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C. additionally…

D. too… revision

E. besides… showing


The best answer is B. None of the choices other than also fit the sentence grammatically. Photographs can logical be displayed in an exhibition.


He went over all his expenditures and ___________ for the preceding year and a half, and was shocked by what he ___________.


A. income … found

B. disbursements… discovered

C. expenses… uncovered

D. salaries… related

E. tolls… manifested


The best answer is A. Disbursements and expenses mean the same as expenditures and are therefore redundant. An individual usually doesn’t have many salaries and does not collect tolls.


Their income has proven ___________ to maintain what they regard as a comfortable, though not ___________, lifestyle.


A. superficial… excessive

B. opulent… verifiable

C. sufficient… luxurious

D. ample… fulsome

E. sketchy… extraordinary


The best answer is C. Sufficient and ample are suitable to describe income that can maintain a comfortable lifestyle.


He was rejected by the National Film School and spent 11 years doing odd jobs for a small theatre company before he got the ___________ to make his film noir thriller.


A. break

B. thought

C. calibration

D. opportunity

E. warning


The best answer is D. Break and opportunity are suitable as far as their meaning, but break cannot be followed by to.



When George Wilson graduated from high school, his parents, both of ___________ were hearing impaired and on disability, could provide ___________ financial help toward college.


A. whom… no

B. they… none

C. who … little

D. them… scarce

E. parent… nary


The best answer is C. Who is the best pronoun to refer back to Wilson’s parents. Only no and little are suitable grammatically for the second blank.


Michael grew up under difficult circumstances in the San Fernando Valley, where he battled family ___________ from ___________ age.


A. connections… a small

B. embattlements… a little

C. kinships… a young

D. issues… every

E. problems … an early


The best answer is E. One battles problems. An early age is idiomatic.


While the couple tries to find bargain-basement prices on all their ___________, they do not ___________ on quality.


A. purchases … stint

B. inceptions… squelch

C. acquisitions…squint

D. abstentions… squander

E. accumulations… tender


The best answer is A. Purchases and acquisitions are logical choices for the first blank. The second blank must be filled with a word that will contrast with the first part of the sentence.


What was a ruthlessly effective way of enhancing their electoral fortunes has developed into a compulsion never to allow any leader much of a chance to ___________.


A. persist

B. impeach

C. command

D. impersonate

E. direct


The best answer is C. One cannot allow someone else to persist. Impeach cannot be used as in intransitive verb. Since a leader commands, command is the best response.



Though she had never been there, and did not know ___________, she felt an overwhelming urge to ___________ into this uncharted territory.

A. an individual… strive

B. a soul … delve

C. a person… plunge

D. a being… sift

E. someone… hop


The best answer is B. Did not know a soul is an idiomatic expression used to mean did not know anyone.



The defendants have asked for a jury trial, but Cary, lawyer for Sun Entertainment, is expected to petition the court today for a trial by ___________ without ___________.


A. court… a judgment

B. tribunal… a sentencing

C. proxy… an adjudicator

D. fire… a panel

E. judge … a jury


The best answer is E. The word but sets up the expectation of a contrast in the sentence. Trial by judge contrasts with jury trial.


Short, broad grandmothers, speaking only Zapotec, the indigenous ___________ of the region, dutifully grind corn for tortillas and march their pigs to market.


A. dialogue

B. language

C. vernacular

D. jargon

E. clauses


The best answer is B. Zapotec, written with a capital letter and spoken, is likely to be the name of a language.



In 1980, Smith & Smith decided to ___________ eight of its old models to make room for some of the more modern models that collectors seemed to be ___________ in.


A. retire … interested

B. decline… focused

C. desist… fascinated

D. rest… targeted

E. wane… charmed


The best answer is A. Retire, though primarily applied to people, is also used to refer to products. Only interested and fascinated can precede in.



The Calverts were a young New England couple looking for an inexpensive way to ___________ a small vacation cottage in Massachusetts when they first began purchasing country ___________ and folk art in the 1920s.


A. decorate… samples

B. endow… relics

C. conjure… baubles

D. furnish … antiques

E. bequeath… trinkets


The best answer is D. There is no expensive or inexpensive way the endow or bequeath a cottage. Country sample is vague (samples of what?).



Professional searchers will travel the ___________ over, using any ___________ possible — from satellites to simple theft — to acquire meteorites.


A. globe…method

B. earth… way

C. planet… methodology

D. world… means

E. land… resources


The best answer is D. While the first four choices for the first blank all mean the same thing, only world can come before over.


Traffic safety experts said that national driver education standards should be ___________ so teenagers everywhere receive ___________ training before hitting the road on their own.


A. decanted… coercive

B. adapted… obliging

C. adopted… uniform

D. excepted… comprehensive

E. incepted… insipid


The best answer is C. If the standards were adopted, then the training would be uniform.



