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Complex of lectures

Kyzylorda 2015 | The content of discipline | The themes of practical lessons | Requirements for IWS | Problems with Unemployment | Крымова В.Ж. Экономическая теория: Учебник в схемах.- Алматы, 2008.-208с. | Financial system | Questions of first and second modules |

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  1. And the Complex Sentence
  2. B) Complex Object (Objective Infinitive Construction)
  3. B. Complex Sentence
  4. Chapter 4. Introduction to the Complexity of Perception and Expectation
  6. Complex argument
  7. Complex infinitive and -ing forms

1. The methods of economic theory


1.1. The origin of economic theory

1.2. The methods of investigation of economic theory

1.3. The functions of economic theory



This lesson goes beyond the origin of economic theory and methods of investigation of economic theory, functions of economic theory

Key Terms: economy, induction, deduction, consumer, resources


Economic activity realize not simply members society, but economic agents, to which pertain not only ordinary workman’s in all sphere national facilities, but also managers, bankers, owners of the houses and apartments, actions and bond, land area, farmers, general directors enterprise and etc. All of these can take the necessary decisions "within the framework of its economic competency and realize them, using different methods and facility. Activity economic agent, regularities, its defining, form the subject to economic theory, but this far from all. At decision making they come from that that some parameters of the economy on its different level are as it were given for economic agent though big part their - a result their economic and other activity. The Economic history and modern economic practice witness that economic agent constantly happens to solve three main questions: AS HOW MUCH PRODUCE? WHAT PRODUCE? FOR WHO PRODUCE? From limited resource.

The Result (direct or indirect) to activity economic agent emerge the good: goods and facilities. Than developer society, that above specific gravity and value of the services. To realize the production, necessary capital good, or funds. They, in turn, are divided on subjects of the labor (directly gained damp material and half-finished items), as well as instruments of the labor (the machines: tool, chemical installation, computer; the transport facilities and e.g.).

The most important features of the economy - its efficiency, degree material in her achievements of the research progress, place of the person in economy. But the main - insofar produced goods and facilities correspond to need of the consumer.

The Subject General Economic Theory are an economic relations (the production relations) appearing between people in process production, distribution, exchange and consumptions, regardless of economic structure society.

In base of the categorizations of the sections prescribed principle: national facilities as a whole (macroeconomics) and the other level-an operating the companies and families. Under the last is accepted to understand the groups of the people, mounted-swarm together use its property, its income; they together come to a conclusion, all created good use inwardly families.

The functions of the economic science.

First, this cognitive function, which in person comment does not need. Secondly, methodological and practical. Here necessary to notice that undertaking experiment dispenses extremely dearly and affects the interest significant number of the people. So, conductive presently in Russia economic reform on the first their own stage presented itself to a considerable extent economic experiment. As to use the methods of mathematical modeling, that they so far distant from perfection. Together with that read developments of the Central economic and mathematical institute to Russian Academy of the sciences has served the base for forecasting of the move of the economic reform in Russia. Secondly, methodological function - a development of the methods, facilities, and scientific toolbox required for studies all economic science. Practical function - a direct provision economic politicians; production management on different "floor of" economy.

Impossible study modern market economies with position micro- or macroeconomics only. So, activity of the separate company is to a considerable extent defined the fiscal by policy state. In ditto time social policy state to a considerable extent and, consequently, well-being of the people straight and obliquely hang from efficiency of activity of the company. Natural possible to suppose entering to macro- and microeconomics, about than in recently write the scientist-economists west.

What is a "economics"? The Authors offer the following determination: Economics - a main component of the modern economic science, which use allows most effectively solve the main questions of the economic development society: that (and how much) produce? What produce? Whom produce?


