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The team’s manager, Eric Gorton has ____________ Nick Fenand in his squad for next month's qualifying match against Liechtenstein despite doubts ____________ the player’s fitness.


A. included ….about

B. hospitalized… by

C. joined… on

D. removed…. over

E. replaced… concerning


The best answer is A. Doubts by, on or over are not idiomatic expressions. The team’s manager has done something despite doubts about the player’s fitness so it is logical that he included the player in his squad.


The Anasazi, a civilization that arose as early as 1500 BC, occupied the region now __________ as the Four Corners, where Utah Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico meet, for centuries.



A. invoked

B. known

C. labeled

D. denoted

E. assumed


The best answer is B. Choices A, C, D and E cannot precede the preposition as.



Over the ___________, different New York neighborhoods have played ___________ to the cutting edge: Greenwich Village in the 1950s, SoHo in the 1970s, the Lower East Side in the 1980s.


A. decades… host

B. centuries… guest

C. time… games

D. moments… along

E. way… coy


The best answer is A. Host, games, along and coy can logically follow played, but not guest. It is idiomatic to say over time, not over the time. Moments does not fit with the broad time span indicated in the rest of the sentence. Way is illogical.


A groundbreaking exhibition is showcasing Iraq's rich roots in Mesopotamia, the region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers that gave __________to the world's first urban civilization some 5,000 years ago.



A. support

B. water

C. floods

D. birth

E. itself


The best answer is D. Gave birth is idiomatic. It ties in with the mention of roots and the world’s first urban civilization.


Originally, the project was planned to take at least 15 years, but effective resource and technological advances have ______________ the team’s progress.



A. energized

B. postponed

C. accelerated

D. deferred

E. reduced


The best answer is C. The word but indicates that the project will not take as long planned, therefore, it is logical that it was accelerated.


When mortals died, whether noble or __________, they joined Re on his nocturnal journey through the underworld; __________ at dawn immortal, if all went well.



A. ordinary… occurred

B. common… emerging

C. maudlin… appeared

D. impoverished… woke

E. domestic… summoned


The best answer is B. Common presents a contrast to noble. Emerging is in line with a journey through the underworld.


Toward the end of the 13th century, some __________ event forced the Anasazi to __________ their houses and homeland and to move south and east toward the Rio Grande and the Little Colorado River.


A. seismic… shift

B. cataclysmic… flee

C. unfortunate… desert

D. disastrous… move

E. calamitous… revisit


The best answer is B. Unfortunate is too weak a word to describe such an event. Cataclysmic is apt. In choices D and E, move and revisit do not fit with the last clause of the sentence. A house and homeland cannot shift.



Those __________ ancestors doubtless found sticks helpful for pointing out a direction, tracing a diagram in the dirt or __________ up a slab of useful flint.


A. decrepit… fixing

B. faulty… picking

C. distant… prying

D. olden… raise

E. aged… keeping


The best answer is C. Choices A and E make the ancestors sound as though they were still alive. There is no reason for the ancestors to be considered faulty. The second blank must be filled with a gerund (-ing form).



Tony Benito and his sister, Margarita Benito, face 15-month jail terms in Britain on __________ of court charges after they __________ to appear in court to testify about the family's assets.



A. contempt… failed

B. misconduct… refused

C. rudeness… agreed

D. love… promised

E. scorn… swore


The best answer is A. The expression contempt of court is idiomatic. It is logical that they would be in contempt if they failed to appear.



Despite __________ printed in newspapers and broadcast over the internet and on television, Americans __________ to lose millions to internet con artists.


A. predictions… persevere

B. warnings…. continue

C. encouragement… proceed

D. cautions… persist

E. signals… incur


The best answer is B. The word despite signals that there is a contradiction in the two parts of the sentence which rules out C. Continue to… is idiomatic, whereas persevere, persist and incur cannot be followed by to.



