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B. Required Documents

First Year admission | I. Application | Foreign Nationals whose parents are both citizens of countries other than Korea. | Foreign Nationals whose parents are both citizens of countries other than Korea.(Doctoral Applicants) | Environmental and Urban Engineering | Dormitory Fee |

Читайте также:
  1. Action required
  2. Action required
  3. Article 65. Documents necessary for conclusion of labor agreement
  4. Business documents

ЎШThe required documents may vary by the related statute revision or demand from the involved department.

1. Application for Confirmation of VISA Issuance (Attachment 1) 2. A passport photo (35§®Ўї45§® size) 3. Finance related documents of each A. If tuition fees are paid by the applicant: - Proof of bank balance equivalent to US $13,000 or more in the China bank account ЎШ Documents should be issued within one month. B. If tuition fees are paid by the CBNU prospective academic advisor(or senior professor) - A CBNU prospective academic advisor's(or senior professor's) Affidavit of Support (Attachment 4) - A CBNU prospective academic advisor's(or senior professor's) proof of bank balance equivalent to US $13,000 or a copy of bankbook - A CBNU prospective academic advisor's(or senior professor's) Certificate of Identity (Attachment 3) or of Employment


2. Foreign nationals other than China: Admitted applicant should apply for a visa at the Korean Embassy (or Korean consulate) in the applicant's own country.


A. Visa Application Procedure


Ў¤Admission Announcement [Before January 6(Wed), 2016] Ўж Standard Admission Letter and Invitation Letter will be issued and mailed from CBNU Office of International Services. Ўж Tuition Payment [January 13(Wed) ~ January 19(Tue), 2016] Ўж All the successful applicants who have received both Standard Admission Letter and Invitation Letter should apply for a D-2 visa at the Korean embassy or Korean consulate in the applicant's own country, referring to Item B below for the required documents for visa application. Ўж Visa issuance from the Korean Embassy (or Korean Consulate). Ўж Entrance into Korea


B. Required Documents

[ЎШFollowing required materials may vary according to the Korean Embassy (or Korean Consulate) in applicant's own country.

1. Application for Visa (Attachment 2) 2. A passport photo (35§®Ўї45§® size) 3. Standard Admission Letter (This will be issued and mailed from CBNU Office of International Services) 4. A letter of Invitation (This will be issued and mailed from CBNU Office of International Services) 5. A copy of passport 6. Certificate of Graduation (Must be translated into English or Korean and notarized.) 7. Official Transcript (Must be translated into English or Korean and notarized.) 8. Finance related documents of each A. If tuition fees are paid by the applicant: - Proof of bank balance equivalent to US$13,000 or more in the China bank account ЎШ Documents should be issued within one month. B. If tuition fees are paid by the CBNU prospective academic advisor(or senior professor) - A CBNU prospective academic advisor's(or senior professor's) Affidavit of Support (Attachment 4) - A CBNU prospective academic advisor's(or senior professor's) proof of bank balance equivalent to US $13,000 - A CBNU prospective academic advisor's(or senior professor's) Certificate of Identity (Attachment 3) or of Employment



3. Alien Registration Card Application (Issuance) (+82-43-261-3890)

A. Application: Admitted students have to apply to the foreign registration certificate by visiting the Room 151 of Office of International Services, 1st floor of the CBNU Main Building, after entering Korea


B. Required Documents


1. Application form for the foreign registration certificate 2. Passsport 3. A passport photo (35§®Ўї45§® size) 4. A copy of Proof of Enrollment at CBNU 5. Proof of the place of sojourn 6. 30,000 won fee

Ґ±. Those already in Korea with a Visa

1. Visa change or extension procedure

ЎШThe required documents may vary by the related statute revision or demand from the involved department.

