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D. Owning… sequence

E. Overseeing… disarray


The best answer is B. Having and owning at the beginning of a sentence cannot precede its. For the second blank, cycle is the best choice for something described as having ups and downs.



Last week, Texitron, an American firm with factories in 40 countries, __________ it was closing two more plants, __________ the number of Texitron jobs lost to 1,030 this year.



A. determined… setting

B. decided… deranging

C. proclaimed… putting

D. announced … bringing

E. alerted… raising


The best answer is D. Choice B, C and D can fit in the first blank. However, only bringing the number to… is idiomatic.


In true entrepreneurial style, Kelly has turned the popular book into a __________ global business of books, games, and videos that teach the __________ of financial freedom that he used to build his fortune.


A. flourishing… whim

B. starving… tenet

C. skulking… dogma

D. thriving … principles

E. pedestrian… ideas


The best answer is D. Since it was done in entrepreneurial style, one would assume that what Kelly did was successful. Flourishing and starving are, therefore, apt. For the second blank, principles is a much better choice since one does not teach a whim.



With its personal touches, including twice-daily housekeeping and round-the-clock concierge service, the hotel has a delightful your-wish-is-our-command air about the place, without the __________ you might find __________.


A. ornamentation… somewhere else

B. stuffiness … elsewhere

C. artifacts… missing

D. dankness… beyond

E. insubordination… away


The best answer is C. The sentence is praising the hotel so one would expect that the hotel would be without something negative. Insubordination can only be used to describe a person. Dankness and stuffiness are appropriate choice for the first blank, but beyond is not a logical choice for the second blank.


Verton executives challenged the web site tactic, ___________ that if customers switched, the ___________ would lose revenues and the very jobs the union was trying to protect.


A. arguing … company

B. argued… firm

C. proclaiming… employee

D. stated… worker

E. questioning… staff member


The best answer is A. A gerund form, such as arguing, proclaiming or questioning is needed to fill the first blank. Questioning cannot precede that. One uses the word revenue to talk about the income of a company, not that of individuals.



___________ an increase in attacks on the existing technology, Netfix said that it would release features across its line of network firewall products.



A. Mentioning…

B. Talking…

C. Combining…

D. Citing …

E. Toting…


The best answer is D. Mentioning is too casual. Talking cannot precede an increase…. Combining and toting are illogical.


Its ___________ includes such treasures as woven funerary shoes from a royal tomb in ancient Thebes and a rare pair of Inuit boots ___________ of eider skin.


A. compilation… done

B. collection… made

C. set… prepared

D. pile… shaped

E. stock… fashioned


The best answer is B. Compilation cannot be appropriately applied to shoes. A pile or stock cannot include items. Only made can go before of.


There is growing ___________ that a child's earliest experiences have a more ___________ and long-lasting effect on subsequent health than had been previously thought.


A. testimony… significant

B. thought… transitory

C. spurt… obsequious

D. reflection… peaceable

E. evidence … powerful


The best answer is E. Growing evidence is idiomatic. Something that does not contradict long-lasting, such as powerful, is needed to fill the second blank.


Following years of generous stock options, corporate jets and other ___________, boards are ___________ their belts when it comes to executive pay.


A. perks…

B. liabilities…

C. benefits … tightening

D. encumbrances…

E. prosperity…


The best answer is C. Generous stock options and corporate jets would likely be described as something positive, such as a perk or a benefit. To tighten ones belt is an idiomatic expression.



The ___________ of tap dance can be traced to the antebellum South when African-American slaves, adept at copying Irish jigs and Lancashire clogging, improvised and embellished those dances with their own ___________ and movements.


A. origins … rhythms

B. account… feelings

C. birth… apathy

D. version… awareness

E. chronicle… combo


The best answer is A. Only an origin or a birth can be traced. A dance can be embellished with a rhythm, not with apathy.


The federal and provincial governments launched the National Children's Agenda six years ago to work ___________ eliminating child poverty, yet progress is ___________.