Many of the draft document's points ___________ ideas espoused for years by anti-globalization ___________.


A. capitulated… sympathizers

B. echoed … activists

C. estranged… protagonist

D. reiterated… mentors

E. venerated… militants


The best answer is B. Points may be echoed or reiterated. One cannot be a mentor for a cause.


Researchers say it will be several years before computer programs will accurately ___________ fire behavior the way television weathermen tell viewers where a hurricane or a ___________ is heading.


A. precede… rainfall

B. predict… cloud

C. prepare… shower

D. forecast … blizzard

E. forbear… tornado


The best answer is D. What the researchers do is being compared to what weathermen do, therefore, predict or forecast are logical choices. While any of the choices for the second blank are feasible, a blizzard is more similar to hurricane than some of the other choices, and therefore is better.


Low short-term borrowing costs may give consumers and businesses an ___________ to spend and invest more and ___________ boost economic growth.



A. enticement… thusly

B. stimulant… nevertheless

C. incentive… thus

D. inducement… consecutively

E. supplement… therefore


The best answer is C. The first four choices for the first blank mean roughly the same thing, but the first two are not appropriate for a business situation. Thus shows the causal effect of the short-term borrowing on economic growth.


All but the smallest new televisions will have to be able to receive digital television ___________ by July 2007 under a government rule upheld by a federal ___________ court on Tuesday.


A. flashes … claims

B. signs… broadcasting

C. flares… official

D. signals… appeals

E. messages… allowed


The best answer is D. Digital television sends s ignals. A regular court rules, but an appeals court upholds or overturns decisions.



Supporters of helmet laws say the government should punish states that do not require helmets, since the public often ___________ up paying medical costs for those ___________ in motorcycle accidents.


A. take… involved

B. winds… tangled

C. give… drawn

D. lend… wounded

E. ends … injured


The best answer is E. Ends up provides a justification for governments to punish states that do not require helmets. Wounded or injured are logical choices for the second blank, but injured is more often used to refer to people in accidents.



The company's plan is to ___________ costs while trying to exploit its traditional strengths in entertainment and video games - particularly with new networked and wireless consumer ___________.



A. trim … devices

B. skimp… gadgets

C. clip… contraptions

D. shape… implements

E. wedge… widgets


The best answer is A. Trim can be applied figuratively to costs. Devices is the more common choice to refer to electronic goods. Gadgets, contraptions and widgets would more likely refer to an elaborate homemade devise.



Despite Bettleman’s pleadings and progress at the bargaining ___________, key issues remained ___________.


A. block… unhampered

B. discussion… unsolved

C. board… hampered

D. table… unresolved

E. chair… reprimanded


The best answer is D. The bargaining table is idiomatic. Before completing a negotiation, there are issues that are unresolved, so remained unresolved is logical.



Under the emerging plan, the cuts would not take ___________ if hospitals agreed to provide the data that the administration has requested.


A. shape

B. in

C. place

D. over

E. time


The best answer is C. Take place is appropriate because it is an idiomatic expression meaning to occur.


Swift Airlines pilots have approved a measure allowing their union, the Air Line Pilots Association, to call a ___________ at one of the nation's largest regional carriers in a ___________ over a new contract.


A. truce… disagreement

B. ceasefire… disparity

C. strike… dispute

D. party… prong

E. bash… gap


The best answer is C. While call a truce, call a ceasefire and call a strike are all idiomatic, only strike is logical in reference to airline pilots. Strikes are generally called because of disputes over new contracts.



One study suggests that children who live in homes where the television is on most of the time ___________ have more trouble learning to read than other kids.


A. do

B. may

C. should

D. also

E. cannot


The best answer is B. Since the study suggests that its finding are true, may, which expresses possibility, is best.


Left-leaning politicians from around the world worked on a ___________ against the spread of ___________ capitalism.


A. tallying… rampant

B. denigration… unrestrained

C. aeration… raging

D. declaration … unfettered

E. proclamation… epidermal


The best answer is D. Choice A and C are illogical for the first blank. A denigration on not something one usually works on.



The agency is working on faster ways to ___________ rapidly moving ___________ like the SARS virus, which began in China and spread worldwide early last year.


A. detect … threats

B. multiply… microbes

C. spread… proliferations

D. relieve… bugs

E. allot… intimidations


The best answer is A. Both detect and relieve are logical in reference to something like a virus. Bugs is a slang term.



Despite the hours many children spend watching television, the report found that reading ___________ to be a regular part of many children's lives.


A. ceases

B. stops

C. continues

D. fails

E. neglects


The best answer is C. Because of the word despite in the sentence, the blank must be filled with something that creates a contrast in the sentence. Continue is the only word that does this.


Дата добавления: 2015-07-19; просмотров: 39 | Нарушение авторских прав

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