Federal data show that the number of citizens receiving welfare __________ again last year even though an economic slowdown pushed more people into __________.


A. rescinded… beggary

B. reduced… affluence

C. jumped… subservience

D. tripled… pauperism

E. declined … poverty


The best answer is E. Even though signals that there is a contrast from one part of the sentence to another. Choice E provides for the appropriate contrast. An economic slowdown cannot push people into affluence or subservience.



Georgia's teachers received the third largest salary hike in the country last year but still did not move up in national __________.

A. competition

B. readings

C. ranting

D. ratings

E. rankings


The best answer is E. There is no national competition for salaries. Choice B and C are irrelevant. Ratings are usually applied to a subjective quality, not a fact.


Despite signs of a truce, the country’s dilemma remains, should they let the north country remain __________ or should they __________ it.


A. autonomous... conquer

B. free… self-governing

C. independent… separated

D. quelled… annexed

E. subordinate… subservient


The best answer is A. The word or in the sentence signals that what is on either side of the word must be different options. Only A presents two different options.



As the last __________ slice of Atlantic coastal plain bordering the continent's vast equatorial rain forests, the region, known as the Gamba Complex, is a biologically __________ mosaic of forests, savannas, lagoons, lakes and beaches that, until recently, was virtually unknown to science.



A. underdeveloped… luxuriant

B. uncharted… broken

C. examined… plentiful

D. undeveloped… rich

E. explored… abounding


The best answer is D. Choices C and E are unidiomatic following last. Broken mosaic is illogical as a description of forests etc.



Mr. Miller has expressed his hope that the project can __________ support for conserving the Silverson Wildlife Complex.


A. raise

B. rally

C. mount

D. foster

E. booster


The best answer is B. To rally support is an idiomatic expression.



The term conservationist had been defined by some as a person who believes that the natural world is endlessly __________ and beautiful, and therefore as much of it as possible should be __________.



A. irrational… preserved

B. abhorrent… salvaged

C. fascinating… saved

D. exhilarative… promoted

E. appealing… distinguished


The best answer is C. Because the blank appears before and beautiful, one can expect it to be filled with something positive. The and therefore indicates that the second blank should also be positive. Only C, D and E have two positive choices, and of them only C contains two words that are appropriate to describe the natural world.


__________ temporary power lines and data cables, huddled around laptops and editing equipment, journalists and technicians were __________ out news to many outposts.


A. Among… burning

B. Although… turning

C. Using… tossing

D. Despite… writing

E. Amid… churning


The best answer is E. Although and despite must precede clauses, not noun phrases. Amid and among are both reasonable choices. Churning out, however, is idiomatic while burning out, is not.



The country is a regional __________, an absolute but highly dynamic monarchy that has created an economic __________ out of little more than vision, geography and will.


A. anomaly… powerhouse

B. synchronicity… giant

C. incongruity… dwarf

D. paradox… dependency

E. discrepancy… power


The best answer is A. Synchronicity and discrepancy have to relate to two or more things (i.e. a discrepancy between x and y). That is not the case here. Out of little more indicates that something was made out of next to nothing, which is only remarkable if what was created was positive, such as an economic powerhouse.


Rugby is still largely an __________ sport in Georgia, but in its traditional __________ of England, France, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa it has, since turning professional in 1995, become a multi-billion-dollar industry.


A. voluntary… home

B. master… vicinity

C. impermeable…

D. failed… locality

E. amateur… bastions


The best answer is E. The word amateur is a logical choice after but… since turning professional. Bastion is an appropriate word to describe where the sport is traditionally played.


In addition to huge gas __________, the Caspian sea may hold as much as 200 billion barrels of oil, reserves second only to those of the Persian Gulf.


A. tanks

B. quotas

C. canisters

D. supplies

E. deposits


The best answer is E. A sea can only hold deposits, not any of the other options.


Union leaders __________ bosses of allowing paramilitaries access to the plants to __________ graffiti on the walls and intimidate workers.