A. with… exclusive

B. on… indefinable

C. about… ethereal

D. toward … elusive

E. near… intangible


The best answer is D. Eliminating child poverty is a goal, thus toward is the best choice. The word yet indicates that the goal has not been reach, thus elusive is apt.



Started in 1993 by the Cultural Council to ___________ the city's downtown neighborhoods, the festival ___________ artists and acrobats, magicians and stilt walkers from as far away as Spain and China.

A. indicate… promotes

B. celebrate … showcases

C. substantiate… singles out

D. commemorate… exonerates

E. honor… exemplifies


The best answer is B. Celebrate is the most appropriate verb to describe a festival with artists, acrobats, magicians and stilt walkers. Showcases is appropriate for things being shown to the public.



The Thornhill highway carries anywhere from 25,000 to about 50,000 ___________ a day depending on the section of road, with the count ___________ 60,000 in some urbanized areas.


A. transportation… reaching

B. trips… averaging

C. vehicles … topping

D. automobiles… arriving

E. voyages… recording


The best answer is C. A highway can carry vehicles or automobiles, but none of the other options. Choice D is incorrect because arriving would have to be followed by at.


The public attention it generates could help lay the ___________ for the kind of national consensus needed to bring substantial reform to health-care delivery.

A. groundwork

B. beginning

C. basis

D. center

E. origin

The best answer is A. To lay the groundwork for x… is idiomatic.



The improved sales were largely the result of a 21.3% increase in unit volume, but a 12.1% ___________ in average selling ___________ negatively impacted results.


A. plummet… strategy

B. augmentation… cost

C. certification… charge

D. drop … price

E. increase … outlay


The best answer is D. The word but signals that the second part of the sentence will contrast with the first part, therefore, the first blank should be filled with an antonym of increase, such as drop. Selling cannot be used as an adjective to describe any of the choices other than price.


Virginia has not taken any comprehensive ___________ on transportation funding since ___________ the sales tax a half-cent in 1986.


A. heart… increasing

B. modification… adjusting

C. shape… moving

D. action … raising

E. amendment… heaving


The best answer is D. To take amendment and to take shape are not idiomatic. To take heart, to take shape, and to take action are idiomatic, but only choice D fits the meaning of the sentence.


To memorialize their loved ones, the ___________ are increasingly turning to personalization, and those in the funeral business are responding to the ___________ with a variety of tasteful customized products.

A. lonely…plea

B. bereaved … demand

C. mourners… task

D. destitute… endowment

E. next-of-kin… ultimatum


The best answer is B. Any of the choices could feasibly fill in the first blank, but bereaved is the most logical because it refers to people who memorialize their loved ones.



While supporting publicly funded health care, Dr. Roberts, president of the National Orthopedic Association, hopes the case ___________ much needed debate.


A. makes

B. quells

C. stirs

D. agitates

E. represses


The best answer is C. Since debate is much-needed, the blank should be filled with a word that will promote debate, such as stirs.


Many athletes and celebrities demand payment for their signatures, and people are ___________ up to pay the price.


A. lining

B. folding

C. taking

D. cracking

E. giving


The best answer is A. Lining up is both idiomatic and logical.



The overnight train from London to Edinburgh was an experience that reminded me how exciting that mode of ___________ can be, but how our fast-paced lives rarely ___________ the luxury of time to enjoy it.


A. transportation… condone

B. adventure… allow

C. movement… permit

D. shifting… suffice

E. travel… afford


The best answer is E. Only mode of transportation and mode of travel are idiomatic and logical. The word afford, used in the sense of allow, fits the context of the sentence.


Mardex recently launched a line of broadband home networking products, ___________ wireless base stations and a five-port hub, ___________ targeting the home and home business.


A. enclosing… each

B. including… both

C. attaching… none

D. containing… all

E. enfolding… some


The best answer is B. A line of products can logically be said to include certain items. Both is the logical choice to refer to two items.


