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The Past Continuous Tense. Complete these sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple form.

Arrive/get go/get met/work look/slip wait/order ski/break | Я написав листа вчора до 9 години. | He/think about/fly/to Rome She/want to/leave/meeting early | Turn/catch come/start eat/pick check/go type/give collapse/phone | The Past Perfect Continuous Tense | Pay/bills stay/friends smoke/cigar try/to steal/car attend/classes | REVISION OF THE PAST TENSES | Hegot in by climbing over the wall. |

Читайте также:
  1. Choose the correct verb tense for each blank.
  2. Complete the sentences for situations in the past. Decide which tense and voice you need to use.
  3. Complete this story with the past tense of the verbs in brackets.
  4. Exercise 10. Use the Past Progressive Tense or the Past Simple Tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.
  5. Exercise 11. Use the Past Progressive or the Past Simple Tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.
  6. Exercise 12. Use the Past Progressive or the Past Simple Tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.
  7. Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense.

Ex. 3

Complete these sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple form.

1. Levi Strauss (to found) the company 142 years ago. 2. Last week the company (to announce) a drop in profits. 3. Profits in the second quarter (to fall) to 85%. 4. The gang (to get) away with $50,000 from the bank. 5. The office staff were so fed up that they (to walk) out of the building. 6. The football team (to play) well last season. 7. The pop group, Abba (to get) to Number One many times. 8. All the crew of the yacht (to lose) their lives. 9. I remember the first travelling by air. The cabin staff (to be) very friendly and we (to enjoy) our trip. 10. Her husband (to work) for an engineering firm in West Germany for several years. 11. Who (to back) Hart for the last presidential nomination? 12. How many magazines Zuckerman (to own) before he (to buy) US News and World Report?

Ex. 4

Complete the newspaper story about a fire. Put in the past simple forms of the verbs.

Two people (e.g.) died (die) in a fire in Ellis Street, Oldport yesterday morning. They (be) Herbert and Molly Paynter, a couple in their seventies. The fire (start) at 3.20 am. A neighbour, Mr Aziz, (see) the flames and (call) the fire brigade. He also (try) to get into the house and rescue his neighbours, but the heat (be) too great. The fire brigade (arrive) in five minutes. Twenty fire-fighters (fight) the fire and finally (bring) it under control. Two fire-fighters (enter) the burning building but (find) the couple dead.

Ex. 5

Complete the conversation. Put in the past simple negatives and questions.
Claire: (e.g.) Did you have (you / have) a nice weekend in Paris?
Mark: Yes, thanks. It was good. We looked around and then we saw a show. (1) … (we /

not / try) to do too much.

Claire: What sights (2) … (you / see)?

Mark: We had a look round the Louvre. (3) … (I / not / know) there was so much in


Claire: And what show (4) … (you / go) to?

Mark: Oh, a musical. I forget the name. (5) … (I / not / like) it.

Claire: Oh, dear. And (6) … (Sarah / enjoy) it?

Mark: No, not really. But we enjoyed the weekend. Sarah did some shopping, too, but

(7) … (I / not / want) to go shopping.

Ex 6

Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.

1. We went for a stroll down "Alphabet Street" to Ginger Street. 2. In the 1950s, television cut deeply into the movie-going audience. 3. He did a tremendous amount of work. 4. They carried out a huge survey. 5. There were a lot of disasters in the 20th century. 6. The actress gave a bravura performance in the 145 Aldwych in London. 7. He failed to appear before the magistrate. 8. Hobbs was a founding partner in the Atlantic Financial Markets. 9. We had absolutely nothing to do at the weekend. 10. When they saw me, they shut up. 11. She began the examination on time. 12. She had а problem on her mind. 13. My friend taught English for twenty-five years. 14. The old man used to take a long walk every morning.

