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VII International scientific and practical conference of students and scholars

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  6. Actors in International Relations.

,,Foreign Policy of Ukraine: Current Agenda”.

The conference will take place in November 15, 2013 in Chernivtsi, Ukraine.


Conference sections:

1. Achievements and problems of diplomatic service. Prominent diplomats’ activity.

2. Current problems of international relations.

3. Relations between Ukraine and neighbouring states.

4. International organizations. Cooperation between Ukraine and international organizations.

5. Human rights in Ukraine and in the world.


Organization committee:

· Chair of International Relations;

· College of History, Political Science and International Relations;

· Department of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Chernivtsi Regional State Administration.

The working languages: Ukrainian, English, Russian.

Costs: the participation fee is 9 EURO.

The materials of the conference will be published till the conference opening.


Important Dates:

1. To participate in the conference it is necessary to send the application and thesis to the organization committee via e-mail kmv_conf@ukr.net no later than October 13, 2013. See a sample of application below.

2. The participation fee is 9 EURO. It should be paid no later than October 20, 2013 after the getting of confirmation that you application was received. If you didn’t receive confirmation, please, repeat your request. The participation fee should be sent to the bank account:

Beneficiary CV2 26258975602993 EUR

Name Oksana Dobrzhanskaya

Account with institution FUIB UA 2X



Intermediary S.W.I.F.T. – BIC: COBA DE FF DEUT DE FF

Commerzbank AG, Deutsche Bank AG,

Kaiserplatz, 60261, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Details of payment Non commercial Transfer

Rules of paper formatting:

The paper should be no more than two pages saved in MS Word 2003 format, Times New Roman font, 12 type size. Fields: top, bottom, right, left – 2 cm. First line indent – 1,25 cm.

In the upper right corner, please, write first and last name of the author – italics, Times New Roman font, 12 type size: then – your scientific supervisor (if you have), his full name, academic degree and title, then – the place of your work or study and position – Times New Roman font, 12 type size.

One line lower – the title of your paper with bold type, Times New Roman font, 14 type size.

One line lower – the text of your paper – Times New Roman font, 12 type size, 1,5 interval.

At the end of the article, please, list Bibliography which was used – italics, Times New Roman font, 12 type size. Every position should be written in the new line – Times New Roman font, 11 type size, no more than 5 positions. A short summary (no more than 5 sentences).

Please, get you paper up the following the rules listed above.


If you have any additional questions you are welcome to contact members of the organization committee:

Nadiia Bureiko (phone: +38 050 69 10 135),

Oksana Dobrzhanska (phone: +38 050 10 58 267).

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 49 | Нарушение авторских прав

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