Ў¤Admission Announcement [Before January 6(Wed), 2016] Ўж Tuition Payment [January 13(Wed) ~ January 19(Tue), 2016] Ўж Submission of Required Documents(The applicants should submit all required documents to the CBNU Office of International Services before visa expired) Ўж CBNU Office of International Services will apply for the applicantsЎЇ visa change. Ўж The applicants should receive altered visa and alien registration card in person from the CBNU Office of International Services. ЎШIn the case of a change of university or residence (address), you must register the change within 14 days.


2. Required Documents

Visa Change(D-4 Ўж D-2) Visa Extension
1. Application of Visa Change (ЎШThe form can be found at the CBNU Office of International Services) 2. A passport photo(30mmЎї40mm size) 3. Receipt of tuition fee payment 4. Alien Registration Card 5. Passport 6. Finance related documents of each A. If tuition fees are paid by the applicant: - Proof of bank balance equivalent to 10,000,000won or more in the China bank account B. If tuition fees are paid by the CBNU prospective academic advisor(or senior professor) - A CBNU prospective academic advisor's(or senior professor's) Affidavit of Support (Attachment 4) - A CBNU prospective academic advisor's(or senior professor's) proof of bank balance equivalent to US $13,000 or a copy of bankbook - A CBNU prospective academic advisor's(or senior professor's) Certificate of Identity (Attachment 3) or of Employment 7.An original copy of Korean Language Course Certificate 8.An original copy of Korean Language Course Transcripts including attendance 9. Proof of the place of sojourn ЎШ Visa Change Fee: 130,000 won 1. Application of Visa Extension (ЎШThe form can be found at the CBNU Office of International Services) 2. Receipt of tuition fee payment 3. Alien Registration Card 4. Passport 5. A copy of diploma and certificate of graduation or proof of pending diploma 6. Finance related documents of each A. If tuition fees are paid by the applicant: - Proof of bank balance equivalent to 7,200,000won or more in the China bank account B. If tuition fees are paid by the CBNU prospective academic advisor(or senior professor) - A CBNU prospective academic advisor's(or senior professor's) Affidavit of Support (Attachment 4) - A CBNU prospective academic advisor's(or senior professor's) proof of bank balance equivalent to US $13,000 or a copy of bankbook - A CBNU prospective academic advisor's(or senior professor's) Certificate of Identity (Attachment 3) or of Employment 7. Proof of the place of sojourn ЎШ Visa Extension Fee: 60,000 won


3. Location for required materials submission: Administrative Office of CBNU Center of International Affairs, (+82-43-261-3299)

ЎШ Application for Confirmation of VISA Issuance Form(Attachment 1)

ЎШ Application for Visa Form(Attachment 2)

ЎШ A CBNU prospective academic advisor's(or senior professor's) Sponsorship Form(Attachment 3)