Ex. 7

A. Use the right form of the verbs in brackets.

1. The office hours were over at last. Jake (head) in the direction of the district where he lived. He (think) what a glorious day it (be), the way you always hoped an April day would be. It was crisp and dry, with bright sunligW and a vivid blue sky. It was the kind of day that (make) him (feel) good (be alive). He (open) the window of the pickup and (take) a few deep breaths of the clean air Jake was finally feeling better in spirits. The light was crystalline today. Perfect. As he (get) into the cottage, Jake opened the fridge an took out a cold beer. After swallowing a few gulps he (go) into the living room, (sit) down, (pick) up the геmote control and (flick on) the television. He (drink) his beer staring at the set. Suddenly impatient with the television, he (flick off) the set and (lean) back in the chair, taking an occasional swallow of beer. Half an hour later, as he (step) out of the shower, Jake (hear) the phone ringing. Maggie's voice (say) good-bye. The answering machine (click off); he (depress) the button and (play) the message back. Pulling the phone toward him, he (dial) Maggie's number. They (talk) for good twenty minutes and (decide) to meet the next day.

B. Describe your after-work hours.


Ex. 8

Use the right form of the verbs in brackets.

1. As Emma walked, she (do) a little window shopping. From time to time she (stop) and (look) at the beautiful clothes in the chic boutiques. Milan (be) the fashion centre of the world and she (decide) to do some shopping if she (have) time.

2. At nine Jack (stop) working, (shut) off the lights, (leave) the barn, and (go) back to the house. He (find) a cold beer in the refrigerator, (make) himself a cheese-and-tomato sandwich, and (take) his evening snack into the living-room. After turning on the television, he (sit) down in the chair, (eat) his sandwich, (drink) his beer, and channel-(surf) absent-mindedly.

3. The days passed quietly, uneventfully. I (do) very little, I (read) occasionally, (watch) television, sometimes I (listen) to music, but for the most part I (sit) in front of the fire, lost in my own world. I (have) no one and nothing I (can) live for. I simply (exist).

4. After dinner Molly (busy) herself at the sink. She (pull) apart several heads of lettuce, and (wash) the leaves scrupulously. Her thoughts (be) on her mother, but then they (take) an unexpected turn, and (zero) in on her father.

Ex. 9

Give the reason why somebody didn’t do it.

1. Why wasn’t Jane interested in the book? (not to understand it). 2. Why didn’t you rush? (to have enough time to reach to the station) 3. Why didn’t you eat anything? (not be hungry) 4. Why didn’t Tom go to work yesterday? (not to be very well) 5. Why didn’t Jimmy shave this morning? (not to have time) 6. Why didn’t they come to the party? (to be very busy) 7. Why didn’t your secretary bring the message to Mr. Clay? (not to ask her) 8. Why didn’t you visit the Rockefeller Centre in New York? (to be short of time) 9. Why didn’t you participate in the cycle race when you were on holiday in the mountains? (not to see the notice advertising it) 10. Why didn’t Brian win the cycle race in Derbyshire? (to have trouble with the brakes) 11. You didn’t like the job, but why didn’t you change it? (to get enough to feed the family) 12. Why didn’t you give any more beer to Richard? (to get drunk as a lord) 13. Why didn’t you accept a promising offer? (mean moving to another area) 14. Why didn’t you phone me on Tuesday? (to be away)

Ex. 10

Translate into English.

1. Це сталося багато віків тому. 2. – Де і коли ви вперше зустрілися? – Це було минулого року в одного з Денисових друзів. 3. Я телефонував їй на днях, і все було добре. 4. Ломоносов заснував Московський університет в 1725 році. 5. Ми посадили ці яблуні в нашому садку декілька років тому. 6. Михайло вилетів в Нідерланди два тижні тому. 7. Мій брат народився в 1995 році. 8. Коли був запущений перший супутник Землі? 9. Вони бачили свою родину останній раз дев'ять років тому. 10. – Ти був вчора в університеті? – Я не був там з того часу, як склав останній іспит. 11. – Минулого літа часто дощило, чи не так? – Так, але, як правило, влітку тут рідко дощить. 12. На минулому тижні йшов сильний сніг і ми не могли зразу відкрити двері гаража. 13. – Хто ходив вчора за покупками? – Мама зробила це.