While smoking has declined steadily in Canada since 1965, the ___________ has not held true for girls and younger ___________.


A. inclination… people

B. tendency… children

C. slope… folk

D. trend … women

E. grade… teenagers


The best answer is D. Tendency and trend are both appropriate choices, however, women is more appropriate than children. Young children is a group that would presumably include girls.


James Colin has ___________ his sound on numerous occasions throughout his career -- all the while ___________ a contemporary tone.


A. retuned… preserving

B. revamped … maintaining

C. evolved… upholding

D. fabricated… sustaining

E. metamorphosed… composing


The best answer is B. Choice C, D and E cannot fill the first blank because they are intransitive verbs. Retuned can be applied to an instrument, not a sound.



Long waiting ___________, it seems, have become a defining element of the heath-care system; and nowhere is it ___________ than in orthopedic surgery.


A. days… more

B. times … shabbier

C. spots… better

D. periods… worse

E. eras… greater


The best answer is D. Waiting periods is idiomatic. The first part of the sentence discusses something bad (long waits). The second part of the sentence says that it has become more pronounced, thus worse is suitable.



At age 84, he is America's most listened-to radio ___________, and a ten million dollar-a-year ___________ will keep him busy into his 90s.


A. anchor… pact

B. announcer… indenture

C. personality… treaty

D. broadcaster… contract

E. duplicator… agreement


The best answer is D. Choices B, C and D are suitable to fill the first blank. Contract is the only noun that can be used to refer to a work agreement.



In a fascinating book, science ___________ Sarah Helm ___________ there is far more to moths than meets the eye.


A. scribbler… exposes

B. writer … reveals

C. dabbler… tells

D. author… thinks

E. sycophant… discloses


The best answer is B. Only choices B and D can fill the first blank. All the choices to fill the second blank besides reveals cannot precede a complete clause.


Founded in 1976, the Benjamin Franklin Literary & Medical Society has become a leading ___________ of information on health and medicine for the general ___________.


A. source … public

B. well… citizenry

C. scourge… populous

D. font… community

E. resource… civilians


The best answer is A. Source of information is idiomatic, as is general public.


The credibility of The Evening Guardian has made it a valuable ___________ for reaching medical consumers and for helping medical researchers obtain family ___________.


A. means … histories

B. viaduct… records

C. tool… kinship

D. transducer… past

E. affiliate… associations


The best answer is A. Both means and tool are acceptable, but means is more appropriate. T ool is generally used to refer to a tangible object. Family history is idiomatic in a medical context.


Six years ago this ___________, Asian leaders met in cold, rainy Vancouver to discuss the region's worsening financial ___________.


A. time … calamity

B. moment… distress

C. week … crisis

D. today… tragedy

E. day… emergency


The best answer is C. Only week can be used for the first blank. Choice A and B do not make sense. Today and day cannot follow this.


Medical Update, a monthly newsletter that reports on epidemiological surveys and other ___________ of the society, is ___________ by this division.


A. doings… disordered

B. episodes… put out

C. bouts… disseminated

D. activities … published

E. segments… assembled


The best answer is D. The first blank must be filled by something of which surveys can be considered an example, such as activities. Also, a report being published is logical.



A judge ___________ an Arizona woman to 60 days home detention for intercepting her husband's ex-wife's e-mail, saying the penalty is a warning to others who might be tempted to do ___________.


A. ordered… so

B. declared… such

C. sentenced … the same

D. segregated… as well

E. mediated… similar


The best answer is C. Only ordered and sentenced can be followed with … to 60 days…. The same has a much clearer referent than so.



In the magazine, national health surveys are taken to ___________ current research on topics such as cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and bipolar disorder.


A. proliferate

B. propagate

C. distance

D. further

E. dissect


The best answer is D. To further research, meaning to advance it, is idiomatic.