A. convicted… inscribe

B. accused… scrawl

C. blamed… etch

D. incriminated… write

E. denoted… scribble


The best answer is B. Only accuse and convicted can be followed by of. Inscribe has a positive connotation which is inappropriate.



Very quickly the native Californians were overwhelmed by people of all __________, coming from all __________ -- by wagon train from Council Bluffs, Iowa, by horseback from ranchos to the south, by ship from China.


A. destinations… vehicles

B. nationalities… countries

C. upbringings… interests

D. backgrounds… directions

E. denominations… sectors


The best answer is D. It is incorrect to use of with destinations. Nationalities is incorrect because only one nationality is mentioned. Of choices C, D and E, directions makes the most sense in light of what follows.


Airspan Airline’s long and __________ search for a partner finally __________ last week when the bankrupt Dutch airline agreed to merge with Airlex.



A. arduous… ended

B. extended… concluded

C. joyous… consigned

D. fortuitous… stopped

E. laborious… proceeded


The best answer is A. Since the first blank comes after long and we can assume it will be something that will not be a contradiction. This rules out joyous and fortuitous. The second blank follows finally. It is logical that the search ended, and the information is given in the last part of the sentence.


Thought the negotiators are trying to finalize a less expensive __________ benefit plan, they are considering charging __________ people higher premiums.


A. health … wealthy

B. wealth… distinguished

C. safety… prosperous

D. payoff… abundant

E. fitness… cognitive


The best answer is A. Health benefit plan is the only expression which is idiomatic and logical. Only wealthy makes logical sense.


Cablewise Systems officially rolled out its national high-definition satellite service, ‘Boom’, in a bet that the cable operator can __________ into a burgeoning segment of the television-viewing community that is expected to __________ high-definition television sets.


A. turn… reserve

B. dredge… abuse

C. float… borrow

D. tap… own

E. pierce… dictate


The best answer is D. Tap into is idiomatic and makes sense in the context of the sentence. While borrow and reserve are possible grammatically, own makes the most sense.


Looking to expand its foothold overseas, CSC has purchased a majority stake in Germany's leading television news agency, giving the U.S. broadcaster __________ of a leading channel in the German television __________.


A. control… market

B. part … emporium

C. desperation… consortium

D. domination… space

E. power… fringe


The best answer is A. The term giving control can be followed by of whereas desperation, domination and power cannot. While the word emporium means about the same as market, it is not used in this sort of figurative context.



More than 80 schools have been __________, with similar rehabilitation works in progress or in the final stages of __________.


A. achieved… configuration

B. jointed… formulation

C. ended… sponsorship

D. finished… reproduction

E. completed… planning


The best answer is E. A school can be finished or completed, but not achieved, jointed or ended. In the final stages of planning is more logical and is idiomatic.


People and rhinoceroses prefer similar habitat but don't mix very well, which is one reason rhinoceroses have almost __________ from the earth.


A. vanished

B. extinguished

C. flourished

D. stumbled

E. abdicated


The best answer is A. Choice B and E cannot be applied to an animal. Choice C and D cannot be followed by from the earth.


Scientists have __________ a bright purple, bloated frog in southern India that is so unique it merits the establishment of not only a new __________ but also a new family.


A. uncovered… topic

B. alleviated… genus

C. discovered… species

D. disseminated… disturbance

E. distinguished… categorization


The best answer is C. A frog cannot be alleviated or disseminated. Species logically completes not only… ____, but also a new family.



Most heart attacks occur when a blood clot __________ off one of the coronary arteries that __________ blood to the heart muscle itself.


A. blocks… fosters

B. stops… pumps

C. halts… supplies

D. closes… feed

E. obstructs… presages


The best answer is D. Closes off is idiomatic. One can feed, pump or supply blood to the heart, but not foster or presage.


In this era of managed nursing care, Smith continues to __________ a kind of medicine that most people assume nearly vanished, bringing to their rounds tenderness and profound __________.