Ex. 11

Paraphrase these sentences to show the actions or states that have now ended using used to.

1. When a student, Caroline worked in a laboratory every Thursday. 2. We often took the train into town until the line was closed. 3. A hundred years ago many people went around on horseback. 4. There was an airfield here before the war; aeroplanes flew over our heads and we thought how exciting it would be to zoom through the sky. 5. On warm days we swam in the river, but it’s too polluted to do that now. 6. As a child, I drew and painted pictures. 7. When a boy, I got more exercise than I do now. 8. My father told me and my younger brother bedtime stories almost every night. 9. Robert got to the University by metro when he studied in London. 10 When Janet was a child, she had violin lessons for six or seven years. Music gave her a lot of pleasure, and she often dreamed of being a professional musician. But she didn’t have good enough ear. 11. When I started working 20 years ago, the average weekly wage was about £185. 12. When my daughter was a child, she thought people on television could see her. 13. When we were children, we often visited the funfair.


Ex. 12

Make general questions using the verbs in brackets.

1. My mother lived in Greece when she was a girl. (to enjoy) 2. The children went to the opera last Saturday. (to like) 3. Mike Gabb was killed in a plane crash over Scotland. (you/to know well) 4. Their father worked in a bank until he retired. (to like) 5. The plane landed at 3.48. (to be late) 6. I think he left by the 9.56 train. (to catch) 7. Last year Ann sat for the exams at the college. (to pass) 8. My grandfather died 3 years ago. (you/to meet) 9. When a child, Alice was very plump. (to eat a lot of sweets) 10. Last night Alan arrived home at half past twelve. (to work overtime) 11. Jill bought a new car two weeks ago. (the car/he/to like) 12. Katy bought herself a red leather jacket. (jacket/to cost much) 13. Several years ago my family went on holiday in France. (to enjoy)


Ex. 13

Express reproach using general questions in the negative form, beginning with: “Didn’t I tell you to(not to...)...?”.

1. My dog was very hungry and wanted to attack me. (to give more meat to him) 2. Mary was late for her classes again. (not to knit till late at night) 3. I saw nothing of the performance. (to take spectacles with you) 4. We failed to get a room at the hotel. (to reserve accommodation) 5. Catherine missed the train. (to hurry up) 6. Phil broke his Ford last week. (to drive more carefully) 7. George lost his job last week after making an unfortunate remark about his boss’s wife. (to think before he speaks) 8. Tom and Mike, two yachtsmen, were rescued last night after getting into difficulty in heavy seas. (not to sail in bad weather) 9. Our cottage was burnt out last night. (to insure it) 10. Sam broke his leg skiing. (not to climb down that high hill) 11. Cindy sold her story to a newspaper for $5,000, but this paid half the hospital bills. (to sell her story for $10,000) 12. Last Saturday a burglar got into our house, found the jewels and took them with him. (to put the jewels in the safe) 13. I lost your book yesterday. (not to read the book in the bus)


Ex. 14

Make notes about the last holiday you had, under the following headings and be ready to present your story..

Where did you go? When? Who with? Accommodation? First time? Leisure activities? Facilities? Weather? Good points about your holiday? Bad points? Opinion of holiday? Again?


Ex. 15

Translate these sentences into English using the Past Simple.

