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My little dog

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I’ll never hurt my little dog,
But stroke and pat his head
I like to see him wag his tail,
I like to see him fed.
No, I shall never hurt my dog,
And never treat him ill,
But treat him kindly every day,
And he will love me still.

Try to find the hidden words among these letters. What are the English equivalents for Russian words: заяц, слон, попугай, олень, лиса, крокодил, козёл, ворона, антилопа, лось, сова, осёл, аист?


3. Конкурс “Домашнее задание”.

My dear friends, I think you are ready to check your homework. Will you dramatize the animated cartoons?

Jeremy Frog Learning To Hop.

Characters: Story-teller, Jeremy (a small frog), Sparrow, Field Mouse, Tortoise, Rabbit. Story- teller: Jeremy was a small frog. He was happy because this day was the first day he had come out of Water-Lily Pond. Jeremy Frog wanted to go to see the rest of the world but he didn’t know how to go. Soon a sparrow flew down to him. Sparrow: Hallo, Jeremy Frog. Jeremy Frog: Hallo, Sparrow. How do you see the world? Sparrow: I fly up high and then I can look down. Jeremy Frog: Do you think I can fly? Sparrow: Try. Story-teller: Jeremy Frog tried to fly, but he couldn’t. He had no wings. Soon came a squirrel. Squirrel: Hallo, Jeremy Frog. Jeremy Frog: Hallo, squirrel. How do you see the world? Squirrel: I climb a tree and then I look down. Jeremy Frog: Do you think I can climb a tree? Squirrel: Try. Story-teller: Jeremy frog tried but he couldn’t climb a tree. Field Mouse: Hallo, Jeremy Frog. Jeremy Frog: Hallo, Field Mouse. How do you see the world? Field Mouse: I run along the ground. I can run fast. Jeremy Frog: Do you think I can run fast? Field Mouse: Try. Story-teller: Jeremy Frog tried but he couldn’t run fast. Soon came a tortoise. Tortoise: Hallo, Jeremy Frog. Jeremy Frog: Hallo, Tortoise. How do you see the world? Tortoise: I walk. I walk very slowly. But I can walk a long way. Jeremy Frog: Do you think I can walk? Tortoise: Try. Story-teller: Jeremy Frog tried and he could walk slowly. It made him tired. Soon came a rabbit. Rabbit: Hallo, Jeremy Frog. Jeremy Frog: Hallo, Rabbit. How do you see the world? Rabbit: I jump. I can jump very fast. Jeremy Frog: Do you think I can jump? Rabbit: Try. Story-teller: Jeremy Frog tried and he could jump very fast. Jeremy Frog: Good-bye, Rabbit. Now I’m going to see the world. Story-teller: And he went jumping happily through the woods.

Little Lost Baby

Characters: Story-teller, Baby Animal (Eli), Dog, Cat, Bear, Elephant. Story-teller: The baby animal had walked all morning and most of the afternoon. He was hungry. He was tired. He was lost. He couldn’t remember his name. He didn’t even know what he was. He wanted his mama. Baby Animal: I’m lost. I don’t know what I am. I can’t remember my name. I want my mama. Whose baby animal am I? Story-teller: He met Mother Dog. She was knitting a sweater for her baby. Baby Animal: I’m lost. I can’t remember my name. Will you be my mama? Mother Dog: Can you sound like a dog? Can you say, “Bow-wow. Bow-wow?” Baby Animal: Ugh. Mother Dog: I’m sorry. You can’t be my baby. You don’t sound like a dog. Story-teller: Baby Animal met Mother Cat. She was making a birthday cake for her kittens. Baby Animal: I’m lost. I don’t know what I’m. I can’t remember my name. Will you be my mama? Mother Cat: Can you sound like a cat? Can you say, “Meow, meow?” Baby Animal: Ugh. Mother Cat: I’m sorry. You can’t be my baby. You don’t sound like a cat. Story-teller: Baby Animal met Mother Bear. She was reading a story to her bears. Baby Animal: I’m lost. I don’t know what I’m. I can’t remember my name. Will you be my mama? Mother Bear: Can you sound like a bear? Can you say, Grr,grr?” Baby Animal: Ugh! Mother Bear: I’m sorry. You can’t be my baby. You don’t sound like a bear. Story-teller: Baby Animal met Mother Squirrel. She was spanking her baby squirrels. Baby Animal: I’m lost. I don’t know what I’m. I can’t remember my name. Will you be my mama? Mother Squirrel: Can you sound like a squirrel? Can you say, “Keoo, keoo?” Baby Animal: Ugh. Mother Squirrel: I’m sorry. You can’t be my baby. You don’t sound like a squirrel. Story teller: Baby Animal met Mother Elephant. She was all alone. She was weeping. Baby Animal: I’m lost. I don’t know what I am. I can’t remember my name. Will you be my mama? Mother Elephant: Can you say, “Ugh, ugh?” Baby Animal: Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Mother Elephant: I’m glad. You are my lost baby. Your name is Eli. I’m your mother.    

The next competition is “The best interpreter”. You’ve translated the English poems. One of you will recite the poem in English and another in Russian.