Questions for self-control

1. What is essence of the subject to economic theory?

2. What functions and methods of economic theory do you know?

3. What are the main economic schools?

4. What is an economic category?

5. What is an economic law?

Primary literature:

1. Экономикалық теория негіздері. Оқулық-Алматы, Санат 1998

2. Экономикалық теория. Оқу құралы-Алматы, 1999

3. Жалпы экономикалық теория. Оқулық. Редактор жетекшісі ШЕДЕНОВ Ө.Қ. Алматы-Ақтобе 2002

4. Экономикалық теория. Оқу құралы Г.К.Сулейменова, Ә.Ғ.Мұхамеджанова, М.А.Өмірзақова т.б., Қызылорда 2004



2. The basics of public production


2.1. Economic resources and factors

2.2. The structure of public production

2.3. The production and reproduction


The lessons goal - acquaint student with main positions given lectures and give student theoretical material on subject "Bases of public production"


Key words: scarcity, needs, resources, economic factors


The economic category - a logical notion, is reflecting in most general type some economic phenomena or process.

The economic law - necessary essential, constantly reiterative, is caused investigation relationship of the economic processes and phenomena’s. In other words - laws, concerning processes production, distribution, exchange and consumptions economic good.

Insufficiency economic resource - an objective law, dictating need corresponding to subjective behavior of the people in system of the management. The Law to rarities resource, or insufficiency of the production possibilities, influences upon any factor production - goes speech about person as workman or about instrument and subject of its labor. In each given moment any economic resource and factor production - a labor, the land and its fossilized, capital-technical component production - characteristic insufficiency: their amount is fixed and has a limits; using many, especially primary, economic resource in some one sphere excludes the possibility of simultaneous their use in another. For instance, such primary resource, as the land, is limited in the sense of natural world limit terrestrial land not only or geographically marked territory and borders of the separate countries. The Land as economic resource characteristic rarity, insufficiency also to the extent that that each concrete its area in one and ditto time can be used only in one Branches: or for cultivation agricultural product, or under construction, or for mining natural fossilized. Use given land of the area in some one branches excludes the possibility its simultaneous use in others in spite of the fact that need for this exists.

Other important economic law is a law infinity and unsatisfactory need society (the individual, institute). Need - a necessity in than-or required for maintenance of vital activity, developments to personalities and society as a whole.

The economists study material need, under which is understood desire of the consumers to gain and use goods and facilities, delivering him pleasure or satisfaction.

The history to economic civilization, with considered standpoint, possible present as process of the shaping and realization individual and institutional needs. In process of the satisfaction of requirements are formed new in quantitative and qualitative attitude to need. Unceasing growth, or rise, need is confirmed multiple fact from economic evolution mankind. The persons passed all stages - from primitive consumption resource natures before rational mastering and use natural, human and made person resource.

The facilities, satisfying need, are identified the good (the consumer of the cost, products, goods, facilities). Distinguish the good:

- Economic - there are in limited amount, their production requires the costs, on the market have a price;

- Noneconomic (the air, wind, rain) - are not limited, are not a subject to economic activity.

The Economic good are classified:

1) by its nature:

- Material (or goods), having material (physical) nature (the products of the feeding, raw material);

- a facilities, having nonmaterial (immaterial) nature (transport, information facilities etc.) - their production and consumption is realized simultaneously;

2) by purposes of the using (who uses - a private citizen or company):

- Direct (consumer);

- Indirect (production, investment), serving for production other goods;

3) by period of the use:

- Long (permanent) - an reusable of the use (the refrigerator, machine);

- Short-term (short) - a single use (bread, meat, drink);

4) by correlation in consumption:

- Interchangeable (substitutes) - are used on alternative base (the butter-oleomargarine, plane-train-car);

- Complementary - are used simultaneously (the tape-recorder and cassettes, table and chair);

Distinguish two levels production: the individual and public.

The individual production - activity in scale of the production unit (the enterprises, company and etc.).

The Public production - collection production enterprise production relationships between them. Select material and nonmaterial production.