1. Знадобилося дев’ять днів, щоб отримати твій лист. Ти відправив його поштою, чи не так? 2. Вчорашня зустріч продовжувалась майже шість годин. Це була зайва трата часу. 3. Ця скрипка коштує п’ятдесят тисяч доларів. Колись вона належала самому Паганіні. 4. Коли я навчався на першому курсі університету, я працював в читальному залі кожний день. 5. Хто підтримував Білла Клінтона на його останніх виборах? 6. „Аллан на минулому тижні попав в аварію і сильно розбив машину. Сам він, на щастя, сильно не постраждав. Але на купівлю нової машини грошей у нього не вистачає.” – „Хіба я не радив йому застрахувати свою машину? Але він мене не послухав.” 7. Нік уже два роки очолює службу збуту. Його підвищення було визнанням його заслуг перед компанією. 8. Так, в 1979 році мій батько не прийняв досить вигідну пропозицію очолити філіал компанії в Дюссельдорфі, оскільки це означало переїзд в іншу країну. Крім того, тоді він ще погано володів німецькою мовою. 9. Всім відомий той факт, що в 1976 році американський боксер Мухаммед Алі отримав шість з половиною міліонів доларів за перемогу в одному-єдиному поєдинку.


Ex. 16

Work in groups of three or four. In each group, ask each other questions to help you to remember some amusing or unpleasant experiences.

An accident you saw or which happened to you;

Shopping or eating out in a foreign country;

An unusual job you once did;

A crime you witnessed or were the victim of;

The longest or worst journey you once were on;

A coincidence which happened to you or someone you know.

Ex. 17

Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Present Indefinite or the Past Indefinite.

1. Stratford-on-Avon (to be) a small town in central England where Shakespeare (to be born). 2. Renaissance (to mean) "a new birth", "a revival''. Thus we (to call) the time of the great revival of art and learning which (to cover) the 15th and 16th centuries and (to mark) the transition from medieval to the modern world. 3. Some two centuries ago, when there (not to be) trains, cars and trams, people (to travel) in carriages. The mail-coach (to take) both people and the post from town to town. In some carriages the driver (to stand) or (to sit) behind the carriage. Even, when the train (to appear), some English writers still (to prefer) to make their heroes travel by cabs, hansoms and mail-coaches. 4. Latin (to be) a dead language now, but it (to be) the inter­national language some four centuries ago. 5. Many thousands of
years ago Cyprus (to be) famous for its copper. Our word "copper" (to originate) from the old word "cuperus", which (to come) from Cyprus. 6. The Metric system (to be) a system of measures and weights which (to be) first adopted in France. 7. In ancient Rome people (to use) sticks of bone or metal with a pointed end for writing on waxed tablets. They (to call) these sticks "styles". Now this word (to mean) a mode of writing or speaking. 8. Shishkin (not to create) his picture "Morning in the Pine Wood" alone. The no less famous painter Savitsky (to paint)the bear with her three little cubs.

Ex. 18

Translate the following into English using the Present Indefinite or the Past Indefinite.

1. Я дуже вдячний вам за те, що ви при зустрічі нагадали йому про це. 2. Він посміхнувся, коли побачив свого товариша у вікні вагону. 3. Шкода, що він не хоче скористатися такою чудовою можливістю. 4. Він говорить, що не пам’ятає подробиць в романі, так як читав його ще в дитинстві. 5. Шофер зупинив машину і сказав, що мотор не в порядку і його потрібно перевірити. 6. Цієї книги немає в продажу. Прикро, що я не купив її на минулому тижні. 7. Протягом двох днів мандрівники блукали в степу і могли знайти питної води. 8. Здається, він дуже цікавиться хімією? – Так, він захоплювався нею ще в школі. 9. Чому ви не прийшли за книгою, коли я вам сказала? 10. Вона залишилася в готелі, пославшись на головний біль, а ми вирушили оглядати місто. 11. Я сердитий на вас за те, що ви були так неуважні вчора. 12. Вантажівка загородила дорогу і весь рух зупинився. Ми простояли з 6 до 7 і запізнилися на потяг. 13. Наша бібліотека забезпечує студентів усіма необхідними книгами. 14. Юнаком я, бувало, часто супроводжував батька на полювання. 15. По його посмішці я зрозумів, що йому приємно почути ці новини. 16. Він був настільки самовпевнений, що вважав, що його ці правила не стосуються. 17. Він відчув себе незручно, коли всі подивилися в його бік.


