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High, lined, domed forehead

Princess Diana (1961-1997) the Woman We Loved | A new-born baby | Violent quick-tempered clever | Secrets of the Oldest Man in the World | Sweet Childhood | Keep Anger under Control | Rebels without a Pause | He is a giant (of a man) | From the Neck up | Left-handed double-breasted narrow-waisted cold-blooded |

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  1. Exercise 412. Add a sentence with “too” or “enough” and: difficult, high, loud, warm.

Rosy, hollow, stubbly cheeks

Double, pointed chin

False, long eyelashes

Bushy, pencil-thin eyebrows

Snub, hook, Roman nose

Cauliflower, pierced ears

Piercing, hazel eyes

Square, upper jaw

Thick, cherry, well-cut lips

Wide, mean mouth

Angular, fleshy face


Exercise 10

Demonstrate the actions listed below and explain when you would use them:

1. smack your lips

2. raise your eyebrows

3. prick up your ears

4. mouth something

5. flutter your eyelashes

6. purse your lips

7. blow your nose

8. puff out your cheeks

9. turn your nose

10. screw up your eyes

11. knit your eyebrows

Exercise 11

Keep the right-hand column covered. On the left are some definitions of facial features. Write or say what they are. Then find the appropriate word on the right.

1. openings in the nose the tongue

2. the soft lower parts of the ears eyelids

3. flat parts a mustache

4. hair that grows on the chin and jaw the complexion

5. the bony case that protects the brain nostrils

6. the tissue our teeth are in the brow

7. the passage from the mouth towards the stomach gums

8. the semi-poetic name for the forehead a beard

9. the colour and state of the skin on the face lobes

10. hair that grows above the upper lip temples

11. the movable skin which opens and

closes eyes the throat

12. the organ used for tasting, swallowing

and speech the skull


Exercise 12

Which part of the face is odd?

1. eyes teeth tongue lips

2. mustache nose eyelash eyebrow

3. jaw chin eyelid beard

4. mouth cheeks ears eyebrows

5. skin wrinkle tooth cheek

6. gums throat lobes tongue


Exercise 13

Study the words and draw the picture of a man you imagine. He / she has to have all these horrible things on the face.

1. lines, wrinkles

2. a wart

3. bags under the eyes

4. a beauty spot

5. freckles

6. a mole (a birthmark)

7. a cold (sore)

8. a stye

9. spots, pimples

10. dimples

11. a boil

12. a scar

Exercise 14

Describe the face that comes to mind when you imagine a typical:

1. headmaster/ headmistress

2. boxer

3. second-hand car salesman

4. English king

5. Chinese girl

6. one of new Ukrainians


Look at the “WANTED” notice. You will hear three people calling the police station and describing the murderer. Decide who was right.






AGE: 30, but looks younger

HEIGHT: 1m 90

WEIGHT: 80kg

BUILD: medium

HAIR: black

EYES: blue


DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: a scar under right eye, long nose


OCCUPATION: mechanic


! Writing

Write a short police “Wanted” notice regarding one of the”criminals“. Draw an accompanying picture if you can.



(additional topical vocabulary)

Facial features:

- clean-cut

- delicate

- large / massive

- regular

- small

Face (shape):

- angular

- broad

- charming

- chubby



- fleshy

- oval

- plump

- round

- square

- puffy

- full face

- profile

Face (complexion):

- fair

- dark

- olive

- swarthy

- tanned


- even

- uneven

- milk

- molar

- pearly

- tiny


- high

- prominent


- aquiline

- flat

- straight

- turned-up


- almond

- bulging

- close-set

- deep-set

- sunken

- wide-set

- slant


- curvy

- false

- straight

- thick

- thin


- arched

- bushy

- pencil-thin


- appealing

- attractive

- beautiful

- handsome

- common appearance

- plain

- disguising

- elegant

- enchanting

- lovely

- pretty

- ugly


Exercise 15

Answer these remarks with the opposite description:

A. I thought you said he was short, chubby one.

B. No, quite the opposite, he was __________________


A. Was his brother the dark-skinned and wavy-haired one?

B. No, quite the opposite, he was ________________


A. She’s always quite well-dressed, so I’ve heard.

B. What! Who told you that? Every time I see her, she’s ________________


A. So Kate is that rather plump woman with fair hair, is she?

B. No, you are looking at the wrong one. Kate’s __________________


A. Tell us about the new boss: good-looking?

B. No, I’m afraid not; rather _____________________



A. I expected the tour-guide to be middle-aged or elderly.

B. No, she’s only ___________________


Exercise 16

Choose the word which best completes the sentence:

1. She sometimes wears her hair ______________

a) tied c) free

b) loose d) fringe

2. He has a _____________ complexion.

a) white c) clear

b) spotted d) brown

3. Last year cycling accident has left him with a large ___________ on his left cheek.

a) mark c) wound

b) cut d) scar

4. Mark’s hair is already _____________, which isn’t surprising as his father lost all his hair at an early age.

a) bald c) retiring

b) parting d) receding

5. People with red hair often come out in _____________ when they sunbathe.

a) stubble c) freckles

b) moles d) blemishes


Exercise 17

Give English equivalents for:

Череп, вуса, ніздрі, повіки, скроні, ясна, мочки вуха, колір обличчя, рубець, прищик, цятки, ячмінець, бородавка, родимка, ластовиння, виразка, мушка, зморшки, вугрі, щелепа, вії, лоб, м’ясисте обличчя, засмаглий, високі вилиці, приплюснутий ніс, вирячені очі, мигдалевидні очі, запалі щоки, загнуті вії, брови дугою, звичайна зовнішність, привабливий, вишукана, чарівна, подвійне підборіддя, лапаті вуха, орлиний ніс, рівні зуби.



Role play

You are working for “Dobrogho ranku, Ukraino!” programme. You received a lot of different extremely beautiful young ladies’ pictures. Try to decide which of them can take part in the contest “ The Face of The Month”.



1. Copy the table. Then listen to the descriptions of the five people and fill in the details. Here are some of the words and expressions you will hear:

Jobs: nurse, secretary, policewoman, printer’s reader, works with racehorses; part-time.

Build: slim, heavily built.

Clothes: shirt, blouse, sweater, T-shirt, trousers, jeans, skirt, ear-ring, olive-green, striped, short-sleeved.

NAME Keith Sue John Alexandra Jane


2. Now give a short description of every person.


Exercise 18

What do we say when:

a) a person has lost all his hair

b) a person greatly resembles one of his parents

c) a person is very short

d) a person’s hair is very short

e) a person is very fat

f) a person is very skinny

g) a person is extremely tall

h) a person has been in the sun too long

i) a person needs shaving



Describe the people in the pictures.



Exercise 19

Translate the following into Ukrainian:

1. His large head was pink, his brown hair thin and dry. His face was boyish in sleep, despite his wrinkles. He was not fat, but he was exceedingly well-fed, his cheeks were plump and the hand which lay helpless on the blanket was slightly puffy.


2. My father was of a dark complexion, with a very great forehead and dark hazel eyes, overhung by eyebrows which remained black long after his hair was white. His nose was aquiline, his smile extraordinary sweet. He was of a rather low stature, not been above five feet seven inches in height; but small as he was, he had a perfect grace and majesty of deportment.


3. This treasure possession of his life was of medium height and colour, with short, dark-chestnut hair; her wide-apart brown eyes were almost dreamy under very white black-lashed lids, held over them in a sort of suspense. She had a charming profile, and nothing of her father in her face save a decided chin.


4. She was slender and graceful, so that she seemed taller than she was; she had beautifully shaped arms and a brightness in her face. Her hair, very slightly reddish hair flowed back from her low broad forehead; the colour under her delicate skin was bright and quick, and her mouth always smiled faintly.


Exercise 20

Translate the following into English:

1. Як виглядає твій приятель? Може я його знаю? Вище середнього зросту, добре збитий, але не товстий, він завжди посміхається.

2. Це була худенька струнка дівчина з великими блакитними очима та густим русим волоссям, заплетеним в косу.

3. Вам слід підстригтися і пофарбувати волосся в попелястий колір, але не закручуйте його, а носіть прямим.

4. Хлопець дуже схожий на свого батька. У нього такі ж правильні, чітко окреслені риси обличчя і великий випуклий лоб.

5. Старий був низенький на зріст, хирлявий, його обличчя було все в зморшках, з волохатими бровами і довгою сивою бородою.

6. Після хвороби вона була худюща, бліда, із запалими щоками та видовженими рисами обличчя.

7. Ця нова зачіска з проділом посередині тобі дуже до лиця.

8. Мадонна має дуже привабливу зовнішність: мигдалевидні сині очі, вигнуті брови та пухлі губи, світле волосся та м’язисту фігуру.

9. Я думаю, що дівчина, яка виграє в конкурсі "Обличчя місяця", повинна бути дуже красивою і мати такі риси: пронизливі блакитні очі, прямий ніс, червоні губи та світле кучеряве волосся.

10. Маленьке овальне обличчя, оливкого кольору шкіра, кирпатий ніс і мигдалевидні очі - типова зовнішність китаянки.

11. Якщо ти хочеш, щоб твої зуби були білі, як перли та рівні ти повинна відвідувати дантиста з раннього дитинства.

12. Ця жінка дуже красива: з прямим чорним як смола волоссям, тонкими бровами, довгими пухнастими віями, червоними губами і прямим маленьким носом.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 81 | Нарушение авторских прав

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