Outside the courtroom, the lanky ___________ told TV cameras he now hoped to get a job as a computer security ___________ or programmer.



A. gentleman… personnel

B. teenager … consultant

C. chap… resource

D. constituent… competitor

E. adolescent… player


The best answer is B. Lanky is an adjective most often used to describe teenagers. Personnel and resource do not fit because it is a non-countable noun.



A late rally on Wall Street after most European markets had closed set a positive tone in Europe, with higher-than-forecast ___________ again the main driver of gains.


A. rejoinders

B. profits

C. deficiencies

D. depreciation

E. stupefaction


The best answer is B. Since a positive tone was set, profits is a logical outcome.


The renaissance in farmers' markets began just ___________ 20 years ago in several places, ___________ them California and New York City.


A. more… with

B. over … among

C. more than… between

D. above… some of

E. up… some


The best answer is B. Just over is correct and idiomatic. Among them is the appropriate expression to single a few out of a group.



Net margins for grocery stores were sorely ___________, so a group of usually uncooperative supermarket executives joined ___________ with a few food manufacturers to come up with a system to automate checkout stands.


A. drooping… influences

B. lowered… cogency

C. falling… teams

D. lagging… harnesses

E. sagging … forces


The best answer is E. The adjective sorely is most appropriately used with either lagging or sagging. Joined harnesses is illogical. J oined forces is idiomatic.


As recently as the 1980s, production far outstripped ___________, and the government was paying dairy farmers $1 billion to thin their herds while it bought tons of ___________ cheese.


A. supply… extra

B. planning … unwanted

C. demand … surplus

D. quota… surreptitious

E. billing… supercilious


The best answer is C. For the first blank, choices A and E are illogical. B and D are ungrammatical. Since production “far outstripped demand,” surplus is a logical choice for the second blank.


After Borden received ___________ in 1856 for producing concentrated milk in a vacuum, condensed milk became an important part of the dairy ___________.


A. an award… subject

B. a copyright… field

C. a document… trade

D. a patent … industry

E. power of attorney… business


The best answer is D. Choices A and D can logically fill the first blank, but industry makes much more sense for the second choice.



Tuberculosis kills 1.5 million people a year and nearly two billion people worldwide have ___________ tuberculosis infection, a massive potential reservoir for the ___________.


A. sleeping… affliction

B. latent … disease

C. raging… affiliation

D. dozing… illness

E. rampant… circumstance


The best answer is. Since there is a potential reservoir, it makes sense that the disease is dormant. Choices A, B and D all have the same meaning but only latent is a word applied to a disease.



The ___________ multi-cellular creatures on earth, sponges are collections of loosely organized single cells with no true organs or ___________.


A. plain… glands

B. plainest… tissue

C. simpler… tools

D. simplest … tissues

E. small… pianos


The best answer is D. An expression of the form The ______ something on earth requires the use of the superlative (-est) form to fill the blank. Organs and tissues are both parts of a body so they logically fit together.


A highly ___________ gas, methyl bromide is injected into the soil before planting, ___________ out nearly everything alive.


A. toxic … wiping

B. redundant… moving

C. foul… selling

D. noxious … killing

E. recombinant… taking


The best answer is A. A gas cannot be redundant or recombinant. Killing out is not idiomatic, while moving out cannot be used in a transitive sense.


Most easily measured ___________ gains come from increasing the capital stock and improving the efficiency with which the capital stock is used.


A. lucrative…

B. lachrymose…

C. economic …

D. correctional…

E. gainful…


The best answer is C. Lucrative and gainful gains are redundant. Lachrymose and correctional are illogical.



No other people of the world are quite so ___________ with installing and ___________ expanses of short grass — mostly around houses but also at schools, parks, golf courses, graveyards, freeway embankments and corporate headquarters.


A. taken… keep

B. misguided… saving

C. allusive… tapering

D. inclusive…savoring

E. obsessed… maintaining


The best answer is E. Choices C and D are illogical. B is incorrect because one cannot be misguided with something. Choice A is incorrect because the second blank must be filled with a gerund form (-ing).