The past simple is used for actions which happened in the past and are not related to the present. We use the past simple: • for an action which happened at a definite time in the past. The time is stated, already known or implied. e.g. Simon Cook painted his first picture in 1980. (When? In 1980. The time is stated.)     • for an action which began and finished in the past. e.g. Mr Clark taught Maths for thirty years. (He is no longer a teacher. He has retired.)     • for an action which happened in the past and cannot be repeated. e.g. a) Mike won more than twenty medals when he was an athlete. (He is no longer an athlete. He cannot win another medal.) b) I once spoke to Frank Sinatra. (He is no longer alive. I won't speak to him again.) • for an action which happened within a specific time period which is over at the moment of speaking. e.g. I wrote three letters this morning. (The time period is over. It is evening or night now.)   Note: We use the past simple to talk about actions which were performed by people who are no longer alive, even if the time is not stated. e.g. Charles Dickens wrote 'Oliver Twist.'   The present perfect is used for actions which happened in the past and are related to the present. We use the present perfect: • for an action which happened at an unstated time in the past. The exact time is either unknown or unimportant and therefore it is not mentioned or implied. e.g. Simon Cook has painted a lot of pictures. (When? We do not know. The exact time is not mentioned or implied.) • for an action which started in the past and continues up to the present. e.g. Mrs Nelson has taught French for twenty years. (She started teaching French twenty years ago and she is still teaching French today.) • for an action which happened in the past and may be repeated. e.g. a) Ben is an athlete. He has won more than ten medals. (He is still an athlete. He may win some more medals.) b) I've spoken to Celine Dion. (She is still alive. I may speak to her again.) • for an action which happened within a specific time period which is not over at the moment of speaking e.g. I've written two letters this morning. (The time period isn’t over)  


Ex. 19

Say if the given below words and phrases express finished or unfinished time. Make up sentences of your own with them to illustrate the difference.

Today, yesterday, this morning, ever, never, always, when I was nine, until I was nine, since I was nine, after I got up, since I got up, three years ago, for the last three years, this year, last year, for the last year, in 1998, since 1997, recently, lately, so far, just now, just, up till now.


Ex. 20

Use the Past Simple or the Present Perfect of the verbs in brackets.

1. — You (see) Jane today? — Yes, I (see) her at about nine, but I not (see) her since then. 2. I always want to go to Scotland, but I never (manage) to get there. 3. Bob (want) to be a bodyguard until he (be) fifteen. 4. — We not (see) much of Helen lately. — You (see) her? 5. I (be) ill a lot last year. 6. I (be) ill for two weeks. 7. — How's your new job? — Everything (be) all right up to now. 8. Nelly (go) to America on holiday ten years ago, and she (live) there ever since. 9. He (climb) quite a lot of mountains, but he never (be) up Everest. 10. You ever (study) a musical instrument? 11. Alex (have) an enormous amount of work last week. 12. We (have) a very busy week. We need a break. 13. When you first (fall in love)? 14. How long ago you (meet)? 15. How long you (be) in your present job?


Ex. 21

Translate into English.

1. Я бачили цей фільм, коли була підлітком. З того часу я його не бачила. 2. Останнім часом вона не їсть нічого солодкого. Вона хоче схуднути. 3. Вони зустрілися багато років тому. Це була їх єдина зустріч. Вони більше не бачилися. 4. Вчора він здійснив героїчний вчинок. 5. Поки що я не здійснив нічого особливого. 6. – Давно ви приїхали? – А ми і не від’їжджали, ми тут декілька годин. 7. Вони довго зустрічалися, але потім розійшлися. 8. Я так давно не бачилися з друзями. 9. Ми робили ремонт десять років тому. 10. Вони так давно не ремонтували квартиру. 11. Колись дуже давно він розповів мені історію. 12. Ми так давно не розмовляли з тобою. Як життя? 13. Вони пробули тут дуже довго і поїхали годину тому. 14. Вони так давно не навідували нас, що ми засумували за ними. 15. Це сталося на днях, два чи три дні тому.


