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Exercise 270. Change the following sentences into direct speech. Use the appropriate punctuation.

Indefinite Tenses: Revision | Exercise 130. Read the story. Then read each sentence. Circle "T" if the sen­tence is true, "F"if the sentence is false. | Read the sentences and study the rules. | The Present Perfect Tense | The Past Perfect Tense | Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses. | Exercise 237. Rewrite the sentences in the Past Continuous Passive. | Mixed Exercise on Passive Voice. | The Passive Voice: Revision | Indirect Speech |

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  7. A) Give the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations.

1. George said he felt thirsty. 2. They said it was very interesting. 3. I asked my cousin if she thought it could be a dream. She replied that she was about to ask me the same question. 4. I answered that I thought he would never smile again. 5. He told them they could follow him. 6. He went up to the policeman and asked him if he knew what time it was. 7. She asked me if you were serious. 8. I asked her not to go out. 9. I told Sam not to leave the house. 10. Then he asked me if I wrote for any newspapers. 11. I told her not to worry. 12. The elder sister said that she was afraid that they hadn't got on dresses suited to work. 13. When I had finished, George asked if the soap was in. I said I didn't care whether the soap was in or whether it wasn't. 14. They said it was very kind of him. 15. He told them they could follow him. 16. I promised mother I'd be home early tonight. 17. Why, George, you always said you liked to live in the middle of London. 18. They shook hands, and Barber asked if she wanted to go some place for a coffee. 19. He just came to me one night and said he'd got leave of absence from his job for a month and that he'd be back inside of thirty days and he'd tell me all about it when he got back, and he begged me not to ask any questions. 20. He told me he wouldn't write.


Exercise 271. Change the following sentences into direct speech. Use the appropriate punctuation.

1. She asked if he'd like to go to the concert and I said that I was sure he would. 2. She told me to look where I was going as the road was full of holes and very badly lit. 3. They said that while they were bathing they saw some­one examining their clothes. 4. I asked if she had looked everywhere and she said that she had. 5. He suggested giving her a bottle of wine. 6. He said that the new carpet had arrived and asked where he was to put it. 7. He said that two days previously an enormous load of firewood had been dumped at his front gate and that since then he hadn't been able to get his car out. 8. They offered me some wine and I accepted. 9. He said that if I found the front door locked I was to go round to the back. 10. She asked the burglars who they were and who had let them in. They told her to sit down and keep quiet un­less she wanted to get hurt. 11. He asked what the weather had been like du­ring my holidays and I said that it had been awful. 12. He suggested going down to the harbour and seeing if they could hire a boat. 13. He said that if I don't like escalators I could go up the emergency staircase. I thanked him and said that I would do that. 14. He suggested that Andy and I should go ahead and get the tickets.


Exercise 272. Put the following sentences into direct speech Use the appropriate punctuation.

1. He said that he thought my electric iron was unsafe and advised me to have it seen to. 2. He said that if war broke out he would have to leave the country at once. 3. I asked him if he had enjoyed hunting and be said that he hadn't. 4. She said that she was surprised to see that her grandmother's clock had stopped and asked if anyone had been fiddling with it. 5. She said that she had tried to ring her mother up several times on the previous day but hadn't succeeded in getting through. 6. I asked her if she would borrow the book but she thanked me and said that she had already read it and hadn't liked it very much. 7. He wanted to know if I was going to the dance and suggested that we should make up a party and go together. 8. I told her to stop making a fuss about nothing and said that she was lucky to have got a seat at all. 9. The clerk in the booking office inquired if I wanted a single or a return ticket. 1 asked if a return ticket was cheaper. He said it made no difference. 10. My employer hoped I would not be offended if he told me that, in his opinion, I would do better in some other kind of job. 11. The man told the woman that if the wheels had gone a couple of inches nearer the edge, the car would have plunged into the ravine. 12. He said I mustn't mind if the first one wasn't any good. 13. He asked the crowd if they thought he was a liar and the crowd shouted that they did. 14. I stopped a man in the street and asked him to help me with my car. The man asked if it would take long, explaining that he was on his way to catch a train.


Exercise 273. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Ми знали, що концерт вам сподобається. 2. Вона сказала, що її мати працює у школі. 3. Вони думали, що я володію французькою мовою. 4. Вона не знала, якій музиці Джон надає перевагу. 5. Петро сказав, що він був у Нью-Йорку у 1975 році. 6. Джек сказав, що його батько працював на фабриці. 7. Учні знали, що Леся Українка народилась 1871 року. 8. Олена сказала, що влітку поїде до моря. 9. Вони прочитали в газеті, що Президент України від­відає США наступної осені. 10. Ми знали, що він удома. 11. Вона запитала мене, де я купив цей підручник. 12. Він не знав, що вона хвора. 13. Вона ду­мала, що ви зателефонуєте їй. 14. Учитель запитав, де я живу. 15. Я думала, що ти зайнятий. 16. Ганна сказала нам, що їде до Вашингтона. 17. Том сказав, що не любить фігурне катання. 18. Ніхто не зрозумів, чому Джордж відмови­вся від такої цікавої пропозиції. 19. Пан Фокс запитав дружину, чи готовий обід. 20. Ми запитали Боба, чи батьки купили йому велосипед. 21. Студенти сказали, що в неділю вони були у картинній галереї. 22. Ми хотіли довіда­тись, о котрій годині прибуває потяг. 23. Джейн запитала, чи не дзвонив їй хто-небудь по телефону. 24. Вона попросила свого кузена зустріти її біля кі­нотеатру об 11 годині вечора. 25. Лікар наказав хворому не повертатися на роботу впродовж двох тижнів.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 115 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Exercise 261. Change from direct into indirect speech.| First conditional

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