Ranchers have long despised prairie dogs, believing (___________, according to some new research) that they deprive cattle of ___________.


A. erroneously … forage

B. incredulously… space

C. frantically … greens

D. abstrusely… graze

E. utterly… food


The best answer is A. Erroneously is the best choice because it qualifies the word believing.



___________ in the University's Research Park, the Patton Center is the catalyst that brings together the people and ideas necessary for ___________ successful enterprises.


A. Found… beginning

B. Stationed… setting

C. Lying… inaugurating

D. Facing… fixating

E. Located … launching


The best answer is E. Stationed is used for army personnel. Facing cannot be followed by in. Lying is unidiomatic. Launching an enterprise is an idiomatic expression.



Timber rattlesnakes used to be common in a range ___________ from Oklahoma and Nebraska up the Appalachians to southern New England, and ___________ the Mississippi river to Wisconsin and Minnesota.


A. progressing… by

B. extending … along

C. extenuating… forward

D. persevering… onward

E. originating… siding


The best answer is B. Extending from x to y is an appropriate expression to discuss a range of land. Along is the best choice to describe something extending the length of a river.


The castle is now a tourist ___________, bringing visitors and restoration volunteers from ___________ countries.



A. drawer… multiple

B. collector… several

C. attraction … numerous

D. sighting… various

E. abode… dismissible


The best answer is C. Tourist attraction is idiomatic. Numerous is a adjective that can appropriately be applied to countries.


The grandson of a Haitian slave, Dumas became the most famous author in France; now, his rousing romantic novels are enjoying renewed ___________.


A. infamy

B. unanimity

C. disrepute

D. popularity

E. disparity


The best answer is D. Since Dumas was the most famous author, it is logical that what is renewed is his popularity.


Today, as in the ___________, whether for chefs ___________ their restaurants with fresh produce, or customers interested in homemade cakes and preserves, farmers' markets promise not only freshness but sociability.


A. country… stocking

B. past … supplying

C. secret… hoarding

D. history… supplied

E. east… collecting


The best answer is B. The word past makes a logical contrast to today. History cannot be proceeded by the.


With tools such as lasers, climate-controlled research chambers and, of course, computers, Hatfield and his ___________ are bringing soil science into the next ___________.



A. employees… term

B. cohorts… dimension

C. colleagues … century

D. minders… exponent

E. facilities… component


The best answer is C. Colleagues is an appropriate term to refer to members of a research team. To bring something into the next century is idiomatic.


Though the general died young, leaving his son without an inheritance, the young man overcame ___________, the lack of ___________ education to become one of the world's most popular writers.


A. exuberance… secular

B. poverty … formal

C. adversity… expedient

D. lethargy… liberal

E. illness… legal


The best answer is B. Since he was left without an inheritance, overcoming poverty is logical. The expression formal education is idiomatic.


Every healthy body at rest ___________ a certain amount of energy just keeping the organs functioning and blood ___________.


A. expends … circulating

B. puts off… clotting

C. using… pushing

D. burning… flow

E. endeavors… mingling


The best answer is A. Grammatically, the present simple tense is called for to fill the first blank. Expends is a suitable verb to describe the use of energy. For the second blank a gerund (-ing) form is required to maintain parallelism.


Euthanasia, the act of humanely ___________ animals that are hopelessly sick or ___________, is a controversial topic.


A. maiming… hurt

B. executing… wounding

C. slaughtering… wounded

D. killing … injured

E. assassinating… injuring


The best answer is D. Assassinating can only be applied to people. Maiming, executing and slaughtering have more negative connotations than killing and therefore could not be used with the adjective humanely.



Change is particularly difficult for some animals, especially ___________ who have been used to the same daily ___________ for a long time.


A. them… grind

B. those … routine

C. these… habit

D. critters… habitat

E. whomever… habitation

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