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Функції герундія в реченні

Читайте также:
  1. B) — інтегральна схема, яка виконує функції центрального процесора (ЦП) або спеціалізованого процесора.
  2. Ll. Функції фінансів
  4. Базові функції мови в контексті теорії інтелектуальної еволюції вербалізованої свідомості
  5. Банки, їх роль та функції. Банківський прибуток.
  6. Банківська система. Центральний банк та його функції. Монетарна політика Центрального банку.
  7. Бюджет як фінансова категорія, його сутність і функції. Роль і місце бюджету в перерозподілі частини вартості валового національного продукту.
Підмет KnowingEnglish is helpful. Знання англійської мови корисне.
Частина присудка My favorite occupation is reading. Моє улюблене заняття – читання.
Пряме доповнення He likes askingquestions. Він любить ставити запитання.
Додаток They succeeded in masteringthis specialty. Їм вдалося оволодіти цією спеціальністю.
Означення I studied the method of slowingthis problem. Я досліджував спосіб вирішення цієї проблеми.
Обставина We came here for masteringthis speciality. Ми прибули сюди для того, щоб опанувати цю спеціальність.

2 Translate the given sentences, paying attention to the –ing forms

1 You should avoid changing the direction of your further investigation. 2 Their continuing of the work is unnecessary. 3 Do you mind my helping them? 4 People should ask themselves whether this or that thing is worth risking. 5 Breathing through the mouth can produce throat dryness and soreness. 6 Writing case histories required much of his time. 7 No one wants to become neurotic about diet, but following a healthy diet can be pleasurable, 8 Medical software allows the user to automate a variety of critical tasks: gathering patient data; diagnosing body organs and functions; processing results of diagnosing; choosing the best therapy; managing patient records. 9 Having a family history of cancer is known to be a risk for an individual, but there is nothing one can do to prevent having a family history of cancer. 10 Working in the same position for too long causes tension build up. 11 Remedies for tension include changing postures frequently, performing other work diversified with computing, and doing exercises; for example, tightening and releasing fists, rotating arms and hands to increase circulation. 12 People make a lot of decisions connected with great risks like motorcycle riding, parachute jumping, smoking, taking drugs and so on. 13 The fewer the number of activities that greatly harm human health and that are not worth risking, the better it would be for the health of all humanity. 14 If smoking is so bad, then why do kids start doing it? 15 Today more and more parents avoid paying regular visits to fast-food restaurants, because of unhealthy, high cholesterol food served there. 16 You have to face facts: that means having the courage to see your doctors for examinations and hearing results that you may not like.

3 Read and translate the following sentences. Note the use of gerund with prepositions:

1 There are many ways of solving this problem. 2 He displayed great skill in performing this operation. 3 The two scientists’ doing research independently made it possible to create two essentially different ways of solving the same problem. 4 Many people slip up in the first week after quitting. 5 Using medicines can double your chances of quitting for good. 6 One cannot do anything without thinking of consequences. 7 Talk to your doctor about getting help to quit. 8 You should feel freat about yourself for making it so far. 9 Now’s the time to focus on sticking with it. 10 Think about starting a “money jar” if you haven’t already. 11 Are you worried about gaining weight? Think about this: What do you get from quitting far outweighs the drawbacks of adding a few pounds. 12 By quitting smoking, you’re setting a good example. 13 Epidemiologists usually focus on risk factors in identifying means of disease prevention; perhaps the best-known example is the identification of cigarette smoking as a risk factor for lung cancer. 14 Some of the risk factors for heart disease cannot be avoided, but others can be reduced, for example, by stopping smoking, reducing stress, eating healthily – avoiding foods that are high in fat – and taking regular exercises. 15 The more risk factors the individuals have, the greater their likelihood of developing heart disease. 16 The cause of prostate cancer is unknown, although some studies have shown a relationship between intaking high fat dietary and increasing testosterone level. 17 For those patients whose vision was poor prior to operating, surgery may increase the chances of improving or stabilizing it. 18 Bacteria causing pneumonia can be identified in sputum by culturing. 19 Abscesses occur when an area of tissue becomes infected and the body is able to “wall off” the infection to keep it from spreading. 20 The origins of inhaling smoke for its pharmacological and psycho-effects go back to at least 3000 years BC.

4 Read an abstract. Make up a short conversation between a doctor-in-charge and an intern:

Your supervised contacts with patients involve several broad tasks: 1) beginning the interview and establishing a relationship; 2) eliciting information for diagnosing and management; 3) consulting with your preceptor; 4) assessment and planning; 5) the exposition phase: informing and counseling the patient; 6) recording.

5 Change the infinitives, given in brackets, to gerunds. Translate these sentences:

1 Instead of (to awaken) and (to grab) a cigarette at the bedside or (to smoke) immediately after a meal, people may be encouraged to replace the urge to smoke with another activity, such as (to take) a walk or (to read) a book. 2 The gum Nicorette contains nicotine that is released slowly upon (to chew) and (to “park”). 3 (To park) refers to the action of (to shift) the gum to one side of the cheek after (to chew) in order to speed the absorption of nicotine. 4 A program for slowly (to wean) users from gums is provided by each product’s manufacturer. 5 The most common side effects with Nicorette are (to ache) jaws, (to vomit), the hiccups, and (to belch). 6 When intensive behavioral (to counsel) is added, the rate of success for NRT increases 35 to 40 %. 7 Bupropion hydrochloride (Zyban, Wellbutrin) is a medication that is used primarily for (to treat) depression. 8 This drug, however, also has been found to be effective in (to help) people to quit (to smoke)/ 9 When you stop (to smoke) your body starts (to repair) itself almost immediately. 10 The risk of heart attack, stroke, and cancer starts (to drop) immediately. 11 Smoking interferes with natural (to mother). 12 Lack of (to breastfeed) is a risk factor for SIDS. 13 Perhaps (to smoke) suppresses lactation by (to interfere) with the milk-producing hormones. 14 We believe that the anti-smoking programs will succeed some day, and it would not be profitable for producers to continue (to operate) any more.

6 Complete these sentences using the –ing forms:

1 I think of … 2 They have recently succeeded in … 3 He suggested … 4 You should avoid … 5 He objected to … 6 I expect … 7 They prevented us from …8 The book is not worth … 9 I am interested in … 10 Instead of …, we went for a walk. 11 I like the idea of … 12 We enjoyed … 13 Do you mind my … 14 We’ll let you know before … 15 You can learn to speak English by …

У поєднанні з іменником у називному відмінку або із присвійним займенником герундій утворює так звані герундіальні звороти, які перекладаються українською мовою підрядним реченням, що з’єднуються з головним сполучниками підрядності: те, що; тому, що; про те, що; тим, що; щоб.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 43 | Нарушение авторских прав

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