My dream I love all kinds of animals Dogs and cats and rabbits I love all kinds of animals Despite their little habits If I had tons of money D’you know what I would do? I’d buy lots of animals And have my own little zoo But they wouldn’t be in cages They’d be free to run around And there’s one thing they would feel And that is safe and sound. Я всех люблю животных И кошек, и собак, И белочек весёлых, и кроликов-бояк. Но, разрывает сердце моё, их жалкий стон, Когда сидят по клеткам и далеко их дом. Ах, если б было денег Много у меня, тогда бы всех Животных освободил бы я. Построил зоопарк бы, Красивый и большой, Чтоб были там свободны и веселы душой. /Е. Дунаева/
Little bears Once two little brown bears Found a pear tree full of pears; But they couldn’t climb up the there For the trunk was smooth and bare. “If I only had a chair,” Said the elder brown bear “I would get the biggest pear That is hanging in the air”. “If you don’t soil my hair”, Said the younger little bear “I will serve you as a chair And you can get the biggest pear”.   Два брата Два медвежонка в сад пришли, Грушевое дерево нашли. Но груши не достал никто, Уж было очень высоко. Тут размечтался старший брат: “Мол, слишком я уж низковат, А был бы стул вот у меня Тогда б достал все груши я”. “А ты не пачкай волос мой” Сказал вдруг старшему другой “Я послужу тебе стулом И много груш тогда нарвём”. /А. Сарычев/
If I ever see, if I ever see On bush or tree Young birds in their pretty nest, I must not, in play, Steal the birds away, To grieve their mother’s breast So I’ll speak to the birds In my softest words And when they can fly In the bright blue sky They’ll sing a song to me, And then if I’m sad, It will make me glad To think they are happy and free. Я как-то видел на кусту, В гнезде сидящую иволгу. Я не должен с ней играть, И руками её брать, Чтобы маму не огорчать. И скажу я птичке ласковое слово “Улетай родная, Но вернись к нам снова”. Улетела птичка в голубую даль, Ну, а мне оставила радость и печаль. Будешь ты свободно над землёй летать, И под вечер песни людям распевать. /Е. Клинцова/

4. Конкурс “Английские поговорки”.

Match the two columns and you’ll get some English sayings. Find the Russian equivalents. I hope the pictures will help you to do the work as quick as you can.

1. As quiet as… 2. As light as… 3. As proud as… 4. As wise as… 5. As stubborn as… 6. As sly as… 7. As clumsy as… Stubborn - упрямый Sly - хитрый Clumsy - неуклюжий 1. an ass 2. an owl 3. a fox 4.an elephant 5. a feather 6. a peacock 7. a mouse    


1. As white as… 2. As busy as… 3. As brave as… 4. As fresh as… 5. As strong as … 6. As fierce as… 7. As fat as… Fresh - чистый Fierce - злой Strong - выносливый 1. a flower 2. a horse 3. a sheet 4. a lion 5. a pig 6. a bee 7.a wolf    

5. Конкурс “Кто лучше знает пословицы?”.

Do you know English proverbs well? Can you give Russian equivalents to the following proverbs? For the correct answer you will get a star. Those who get more stars are the winners.

1. A cat in gloves catches no mice. Без труда не вытащишь и рыбки из пруда.
2. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Не сули журавля в небе, а дай синицу в руки.
3. To make a mountain out of a molehill. Делать из мухи слона.
4. All cats are grey at night. Все кошки серы ночью.
5. When the cat is away, the mice will play. Без кота мышам раздолье.
6. A word spoken is past recalling. Слово не воробей, вылетит, не поймаешь.
7. One swallow doesn’t make a spring. Одна ласточка весны не делает
8. You cannot pull a fish out of pond without labour. Без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда.
9. One doesn’t feed a nightingale with fables. Соловья баснями не кормят.
10. If you run after two hares, you’ll catch none. За двумя зайцами погонишься, ни одного не поймаешь.
11. To be afraid of wolves means not to go walking in the woods. Волков бояться, в лес не ходить.
12. A kind word gives comfort even to a cat. Доброе слово и кошке приятно.
13. The flower is good, but its little thorn is sharp. Хорош цветок, да остёр шипок.
14. Eggs cannot teach a hen. Яйца курицу не учат.

6. Конкурс “Загадки”.

The riddles are liked by everybody. Guess these riddles and you have a chance to receive some more stars. Do you need the pictures?

1. Long ears, long ears
Hop, hop, hop
Long ears, long ears never stop
They like carrots, they like hay
They grow longer
From day to day. /A rabbit/.

2. How long does the mouse live? /It depends of a cat/.

3. What always goes to sleep wearing his shoes? /A horse/.

4. What is the name of the insect: it gets up early; it works all day if it is not raining; it likes flowers; it lives in a hive? /A bee/.

5. What is it that a cat has but no other animal can have? /Kittens/.

6. He lives in a forest. He is the king of the jungle because he is very strong. When he is hungry, he begins to roar very loudly. What is it? /A lion/.

7. What is the fastest of all animals? /A kangaroo/.

8. My beautiful tail is bushy,
And the colour of it is red
I hate the idea of it being worn
Round your neck and upon your head. /A fox/.

9. Hopper, hopper in the grass,
Please don’t hop and let me pass
But it hops, hops, hops, hops, hops
Hops and hops and never stops. /A grasshopper/.

10. It can be big or small
It is white or bright, it has a smell.
There are many of them in spring and summer.
It is a good present
Girls and women like them very much.
What is it? /A flower./

11. Red or rosy in summer I grow
I’m a fine flower as all you know. /A rose/.

12. In winter and in summer they stand in one colour. What are they? /A fir-tree, a pine-tree/.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-16; просмотров: 49 | Нарушение авторских прав

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