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1. Read the text and find these word-combinations. Translate them into Ukrainian. Make up your own sentences with them:
- to hook a rope into smth (p.61);
- to meet smb through smb (p.62);
- to be illogical of smb to do smth (p.63);
- to concentrate on smth (p.65);
- to look out on (p.65);
- to be received into favor (Am.Eng.)/ favour (Br.Eng.) (p.65);
- in spite of (p.66);
- to look back through smth (p.67);
- to keep on (p.67);
- to tramp over (p.68);
2. Find English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and word-combinations. Read these sentences and translate them into Ukrainian:
- мінлива погода (р.61);
- дуже коротко написане послання (р.62);
- ділова спритність (р.62);
- окрилений ідеєю (р.63);
- наполягати на чому-небудь (р.64);
- образливі прикметники (р.64);
- поринути в роботу (р.65);
- оволодівати (р.65);
- бути невиправним (р.68);
- дертися до вершини (р.68).
3. Give synonyms to the following words from the text and translate them into Ukrainian:
- unreasonable (p.63);
- authorized (p.64);
- ridiculous (p.64);
- to delude (p.65);
- stimulus (p.65);
- a cloud (p.67);
- conspiracy (p.67);
- consideration (p.67);
- separately (p.67).
- untroubling (p.68);
4. Relying on an English-English dictionary explain the contextual meaning of the following words and word-combinations:
a spoiled child (p.64); to mislead smb (p.65); to plan a career (p.65); the loveliest oceanscape (p.65); to be docile (p.65); a little healthful recreation (p.65); to be an inmate of the John Grier Home (p.66); to go yachting (p.66); to leave intrigue to women (p.67).
5. Translate the following sentences from English into Ukrainian:
1) “It would be illogical of you to pay for a vacuum cleaner’s repair beforehand. It is too old and in a bad condition” – said Tom to his mother.
2) If a teacher can organize some of the children into groups to work together, he will have more time to concentrate on those who need the most help.
3) My window looks out on the garden.
4) In spite of perfect behaviour and some progress in study Peter was not received into teacher’s favor again.
5) When we look back through the mist of years we can understand what caused the difficulty in our relations.
6) The doctor wants to keep mother on the medicine for another month.
7) The writer was intoxicated by the idea to find a new image for his novel.
8) Nobody insisted on paying for a new house at once. The buyer was allowed to pay for it for some months.
9) I was so plunged into my favourite work that I didn’t pay any attention to anyone in the room.
10) “You are incorrigible. You even can’t make you bed properly” – said mother to her son sadly.
6. Read and translate the following extract from the text into Ukrainian: “Lock Willow. April 4th … Affectionately, Judy.” (pp.68-69).
Дата добавления: 2015-12-01; просмотров: 20 | Нарушение авторских прав