ЎШ Affidavit of Financial Support(Attachment 4)   [Form 1]
Ўб ГвАФ±№°ьё®№э ЅГЗа±ФДў[є°Бц Б¦21ИЈј­ЅД] <°іБ¤ 2013.1.1> (ѕХВК)
»зБх№Я±ЮАОБ¤ЅЕГ»ј­ Application for Confirmation Of Visa Issuance
јє ён Name In Full   ЗСАЪјєён щУн­ауЩЈ     ї©±Зїл»зБш PHOTO (35§®Ўї45§®)
јє є° Gender [ ]M [ ]F »эівїщАП Date Of Birth   ±№ Аы Nationality  
БчАе №Ч БчА§ Place & Position Of Employment  
БЦ јТ Address   АьИ­№шИЈ Telephone  
јє ён Name In Full   »эівїщАП Date Of Birth  
јє є° Gender [ ]M [ ]F ±№ Аы Nationality   БЦ№Оµо·П(їЬ±№АОµо·П)№шИЈ Registration No.  
БчАе №Ч БчА§ Place & Position Of Employment  
БЦ јТ Address   АьИ­№шИЈ Telephone  
ИЮґлАьИ­ Cell Phone   АМ ёЮ АП E-Mail  
ГКГ»»зАЇ Reason For Invitation  
ГКГ»±в°Ј Desired Period Of Invitation  
ї№Б¤±Щ№«Гі Work At  
ЎёГвАФ±№°ьё®№э ЅГЗа±ФДўЎ№ Б¦17Б¶Б¦2ЗЧїЎ µы¶у»зБх№Я±ЮАОБ¤А» ЅЕГ»ЗХґПґЩ. I hereby apply for Confirmation of Visa Issuance, pursuant to Article 17(2) of the provisions for enforcement of the Immigration Law.
ЅЕГ»АП Date Of Application 20... ЅЕГ»АО Applicant Name   ј­ён ¶ЗґВ АО Signature/Seal  
ЅЕГ»АО Б¦Гвј­·щ ЎёГвАФ±№°ьё®№эЅГЗа±ФДўЎ№ є°ЗҐ 5(»зБх№Я±ЮЅЕГ» µо Г·єОј­·щ)АЗ Гј·щАЪ°Эє° Г·єОј­·щ Вь°н
ґгґз °ш№«їш И®АО»зЗЧ ЎёГвАФ±№°ьё®№эЅГЗа±ФДўЎ№ є°ЗҐ 5(»зБх№Я±ЮЅЕГ» µо Г·єОј­·щ)їЎ µы¶у»зѕчАЪµо·ПБх»зє», №эАОµо±в»зЗЧАьєОБхёнј­, °Зјіѕчµо·ПБх»зє», БЦ№Оµо·ПЗҐ µо¤эГКє»АМ Г·єОј­·щ·О µЗѕо АЦґВ °жїм
ЗаБ¤Б¤єё °шµїАМїл µїАЗј­ (Consent for sharing of administrative information)
є»АОАє АМ °З ѕч№«Гіё®їН °ь·ГЗПї© ґгґз °ш№«їшАМ ЎёАьАЪБ¤єО№эЎ№ Б¦36Б¶їЎ µыёҐ ЗаБ¤Б¤єёАЗ °шµїАМїлА» ЕлЗПї© А§АЗ ґгґз °ш№«їш И®АО»зЗЧА» И®АОЗПґВ °НїЎ µїАЗЗХґПґЩ. *µїАЗЗПБц ѕЖґПЗПґВ °жїмїЎґВ ЅЕГ»АОАМ БчБў °ь·Г ј­·щё¦ Б¦ГвЗПї©ѕЯ ЗХґПґЩ. I, the undersigned, hereby consent to allow all documents and information required for the processing of this application to be viewed by the public servant in charge. As specified under E-government Law, article 36. *If you disagree. you will present all related documents yourself.
  ЅЕГ»АО Applicant Name   ј­ён ¶ЗґВ АО Signature/Seal  
°ш їл ¶х (For Official Use Only)
  АОБ¤»зЗЧ   °б Аз АЗ °Я  
  АОБ¤ №шИЈ         °Ў / єО    
  »зБх Бѕ·щ ґЬјц, є№јц, ґхєн          
  Гј·щ АЪ°Э            
  Гј·щ ±в°Ј     №ь№э»зЅЗ    
  Бў јц АП     АФ±№ ±ФБ¦    
  Бўјц №шИЈ     ГвАФ±№»зЅЗ    
  ґг ґз АЪ     ЖД АП    
210mmЎї297mm[№й»уБц 80g/§і(АзИ°їлЗ°)]

[Form 2]

