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Put the verb into the correct form, past continuous or past indefinite.

Task 18. Complete the following text with the words from the box below using them in the appropriate form. | Task 1. Read and render the following text. | Task 5. Translate the following text into English. | Task 8. Read and render the following text. | Task 9. Match the words. Compose your own sentences to show that you understand their meanings. | Task 12. Translate the following answers into Ukrainian and decide if they are true or false. | Important Changes in the Ukrainian Labour Legislation in 2012 | The Noun | Articles | Translate into English |

Читайте также:
  1. A. Insert the correct preposition. Compare it with the one we use in Russian.
  2. Choose the correct form of the verb.
  3. Choose the correct form.
  4. Choose the correct question word.
  5. Choose the correct verb tense for each blank.
  6. Exercise 18. Use the correct form expressing unreality with reference to the past (see patterns 7.3.1, 7.5.2).
  7. Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense.

1. George (to fall) off the ladder while he (to paint) the ceiling.

2. Last night I (to read) in bed when suddenly I (to hear) a scream.

3. …(you/watch) television when I phoned you?

4. Ann (to wait) for me when I (to arrive).

5. I (not/drive) very fast when the accident (happen).

6. I (break) a plate last night. I (do) the washing-up when it (slip) out of my hand.

7. Tom (to take) a photograph of me while I (not/look).

8. We (not/go) out because it (rain).

9. What (you/do) at this time yesterday?

10. I (see) Carol at the party. She (to wear) a really beautiful dress.

4. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Усі обговорювали майбутнє рішення Верховної Ради, коли міністр повернувся. 2. Я розмовляв з проректором, коли задзвонив телефон. 3. Вони слухали доповідь з історії Національної юридичної академії, коли декан зайшов в аудиторію. 4. Вони складали вступний іспит протягом двох годин. 5. Члени академічного складу весь день аналізували питання щодо вступу до академії. 6. Лист від адвокатів надійшов саме тоді, коли вона готувала сніданок.

5. The Alibi Game:

A murder happened at 11 o'clock last night. 2 students are the main suspects. One of them leaves the classroom and must create an alibi to prove their innocence (where they were, what they were doing, what they were wearing etc.). The rest of the class are detectives and ask questions. Each suspect enters the class and is questioned separately. If their answers are not the same, then they are accused of committing the murder.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-19; просмотров: 51 | Нарушение авторских прав

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UNIT 7.| The Future Continuous Tense

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