A. participate… caring

B. condone… abhorrence

C. disparage… suability

D. practice… competence

E. engage… antipathy


The best answer is D. To practice medicine is idiomatic. The second blank must be a positive item.


Psychiatrists, medical doctors and __________ have used hypnosis for more than two centuries to treat __________ and illness.



A. therapists… bliss

B. psychologists… pain

C. catalysts… suffering

D. physicians… discomfort

E. physicists… torment


The best answer is B. Physicians is redundant. Catalysts and physicists are illogical choices. Bliss is an illogical choice for the second blank.



In each __________, scanners detected increased blood __________ in relevant parts of the brains of hypnotized subjects who were put through color and pain tests.



A. case… flow

B. instance… stain

C. place… powder

D. position… current

E. testament… stream


The best answer is A. Only choice A and B are logical for the first blank. Blood stain is does not make sense after the word increased.



__________ to the "science" of phrenology, an individual's character and abilities could be deduced from the size and __________ of various bumps on the head.



A. Corresponding… tension

B. Based… texture

C. Supposing… hardness

D. According… shape

E. Configured… form


The best answer is D. Based and According are the only logical choices for the first blank, but Based cannot be followed by to. Also, while any of the choice could feasibly fit in the second blank, size and shape is an idiomatic expression.


The world's most prolific aircraft builder's commercial __________ is struggling in the worst aviation downturn in history and has __________ off 35,560 of its 93,000 workers since 1999.


A. sector… paid

B. part… sent

C. division … laid

D. ward… bought

E. department… caught


The best answer is C. Ward is used to refer to part of a hospitcal. Part is too general. A business does not have sectors. Since there has been a downturn, it is logical that the workers have been laid off.

Since he had __________ over the company from his father only a year before, he blamed himself for destroying a business relationship his father spent seventeen years __________.


A. presided… cultivating

B. hovered… developing

C. ruled… crushing

D. relinquished… taking

E. taken… building

The best answer is E. While presided, hovered and ruled are all suitable before over, only taken over… makes sense coming before from his father.



Savvy leaders know that there is no single map for __________ leadership; the rules change depending on whom you are guiding and the __________ around you.


A. altruistic… contradictions

B. effective… conditions

C. successful… natives

D. abysmal… situation

E. topical… criteria


The best answer is B. Because the sentence starts with Savvy leaders, the first blank must be something positive, as in choices A, B and C. Of the three, conditions is the most logical choice.



A voluntary school drug-testing __________ proposed by the mayor and school superintendent __________ make this crime-plagued city the first to experiment with this approach.


A. test … should

B. program … would

C. study… can

D. class… will

E. investigation… ought to


The best answer is B. Because the drug-testing is just proposed, i.e. only a possibility, the second blank should be filled with would.



__________ we bought equipment at the end of last year but weren't billed until 2003, we had to include it on this year's books.


A. Because

B. Despite

C. So

D. Whereas

E. After


The best answer is A. Only choice A is grammatical and creates a logical connection between the two parts of the sentence.



For the first time in 38 years, Essex Packaging has __________ an unprofitable quarter.

A. understood

B. managed

C. handled

D. experienced

E. related


The best answer is D. Semantically, the word experienced is the most logical choice.


The proposed random testing plan has brought a debate to Virginia that was already __________ in national political __________.

A. intense… opinions

B. flouncing… rings

C. floundering… groups

D. talking… parties

E. raging … circles


The best answer is E. A debate can be said to be raging, but not flouncing, floundering or talking. Political circles is idiomatic. Choice A is incorrect because a debate cannot be intense in a political opinion.


The governor has shied from taking a position on the issue, but the Civil Liberties Union said it would actively __________ any program that forced inmates to sign the __________.


A. support… interface

B. challenge … document

C. reflect… text

D. sustain… certification

E. revere… petition


The best answer is B. The word but makes it clear that what the Union does is different from what the governor has done. Support and challenge are both suitable options, however, one does not sign an interface.



