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1. Read the text and find these word-combinations. Translate them into Ukrainian. Make up your own sentences with them:
- to be used to doing smth (p.21);
- to sit cross legged (p.21);
- to put up with smth (p.22);
- to intend to do smth (p.23);
- to begin with smth (p.23);
- to bend under (p.24);
- to drip from (p.24);
- to flunk smth (p.24);
- to show the slightest interest in smth (p.25);
- to throw into (p.25);
- to care about (p.25)
2. Find English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and word-combinations. Read these sentences and translate them into Ukrainian:
- носити на зап’ясті (p.21);
- неправильні дієслова (р.22);
- найменші коливання (р.23);
- почуття обов’язку (p.25);
- співчуття (р.26);
- пуп’янок троянд (р.26);
- настрій, добрий гумор, бути в певному гуморі (р.28);
- знати когось дуже близько (р.29);
- зарозуміла людина (р.29);
- бути комунікабельним (р.30);
- бути розлютованим (р.30).
3. Give synonyms to the following words from the text and translate them into Ukrainian:
- distressed (p.21);
- environs (p.22);
- range (p.22);
- impudent (p.23);
- bright (p.24);
- sadness (p.24);
- easily annoyed (adj) (p.24);
- understanding (n) (p.26);
- to insult (p.28);
- helpfully (p.29).
4. Give antonyms to the following words from the text and translate them into Ukrainian.
- nobody (p.20);
- ugly (p.20);
- to enter (p.23);
- to break (p.23);
- gloomy (p.23);
- to be brave (p.23);
- stupid (p.23);
- shy (p.24);
- to send (p.26);
- to be among people (p.27).
5. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:
1) It is too bad when college students are not used to reading books.
2) Why should we put up with such terrible working conditions?
3) Does he intend to visit his friends in London?
4) It’s very worrying to begin the day with bad news.
5) Don’t bend under the weight of financial difficulties.
6) Some students flunked English examination and they had to leave the college.
7) He shows the slightest interest in Maths and English.
8) I just throw the clothes into the washing machine and switch it on.
9) This writer, unlike most others, doesn’t care about death.
10) The fellow tried to be companionable but the singer’s song made him nervous.
6. Using an English-English dictionary explain the meaning of the following words in the text:
vacation (p.20), an entertaining letter (p.23), to bust (p.25), a sense of duty (p.25); a polite massage (p.26), a rhetorical question (p.28), joyous (p.28), to tumble onto (p.29), a superior man (p.29), conveniently (p.30).
7. Recall the situations in which the following word-combinations occur:
- to come into (p.21);
- to walk across (p.22);
- to glide about (p.24);
- to be free from (p.25);
- to be lonely (p.25);
- to be awfully bored with (p.26);
- to be worth keeping in a safe (p.26);
- to be horrid again (p.27);
- to run out to the college (p.29);
- to walk over the campus (p.30).
8. Read and translate the following extract from the text into Ukrainian: “Sunday … Yours in sackcloth and ashes, Judy.” (pp.23-24).
Дата добавления: 2015-12-01; просмотров: 21 | Нарушение авторских прав