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Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word from the table, making any necessary changes.

Britain in brief | Point out the subject in the following sentences and say by what it is expressed. | BRITISH TRADITIONS AND CUSTOMS | B) Check the pronunciation of the following words in the dictionary. | Choose the correct answer. | Explain the meanings of the following words and word combinations in English and use them in situations of your own. | Define the types of attributive clauses. | Check the pronunciation of the following geographical names in the dictionary. | What Do You Know About... | Crossword Puzzles. All the answers to this alphabet crossword begin with the letter E. |

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  1. A routinised hinterland: making and unmaking definite realities
  2. A well-regulated militia being necessary to the freedom of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be abridged.
  3. A) Fill in the blanks with corresponding synonyms.
  4. A) Making content knowledge visible to learners
  5. A. Read the semi-formal sentences below and match them to the informal ones in the table, as in the example.
  6. A. Translate the text and express your attitude toward the following assessment of homemaking.
  7. Age-Appropriate Clothing


variety comprise coast line evolve facilitate shallowness erroneously cumbersome latitude submergence


1. No payments were made last week because of a computer ____________.

2. A _________ of hooks were used for different kinds of fish.

3. The submarine had time to ___________ before the warship could approach.

4. The round _________ of the sea was bleared.

5. About 7 percent of American military forces are __________ of women.

6. Scientists believe that some species of animals ________ from dinosaurs.

7. His work has been criticized for being imitative and _________.

8. The new trade agreement should ­__________ more rapid economic growth.

9. The organization changed its ____________ title to something easier to remember.

10. Parents should give their children __________ when choosing a career.


? 7. Translate the following information about Great Britain into Ukrainian.



Об'єднане Королівство Великобританії й Північної Ірландії - це країна з централізованою владою, причому найбільша частина країни - Англія - була такою вже майже протягом 1000 років, довше, ніж будь-яка інша країна Європи. Хоча Уельс був уже в 16 столітті повністю підпорядкований англійському урядові й законам, але політично Британія стала централізованою країною тільки в 1707 році, коли об'єдналися давні королівства Шотландії та Англії. Ірландія, яка вже в 16 столітті була повністю підкорена Англією, офіційно стала частиною Великобританії в 1801 році, утративши свій парламент, як це було за століття до цього із Шотландією. Ірландія отримала незалежність у 1921 р., але шість графств на півночі залишилися частиною Об'єднаного Королівства. Проте Північна Ірландія не є частиною Британії, хоча поняття «Великобританія» часто помилково використовується замість терміну «Об'єднане Королівство».

Розповсюджена точка зору, що британці являють собою єдину націю з сильним почуттям спільноти, але це припущення потребує значних уточнень. Навіть через 300 років існування Об'єднаного Королівства поняття «британці» і «Британія», що використовуються з офіційною метою, можуть звучати дуже штучно. Багато людей називають Британію «Англією», а британців «англійцями». Проте ніщо так не дратує шотландців та ірландців, як те, що їх називають англійцями. Вони мають свої національні особливості, як-то традиції, мову, одяг тощо.


& 1. Read the following text, translate it into Ukrainian. Make sure you study the language of the text to be competent in further exercises and discussions.

Every person in Britain is given the right to religious freedom. Britons are predominantly Christians. Anglican Church (the Church of England) is legally recognized as the official church of the State. In 1534 Henry VIII broke from the Church of Rome and declared himself Head of the Church of England. Church in Britain does not receive money from the state, but it has many properties and a large number of stocks and shares. Priests have the right to be married, and after 1987 women were allowed to become priests.

The Presbyterian Church is the established Church in Scotland. It is separated from the Anglican Church, and it has its own organizations and appoints its own ministers.

There is no officially established church in Wales.

There are two most widespread Christian Churches in Wales, they are Methodist and Baptist. The Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster is the leader of the Catholic Church in Britain. In general, married men are not allowed to be Catholic priests.

The Jewish community in Britain is considered to be the second largest group of Jews in Europe. More than half of them live in London; Jews still have to marry Jews, for both racial and religious reasons.

British community is one of the largest communities in Western Europe.

Nowadays fewer and fewer people in Britain go regularly to the traditional Protestant and Catholic Churches. But still many people are interested in religion. There are many Christian organizations that are growing fast. Every year appear new cults, which are not based on Christianity or other major religion.

Today the old narrow intolerance of the churches is disappearing. Many established churches are moving closer together, they bring nearer the movement toward universal Christian unity.


2. Answer the questions:

1. What church is the official church of Great Britain?

2. What is the established church in Scotland?

3 What is the official church in Wales?

4. Are there any other communities in Britain?

5. Are people still interested in religion? Why?

3. Check the pronunciation of the following words in the dictionary.

Anglican Church, Christians, Presbyterian Church, Methodist, Baptist, Cardinal Archbishop, Catholic Church, Jewish, Jews, Protestant, Muslim


Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 52 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Origins and Nomenclature| B) Listen to the tape script once again and answer the following questions.

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