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National Economy

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The US economy is based on the free enterprise system. Private businesses compete against one another with relatively little interference from the government. Since the depression of the 1930-s, when the economy essentially collapsed, laws have been made giving the government a more active role in economic and other matters.

The USA is one of the most highly developed states. It leads the world in industrial and agricultural production, leaving some countries far behind.

The United States owes its high level of economic development mainly to its great mineral riches. It has been able to use them for a long time without wars. No one of the world wars of the 20th century took place on its territory. The US monopolies only became richer from the world wars.

The US is rich in a variety of mineral resources. It is a world leader in the production of many important mineral resources, such as aluminum, cement, copper, lead, phosphates, potash, salt, uranium, and zinc. The country is rich in coal, iron, oil, petroleum, natural gas and holds first place in the capitalist world for their production. It also has gold, silver, such non-ferrous as aluminum, magnesium, titanium. Since the end of World War II the US has exported raw materials, agricultural and industrial products.

Computers, and automatic systems characterize the advances in technology. The heavy industries are for the most part in the Middle West, in the region of the Great Lakes, around Detroit and Chicago, in the north-eastern states and near Birmingham. The automobile industry and all kinds of machine-building are highly developed especially in and near Detroit, in California and in the areas of heavy industry. Ship-building is developed along the Atlantic coast and also in San-Francisco and Seattle on the Pacific coast. The textile industry is concentrated in the north-east, in Boston and other cities; but it is especially well developed in the South, where much cotton is grown, in the Mississippi valley.

The USA has a highly developed railway system. It also has the best system of roads in the world. The Great Lakes and the rivers, especially the Saint Lawrence River and the Mississippi, are used for transport. In recent years the growth of air traffic has been observed.

American agriculture produces more food products than any other country. Much of them are exported. The USA produces 52 per cent or more of the world’s corn, soy-beans, edible vegetable oils, wheat, tobacco, rice, cotton, and barley. Animal husbandry is also developed in the country.

The US harvests a lot of vegetables such as tomatoes, potatoes and onions. Arizona, Florida, California and Texas are the major citrus-producing states. They grow oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, lemons. Strawberries and apples are also produced.

The highlands in the west of the country are famous for their cattle-farming. Poultry-farming and vegetable-growing are concentrated in the country-side near all the big cities.


To owe smth to [ou] – быть обязанным чем-либо

Copper ['kop∂] – медь

Lead [led] – свинец

Potash ['potæ∫] – поташ, углекислый калий

Petroleum [pi'troulj∂m] – нефть

Non-ferrous – цветные металлы

Raw materials – сырье

Soy-beans – соя, соевые бобы

Edible vegetable oils ['edibl] – пищевые растительные масла

Barley – ячмень

Animal husbandry – животноводство

Onion – лук

Cattle-farming – разведение крупного рогатого скота

Poultry-farming [poultry] - птицеводство

Compete [k∂m'pi:t] – конкурировать

Interference [,int∂'fi∂r∂ns] – вмешательство

Essentially [i'sen∫li] – по существу

Collapse [k∂'læps] - рушиться, терпеть крах

Aluminum [∂'lu:min∂m]

Cement [si'ment]

Uranium [ju'reini∂m]

Zinc [ziŋk]

Magnesium [mæg'ni:zi∂m]

Titanium [tai'teini∂m]

Seattle [si'ætl]


Exercise 1. Find in the text the English equivalents for:

1) оставляя далеко позади другие страны;

2) использовать долгое время без войн;

3) разбогатели на мировых войнах;

4) мировой лидер по производству;

5) удерживает первое место в мире по их производству;

6) где выращивают много хлопка;

7) лучшая система дорог в мире;

8) собирает большие урожаи овощных культур, таких как;

9) овощеводство;

10) США является одной из самых высокоразвитых стран;

11) высоким уровнем экономического развития она в основном обязана

огромному богатству своих полезных ископаемых;

12) применение компьютеров и автоматических систем характеризует успехи в технологии;

13) большая их часть экспортируется;

14) в стране также развито животноводство.

Exercise 2. Fill in the prepositions.

1) Private businesses compete … one another … relatively little interference from the government.

2) The USA leads the world … industrial and agricultural production.

3) The US owes its high level of economic development … its great mineral riches.

4) The US monopolies only became richer … the world wars.

5) The Great Lakes and the rivers are used … transport.

6) … recent years the growth of air traffic has been observed.

Exercise 3. Match two parts:

the Middle West the region of Great Lakes Detroit Chicago the north-eastern states Birmingham California the Atlantic coast San-Francisco Seattle Boston the southern states the Mississippi valley Arizona Florida Texas the highlands in the west   heavy industry   automobile industry   ship-building   textile   food / citrus production   cattle-farming   poultry farming   vegetable growing  

Exercise 4. Answer the questions.

1) What is the US economy based on?

2) What does the USA owe its high level of economic development to?

3) What are the main mineral resources of the country?

4) How can you characterize the US industry?

5) What have you learned about agriculture of the country?

6) What is the US transportation system?

Exercise 5. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) The USA is a backward (отсталая) country.

2) The USA is poor in mineral resources.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-19; просмотров: 74 | Нарушение авторских прав

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