The Material production comprises of itself branches on production material goods and services. To the pertains industry, agriculture, construction, public facilities, transport, trade, home service, dry-cleaner's and t. d. Nonmaterial production is connected with production нематериальных good and services. To the pertains making the culture, art, sciences, formation, public health, соцобеспечение, management, scientific consultancy and t. d. Material and нематериальное production closely interconnected moreover, they cannot exist the friend without friend. Any economic good is produced for the reason his (its) consumptions I.e. must satisfy need of the people.

The production facility and factors. The Facility for satisfaction of requirements people, and production economic good (goods and services) are an economic facility.

The facility - so much for that, that is used for production and realization goods and services.

The Economic facility - a facility, considered with standpoint of the rarities and insufficiency. The rarity means that resource, as a rule, less, than required for satisfaction of all need under given level of the economic development. In consequence of rarity resource volume of production is limited.

Insufficiency resource can be absolute and relative. Absolute insufficiency typical of natural and labor resource, relative - for material, financial and information resource.

Select natural (natural), material, financial, information, labor facility.

The land pertain To natural resource, oil, gas, plants, wood and t. d. Amongst they distinguish the renewed facility (the wood, plants, ground and etc.), not renewed (the oil, gas, coal), inexhaustible (the sea tides, solar radiation, air, energy winds and water), replaced (the fuel facility on solar or atomic energy), irreplaceable (the air, drinking water, meat and etc.).

To material resource pertains all that is created hand of the person (the buildings, buildings, equipment, machines and etc.). The Labor facility - a population at able-bodied age (the labor) and business abilities (the skill to risk, abilities to organizations production, intellect, talent and etc.), she possesses 3-5% able-bodied population of the country. The Financial resources are bankrolls, which required for economic activity. The data pertain to information resource, required for operating cam and management or by means of computer technology.

The factors production - a facility, brought into operation I.e. within the framework of process production facility change in factors production, they unlike resource always have an owner. The factors production - a production potential of the economy. The marxism theory as factor selects the labor, subject of the labor and facility of the labor, under-preparing them on two groups: the personal factor and material factor production.

As personal factor production is always considered labor - a collection physical and intellectual ability of the person to labor that forms the variable capital. As material factor are taken the heaven and earth a production (the facility of the labor and subject of the labor) that forms the constant capital. The capital unites material, financial and information facility. The Land in broad sense means all natural (natural) facility. The labor facility pertains to labor.

The business ability is an intellect, talent, ability to risk and introduce the innovation and etc. They possess 3-5% people. These abilities fall into category of labor.

The main factor production is a capital (K) and labor (L).

Defining capital (to) as factor production, economists identify him (it) with capital goods. The Progenitor of such interpretation emerged the classicists political spare: A. Smith considered the capital as accumulated and the substantiated labor, D. Ricardo considered that capital - capital goods. Fiziokratizm in France under capital understood the land.

However capital is bound always with its money form. Together with that capital - knowledge, skills of the person, its energy, used in production economic good.

The capital - time, creating good (the income). The income remuneration for refusal of satisfactions of the personal needs for present time for the sake of future.


Questions for self-control

1. What is the essence of production?

2. What do you know about the pyramid of needs A.Maslow?

3. The determination of need, resource?

4. What are the factors of production?

Primary literature:

1. Экономикалық теория негіздері. Оқулық-Алматы, Санат 1998

2. Экономикалық теория. Оқу құралы-Алматы, 1999

3. Жалпы экономикалық теория. Оқулық. Редактор жетекшісі ШЕДЕНОВ Ө.Қ. Алматы-Ақтобе 2002

4. Экономикалық теория. Оқу құралы Г.К.Сулейменова, Ә.Ғ.Мұхамеджанова, М.А.Өмірзақова т.б., Қызылорда 2004



3. Economic systems and its types

3.1. Economic system and its elements

3.2. The types of economic system

3.3. Mixed economy

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 74 | Нарушение авторских прав

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The scale of the current assessment of students' knowledge| Key words: economic system, traditional economy, planned economy, market economy, mixed economy.

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