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II. Vocabulary

Читайте также:
  1. I. Active Vocabulary
  2. II. Vocabulary work
  3. II. Vocabulary work
  4. II. Vocabulary work
  5. II. Vocabulary work
  6. II. Vocabulary work

1. Read the text and find these word-combinations. Translate them into Ukrainian. Make up your own sentences with them:

- to consider (p.42);

- to get angry (p.44);

- to be outraged (p.44);

- to be a help (p.45);

- to appreciate (p.46);

- to learn lots of new things (p.47);

- to drive alone (p.50);

- to tear (p.51);

- to drip into (p.52);

- to soak through (p.52).

2. Find English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and word-combination. Read these sentences and translate them into Ukrainian:

- китайський шовковий папір (р.42);

- добродійна школа (р.44);

- заслуговувати (р.46);

- найменший натяк (р.47);

- всемогутній (р.48);

- бути веселим (р.48);

- виявитися (р.49);

- повсякчасний (р.50);

- витирати ноги (р.50);

- з першого погляду (р.51).

3. Give synonyms to the following words from the text and translate them into Ukrainian:

- costume (p.42);

- acquaintanceship (p.43);

- sparkle (p.44);

- recreation (p. 44);

- fascinating (p.46);

- cheerful (p.46);

- preserver (p.47);

- height (p.50);

- to interfere (p.50);

- queer (p.52).

4. Find in the text the words to which the following sentences are the description:

1) March in procession (p.42).

2) The firebox of a hot-water or a hot-air heating system in a building (p.44).

3) A place where people stroll for amusement (p.45).

4) A person who goes with or is often, or always with another (p.46).

5) A piece of news or a request sent to a person (p.47).

6) An agreement to buy, sell or exchange something, made after discussion (p.47).

7) A building or a room used for people who are ill or injured (p.47).

8) A woman responsible for looking after a house, a school residence (p.49).

9) A two-wheeled or four-wheeled horse–drawn. A tractor-drawn vehicle used for carrying loads (p.50).

10) An open-roofed gallery extending along a side of a house used for sitting out on or giving access to rooms (p.51).

5. Relying on an English-English dictionary explain the meaning of the following words and translate them into Ukrainian:

a spectacular occasion (p.42), a linen duster (p.42), in the cellar (p.44), impersonality (p.47), humiliating (p.48), arbitrary (p.48), peremptory (p.48), invisible (p.48), crotch (p.48), wanderthirst (p.49), a temple (p.49), scandalous (p.51).

6. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

1) I don’t consider him a real friend. It’s impossible to rely on him.

2) Don’t worry about getting home after the party. Jim can drive alone.

3) I like reading historical stories because I can learn lots of new things about the lives of people.

4) At the exhibition all the visitors were appreciated by the young artist’s pictures.

5) The weather changed and the rain started at once. Our clothes soaked through.

6) Our new neighbour turned out a pleasant person though his manner to speak was old-fashioned.

7) Helen’s slightest hint that she didn’t want to study at college could make the greatest quarrel in her family.

8) Mrs. Brown’s son Alec is a real help for her because she can’t do anything about the house herself.

9) It is very difficult for men to deserve her attention. She is too beautiful and proud.

10) All the children were asked to wipe their feet before entering the hall.

7. Read and translate the following extract from the text into Ukrainian: “Lock Willow Farm … Your as ever, Judy.” (pp.47-48).

III. Grammar work

1. Some adjectives have irregular forms of comparison. Find them in the text and define their degree of comparison. Read the sentences with these adjectives and translate them into Ukrainian.

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