Ex. 22

Use the right form of the verbs in brackets (either present or past).

Nina: Guess what? I have wonderful news. Vladimir and I are engaged.

Erika: What! You...engaged? It's all so sudden.

N: I not (tell) anyone yet. This is the first time I (speak) about it.

E: But are you sure you know what you (do)? I never (meet) Vladimir. Who is he?

N: He's the most wonderful person I ever (know).

E: Where you (meet) him?

N: I (meet) him in History class last semester.

E: Oh, he's a student. He (finish) college yet?

N: He not (graduate), but he already (finish) most of his courses.

E: How will you support yourselves?

N: We already (discuss) that. I am going to work until he (finish) school.

E: Nina, you never (be) on your own. Has he? He ever (work) before? He ever (live) alone? N: No, but that's not important. What matters is that we're in love.

E: How you (know) you're really in love? You not (have) much experience with men.

N: Yes, Vladimir is the first one I ever (fall in love with). But I feel as if I always (know) him

E: I know, I know. Love (make) the world go round. But so far you not (convince) me that you what you're doing. Why you not (wait) for a while?


Ex. 23

Use the Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite in the following sentences:

1. I never (to see) anyone more beautiful than your wife. 2. I (to meet) your husband this afternoon at Green Street. 3. He said, “You (to meet) this passenger. He calls himself Major Jones.” “I (to speak) to him.” “I (to get) hold of some money – enough for Tony to go off for a couple of years.” “You (to raise) all that money by doing your own housework?” “No, of course not.” “Milly, what you (to be) up to? What you (to do)?” “I (to sell) the house.” “But what’s Tony going to say? You (to tell) him?” “Why should he care? He’s young.” “Why you (not to tell) him?” 5. I said, “Mr Jones (to be) arrested by the police.” “My goodness. You don’t say. What he (to do)?” 6. “You (to hear) the news?” “What news?” “About Ted and Dave. They (to be) out on the roof last night and Ted (to slip) and Dave (to try) to hold him but he couldn’t and (to be) pulled off too. They’re both in hospital with concussion and their people (to be) sent for.” 7. I understand you (to have) an unpleasant experience at the week-end? What (to happen) exactly? You remember the coin you (to find) in the pool? 8. “Mr Dillon (to arrive), Kate.” “Oh, good. You (to find) your way all right then, Mr Dillon? I (not to hear) you ring the bell.” “I couldn’t find the bell; so I (to knock) instead.” 9. He (to light) a cigarette and (to walk) to the window. 10. “Can we get dinner here?” “Of course we can. Have you got enough money? I (to spend) my last dollar on the taxi.” 11. You (to say) just now that time (to be) everything. What you (to mean) by that? 12. As we got into the taxi my brother asked, “Well, you (to speak) to Harry?” “I (to speak) to him for a moment.” 13. “Hallo,” the little girl said to her mother and looked at her companion. “Come and say ‘How do you do’ to Mr Ogden.” “I (to see) him already.” “You can’t have done, dear. He only just (to arrive) here.” “I (to see) him in the hall this afternoon.” “I’m sure you didn’t. you (to see) my little daughter yet, Mr Ogden?” “I don’t think we(to meet) before,” said Mr Ogden. 14. “I remember you (to have) three funny little freckles on your nose,” he said, “but they (to disappear).” 15. I think I’d better go now. I (to act) wrongly and I in a way (to deceive) you. I’m sorry. 16. “you (to read) ‘Winnie the Pooh’ by A. A. Milne?” “Yes.” “And how you (to like) it?” “Very much indeed.” 17. She (to come) into the room and (to lean) over her father’s chair and (to kiss) his cheek. “You (to have) a good trip?” 18. You (not to hear) what the pilot (to say)? 19. At school I (to be) never good at languages, but here I (to pick) up a bit of French. 20. Well, I know what you (to be) through. 21. “Then what (to happen) to you there?” “Let’s forget it. Even now I can’t believe I (to do) it.”