Scanners have long been neglected by the designers of the PC world — __________ boxes that take up far too __________ space on the desktop.

A. sleek… many

B. ornamental… little

C. clumsy… few

D. clunky… much

E. blusterous… numerous


The best answer is D. Since designers have neglected scanners, one expects them to be described in negative term, such as clumsy or clunky. Of the possibilities for the second blank, only little and much are grammatical suitable with a non-countable noun such as space.


The plan is proving popular, if __________, in New Bedford, where it was originally suggested to Kramer at a __________ of faith-based organizations earlier this month.


A. trendy… assembly

B. widespread… opportunity

C. controversial … forum

D. cumbersome… dispersal

E. prevalent… summit


The best answer is C. Because of the word if, the first blank must contrast with popular. Controversial and cumbersome provide a suitable contrast. Dispersal is illogical.


Miller unveiled his __________ research plan to the committee last Tuesday; he expects to have a final plan ready for a __________ by January.


A. preliminary … vote

B. luminous… printing

C. concluding… decision

D. definitive… judgment

E. ultimate…verdict


The best answer is A. Preliminary research plan is logical since it contrasts logically with the final plan.



Had the attempt to increase sales succeeded, Fox would have had __________ to believe the Forester Plan could set similar __________.


A. cause … tables

B. foundation… traditions

C. underpinning… tribunals

D. reason … records

E. keystone… verifications


The best answer is D. Cause and reason fit in the first blank, but reason to believe is an idiomatic expression. Similarly, to set records is idiomatic.


The joint government web site was specially created to educate small firms __________ their wage and __________ reporting responsibilities.


A. about … tax

B. on… refund

C. concerning… salary

D. apropos… earnings

E. in… income


The best answer is A. To educate someone about something is idiomatic. Since the second blank comes after wage and… the blank will most likely be filled with something similar to wages. Salary and earnings, however, mean the same thing as wage, and are therefore illogical choices.


A solid __________ of Americans say they want Congress to legalize the importation of lower-priced medicines from Canada and Europe, and would be willing to pay higher taxes to provide prescription drug benefits to __________ citizens.


A. minority… decrepit

B. faction… old

C. majority… senior

D. lobby… elderly

E. fifty percent… superfluous


The best answer is C. The first blank comes after the adjective solid. It would be unusual to use solid to describe a minority, faction or lobby. Old and elderly make sense, but only senior citizens is idiomatic.


On April 15, Sangers International, a __________ mainstay here for 112 years, told its 300 employees to stop work mid-shift because it was __________ down.


A. factious … closing

B. manufacturing … shutting

C. economic … slogging

D. economical… traipsing

E. mechanized… pulling


The best answer is B. Only closing down and shutting down are idiomatic and logical. Factious does not make sense in the context of the sentence.



In talks on this trip, the prime minister has tried, without much __________, to persuade foreign leaders to stop weakening their __________ against the dollar.


A. gratification… money

B. accomplishment… billfolds

C. accompaniment… exchange

D. voracity… tender

E. success … currencies


The best answer is E. The first blank, which appears in a parenthetical expression, logically qualifies the expression the minister has tried. Currencies is the only choice which can logically be compared to the dollar.


A week-long investigation began yesterday in Florida, with __________ speculation on the cause of the crash centering on damage to the plane’s right wing.

A. final

B. momentary

C. initial

D. middling

E. definitive


The best answer is C. Since it is the first day of an investigation that is scheduled to last a week, it makes sense that the speculation was called initial.


__________ its high concentration of family-owned manufacturing firms, dating back to the late 1800s, Blendens Furniture is accustomed to the ups and downs of the business __________.


A. Having… phase

B. With … cycle

C. Due to… rotation

Дата добавления: 2015-07-19; просмотров: 45 | Нарушение авторских прав

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