[є°Бц Б¦17ИЈј­ЅД] <°іБ¤ 2010.11.16> (ѕХ ВК))
»з Бш PHOTO 3.5§ЇЎї4.5§Ї 1.јє Surname 3.щУн®ауЩЈ 4.јєє° Gender [ ]M [ ]F
2.ён Given Names 5.»эівїщАП Date of Birth
6.±№Аы Nationality 7.Гв»э±№°Ў Country of Birth
8.ЗцБЦјТ Home Address
9.АьИ­№шИЈ Phone No. 10.ИЮґлАьИ­ Mobile Phone No.
11.АМёЮАП E-mail 12.ЅЕєРБх№шИЈ National Identity No.
ї©±З 13.ї©±З№шИЈ Passport No. 14.ї©±ЗБѕ·щ Classification ивОЯ, НлЩв, НлЩвЬЕчЧ, мЧЮз, Рмцв DP(ивОЯ), OF(ОЇйД), OR(мйЪх), OTHERS(Рмцв)
15.№Я±ЮБц Place of Issue 16.№Я±ЮАПАЪ Date of Issue 17.±в°Јёё·бАП Date Of Expiry
Бчѕч 18.Бчѕч Occupation 19.БчАеАьИ­№шИЈ Business Phone No.
20.БчАеён №Ч БЦјТ Name and Address of Present Employer
°бИҐї©єО Marital status 21.[ ]±вИҐ married [ ]№иїмАЪ»зёБ widowed [ ]№МИҐ Single [ ]АМИҐ divorced
22.№иїмАЪ јєён Spouse's Name 23.№иїмАЪ»эівїщАП Spouse's Date of Birth
24.№иїмАЪ ±№Аы Spouse's Nationality 25.№иїмАЪ ї¶фГі Spouse's Phone No.
26.АФ±№ ёсАы Purpose of Entry 27.Гј·щї№Б¤±в°Ј Potential Length of Stay
28.АФ±№ї№Б¤АП Potential Date of Entry 29.№жЗС»зЅЗ Previous Visit (If Any)
30.±№і»Гј·щБц Address in Korea 31.±№і»АьИ­№шИЈ Phone No. in Korea
32.±№і» Гј·щєсїл БцєТАЪ Who Will Pay For The Expense For Your Stay?
33.°ъ°Е 5ів°Ј ї©За±№°Ў Countries You Have Travelled During The Past 5 Years
ЎШ Please note that C-series visa holders are not able to change their residential status after entry into Republic of Korea pursuant to the first clause of article 9 of Immigration Regulation
34.µї№Э°ЎБ· Accompanying Family °ь°и Relationship ±№Аы Nationality јєён Name »эівїщАП Date of bitrh јєє° Gender
35.±№і» єёБхАО Guarantor or Reference in Korea °ь°иRelationship ±№Аы Nationality јєён Name »эівїщАП Date of bitrh јєє° Gender
I declare that the statements made in this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, that I will observe the provisions of the Immigration Law of the Republic of Korea and that I will not engage in any activities irrelevant to the purpose of entry stated herein. Besides, I am fully aware that any false or misleading statement may result in the refusal of a visa, and that possession of a visa does not entitle the bearer to enter the Republic of Korea upon arrival at the port of entry if he/she is found inadmissible.
ЅЕГ»АПАЪ DATE OF APPLICATION _____________________________ ЅЕГ»АО ј­ён SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT________________________________
±вє»»зЗЧ Гј·щАЪ°Э   Гј·щ±в°Ј   »зБхБѕ·щ ґЬјц¤эє№јц(2Иё, 3Иё АМ»у)
Бўјц»зЗЧ БўјцАПАЪ   Бўјц№шИЈ   Гіё®°ъ  
Зг°Ў»зЗЧ Зг°ЎАПАЪ   Зг°Ў№шИЈ   °нБц»зЗЧ  
°б Аз ґгґзАЪ   °Ў ¤э єО ЎґЅЙ»зАЗ°ЯЎµ
јцАФАОБц єОВш¶х   210mmЎї297mm(АОјвїлБц(2±Ю) 60g/§і)