Ex. 24

Translate the following sentences into English using the Present Perfect and the Past Indefinite.

1. Вона була одна, коли увійшов її чоловік. Він із здивуванням оглянув кімнату. „Що це?” – запитав він. – „Я переїхала.” Вона посміхнулася йому. – „Будинок ще не готовий. Ти не можеш цього зробити.” – „Я уже зробила це.” 2. Колли Моллі увійшла до кімнати, я сказав: „Я приніс мій старий альбом з марками. Я зустрів вашого чоловіка на ганку. Він попросив мене залишити його вам.” 3. „Добрий день”, - сказав він. „Можна мені побачити Мері?” – „Її тут немає, - відповіла її мати. – У мене була з нею розмова, яка їй не сподобалась, і вона поїхала.” 4. „Я зателефонувала лікарю”, - сказала його сестра, заходячи до кімнати. Коли Роберт прийшов в себе, він запитав: „Ти сказала, що зателефонувала лікарю? Зупини його, якщо можливо. Я зовсім здоровий. Я просто не можу собі уявити, чому я знепритомнів.” 5. Де він? Я повинен його побачити. – Він пішов до лісу. 6. Батько знизу? – Так. – Він ходив до Смітів? – Так. – Що сказав м-р Сміт? – Батько його не бачив. 7. Вона встала з-за столу. „Я повинна піти замкнути хвіртку. Уже стемніло.” 8. „Подивись, - сказав він, тримаючи по щітці в кожній руці, - що мій двоюрідний братик подарував мені! Він залишив їх на моєму туалетному столику.” 9. Хлопчик вийшов і чітким голосом прочитав віршик. Його мати заговорила першою. „Підійди сюди, - сказала вона йому. – Хто навчив тебе цьому?” – „Я сам його придумав”, - відповів хлопчик. 10. Мого одягу немає в кімнаті. Вони віднесли його. 11. Він зірвав квіточку. „Подивись, що я зробив”, - сказав він. – „Навіщо ти це зробив?” – „Я не знаю.” 12. Що я зробив такого, щоб так сильно розгнівати батька? 13. Потім вони всі пройшли в їдальню і зайняли свої місця за столом. „А мій брат і я уже поснідали, - раптом вигукнула Мег, - я забула.” 14. Моллі, трапилось щось жахливе. У сусідів на ганку знайшли немовля. 15. Кажуть, що дівчина і її тітка продали свій будиночок і від’їзджають кудись до родичів.


Ex. 25

Use the Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite in questions in the following text.

- Are you a soldier by profession?

- Yes.

- How long you (to be) in the army?

- Twenty-five years.

- When you (to join) the army?

- In 1932.

- Where you (to serve) during the war?

- First on the territory of Ukraine, then in the Far East.

- You (to see) much fighting in Ukraine?

- A good deal.

- How long you (to remain) there?

- For over a year.

- Why you (to be) sent to the Far East?

- I (to be) wounded.

- What sort of wound it (to be)?

- A bullet through the shoulder.

- How many times you (to be) wounded during the war?

- Three times.

- They (to be) serious wounds?

- Rather.

- When you (to be) wounded the last time?

- In 1945.

- How you (to feel) since then?

- Not very strong.

- Why you (not to leave) the army?

- I can’t imagine my life outside the army.

- Where you (to serve) lately?

- In the Caucasus mostly. The climate there suits my health.


