________ through a recession in 2001, super-low interest rates have ___________ demand for mortgages, which has encouraged a boom in mortgage refinancing.


A. battled… incited

B. conceded… impelled

C. suffered … fueled

D. slogged… driven

E. smudged… posited


The best answer is C. A recession is a negative occurrence so it is appropriate that one would battle or suffer through it. Fuel can be used figuratively to mean promote.



The rationale ___________ the rise of fee-based advice is that it makes for a better relationship with clients by eliminating the potential for conflicts that ___________ when someone profits directly from their recommendations.



A. behind … arise

B. invested in… occur

C. driving… intrude

D. after… disrupt

E. following… awaken


The best answer is A. It is idiomatic to talk about the rationale behind x. Similarly, conflicts aresaid to arise.

Never before in ___________ history have monetary and fiscal policies been as motivating as today, and yet, the American economy remains weak and vulnerable.


A. today’s

B. yesteryear’s

C. yesterday’s

D. recent

E. topical


The best answer is D. Today’s history, yesteryear’s history and yesterday’s history are unidiomatic expressions. Topical history is illogical.

The open nature of the web, its unpredictable and ___________ proliferation of ideas and open source software was ___________ to the world's leading operating systems company.


A. untenable… propagation

B. insupportable… panacea

C. copious… abomination

D. uncontrollable … anathema

E. bountiful … atomization


The best answer is C. Both copious proliferation and b ountiful proliferation are redundant. Uncontrollable is the most logical choice for the first blank. Since uncontrollable has a negative connotation, anathema, also a negative word, is a logical choice.



Front Inc., ___________ by the 1999 merger between Front Bank and Merchant’s Bank, has been at the ___________ of merger rumors for years.



A. started… middle

B. created … center

C. began… apex

D. founded… summit

E. fashioned… maelstrom


The best answer is B. A company is created by a merger. Founded is appropriate to use to refer to a completely new company. Fashioned cannot be followed by by to refer to the company’s origins.


As younger workers watch parents and others in ___________ generations go back to work after retiring because their savings were not ___________, they still aren't doing enough to provide for their own financial futures.



A. senior… ample

B. younger… sufficient

C. old… generous

D. older … adequate

E. advanced… prolific


The best answer is D. Since the younger workers are watching parents and other in ____ generations, the others are likely of their parents’ generation, hence older is logical. The second blank must contain a word that explains why older generation would go back to work.


Outspoken ___________ as a teenager, he was dismissed from high school when he refused to compromise his word to a school ___________.


A. from his time… mascot

B. early… officer

C. already… teacher

D. still… regulation

E. even … principal


The best answer is E. From his time and early are unidiomatic and still is illogical. Already is awkward in the first blank.


College costs once again have increased far faster than inflation, with ___________ at state schools posting the biggest ___________ in 30 years


A. fees… augmentation

B. costs… depreciation

C. revenues… devaluation

D. tuition… increase

E. payments… intensification


The best answer is D. Tuition is a word that specifically means fees paid to a school and is thus the best answer. The first part of the sentence deals with college costs increases in general, and the second part mentions a more specific increase.


A new survey says most families aren't generally expecting to ___________ more money on holiday vacations than they did ___________ year.


A. fritter… previous

B. spend … last

C. save… past

D. squander… preceding

E. invest… prior


The best answer is B. Fritter and squander have negative connotations that are not in keeping with the tone of the sentence. One does not invest in a vacation.



___________ in the history of this great country have there been more annoying commercials on the public ___________.


A. Once… systems

B. Ever… channels

C. Sometimes… broadcasts

D. Never … airwaves

E. Always… television


The best answer is D. Only choices D and E fit the sentence grammatically. Public television cannot follow the definite article.


Since the success of his last book and his Oscar-winning ___________, (a success he likes to remind you of at every ___________), he has become the most prominent liberal agitator in the West.

A. presentation…moment

B. documentary… opportunity

C. staging…minute

D. film…prospect

E. enactment… initiation


The best answer is B. A documentary or a film are choices which could be Oscar-winning. For the second blank, prospect and initiation are illogical. Moment and minute cannot come after at every.


The most successful remodeling projects begin with homeowners ___________ have a imaginative, yet ___________, idea of what they want done.


A. that… sensational

B. where… pragmatic

C. which… inspired

D. whom… dazzling

E. who … realistic


The best answer is E. Who is the most suitable pronoun to refer to homeowners. The second blank must be filled with a word which contrasts with imaginative because of the yet before the blank.


To accompany the book, Freeman ___________ has a new ___________ of digital photographs spanning 30 years.


A. as well… rehearsal

B. also… exhibition

Дата добавления: 2015-07-19; просмотров: 38 | Нарушение авторских прав

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