(µЪ ВК)
ЎЫ Fill out the form in English language and sign it with your signature. ЎЫ Attach a photo taken within the last 6 months. ЎЫ Submission of additional documents may be requested, after the application is completed. ЎЫ The visa issuance may be denied after the screening of the application. ЎЫ Applicants shall notify the competent Korean embassy if there is a material change after the application is lodged or a visa has been issued. ЎЫ If you obtain a new passport after a visa has been issued, you should transfer the visa onto a new passport before departure. ЎЫ If you have a history of breaking the immigration law in foreign countries, you should submit the details of it with the application. ЎЫ Visa fee is not refundable even if visa is denied.
How to fill it out
Write down the number of the Confirmation of Visa Issuance, if applicable. 1~2. Write down the name as printed in your passport. Surname is last name and given name is first name. 3. If you have the Chinese character name, write down in Chinese character. ЎШ Only for people from countries that use chinese character. 4. To mark your gender, check a bracket below. 5. Write down the date of birth in the order of date, month, and year. 6. Write down your nationality. 7. Write down the name of the country you were born in. 8.~11. Write down your address, phone number, mobile phone number and email in your home country. 13.~17. Write down the type of your passport (see your passport) and draw a circle around the appropriate one. ЎШ DP(Diplomatic Passport), OF(Official Passport), OR(Ordinary Passport) 18.Ў­20. Write down your occupation and the phone number¤эname¤эaddress of your company. 21.~25. Write down personal data of your spouse, if you are married. 29. Write down how many times you have visited Korea. 30.~31. Write down the address and phone number of a place you are going to stay after arriving in Korea. If they are undecided, write down "undecided." 32. Write down who will bear the cost of your stay in Korea. (name, relation) 34. If you are a spouse or a child under the age of 20 of a person who holds the visa status of Culture and Art(D-1), Student(D-2), General Training(D-4) through Particular Occupation(E-7), fill these blanks. 35. Write down the name of person who sponsors your visa. ЎШ A sponsor may be a non-korean.



[Form 3]

  ЅЕ їш єё Бх ј­  
  1. ЗЗєёБхїЬ±№АО  
  јє Surname щУн® јє іІ  
  ён Given names ён ї©  
  »э ів їщ АП ... ±№ Аы   ї©±З№шИЈ    
  ґлЗС№О±№і» БЦјТ   АьИ­№шИЈ    
  Гј ·щ ёс Аы        
  2. ЅЕїшєёБхАО °Ў. АОАы»зЗЧ  
  јє ён   щУн® јє є° іІ  
  ї© ±З №ш ИЈ ¶З ґВ БЦ №О µо ·П №ш ИЈ   ±№ Аы    
  БЦ јТ        
  ±Щ №«Гі        
  ЗЗ єё Бх їЬ ±№ АО °ъ °ь °и   Бч А§    
  ±Щ №«Гі   єс °н    
  іЄ. єёБх±в°Ј ЎЫ...єОЕН... ±оБц ґЩ. єёБхі»їл (1) Гј·щ БЯ Б¦№Э№э±Фё¦ БШјцЗПµµ·П ЗСґЩ. (2) Гв±№ї©єс №Ч АМїН °ь·ГµИ єсїлїЎ ґлЗС БцєТГҐАУА» єОґгЗСґЩ. (3) Гј·щ ¶ЗґВ єёИЈ БЯ №Я»эµЗґВ єсїлїЎ ґлЗС БцєТГҐАУА» єОґгЗСґЩ.  
  А§ ЅЕїшєёБхАОАє ЗЗєёБхїЬ±№АОАМ ґлЗС№О±№їЎ Гј·щЗФїЎ АЦѕој­ ±Ч ЅЕїшїЎ АМ»уАМ ѕшАЅА» И®АОЗП°н А§»зЗЧА» єёБхЗХґПґЩ. ів їщ АП ЅЕїшєёБхАО(ј­ён ¶ЗґВ АО)  
23236-08721АП 99. 1. 22. ЅВАО 210§®Ўї297§® (АП№ЭїлБц 60g/§і)

[Form 4]