Ex. 26

Explain the use of the Present Perfect and the Past Indefinite in the following sentences containing an indication of a period of time:

1. “I hear you went to the dentist this morning.” “Yes. I had three teeth filled.” 2. He laughed. “My,” said Peggy, very pleased, “you got off the right side of the bed this morning, didn’t you?” 3. That man was here again this afternoon, asking for you. 4. “Where is my brother?” “He’ s not been in all afternoon.” 5. At Corfu you find people playing cricket. Watching them you remember that Corfu was under British rule for fifty years and cricket, obviously, is a heritage of those days. 6. “Mr Ferrier wishes to speak to you on the telephone, Sir”, she said. “He has called up three times this morning.” 7. “What’s going on here?” Mel sighed: “We’ ve had a storm for three days. It’s created emergency situations.” 8. “ Have you seen Mary this morning?” she asked the boy as she gave him his morning milk. “No. She is sick.” “How do you know?” “She didn’t come out of her room.” 9. “I used to know the Pimleys. But I haven’t seen them for years,” he said. 10. When they were strolling along the beach, Wilmott said to the doctor: “Do you know, I was surprised to hear you quote poetry this evening.” 11. I was an officer in the Territorials myself for a few years. I had to give it up for health reasons. 12. I’ ve had a rather nasty pain in my knee at times lately. It caught me this morning in a devilish fashion.


Ex. 27

Use the Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite in the following sentences which contain an indication of a period of time.

1. “Listen,” he said, “my father (to fight) for four years in the last war.” 2. I (to meet) your boy-friend and (to have) a long talk with him today. 3. “Don’t go, Philip,” said his mother. “I scarcely (to see) you today.” 4. “Good morning, Mother,” he said kissing the top of her head, “you (to sleep) late this morning.” 5. I was at school with Alec. Then we (not to see) each other for years. 6. I (to have) coffee with a friend of yours at the Union today. 7. I’m taking my wife out tonight. She (not to have) any fun for a long time. 8. “Has Meggie eaten her tea?” “No. Not a bite. Nor dinner either.” “Why, this is awful. The child (not to have) a bite all day.” 9. Unsmiling she (to regard) him steadily for a long time. He then stopped walking about and looked equally steadily at her. 10. I dare say you (not to have) a night’s sleep or a proper meal this week. 11. Entering her bedroom her mother said: “Pat, dear, aren’t you well? Don’t you think that a cup of tea would be nice? We (to have) the first strawberries this morning.” 12. “You (to see) Father this afternoon?” she asked coming in from the garden. 13. You are just in time to hear a nice bit of news. Our neighbour is engaged to be married. He (to bring) me the news himself this morning. 14. “I’m sorry I’m late,” he said. “Everything (to seem) to hold me up this evening.”


Ex. 28

Translate the following sentences which contain an indication of a period of time into English using the Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite.

1. „Ви не можете мені сказати, чи поїхала міс Сміт лондонським потягом сьогодні вранці?” – запитав він у начальника станції. – „Ні. Вона запізнилася на нього.” 2. Вони проговорили близько двох годин, і потім він сказав, що йому треба побачитися ще з деякими друзями. 3. Його мати померла. Вона була вчителькою довгі роки. 4. Послухай-но, Джон, твоя хазяйка каже, що ти лежиш у ліжку цілий день сьогодні. Так же не годиться, правда? 5. Вона здивувалась, побачивши його. „Хіба ти не отримав мого листа?” – „Твого листа? Ні.” – „Так, звичайно, ти ще не міг його отримати. Я забула. Вона було відправлене тільки сьогодні вранці.” 6. Вона різко повернулась до чоловіка і сказала: „Я відведу машину додому”. – „Але ж ти не водила машину уже багато місяців”, - заперечив він. – „Я ще не забула, як це робиться”, 7. Ми всі троє пішли разом по вулиці. Протягом якогось часу всі мовчали. 8. „Дядя Том приїздить, - об’явила Мег. – Мама отримала від нього листа сьогодні вранці”. 9. На цьому тижні у мене ледве був час, щоб поглянути на газети. 10. „Тобі варто піти відвідати Віллі, - сказала вона. – Ти не бачив його уже три тижні. Ви що посварилися?” 11. Вони довго сиділи поруч. Джек першим порушив мовчанку.



The Past Continuous Tense


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