АЇЗР°жєс єОґг И®АОј­ (Affidavit of Financial Support)
  Бц їш АЪ (Applicant)  
  јє ён (Name)   јє є° (Sex)    
  »эівїщАП (Date of Birth)   ±№ Аы (Nationality)    
  ±НЗПАЗ АЇЗР°жєсё¦ єОґгЗТ °іАОАМіЄ ±в°ьёнА» ѕІЅГїА (Please write the name of the sponsor to provide all the funds during applicant's studies)   o °іАО ¶ЗґВ ±в°ьён(Name of Sponsor): o °ь °и(Relationship with the Applicant): o Бч ѕч(Occupation): o БЦ јТ(Address): o АьИ­№шИЈ(Phone Number):   є»АОАє»у±в БцїшАЪАЗ АЇЗР±в°Ј БЯ АПГјАЗ °жєс єОґгА» єёБхЗХґПґЩ. (I hereby sponsor the above applicant all the funds including tuition & fees, living expenses, medical insurance and other miscellaneous expenses during his/her studies.)   іЇ ВҐ(Date): єёБхАО(Guarantor): ј­ ён(Signature):   ГжєПґлЗР±іГСАе ±НЗП


ўГ Phone Directory of Departments and Administrative Offices(Graduate School)

•National code: +82 •Area code: 43

College of


(261-2084)Korean Language and Literature

Chinese Language and Literature

English Language and Literature

German Language and Literature

French Language and Literature

Russian Language and Literature



Archaeology and Art History

Art and Design261-2090









261-2750College of

Electrical and




- Information Industrial Engineering


- Bio and Information Technology


College of

Electrical and



(261-3528)Interdisciplinary Programs

- Bio and Information Technology


- Information Industrial Engineering






College of





Public Administration

Political Science and International Relations







Life &




College of


Life &



(261-2505)Crop Science

Tobacco Science

Biosystems Engineering

Forest Science

Forest Products

Agricultural & Rural Engineering

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 75 | Нарушение авторских прав

Administrative Offices(Phone No.) Departments Phone No. Administrative Offices(Phone No.) Departments Phone No.  
College of Humanities (261-2084) Korean Language and Literature Chinese Language and Literature English Language and Literature German Language and Literature French Language and Literature Russian Language and Literature Philosophy History Archaeology and Art History Art and Design 261-2090 261-2102 261-2120 261-2131 261-2139 261-2383 261-2147 261-2156 261-2163 261-2750 College of Electrical and Computer Engineering (261-3528) School of Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering and Computer Science (Electrical Engineering) (Electronics Engineering) (Computer and Communication Engineering) (Radio and Communications Engineering) (Control and Robot Engineering) (Semiconductor Engineering) (Computer Science) Computer Engineering     261-2419 261-2473 261-2480 261-3143 261-3225 261-3221 261-2260 261-2449  
Interdisciplinary Programs   261-2260(O) 261-2254(R) 261-2260(O) 261-2263(R)  
College of Social Sciences (261-2174) Sociology Psychology Public Administration Political Science and International Relations Economics 261-2180 261-2188 261-2196 261-2204 261-2213  
College of Crop Science Industrial Plant Science and Technology Biosystems Engineering Forest Science Forest Products Agricultural & Rural Engineering School of Applied Life Science and Environment (Animal Science) (Agricultural Chemistry) (Horticultural Science) (Agricultural Biology) (Food Science and Technology) Agricultural Economics 261-2510 261-2518 261-2579 261-2532 261-2540 261-2572   261-2544 261-2559 261-2525 261-2552 261-2565 261-2587  
College of Natural Sciences (261-3511) Mathematics Statistics Physics Astronomy and Space Science Earth & Environmental Sciences Chemistry Biology Microbiology Biochemistry Exercise Science 261-2240 261-2255 261-2265 261-2312 261-3136 261-2279 261-2291 261-2299 261-2306 261-3263
<== предыдущая страница | следующая страница ==>
B. If the tuition fee is paid by a proxy| School of Applied Life Science and Environment

mybiblioteka.su - 2015-2025 год. (0.028 сек.)